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Realistic or Modern Woke up on the Wrong Side of the Pond.


Hit Me!
Have you ever woken up, room dark and unfamiliar, you've completely forgotten where you fell asleep last night. But always the memory of going to your grandparents house, or a friends house the night before comes back after you rub the sleep from your eyes and take a good look around. But what if they didn't? What if when you wake up your not only in a completely different house, but in a different country?

Well, six kids are going to find out what happens when they go to sleep the night before and find themselves in in middle of England. They find themselves thrown together in the local jail, when they find out they all came to England, from america, the same way, they stay in contact. Working together they figure out not only did they wake up in a new place but woke up with new abilities.

The date: January 21st, 2015
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Alissa was dreaming about her mother, she never dreamed about her mother unless it was a nightmare. She was little, maybe eight or nine years old, and she was back at her old elementary school. It was her and her sister, Tori, they were walking out of the school to look for their mother. They recognized the van that their mother drove and Tori pointed it out. Alissa looked over her should as she heard her nickname, sissy, and saw their mom. She told Tori that she was going to go get her and she should go to the van. Tori left and Alissa went back in the school. As she went in she knew something was wrong. She felt fear go through her as she couldn't find her mother, she started to scream for her mom as she looked around at the blurred faces, all she heard was their laughter and talking as she ran back out side, there she found her mother and sister driving away in the van.

Alissa started to fade into consciousness, the smell of hay came to her nose, the feel of dirt under her fingers, hard packed earth beneath her body, cold wind blowing her hair into her face. She groaned and turned over. For a second it didn't really mater where she'd woken up. It wasn't odd at first, then she realized that it wasn't normal to wake up in a place you didn't know. She sat up slowly, her head started to pound, she was used to the hangovers by now. She reached into her bag and pulled out two asprien and a water bottle, she took a swig and downed the pills. She heard a horse nay. She started to cough as the horse had startled her. She thought for a second, she might have been at her grandfathers house, he had horses. But then she remembered she'd never left New York.
Alissa stood, brushing the hay and gray dirt off her pants and bag. She took out the stress ball she kept in her bag when she got bored or nervous in public places, she though it was fitting. The sky was dark and the moon was high, she figured it was maybe late at night or early in the morning, though she had no idea where she was. She saw a three story farm house maybe a half mile away, a few lights were on and she started to head that direction. Maybe they could help, or they'd shoot her. She was ready for both.
Bryson was asleep in his cage, unaware of what happened to him or his childhood friend, his love. His dream consisted of the people who made fun of him in school all standing in a circle around him, yelling, "You're trapped," "No escape," "You can never leave." He wakes up in fear, sweating, and gasping for air, as if he had been chased down by a savage creature out for his life. He looks around, unaware of his surroundings. "Anyone there?" He says in hopes of someone. Anyone. Mainly the person who can tell him where he is and why he is there.
By the end of the walk, her water bottle was empty. She stood at the end of a gravel road, looking down hill at the house that must have been older than her grandmother. The brick was slumping at one end of the house, where the hill dips into the wooded area. There were still lights on, and a work truck, that she couldn't recognize as any kind of truck she's ever seen, idling right outside the garage. She walked down the drive, hopping she'd be seen and not have to knock on the door. Her headache had gone away, but wished it hadn't so she didn't have to feel so nervous. New people didn't really suit well with Alissa.

She heard the cocking of a shot gun. She grimaced and raised her hands. "I'm sorry, I just needed help." But when she turned, all she saw was a man walking up to her, he held a shot gun in his hand, but too far for Alissa to hear him cock it.

She raised her hands higher, hopping he wouldn't point it at her.

"Sir! Can you help me?" She yelled to the man.
Bryson began to panic. Thoughts racing through his head filled him with fear. Thoughts of his love, his family, and his own life. Was he to die, was he to live, or was he going to be tortured? Who has trapped him? Where was he? How did this happen? He began to feel sick, deep in his stomach. He had a massive headache. "WHERE AM I?!?" He screams hoping someone heard him.
Alissa took a deep breath to calm her shaking hands.

"Why are you on my property?" The man had a deep voice, but he didn't seem angry. He had a English accent, which made Alissa wounder where she really was.

She slowly put down her hands, knowing the man wouldn't pull the gun up, before she knew he would have if she'd tried to run but she was facing him.

"I'm very..." she trailed out a shaky breath, trying to get a hold of her thoughts. "I'm lost." She finally manged to get out of her mouth.

The man nodded and waved his gun to the truck, which Alissa could see ladders and wheelbarrows were producing from.

"Get in."

Two hours latter, Alissa was sitting in a jail cell.

The mans name had been Nail, he was 32 years old and had a son that hated school and thought his father hated him so in return decided to blame all his life problems on his father. His wife died when his son was 13 years old which made life flip upside down. He now has a son to raise and a ranch to run. He took Alissa to the Police and had her go in and tell them that Myers had sent her, and tell them that she was lost. When she said that, they took her into the drunk tank. The officer was shaking his head the whole way down to the cell, mumbling under his breath in a heavy British accent about how american teenagers abusing the age limit on alcohol and about trying to ride horses.

As she sat next to a women with dark skin and the biggest Afro Alissa had ever seen out side of a 80's movie and a tattoo'd man that must have weighed 280 she thought to herself': should have seen that one coming.

Bryson sat in a corner of his cell. His mind beginning to realize his situation. His stomach roaring. His head throbbing. His eyes watering. The thoughts of what could have possibly happened to him, his love, and his family. What if they were kidnapped? His heart began racing. The beats became faster and faster. His head was hurting worse and worse. He wanted out. He wanted his family. He wanted food. He wanted anything other than the cell he was stuck in. He missed everything about his life. The last thing he remembered was the moment he shared with the girl he grew up with. They went to the field they spent most of their alone time in. They both laid there sharing the best moment of their lives. The happiest they have ever been. He fell asleep. Then he woke up in a cell.

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