Wolf's Howl: Live, Love, Die


✨breedable ✨
Roleplay Type(s)
Skelly (Check Overview For Rank Info)


Age: (1 moon-1 month, 12 moons-12 months, 1 season-1 year)

Gender: (She-Wolf, Male)

Appearance: (Anime or Real Wolf)

Description: (Opt.)


Rank: (Alpha, Beta, Medicine Wolf, Hunter, Warrior, Pup)

Strength: (1-10)

Speed: (1-10)


My Character Sheet




1 seasons, 1 moon




zz-wolf- 111.jpg

Description: (Opt.)

Dawn has a scale colored pelt, from black to white, but mixed. The tip of her tail and her hind legs are black, as well as her muzzle and shoulders. Her ears, front paws, flank and abdomen are a dark grey, while her chest and cheeks are a lighter grey. The rest of her tail is a beautiful white that blends with the grey on her flank, and her eyes are a deep blue. She has strong, long legs and a keen sense of smell and hearing.

It would be hard to sneak up on her. Her tail is long and soft, making her balance excellent, and her paws are light, making her stalking skills quite excellent as well. She has a slim frame and agile body, perfect for stalking prey. Some would call her enchantingly beautiful, though she would never admit so herself.


Dawn is very patient, and gentle to those she trusts. On border patrols, she is serious and takes charge, but otherwise she is kind and sweet. She only takes orders from the elders or from her leader. She is loyal to her pack and would never betray her packmates. She is a true friend and would never give up. She could be bleeding from every limb in her body, but she'd still fight until her loved ones are safe.

She is very stubborn, but finds it easy to convince others. She has a quite fiery spirit, and likes to run free. She loves the feeling of sand or dirt under her paws, or even grass as it brushes against her long legs. It makes her feel alive. She can be a bit distant at times, as she still secretly grieves for her brother, who was lost in a battle between the pack and a pack of rogue wolves.

Dawn can be seductive and flirtatious, though it rarely happens. At times, she could be used as bait, when maybe searching for rouges. She is quite small, and a small she-wolf is easily taken advantage of. She hates that.



Strength: (1-10)


Speed: (1-10)



Can freeze objects, but has a side affect. She easily gets cold, and if she gets too cold she will freeze to solid ice.

She is extremely beautiful and her howl could paralize you. She can also turn into a beautiful fox, and mockingbird. Because of this, she refuses to eat any kind of bird.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/72e04d13a55f69b68ae2422a9321a2f1.jpg.66a0c2f6b4231e6229a69f5532a69626.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="52190" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/72e04d13a55f69b68ae2422a9321a2f1.jpg.66a0c2f6b4231e6229a69f5532a69626.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/images-17.jpeg.e9879a2453f9507aeb66138a487b0167.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="52191" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/images-17.jpeg.e9879a2453f9507aeb66138a487b0167.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Storm blood

Age: 2 seasons

Gender: male



Description: large, well built, dark grey fur with blood red celtic runes across it

Personality: kind, caring, loyal, not easily trusting of other wolves outside his pack, stubborn, a little hot headed, will not ask more of his pack if he can not do it himself

Rank: alpha

Strength: 8

Speed: 9

Other: has a the ability to kill with a glance, blood lust, and sometimes the weather will bend to his whim
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Name: Rose

Age: 2 season

Gender: She-Wolf


Personality: Rose is loyal and takes almost everything seriously and she would risk her life for someone else.

Rank: Warrior

Strength: 8

Speed: 9

Other: She's a very skilled tracker and can control lightning.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/f03520d5f49954706705c8efb91c0ee3.jpg.a8127b29ad289a379da99d8431c25636.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="52081" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/f03520d5f49954706705c8efb91c0ee3.jpg.a8127b29ad289a379da99d8431c25636.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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3 seasons




<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.4fe6aa433f695a4178214d69ac45030a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="52156" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.4fe6aa433f695a4178214d69ac45030a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

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Strik is a rather sweet wolf even though his looks throw that off just a little. He is very loyal, loving, and stubborn at most. He dose has trust issues with wolfs that he doesn't know. He can be hardheaded at times, he is very clever, and fast thinking when times are rough. He will do anything to protect other wolves he knows or comes to know. He is very brave and he doesn't get scared easily more like never, but when he dose get scared he doesn't show it he keeps it hiden from the others.








He is a very skilled fighter and is incredibly fast but yet he still has his own flaws. He doesn't like to fight unless it is absolutely needed or requested. But when he gets a bad feeling he will tell someone.

He is rather big, he is just a bit bigger than other wolves.

He is rather muscular, when he fights he puts all his strength and skills into it but never dose he show the same move again.

Small Bio

When born her was the strongest out of his brothers. He was the smallest through and was picked on regularly. But as he grew he showed that he was determined and strong. Growing up he soon was the largest wolf in his pack. As his father fought him how to fight and all his skills he soon grew stronger then him in the end. Yet when he was finally happy and had a family of his own a pack from the north attacked them killing almost every wolf all that was left was him and his father who died shortly after from a wound.

2 Other:

He can control lightning and shape shift into many of different animals. While using lightning, thunder clouds form over head, but when he uses this he gets very weak. He can shape shift into a hawk, a fox lik wolf fox, And others but these are his main. Is also a very handsome wolf. (Btw his eyes are ocean blue.)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.72fb3470870ff0715983180e938a5730.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="52158" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.72fb3470870ff0715983180e938a5730.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.5ff6027cfcc9fb7bf1c30b114f954550.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="52159" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.5ff6027cfcc9fb7bf1c30b114f954550.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.35239c7839ff1fe5a8719b24b41f8f1b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="52160" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.35239c7839ff1fe5a8719b24b41f8f1b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(I will get thunder up soon and I was kinda bored so I put in the 2nd power of his from the beginning)

Kewl thanks ^.^



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Name: Kiba

Age: 1 moon

Gender: Male



(Fire form)

Personality: Kiba is very sweet, brave, and kind toward other pack members. Although, at times he can show a much colder and aggressive side of himself when he feels threatened.

Rank: Pup

Strength: 4

Speed: 4

Other: He can control fire
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which alpha is frost, because Storm is the moonstone clan alpha, and i don't know the other alphas
[QUOTE="blood wolf]which alpha is frost, because Storm is the moonstone clan alpha, and i don't know the other alphas

He's the alpha of the mountain clan.
Crap sorry


Age:1 season




(Dragon form)<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.729521494318b67d8c7f6ce75a914c2b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="52594" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.729521494318b67d8c7f6ce75a914c2b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Whith his fur being as white and cold as a blizzard storm little find comfort around him because of the Snow White fur that seams to give of a chill of its own and the blood red eyes that mark his face. He doesn't look very muscular or well built but he is very powerful. His eyes so red that they glow almost as bright as the moon in the night

Personality: comes off as a cold calculating hunter but secretly he has one of the biggest hearts. He has some big trust issues but once he trusts some one he would gladly die for that some one.

Bio: being born from an outcast mother and father reaver has never truly been accepted any where. He has moved from clan to clan trying to find a new place called home after his parents where killed five days after he was born leaving him to fend for himself. So far the only comfort he has found is the comfort of solitude within him self but he secretly hopes that will change one day. In his life of lonelynness and never having a pack to back him up he has grown very strong and fast to meet his obstacles head on and survive.




Other: because of where he came from and what he looks like most other wolves call him a demon for the blood red eyes and the fact that he was born an out cast. He is constantly watched by the alphas because they too beleive that he might be a demon child. Fresh out of his first season reaver has found nothing close to a pack for him self. With how his eyes glow it gives even more reason to think that he is a demon



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Name: Fang

Age: 3 seasons


Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/varulv___commish_by_grypwolf-d2yownv.png.badff13059eed7b6e5fce9d261660605.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="52649" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/varulv___commish_by_grypwolf-d2yownv.png.badff13059eed7b6e5fce9d261660605.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Description: Fang is a rather muscular brute, his eyes are an ice blue, while his pelt is a combination of gray and white

He is large, yet due to his slightly larger size, he is slower. He was born with abnormally long fangs, and was often teased as he grew up, until he became a threat to most, due to his ruthless nature.


Fang is quiet, and enjoys being alone. He doesn't enjoy the company of pups, or obnoxious wolves. He has never harmed a packmate, yet had threatened many over his years. Fang would much rather bask and be left alone, then be annoyed by a group of wolves whome he barely likes.

When fang becomes angry, he is a force to be reckoned with. He can become cruel, and ruthless.

Rank: Warrior

Strength: 10

Speed: 7

Other: n/a

Name: Willow

Age: 2 seasons

Gender: She-Wolf


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/althea_commission_by_azzai-d4gfl98.jpg.7da74850762bf0bc35cb9338e8511f2b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="52650" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/althea_commission_by_azzai-d4gfl98.jpg.7da74850762bf0bc35cb9338e8511f2b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Description: N/a

Personality: Willow is gentle, and loving. She loves company, and while it's quite difficult to anger her, when she is angry, she is one wolf that one does nit wish to stumble upon.

She is kind and compassionate, she has a soft spot for young animals, and innocence. She often trusts others too easily, which can result in her being betrayed.

Rank: Medicine Wolf

Strength: 7

Speed: 9

Other: n/a



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Name: Abner Nowolf

Age: 1 season

Gender: Male



Description: Abner is a very slender, small, and young wolf that has often been mistaken as a shewolf due to his appearance being mixed with his rather feminine whiny personality. He is also soft spoken. He has two strange looking marks on his body that he was born with and are rumored to hold some sort of unnatural power. He always keeps himself perfectly groomed and smells like trees because he has a funny knack for being able to practically run up and hide in them.

Personality: Abner is very snooty and will often look down on his peers even if they are clearly stronger than him. He is also nosey and that is why he was ranked a hunter. He has absolutely no strength in terms of being able to fight and kill, but he is a Grade A stalker and can find just about anyone he wishes and avoid being found himself due to his scent being abnormal to most wolves and hard to detect. Despite all of these annoying traits that would make most people want to break his neck he has a few good traits, he can keep a secret, he is flirty and polite to people that flatter him, and he often repays any favors done for him in his own way.

Rank: Hunter

Strength: 1

Speed: 10


Once a day he can activate the unnatural gift of his birth marks. The Cancellation symbol allows him to survive one attack that would be fatal, and the Ying Yang mark allows him to swap his speed for his strength to go into a feral berserk rage if he is badly injured.​

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/57a8c2933d8e5_animalsdogshuskies2784x1856wallpaper_www.wallpaperhi.com_58.jpg.91a825b817e3b8a84cfe6c467987a387.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="53905" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/57a8c2933d8e5_animalsdogshuskies2784x1856wallpaper_www.wallpaperhi.com_58.jpg.91a825b817e3b8a84cfe6c467987a387.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Amoura X


1 Season -- 6 Moons


She- Wolf


Fur of silk and honey, her abstract grey pelt melts into shades of darker grey and white. The coloring of her back gradually lightens as it nears her rump, dissolving into the same creme color white of her face. Patterns of her fur resemble that of a domesticated Husky. As a fae wolf of rogue status Amoura was left with no choice but to adapt to the roles of both hunter and warrior making her a nasty opponent in combat. While lean and slender, and agile as a fox, powerful muscles ripple beneath her soft feminine features. She's larger than the average female, but not so large that she towers over her peers. More to the point where she's able to look most of the medium brutes dead in the eye.

The side of her face not shown in the picture is mutilated and scarred from an incident of her past. It left her blind in one eye and nearly unbearable to look at. Also, she is missing her dew claws from both fore feet. In their place are two scars the size of large marbles. Yet despite her scars there's something about her that's almost... entrancing. Even with the marks of her past she is unique in the way she runs, the way she hunts. It's graceful. But not just in that beautiful feminine way. In that way that you find yourself admiring a deadly predator. That sleek calculated movement of a lion preparing to sink its fangs into its prey. It's a deadly grace that she herself does not realize she has, but often finds herself admired because of it...


Quiet and Calculating. Amoura has never been known to socialize or become involved with other packs. Few know of her, and even fewer know her for her true self. And those who do are long gone and in far away lands. She travels, staying just long enough to make good connections but short enough not to get attached. Because despite her cold behavior she's only a wolf. And everyone can act, but they will have feelings and emotions of some sort. So to keep herself from growing emotionally close to those who cross her path she travels and pushes away the ones who try.

Why? For reasons that have to do with why she's a rogue. For those of her past. Enemies. Friends. And for those who were once more than friends. She has an arrogant cool feel about her. Something icy, yet deadly beautiful. Her bite is powerful but more often than not her words hold a venom just at cruel. Amoura is witty and can hold her own in a verbal fight. She doesn't have a filter and won't hesitate throw you down with an obscene remark. And so overall her character is... complicated. She is composed of layer upon layer of secrecy and biting attitude. Again there are few who know her for her true self, but... that's because there are so few who try.








<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/Amoura.png.4c548a137b00b18676cc1f06f02dc567.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="53906" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/Amoura.png.4c548a137b00b18676cc1f06f02dc567.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

She has no known powers, but what she lacks in magic she makes up for in brute strength and agility.


So does that mean I'm accepted?



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Amoura X


1 Season -- 6 Moons


She- Wolf


Fur of silk and honey, her abstract grey pelt melts into shades of darker grey and white. The coloring of her back gradually lightens as it nears her rump, dissolving into the same creme color white of her face. Patterns of her fur resemble that of a domesticated Husky. As a fae wolf of rogue status Amoura was left with no choice but to adapt to the roles of both hunter and warrior making her a nasty opponent in combat. While lean and slender, and agile as a fox, powerful muscles ripple beneath her soft feminine features. She's larger than the average female, but not so large that she towers over her peers. More to the point where she's able to look most of the medium brutes dead in the eye.

The side of her face not shown in the picture is mutilated and scarred from an incident of her past. It left her blind in one eye and nearly unbearable to look at. Also, she is missing her dew claws from both fore feet. In their place are two scars the size of large marbles. Yet despite her scars there's something about her that's almost... entrancing. Even with the marks of her past she is unique in the way she runs, the way she hunts. It's graceful. But not just in that beautiful feminine way. In that way that you find yourself admiring a deadly predator. That sleek calculated movement of a lion preparing to sink its fangs into its prey. It's a deadly grace that she herself does not realize she has, but often finds herself admired because of it...


Quiet and Calculating. Amoura has never been known to socialize or become involved with other packs. Few know of her, and even fewer know her for her true self. And those who do are long gone and in far away lands. She travels, staying just long enough to make good connections but short enough not to get attached. Because despite her cold behavior she's only a wolf. And everyone can act, but they will have feelings and emotions of some sort. So to keep herself from growing emotionally close to those who cross her path she travels and pushes away the ones who try.

Why? For reasons that have to do with why she's a rogue. For those of her past. Enemies. Friends. And for those who were once more than friends. She has an arrogant cool feel about her. Something icy, yet deadly beautiful. Her bite is powerful but more often than not her words hold a venom just at cruel. Amoura is witty and can hold her own in a verbal fight. She doesn't have a filter and won't hesitate throw you down with an obscene remark. And so overall her character is... complicated. She is composed of layer upon layer of secrecy and biting attitude. Again there are few who know her for her true self, but... that's because there are so few who try.








She has no known powers, but what she lacks in magic she makes up for in brute strength and agility.


So does that mean I'm accepted?

Yeah she's accepted! She could meet Dawn once I get her going. I think they'd get along pretty well.


Rank: Pup



Age: 2 Moons

Strength: 2

Speed: 1

Description: Likes too play alot. Lost family. Is Curious about everything. Very skinny due to lack of milk.

Personality: Playful, Curious

Other: Likes to swim and spends most time in the water. Can breathe under water.
Name: Genocide

Age: Three Seasons

Gender: Female



Description: Genocide is more on the large side for a female, so she makes up for her lack of speed and agility with stamina and strength. There is a large scar running down her right flank from when a fight with another wolf went to far.

Personality: More on the aloof side. She doesn't like striking up conversation, and would rather focus on her task that goof off.

Rank: Warrior

Strength: 8

Speed: 5

Other: N/A
Ok then?

Oh snow later I'm making thunder

Hey snow could i still make thunder? if not thats kewl

kewl! looks like im gonna have 2 wolfs





3 season and 2 moons




<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.c0c2b0f5aacfdc2a9fdd7820bc97b8b1.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="54311" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.c0c2b0f5aacfdc2a9fdd7820bc97b8b1.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Appearance in nature form:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.0e0bd96eff7d4b87d7ae4fa20d08474e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="54362" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.0e0bd96eff7d4b87d7ae4fa20d08474e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Strik is her brother


Thunder is a sweet and caring wolf, she looks after others and her little brother. She can be hardheaded and just like her brother in many ways.








She was a same wolf when born, her mother not being the same as strikes. When she grew was was one of the kindest wolfs in the pack, her father, Lighting, trained her the same way as Strik. But when Strik was born he still taught her but when he was old enough to begin training her had forgot about her. She really didn't care, she and Strik, even though being brother and sister they where to peas in a pod and where unstoppable be separated. But when they where older Strik had fallen in love with rose and had a pup named light.

After about two months the attack happened and of course she was taken and held captive. She wished her brother was ok, but when she saw all the dead body's she thought he was dead.


She has the power to control nature, more like the God of nature. She is technically Mother Nature her self, she can make storms, make it rain, she can control leaves by making them into a tornado, she can control roots like making them out of the ground and making a den or something. (And every thing else's that Mother Nature does)



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