[Wonder City] Colonel Dwayne "Oldman" Montgomery


RIP Doctor Calgori (2012-2017)

Colonel Dwayne "Oldman" Montgomery

Has been a male for 59 years

Posting Color: #2B60DE

Appearance: Dwayne is a bare-knuckle hardass. Standing 185 cm tall and with muscles weighing 85 kg, he'll walk all over you. His back slicked, silver white hair shines brightly in the sun which reflection is all you see while attempting to look him in the eyes behind his mirrored aviators. His face is square, hardened by the years and his lips have shaped themselves to allow for a cigar to find its resting place in the far left of his mouth. When not in uniform, he usually wears a beige coat with shiny black gentlemen's shoes. Understanding the way of clothing and everyday fashion treds is something Dwayne struggles with, it can get as bad as him showing up to a wedding, wearing uniform.

~Character Flaws~


[story]1. Dwayne suffers from unbearable overexcitement and a fear of failure. The only time he can remain perfectly calm is when handling tools and performing tasks that he's comfortable with and which he feels he can create and accomplish something he will be truly proud of. When Dwayne attempts something he doesn't feel comfortable with he will be extremely uneasy, doubtful and clumsy. This disorder is something that him and others struggle with greatly as he is highly unreliable and unpredictable.[/story][story]2. Dwayne medicates. To battle his frustrating condition Dwayne takes the calming drug Heride in the form of a pill. This is something he takes off-duty as it is strictly prohibited on duty. Why is this? Because of its dangerous side effect, the blackouts. When on this medication Dwayne will randomly loose consciousness for short periods of time, anything from one to sixty seconds. After a blackout Dwayne will 90% of the time return to consciousness, but can sometimes be affected by another side effect. For another thirty seconds he becomes extremely unpredictable. He can become a completely different individual, but most of the time just violent.[/story][story]3. Dwayne's second condition is the most severe, he's dying. He's the first, and probably last man to be diagnosed with this still unnamed and incurable illness. This to has side effects. He will go through different phases, sometimes he'll appear and feel perfectly fine, but sometimes he will cough blood, loose his sense of balance, sneeze, and feel a burning pain in the back of his head. The illness is believed to have come from some kind of injected substance.[/story]

~Military Career~


Dwayne is a Colonel in the United States Army and the former commanding officer of the famous "13th". He has lived his entire life in the military with his father by his side and was accepted into the Officers Academy at twenty-two. After showing great promise, Dwayne received his commission and was promoted to Captain. He was supposed to be put in charge of the 42nd battalion but instead proposed that he would transform the 13th battalion into a technical special forces battalion, something that was unheard of at the time. The 13th battalion was then the most successful military force in the army and was full of veterans with extensive battlefield experience. The members of the 13th had been through a lot together and were all part of an organisation called "The 13th". This organisation had spawned after a series of operations which had left the battalion unchanged, unchanged as in without reinforcement. This formed a bond between the soldiers and spawned a unique sense of brotherhood, to make this special bond official, "The 13th" was started. When the soldiers returned from the operations and were shipped back into civilian life they were disillusioned. The experiences of warfare had left them feeling as if they had nothing to gain from the everyday life, so almost every single one of them chose to return to active service immediately.

[story]Dwayne's plan wasn't initially received well by the old guards of military command, but was supported by some of the heavy younger names. About a year after the proposition, it was decided that the military would be purged of the old, stubborn leadership that had been resisting a newer, unconventional way of war and the transformation of the 13th battalion came true. Dwayne feared that the members of "The 13th" wouldn't take any kind of change that they hadn't mutually agreed on lightly, but to his surprise they were delighted with being set apart of the regular military forces and considered "Special", or "Elite". The new 13th battalion was trained and specialized in technical, covert ops warfare. Dwayne trained them mostly himself but was assisted by several other trainers and advisers with similar ideas. Dwayne's extensive technical knowledge was together with the experience of the troops what led to the battalion's future success. This was the foundation of the legendary 13th.[/story]

~Technical Awareness~

(Interests and Hobbies)

Dwayne's technical interest started at an early age. When he was very young, he used to build electrical circuits, connecting power sources with power outlets. At around fifteen years of age another interest developed. Chemistry. In school Dwayne was very tunnel visioned, at least when it came to his interests. He pulled through school scoring low in subjects he couldn't interest himself in, but achieving excellent grades in computing, chemistry, math and physics. Dwayne could spend days sitting in his room. Building machines, guns, droids, anything that came to mind and then programming them to initially just moving around or auto firing, but later with their own, complicated artificial intelligence.

[story]Even though Dwayne had a hard time focusing in school, his father always kept him on the right track, the military track. Even though he wasn't initially interested in military theory, he was heavily schooled in it. His father would with the help of one or several tutors teach him everything about leading men into battle. Dwayne, who was, and still is, a person who easily adapts to unpleasantness started integrating his interests, into his military teachings, coming up with complicated military tactics which involved complex machinery, chemistry and weaponry. It was then that his new vision of warfare began to take shape.[/story][story]Other than his technical knowledge and interest, Dwayne also likes to smoke cigars, eat a lot and sleep a lot. He likes to box to maintain his impressive, but no longer his younger self shape, but it's strictly for exercise purposes, he's not a talented fighter. Dwayne also sometimes goes fishing, many believes this is because he enjoys the act of fishing, but he simply does it to calm his nerves and gain perspective on his various troubles.[/story]


Dwayne has been hardened over the years, both externally and internally. He has a very rough personality, which isn't something he employs to protect himself. You can't break though the wall that is his resistant and mistrusting self, that's just how he is. So how do you know if he trust you or not? Well fist of all, there isn't many people he does trust in this world. Secondly, if you're wearing a uniform you've got a better chance. Basically, for Dwayne Montgomery to trust in someone even the slightest, this someone needs to prove their bravery in a tough situation and their loyalty to him. Also, this individual needs to show immense respect for rank, it's very important.

[story]Common Behavior and Mannerisms: Other than the effects of his medical conditions Dwayne has some common behavior patterns. He smokes cigars, a lot and when food is available, eats more than he should. Many things that he does are hardly noticeable as he has been taught and believes it shows weakness. Oh one more thing, if you piss him off, you will really piss him off. Believe me.[/story][story]Opinions: Dwayne, alone in the outskirts of Wonder City, has completely adapted to the situation. He's ready to do his duty and protect the country he has sworn to serve. With a massive stockpile of Heride in his trunk, he's ready for battle.[/story]


Where Dwayne was born and why is unknown. He was found by a couple on an evening walk outside Atlanta only a couple of months old. This unknown couple took care of him for a couple of months, until they decided that they weren't ready for a child and dropped Dwayne off at a local orphanage. At four years old, Dwayne was adopted by Hilda and Gen. George Montgomery, to him, his father and mother. They moved to Fort Stewart where his father was on duty as Acting Head of Recruitment and Training. The position of "Acting Head", soon became "Head" and the family found permanent residence there. His father and mother were good to him and he found himself feeling at home in Georgia.

[story]Dwayne went to school in Hinesville, a city of around 50,000 residents at the time. In first and second grade Dwayne was bullied by some of the older kids. Trusting as he was, he shared this with his parents and his father taught him how it was important to not expose your weaknesses, to keep a hard face and strike back. And so Dwayne did. One sunny day, at the end of second grade he found a wooden plank on the school yard, left there by construction workers repainting the school gym. He skipped his last class and waited on the street, outside the school. When the class was over, the bullies emerged and headed home together. Dwayne followed them, using his superior speed when biking to make up for their longer legs. When they were clear of bystanders he came around a corner, riding towards them and the bullies stood there, stunned. Fearing what was about to happen next they saw Dwayne's wooden weapon resting comfortably, strapped to his back. Dwayne came to a ferocious stop in front of them, got of his bike slowly and then let it fall to the ground. There was then a moment of silent tension, both parties watching each other closely. Just as one of the bullies was about to speak, Dwayne drew his weapon and smacked the bully in the head. The wet plank broke in half, but little did it matter. The unprecedented aggression sent the bullies running the opposite direction. Dwayne was after the incident facing being expelled from school but his father, being a military general, pulled some strings.[/story]

After school Dwayne enlisted into the military and was one of the top students in the officer's academy. He was after long political struggles put in charge of the 13th battalion which soon became the 1st USA (United States Army) Commando Brigade. Several covert operations was carried out in various countries and his name was from time to time brought up in the press. Dwayne was at 28 years old promoted to Major after a successful anti-terrorist operation in Burma, claiming the lives of 72 confirmed terrorists, 28 civilians and 2 USA Commandos. The operation was seen as such a success that the promotion to Major was followed up a year later with a promotion to Lieutenant Colonel after another successful operation in Taiwan.

[story]At thirty Dwayne entered marriage with Jessica Tyler which he had met on a briefing about aerodynamics in California. She was a Aerodynamics Specialist working for the air force, analyzing flight patterns and battle tactics. Dwayne and Jessica were at first very happy together, but it didn't last. They divorced six years later and Dwayne found himself depressed and heartbroken. His work ethic started to dwindle and a mandatory leave of absence was in order. He started drinking heavily, smoking, doing some light drugs. It wasn't until he was visited by his father two years later that he began to return to his normal self. He started exercising, writing and reading, going out and spending time with family. He turned himself around.[/story][story]He returned to active service at forty, only to find that his beloved 13th had been split up by internal conflicts and intrigue. Two factions had now spawned, the loyalists and the militia. Why this had happened stunned him. After Dwayne left, the military had assigned a new, temporary commander to the 1st Commando battalion, Col. Charles Ford. Col. Ford didn't believe in Dwayne's unconventional way of war and had imposed massive change onto the battalion. Therefore, some of the members stayed true to the flag they had sworn to protect and some of them, not knowing any other life, formed a militia group and went into hiding in the forests of Michigan. Now returning, Dwayne battled his way back into command of the 1st Commandos with the help of his political contacts. This angered the superior in rank, Col. Ford. Dwayne sought out the militia and promised them that they would never again be forced to change their ways or return to a conventional way of war.[/story][story]With the 13th back together and Dwayne as their commander, they set out to destroy the emerging terrorist threats of the world. They were assigned to an operation in Pakistan. There was a confirmed terrorist stronghold in the mountains and they were together with the 109th and 33rd battalions ordered to take out the target. The 1st Commandos were left under the command of Col. Ford, which was the head of the entire operation, but had promised that he would take their way of war into account when planning the mission. In the heat of battle Dwayne was shot in the chest by friendly fire and survived, but not without permanent injury. His body developed a disease from the wound which was the first of it's kind and he was reported to have about 10 years left to live. This together with his pre-existing conditions forced Dwayne to resign from active service and start a new life, as a civilian.

It is now two years later, Dwayne is living alone in Hinesville, but on his way to teach a lecture on unconventional warfare, in Wonder City...

Health: 100


  • Pistol

    (65 rounds left)
  • Assault Rifle

    (190 rounds left)
  • 1x

    Trauma Pack

----- Colonel Dwayne "Oldman" Montgomery -----

----- Military -----

HP: 100, Other Effects
----- Equipment: None -----

medelsvensson said:
Colonel Dwayne "Oldman" Montgomery

Has been a male for 59 years

Posting Color: #2B60DE

Appearance: Dwayne is a bare-knuckle hardass. Standing 185 cm tall and with muscles weighing 85 kg, he'll walk all over you. His back slicked, silver white hair shines brightly in the sun which reflection is all you see while attempting to look him in the eyes behind his mirrored aviators. His face is square, hardened by the years and his lips have shaped themselves to allow for a cigar to find its resting place in the far left of his mouth. When not in uniform, he usually wears a beige coat with shiny black gentlemen's shoes. Understanding the way of clothing and everyday fashion treds is something Dwayne struggles with, it can get as bad as him showing up to a wedding, wearing uniform.

~Character Flaws~


[story]1. Dwayne suffers from unbearable overexcitement and a fear of failure. The only time he can remain perfectly calm is when handling tools and performing tasks that he's comfortable with and which he feels he can create and accomplish something he will be truly proud of. When Dwayne attempts something he doesn't feel comfortable with he will be extremely uneasy, doubtful and clumsy. This disorder is something that him and others struggle with greatly as he is highly unreliable and unpredictable.[/story][story]2. Dwayne medicates. To battle his frustrating condition Dwayne takes the calming drug Heride in the form of a pill. This is something he takes off-duty as it is strictly prohibited on duty. Why is this? Because of its dangerous side effect, the blackouts. When on this medication Dwayne will randomly loose consciousness for short periods of time, anything from one to sixty seconds. After a blackout Dwayne will 90% of the time return to consciousness, but can sometimes be affected by another side effect. For another thirty seconds he becomes extremely unpredictable. He can become a completely different individual, but most of the time just violent.[/story][story]3. Dwayne's second condition is the most severe, he's dying. He's the first, and probably last man to be diagnosed with this still unnamed and incurable illness. This to has side effects. He will go through different phases, sometimes he'll appear and feel perfectly fine, but sometimes he will cough blood, loose his sense of balance, sneeze, and feel a burning pain in the back of his head. The illness is believed to have come from some kind of injected substance.[/story]

~Military Career~


Dwayne is a Colonel in the United States Army and the former commanding officer of the famous "13th". He has lived his entire life in the military with his father by his side and was accepted into the Officers Academy at twenty-two. After showing great promise, Dwayne received his commission and was promoted to Captain. He was supposed to be put in charge of the 42nd battalion but instead proposed that he would transform the 13th battalion into a technical special forces battalion, something that was unheard of at the time. The 13th battalion was then the most successful military force in the army and was full of veterans with extensive battlefield experience. The members of the 13th had been through a lot together and were all part of an organisation called "The 13th". This organisation had spawned after a series of operations which had left the battalion unchanged, unchanged as in without reinforcement. This formed a bond between the soldiers and spawned a unique sense of brotherhood, to make this special bond official, "The 13th" was started. When the soldiers returned from the operations and were shipped back into civilian life they were disillusioned. The experiences of warfare had left them feeling as if they had nothing to gain from the everyday life, so almost every single one of them chose to return to active service immediately.

[story]Dwayne's plan wasn't initially received well by the old guards of military command, but was supported by some of the heavy younger names. About a year after the proposition, it was decided that the military would be purged of the old, stubborn leadership that had been resisting a newer, unconventional way of war and the transformation of the 13th battalion came true. Dwayne feared that the members of "The 13th" wouldn't take any kind of change that they hadn't mutually agreed on lightly, but to his surprise they were delighted with being set apart of the regular military forces and considered "Special", or "Elite". The new 13th battalion was trained and specialized in technical, covert ops warfare. Dwayne trained them mostly himself but was assisted by several other trainers and advisers with similar ideas. Dwayne's extensive technical knowledge was together with the experience of the troops what led to the battalion's future success. This was the foundation of the legendary 13th.[/story]

~Technical Awareness~

(Interests and Hobbies)

Dwayne's technical interest started at an early age. When he was very young, he used to build electrical circuits, connecting power sources with power outlets. At around fifteen years of age another interest developed. Chemistry. In school Dwayne was very tunnel visioned, at least when it came to his interests. He pulled through school scoring low in subjects he couldn't interest himself in, but achieving excellent grades in computing, chemistry, math and physics. Dwayne could spend days sitting in his room. Building machines, guns, droids, anything that came to mind and then programming them to initially just moving around or auto firing, but later with their own, complicated artificial intelligence.

[story]Even though Dwayne had a hard time focusing in school, his father always kept him on the right track, the military track. Even though he wasn't initially interested in military theory, he was heavily schooled in it. His father would with the help of one or several tutors teach him everything about leading men into battle. Dwayne, who was, and still is, a person who easily adapts to unpleasantness started integrating his interests, into his military teachings, coming up with complicated military tactics which involved complex machinery, chemistry and weaponry. It was then that his new vision of warfare began to take shape.[/story][story]Other than his technical knowledge and interest, Dwayne also likes to smoke cigars, eat a lot and sleep a lot. He likes to box to maintain his impressive, but no longer his younger self shape, but it's strictly for exercise purposes, he's not a talented fighter. Dwayne also sometimes goes fishing, many believes this is because he enjoys the act of fishing, but he simply does it to calm his nerves and gain perspective on his various troubles.[/story]


Dwayne has been hardened over the years, both externally and internally. He has a very rough personality, which isn't something he employs to protect himself. You can't break though the wall that is his resistant and mistrusting self, that's just how he is. So how do you know if he trust you or not? Well fist of all, there isn't many people he does trust in this world. Secondly, if you're wearing a uniform you've got a better chance. Basically, for Dwayne Montgomery to trust in someone even the slightest, this someone needs to prove their bravery in a tough situation and their loyalty to him. Also, this individual needs to show immense respect for rank, it's very important.

[story]Common Behavior and Mannerisms: Other than the effects of his medical conditions Dwayne has some common behavior patterns. He smokes cigars, a lot and when food is available, eats more than he should. Many things that he does are hardly noticeable as he has been taught and believes it shows weakness. Oh one more thing, if you piss him off, you will really piss him off. Believe me.[/story][story]Opinions: Dwayne, alone in the outskirts of Wonder City, has completely adapted to the situation. He's ready to do his duty and protect the country he has sworn to serve. With a massive stockpile of Heride in his trunk, he's ready for battle.[/story]


Where Dwayne was born and why is unknown. He was found by a couple on an evening walk outside Atlanta only a couple of months old. This unknown couple took care of him for a couple of months, until they decided that they weren't ready for a child and dropped Dwayne off at a local orphanage. At four years old, Dwayne was adopted by Hilda and Gen. George Montgomery, to him, his father and mother. They moved to Fort Stewart where his father was on duty as Acting Head of Recruitment and Training. The position of "Acting Head", soon became "Head" and the family found permanent residence there. His father and mother were good to him and he found himself feeling at home in Georgia.

[story]Dwayne went to school in Hinesville, a city of around 50,000 residents at the time. In first and second grade Dwayne was bullied by some of the older kids. Trusting as he was, he shared this with his parents and his father taught him how it was important to not expose your weaknesses, to keep a hard face and strike back. And so Dwayne did. One sunny day, at the end of second grade he found a wooden plank on the school yard, left there by construction workers repainting the school gym. He skipped his last class and waited on the street, outside the school. When the class was over, the bullies emerged and headed home together. Dwayne followed them, using his superior speed when biking to make up for their longer legs. When they were clear of bystanders he came around a corner, riding towards them and the bullies stood there, stunned. Fearing what was about to happen next they saw Dwayne's wooden weapon resting comfortably, strapped to his back. Dwayne came to a ferocious stop in front of them, got of his bike slowly and then let it fall to the ground. There was then a moment of silent tension, both parties watching each other closely. Just as one of the bullies was about to speak, Dwayne drew his weapon and smacked the bully in the head. The wet plank broke in half, but little did it matter. The unprecedented aggression sent the bullies running the opposite direction. Dwayne was after the incident facing being expelled from school but his father, being a military general, pulled some strings.[/story]

After school Dwayne enlisted into the military and was one of the top students in the officer's academy. He was after long political struggles put in charge of the 13th battalion which soon became the 1st USA (United States Army) Commando Brigade. Several covert operations was carried out in various countries and his name was from time to time brought up in the press. Dwayne was at 28 years old promoted to Major after a successful anti-terrorist operation in Burma, claiming the lives of 72 confirmed terrorists, 28 civilians and 2 USA Commandos. The operation was seen as such a success that the promotion to Major was followed up a year later with a promotion to Lieutenant Colonel after another successful operation in Taiwan.

[story]At thirty Dwayne entered marriage with Jessica Tyler which he had met on a briefing about aerodynamics in California. She was a Aerodynamics Specialist working for the air force, analyzing flight patterns and battle tactics. Dwayne and Jessica were at first very happy together, but it didn't last. They divorced six years later and Dwayne found himself depressed and heartbroken. His work ethic started to dwindle and a mandatory leave of absence was in order. He started drinking heavily, smoking, doing some light drugs. It wasn't until he was visited by his father two years later that he began to return to his normal self. He started exercising, writing and reading, going out and spending time with family. He turned himself around.[/story][story]He returned to active service at forty, only to find that his beloved 13th had been split up by internal conflicts and intrigue. Two factions had now spawned, the loyalists and the militia. Why this had happened stunned him. After Dwayne left, the military had assigned a new, temporary commander to the 1st Commando battalion, Col. Charles Ford. Col. Ford didn't believe in Dwayne's unconventional way of war and had imposed massive change onto the battalion. Therefore, some of the members stayed true to the flag they had sworn to protect and some of them, not knowing any other life, formed a militia group and went into hiding in the forests of Michigan. Now returning, Dwayne battled his way back into command of the 1st Commandos with the help of his political contacts. This angered the superior in rank, Col. Ford. Dwayne sought out the militia and promised them that they would never again be forced to change their ways or return to a conventional way of war.[/story][story]With the 13th back together and Dwayne as their commander, they set out to destroy the emerging terrorist threats of the world. They were assigned to an operation in Pakistan. There was a confirmed terrorist stronghold in the mountains and they were together with the 109th and 33rd battalions ordered to take out the target. The 1st Commandos were left under the command of Col. Ford, which was the head of the entire operation, but had promised that he would take their way of war into account when planning the mission. In the heat of battle Dwayne was shot in the chest by friendly fire and survived, but not without permanent injury. His body developed a disease from the wound which was the first of it's kind and he was reported to have about 10 years left to live. This together with his pre-existing conditions forced Dwayne to resign from active service and start a new life, as a civilian.

It is now two years later, Dwayne is living alone in Hinesville, but on his way to teach a lecture on unconventional warfare, in Wonder City...
Welcome to the RP!

Character approved.

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