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Fantasy Within the Core

Initially, they're going to get their powers at the same time, but at what rate at which they develop is mostly up to you guys. Of course, they can't be too fast though :P
Cool! I'll be anticipating the moment when everyone finds out they have powers, lol I wonder how everyone will react
Guys, new rule!

Due to the very fact that we want the story to progress faster, and have some advancements before any of you lose interest, everyone has to reply at least once every five days. That time is determined by the average rate the majority of you reply, and may be reducing in the future based on the pace of the roleplay as well. After that time, the story will automatically move on, and those who haven't replied will have to think of a way to catch up. Of course, we'd like to help you on how to catch up, if it's just a once or twice thing. However, if this keeps on happening and youre beginning to get too far behind, unfortunately we'll have to ask you to leave this roleplay. This hasn't happened to anyone yet, so chill guys! But just a heads up that there are still people who display interest in this, who can't join because the member limits are full. Please make sure you check your RL schedule to know that you have time for this RP, and have your alerts for it turn on so you're not missing out on a thing! :)

That's all I have to say, I hope I'm not asking for too much! ><

P.S. If you're busy or unable to reply due to RL issues, PM us first and we'll also be glad to help you catch up.
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SilverBlack said:
Guys, new rule!
Due to the very fact that we want the story to progress faster, and have some advancements before any of you lose interest, everyone has to reply at least once every five days. That time is determined by the average rate the majority of you reply, and may be reducing in the future based on the pace of the roleplay as well. After that time, the story will automatically move on, and those who haven't replied will have to think of a way to catch up. Of course, we'd like to help you on how to catch up, if it's just a once or twice thing. However, if this keeps on happening and youre beginning to get too far behind, unfortunately we'll have to ask you to leave this roleplay. This hasn't happened to anyone yet, so chill guys! But just a heads up that there are still people who display interest in this, who can't join because the member limits are full. Please make sure you check your RL schedule to know that you have time for this RP, and have your alerts for it turn on so you're not missing out on a thing! :)

That's all I have to say, I hope I'm not asking for too much! ><

P.S. If you're busy or unable to reply due to RL issues, PM us first and we'll also be glad to help you catch up.
Im still waiting on a response from Gilda. Just sayin.
I'm still waiting on a reply from a couple of people as well, but if they don't reply by tomorrow then I'll probably just post the next part.
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@Dawnsx Can I change Alex's power to Liquid manipulation? It's still the same concept. Just askin for permission. :3
For your next posts, feel free to roleplay out the spider yourselves, and collaboration posts are encouraged! If you need me to clarify anything, or roleplay the spider or Gilda out for anything, ask me through this thread or a pm!
Can somebody else give me an idea on how the hell I could access Alex's powers? Like make it rain or something xD
For the sake of keeping the story going at a good pace, I'll be ending the fight! But no worries, you'll have plenty of time to explore your powers and fight in the future :3
The newest post from us is going to be a collab post so it's taking us a little more time, but it will definitely be up by tomorrow or Friday. Until then, sit tight, and feel free to interact with other characters and work together to defeat the mighty beast!
Hello all. Sadly Ramona will be dying in this fight with the spider. At first this concept intrigued me and I liked the idea of it. But I sadly just am not feeling the spark with this RP. I keep reading the posts and going "I need to post" but then I just wind up walking away. It's nothing against anyone here. I'm just.....out of it. I can't explain why I feel the way I do. It's hard to explain not feeling the creative energy. So alas, I must bid you all adieu. And I'm so sorry for the inconvenience.
Aw, I see! We all have bumps every now and then with roleplaying, so I understand. I wish that you have a safe and fun journey on the rest of your roleplaying adventure!
Kiroshiven, it's been fun even just for a short while seeing you coming up with a character and showing her face in the RP! Looking forward to the next time we might be roleplaying together again, for you do look like an interesting roleplayer.

Guys, note that everything that's been happening till now (which isn't much) can still pretty much only be considered as the "prologue." I'm sorry things have been progressing slowly because the roleplayers' replying pace and our own RL schedules are a bit in conflict (at least for me), but once my characters really appear (which half of you consider as the arrogant smug dude), more things will be explained and clarified, and things will start get going. The roleplay, I believe, can start off a bit slow, where only questions appear without answers. I'm actually looking forward to creating an equal balance between my influence (as the ultimate mastermind behind all this you may say) on your characters, and the interactions between the characters themselves, to create an actual development in storylines and relationships. Dawn and I have already planned out the roleplay to a certain extent, that we wish to reach before the roleplay dies off. I hope everyone's willing to cooperate!

Just feel free to know that while my role is fairly important, perhaps like giving instructions to your characters, telling you all what to do and stuffs, interactions between the characters also play a huge role. I'm telling you this early because I hope this roleplay doesn't begin to follow a trend in which roleplayers are simply responding to me and not much of developing friendship and bonds and whatever comrade stuffs you call them as. I'm sure you guys will be fine with this though, for so far it's looking pretty good. In the future there will be more times for you guys to interact!! I apologize if right now the roleplay's not giving you that chance ><

Anyways, the next post will be up by tomorrow---Friday! I hope you guys are looking forward to it.
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SilverBlack said:
Kiroshiven, it's been fun even just for a short while seeing you coming up with a character and showing her face in the RP! Looking forward to the next time we might be roleplaying together again, for you do look like an interesting roleplayer.
Guys, note that everything that's been happening till now (which isn't much) can still pretty much only be considered as the "prologue." I'm sorry things have been progressing slowly because the roleplayers' replying pace and our own RL schedules are a bit in conflict (at least for me), but once my characters really appear (which half of you consider as the arrogant smug dude), more things will be explained and clarified, and things will start get going. The roleplay, I believe, can start off a bit slow, where only questions appear without answers. I'm actually looking forward to creating an equal balance between my influence (as the ultimate mastermind behind all this you may say) on your characters, and the interactions between the characters themselves, to create an actual development in storylines and relationships. Dawn and I have already planned out the roleplay to a certain extent, that we wish to reach before the roleplay dies off. I hope everyone's willing to cooperate!

Just feel free to know that while my role is fairly important, perhaps like giving instructions to your characters, telling you all what to do and stuffs, interactions between the characters also play a huge role. I'm telling you this early because I hope this roleplay doesn't begin to follow a trend in which roleplayers are simply responding to me and not much of developing friendship and bonds and whatever comrade stuffs you call them as. I'm sure you guys will be fine with this though, for so far it's looking pretty good. In the future there will be more times for you guys to interact!! I apologize if right now the roleplay's not giving you that chance ><

Anyways, the next post will be up by tomorrow---Friday! I hope you guys are looking forward to it.
wewt! reply hype!
Alright guys, next post's up. I just realized I used a different font color, but that's not important, hopefully.
Hello everyone, unfortunately I will have to drop this Rp for various of personal reasons. I'm taking my leave of absence not just in the Roleplay, but from RpN intself. That is why, I am saying this as a farewell. I enjoy this rp a lot, and would like to explore more it, but life is getting in the way. So that's that, thank you and goodbye everyone.
As for myself, I'm currently in an area with fluctuating and poor wifi. I'll have a post made and, well, posted within the next day or two.

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