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Wolves in People Clothing [Closed]


I am not Paul Avery

With winter approaching, the days became shorter for the solemn little village nestled upon a valley. The cliffs upon in ancient times had been used to scout for enemy ships, though now this little town faced a much more primal threat. No longer being besieged by enemy knights charging through with their mighty horses, at night they were ravaged by carnivorous beasts. These beasts were wolves, but they weren't like any other wolf in the known lands. These canine monsters were intelligent, with the ability to speak and walk like any good man. They could also change to look like a human.

For unknown reasons, the village was targeted by these hellish beasts.

Kendra tried to shake it from her mind, the eerie silence of the village as the sun nestled behind the hill that over looked the sea-bound village. She was not one of these good people -- an outsider. Sent with a task that would undermine their whole way of life...and living among these people for a year has made her feel so bad about it.
Working as a barsmaid at the local tavern, she was currently cleaning up the filthy bar so it could be locked up for the night.  
Once belonging to the very same pack that was now raiding the village, his parents had forced him to leave and join the village as a proper villager. Shadow had been getting more and more used to being in his human form constantly, no matter how much he enjoyed being a wolf.

His parents had warned him and he had experienced himself, that those villagers were terrified of wolves ever since the raids began. They would outright murder him if they spotted him as a wolf within the walls of the tiny village.

Shadow had left the pack too early to know what they did and especially why they were raiding villages.

Even though he had no idea what exactly was going on, he knew he would be safe since he could always pretend to be one of them.

The rather buff, young, human was sitting at the bar as one of the last guests in the local tavern. He had downed a few beers and was eyeing the barsmaid every now and then. He knew the owner of the Inn forced them to dress like some slut, but Shadow didn't seem to mind that at all.
Kendra didn't mind the clothing. Afterall, it was human attire, it had little importance to the she-wolf. So any lingering male gaze was mostly ignored by her, though she did notice Shadow's eyes roam over to her multiple times. 
"Do you have enough to drink?" She softly asked, holding up a pitcher full of their basic beer. It wasn't that great, but if you drank enough of it it'd sway even the most heavy alcoholics, so it had its uses. She tried to recall if she's seen this man before, but honestly she couldn't remember. She's been amongst the humans for awhile now, and she's only made a few friends. Being social was quite the challenge for her, one that's proven to isolate her even amongst a different species. 
Shadow actually looked up at her face as she asked him a question. "No thanks... One pint of that terrible beer here is more than enough for me" he said as he paid her, giving a slight tip.

He sure did know her from before, but figured she had seen way too many people to remember him even though he was quite the regular customer. Shadow had been a little suspicious about the girl. He heard she was named Kendra and that she came to the village rather recently. The villagers weren't exactly fond of outsiders, which Shadow had experienced personally once he moved here. Something was different about this one though. This young girl had come here all on her own and Shadow had heard she was kind of eager for a job at the Tavern, something not a lot of females were in for at all because of how they were sometimes treated by the males there.
"'Kay...." She quietly responded, her eyes widening a bit as he gave her a gracious tip. "Thank you." She nodded to him, pocketing the tip while taking the rest of the money up to the counter, where she handed it to her boss. He was a bald, rounded man who was getting to that point in his age where all of his bones ached, it made him quite a miserable person, and occasionally he'd have violent outbursts towards his barmaids.
The bar was filled with idle chatter, the smell of awful beer and men who could benefit from a few good showers, but by the time the moon was overhead their village, it was time to close. 
Kendra went around, gently shaking the drunken men awake and telling them they had to leave. Eventually, she would get to Shadow. "We're closing." 
Shadow just sat there, switching from the horrible beer to some liquor while watching the others in the bar. He was far from getting drunk though and slightly enjoyed watching how the barmaid seemed to struggle to get the men out.

Once she got to Shadow he just nodded. The guy seemed rather depressed and had been sitting at the bar alone all night. "I know..." he quickly swallowed down his last drink and got off the stool. He briefly looked straight in the female's eyes without saying a thing. A sigh left his mouth before he turned to the door. "Thank you and goodnight" he said with a slight smile before briefly waving at the owner of the tavern who gladly gave a smile in return to the friendly young man.

Shadow opened the door and stepped outside. It was rather cold, way colder than when he had entered the bar. He briefly looked back at the stool he had been sitting on but didn't spot a jacket. He frowned a bit and just as he stepped outside, someone rang the bell at the main gate of the village to warn everyone for something dangerous coming their way.
When the alarm was rang, Kendra went out to the streets to watch as villagers ran from their shops to their home. It seemed like there was some sort of attack underway. With a weary look in her eyes she bundled up in her wool sweater and walked past Shadow. 
"Why are you standing there? You should find somewhere to hide..." 
Shadow seemed a little stunned and sighed as he heard what the barmaid said.

He was pretty sure who the attackers were but he wasn't going to take the risk of running away and joining them. Shadow sighed and headed to his home where his parents were waiting in the cellar. They asked him to join but Shadow refused and he sat by the window.
Eventually, the raid came to pass as only a few of the humanoid-wolves could breach the gate. Though, if Shadow had been keen enough to watch his surroundings, he'd note a little gray wolf wandering past the streets, moving towards the outerpart of the village where outcasts like Kendra lived. 
Shadow had been looking out the window for most of the night and spotted a young cub passing by. He frowned a little and decided to transform into his wolf form to follow the pup at a distance.

He knew most of the villagers would be asleep by now, or would still be hiding from the raid.

Shadow made sure to keep enough distance so he wouldn't be noticed by the young wolf as he followed it to the outerparts of the village. He had no idea Kendra lived there.
The small pup kept on it's path, occasionally it'd hide behind a stall or a horse's carriage as people walked by. It was obviously wary of people, possibly aware that if it was caught it's life would end prematurely. When a few drunkards from the bar Shadow had attended walked by, the young pup raised it's head to try and catch their scent. The raw stench of alcohol and nasty bodily fluids caused the pup to shake it's head in disgust before returning to walking. 
When it came across a little house, it noted the "house" was more akin to being called a shack. The walls could use new boards, one of the windows was cracked and there was a noticeable hole in the door that was big enough for the pup to squeeze into. The pup looked around to see if anyone had followed it, and upon seeing no human or creature it wriggled it's way into the beaten down shack. 
(Sorry, missed the alert)

The way larger wolf followed the pup, soon entering a neighborhood of which he knew was poor. Shadow made sure not to be spotted, which proved to be quite easy with his black pelt during the pitch dark night.

He had to use his human form very vriefly in order to pass the drunkards, nodding at them but he wondered if they would have even noticed him if he would have been in his wolf form.

Once the pup headed to a small shack he looked up a bit surprised. It clearly belonged to someone who wasn't wealthy enough to keep it in a good state. He figured the roof would leak during rain and that the winters might just be unbearable. A soft groan left his maw as the pup disappeared through the hole which he was far too big too. He walked around the shack a few times before finding a barrel. He jumped on top and sat down, just high enough for him to look inside. The dark background probably made it fairly impossible to be spotted by people inside the shack.

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