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Fantasy Wolf Life

Rex now approached the area where the crazed wolf had left seeing all these other wolves gathering and one who seemed to be an Alpha he decided not to get mixed in with their ordeal possibly fighting for territory. But curiosity gog the better of him turning to the sarcasti wolf that made the comment he asked "What is going on here?"
Her reply was a sigh, a relieved huff; recruitment for her pack was a must - a needed herbalist or temporary doctor would be necessary. Tamii replied with a small nod, grinning to thank him for his offering. "Appreciated."

Once she caught the word from the originally-approached wolf, she snarled at him and flashed a sharpened claw. He wasn't what she should he'd be. A sarcastic idiot! Her snowy-white coat took a small breeze, ruffling in the gentle wind, and her snout was risen. She smiled slightly, "I'm not scrawny. Really, you can't handle a pack without pulling a tantrum like a PUP - Amber-eye, can't you see?" And she lashed out at him, his paw scraping across his chest, chuckling under her breath.
Assuming that Fenrir's last comment was meant for him, Kyairo let a grin spread over his thin, graphite lips. "Sell my soul, good sir? What a melodramatic way of putting it. I'm simply offering medical services to those who may need it, never did I say they would be only for her pack." His eyes glinted like crystals of ice, widening slightly at the small female's response before returning to the older male. "How's your chest, friend? Should it sting from her claws, I'd have no qualms in assisting you. Unless, of course, accepting a little help would injure your pride more than your body's worth."
Jack simply watched with nothing less of an amused look on his face when Fenrir was attacked. "I suppose that what you get for sjooting your mouth off" he stated just barely surpressing a smirk.
"Why yes, little I can see, in fact I've seen my far share of alphas whom think them selves big only to be crushed under the weight of the world they fought." Fenrir looked at the doctor. "And you, selling your skills to highest bidder eh?" He chuckled lightly. "I like that, but be sue not sell it off to those to stupid to know your worth." He tighted the ribbon thart clung clung to his ankle. "Oh and insulting a new resident before formally introducing yourself properly, what pore manner. Not at all like the doctor here." He nodded towards the mercenary doctor. "Speaking of which, I'm Fenrir, kin slayer." He bowed sarcastically.
"Yes it would appear that way, and she's doing a poor job of it if I do say so myself." He picker his head up. He looked at the group that had now formed on his e half. "Well I'd love to stay for this wonderful welcome party you all throw for my arrival, but I really must be off." His voice took on a bored tone, as he turned his back on the group.
Before Fenrir had turned away from the others, Kyairo found himself amused by the older male's biting sarcasm. "Selling to the highest bidder? What an imaginatively cynical fellow you are. My services are free to all. After all, who am I but a mere soul to judge another?" He mirrored Fenrir's satirical bow, a good-natured grin playing over his lips. "I am Kyairo, traveller, fixer of booboos. A pleasure to meet you all." As the older male seemed ready to depart, the ashen-gray canid nodded in understanding. This had not proved to be the most cordial collection of strangers, and Kyairo could not blame him for wanting to leave. "Take care of yourself, oh glorious Fenrir, slayer of kin!" he called out with another bow.

Turning his attention to Rex, Kyairo bent his muzzle down to reach the obsidian canid's ear, keeping his voice low as he subtly gestured to the token female, aiming for her to not overhear. "Ah, yes, because nothing says 'Join my pack' quite like scratching the chest of a senior citizen, eh? Sure, he had a mouth on him, but I don't believe his intentions were honestly violent."
The pure white whimpered, cowering as her ears pinned to her head. Anger management was a problem; and you could most definitely label it of a big one. She choked slightly, attempting to get her words out. But whatever she said in her head, came out as a strangled and straggled howl. She sighed - why did her voice had to fail on her, once it was the most crucial moment? She collapsed to the floor, burying her muzzle into her two paws in humiliation. Repetitively sniffling, she realized the outcome and negative consequences of her hasty actions. Taking briefly the responsibility only an Alpha for a petty month. It was more difficult than she imagined. Not impossible, but next to it indefinitely. As the two wolves began to chatter subtly amongst themselves, her ears perked. Few words were interpret, but she could most clearly take a few randomized guesses. The voice became more clearer, though seemed more forced. Nothing was better than a sore throat.

"I'm--" Interrupting herself, she broke into a fit of deathly coughs. "--Sorry..."
The noise uttered from the young alpha went unnoticed by Kyairo, but the hint of movement alerted him, his sharp gaze catching sight of her collapse. His notched ears folded back as he approached her and awkwardly bent his stilted frame down to her level. Her sudden outburst of coughing drew his concern. "Are you alright, madam?" he asked gently, his line of sight already sweeping the fields for any relaxing or throat-assisting herbs. While lush with grasses, the plains seemed to provide little in the way of herbs. A slight frown tightened Kyairo's scarred lips, until his peripheral spotted a violet speck buried in the greenery. Pricking his ears, he hurried towards it, and was extremely pleased to find a small patch of lavender nestled among the grasses. The travelling herbalist gingerly plucked a few of the small, soft flowers, placing them in front of Tamii's nose. "Lavender," he explained. "Promotes calming, both of mind and body."
Meiari said:
The noise uttered from the young alpha went unnoticed by Kyairo, but the hint of movement alerted him, his sharp gaze catching sight of her collapse. His notched ears folded back as he approached her and awkwardly bent his stilted frame down to her level. Her sudden outburst of coughing drew his concern. "Are you alright, madam?" he asked gently, his line of sight already sweeping the fields for any relaxing or throat-assisting herbs. While lush with grasses, the plains seemed to provide little in the way of herbs. A slight frown tightened Kyairo's scarred lips, until his peripheral spotted a violet speck buried in the greenery. Pricking his ears, he hurried towards it, and was extremely pleased to find a small patch of lavender nestled among the grasses. The travelling herbalist gingerly plucked a few of the small, soft flowers, placing them in front of Tamii's nose. "Lavender," he explained. "Promotes calming, both of mind and body."
Canine, as that was her widely-used nickname, began to meekly glanced up, only to see lavender put at her paws.The violet flowers provided a rather sweet aura as she sniffled them. Her coughing slowed, less deathly to few, scratchy breaths. Once they were set before her trembling paws, Tamii nuzzled them. This made the bunch of purple to be closer to her. She, once lifted her head, could catch a full glance of Kyario, smiling ever so slightly. "Thank you," was managed through her dry lips as she continued to respectably though carefully and nuzzle around the provided flowers. She sighed deeply, before confirming it with a discrete nod. "...Thank you."
Mount Cali=Lunar Peaks

Two pups rested inside a mountain den as their father went hunting for a meal. It was only the small family that was part of this new pack of snow, cold and despair. Where fierce winds blew and howled, snow was nearly always present and sharp ledges jutted out from the mountain chain that was their new home. The two pups snarled and yipped at each other as they tussled in the den, but when Shinobi nipped his sister's ear, the she-pup let out a whimper. "Shinobi stop! I'll twell papa!"

"Ah shush Ashita," growled Shinobi around a mouthful of ear and let out a playful snarl. The two pups were only two months old and had lost their mother some time ago. After her death, their father had taken them to this place, Mount Cali where there were no other wolves and set up Lunar Peaks.

A red wolf traveled over the slippery and rocky terrain of his territory as he made his way back to his family with a mountain goat on his back. His leg bled freely on the snow as he ran, making the going more difficult than it was, thanks to the goat cutting his front leg open with a horn. Ruin did his best to hurry without sending himself to his death below for then his pups would truly be alone and would starve to death without him since his mate was dead.
(I was gonna wait for a few others to reply, but it's been a while lol.)

"You're welcome, madam," Kyairo replied in a tone as gentle and flowing as the lavender's scent. His ears flitted while his mind worked to piece together what had happened. It doesn't seem like she had been choking on anything other than her own breath, and her actions hint more at mental anguish than physical. A small panic attack, perhaps? His crystalline gaze shifted to Rex, noticing that he had been watching. Kyairo offered a smile to the dark-pelted male. "Kind sir, you're more than welcome to come closer and sniff some for yourself," he announced quietly to him before turning his attention back to Tamii. "How are you feeling now? If it hurts to speak, just give me a nod, and I'll see if I can find something for your throat."
Ruin made it back to the den he had taken over with his pups. Shaking the animal off his back, he picked it up by its throat and dragged it through the snow into the den. "Shinobi. Ashita. I brought food back," he said.

"Papa!" Ashita shouted. "Shinobi was picking on me!"

"Was not!"

"Was too!"

"Enough," Ruin growled as he lay down. "Eat up. Shinobi don't pick on your sister."

"Yes papa," Shinobi said and the pups walked over to their father before biting into the mountain goat. Ruin waited until his pups had begun eating before digging into the meal as well, eyes turned on the den entrance in case a snow leopard came by.

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