• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fantasy Within the Core


Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
If you have any questions, please ask HERE.
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@MadamMoon Hello! Will you do us a kind favor and move your question to here please? Thank you. :) The roleplay tab is used solely for roleplaying, after all.

In response to your question, the options we give to roleplayers for powers are pretty broad, it is mostly up to you to decide. It can be elemental, or even the power to create one type of weapon...However creative you want to be. Nevertheless, if you're interested, when you PM us about your character, as required, we'll take a look and see if you have to change anything.
Due to an inquiry, I need to mention that at the start of the roleplay, none of the characters have full control/access to their powers just yet. But of course, throughout the course of the roleplay, character will have a chance to develop their powers to the point described in your individual character sheets. A big part of roleplay is about character development, after all. I hope you can all see this as a chance to experiment and play around with how you're each going to progress in the plot!

I apologize beforehand if this causes any trouble for any of you, but again, I hope you can see this as a chance to development your character!
Uhm.. I have a class the whole day tomorrow. So I guess I won't be here once the roleplay starts. Just a heads up! :)
solitary said:

Sona Avani Ainsworth


Age: 19

Sona is a rather quiet girl, and usually only speaks if spoken to first. When she does speak, she's very polite and uses formal language. It's a habit she'd very much like to get rid of, since she no longer has anyone to impress for her parents. Sona is also very sensitive, and cries easily. It embarrasses her a lot and she usually tries to hold back her tears.

Power: Sona has the ability to alter people's mental state. She can make people feel or think a certain way, gain or erase memories, and etc. She uses it to trick opponents and sometimes to make others do things she wants them to do. The power's effect only lasts for about 1-2 minutes, and it gives her a painful headache for about thirty minutes after the effect is up. When using this power, she must work fast to get the results she wants.


Bio: Sona's mother and father were two of the head magic scientists at one of the research facilities years ago. Sona usually only interacted with her parents at banquets and events for the facility. She often spent time with her older sister, Isabel. Her life was changed completely when Isabel went missing one day. This led to her isolating herself, and rarely speaking. Despite girls trying to become her friends at school, she ignored them. No one could replace Isabel. No one at all. To this day, she wonders if Isabel is alive and well.

Her parents took Isabel's disappearance surprisingly well - that's what happens when you don't take the time to build a bond with your child. They sent out a few search parties, and let it go after only a few weeks. Even then, it seemed like they were only doing it to keep up their reputation. They wouldn't look good if they didn't even bother searching for her. Though they never said it directly, Sona knew their motives and it led to her losing respect for her parents. Sona saw them as nothing but bank accounts around the time she turned 13, only speaking to them to ask for the latest designer clothes and the newest video game consoles.

Sona eventually made a few friends around the time she was 15, and she was very popular at school. Despite her quiet personality, she was admired by many and received many confessions monthly. She didn't particularly dislike the attention, considering she got almost none from her parents. Everything was well until she gained a stalker. She received creepy emails, texts, and even notes in her locker. She decided to go to the police, but nothing could be tracked. Sona eventually chose to do her best to ignore it. Her mansion was heavily guarded anyway, and her parents hired a few bodyguards to protect her when she went out. Everything was going fine until she received an email one day. Assuming it was the stalker, she attempted to delete the email. However, it couldn't be deleted at all. Slightly intrigued, she opened the email. It said only two words:

Be prepared.

Scared, she presented the email to the police and received the same response. It couldn't be tracked. The mansion now had multiple police cars guarding it daily, and even more bodyguards were hired to protect her. She stopped attending school, in fear that one of the students was the stalker and was tutored at home.

This was a few months before she woke up in that strange, white room.

The world was now in ruins, and there was an organization formed to reconstruct the world. Sona was grateful to these people, really, but she had no interest in joining. She was going to find out what happened to her, and why she woke up in that strange white room.
Your images have brought back painful memories.
SilverBlack said:
@Kiroshiven @solitary How's that anime by the way, is it worth watching?
Guilty Crown is a good anime. I love it, despite how much suffering it brings me. I haven't watched it a second time because my memory is a very cruel thing and it remembers so much of it that I'd be skipping half the anime.
@Kiroshiven Can you add:

Code by | @StoneWolf18

To the very bottom of your cs after:


Sorry, I just get kind of picky when credit isn't given. I would have preferred you ask me before use and I would have gladly let you and helped with anything that needed to be done.
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StoneWolf18 said:
@Kiroshiven Can you add:
Code by | @StoneWolf18

To the very bottom of your cs after:


Sorry, I just get kind of picky when credit isn't given. I would have preferred you ask me before use and I would have gladly let you and helped with anything that needed to be done.
Can do. Yeah, I'm BEYOND TERRIBLE with the coding. I'll gladly give credit to the person who did it. Just didn't cross my mind while I was changing everything.
Kiroshiven said:
Can do. Yeah, I'm BEYOND TERRIBLE with the coding. I'll gladly give credit to the person who did it. Just didn't cross my mind while I was changing everything.
And, I would recommend different colors. Those contract a bit too much and make it hard to read. Maybe something like this:




or possibly




If any of these interest you, I can get the code and some if a border or a solid background around the accordion other then a line bordering them, etc. ^^
StoneWolf18 said:
And, I would recommend different colors. Those contract a bit too much and make it hard to read. Maybe something like this:



or possibly




If any of these interest you, I can get the code and some if a border or a solid background around the accordion other then a line bordering them, etc. ^^
Okay, so I've changed the font color. I just want the border to be smaller and not a solid line. The white is good. I don't mind it. I just want it to not be so prominent.
Kiroshiven said:
Okay, so I've changed the font color. I just want the border to be smaller and not a solid line. The white is good. I don't mind it. I just want it to not be so prominent.
Which border? The large one or around the tabs? (Accordion)
@Kiroshiven How's this? It took a bit longer than expected because the code was a mess. When working with code use the Bbcode editor. I have my rich disabled to prevent things like this.

[center][bg=#333399][border=dotted 6px #6699ff][color=#6699ff][font=Righteous]


[blockquote=Ramona][color=#00ffff]So I have powers huh? Interesting.[/color] [/blockquote]

[color=#00ffff]Ramona Petrioff[/color]







[color=#00ffff]5' 5"[/color]


[color=#00ffff]135 pounds[/color]

[b][u]Written Appearance[/u][/b]

[color=#00ffff]Ramona is a slender woman with very little meat on her bones. Her diet consisting of only fruits, beans and vegetables has left her healthy and skinny. Some people wonder how she has an ample chest when the rest of her is so slim.[/color]
[b][u]Elemental Proficiency[/u][/b]




[color=#99ccff]Able to control water in all states and shapes. Controlling water in living things takes a great deal of effort however.[/color]

[color=#00ffff]*Living Water*[/color]

[color=#99ccff]Ramona can turn into water in any of the three states, so long as the environment is permitting. (Aka, she can't turn into solid water if it's 2 degrees Fahrenheit around her.) This is very tiring and has some risk when changing back into human.[/color]

[color=#00ffff]Ramona is flexible and more understanding than people believe. She tends to move like water and go with the flow, constantly changing to fit what's needed of her. Her personality comes off as very directed and business oriented. She just wants to do what she can while she can do it.[/color]


[color=#00ffff][i]"To be honest, I don't remember much about my life. It's as if they're pieces missing to the puzzle of who I am. I remember just a few things. The first is obviously my name. It was the same name as my mother and I'm thankful for it. The next thing I remember was when I was eighteen. It was when my parents divorced. They let me know that it had been awhile since they had fallen out of love, but I was already aware. Deciding to not pit them against each other I left the country to live on my own.

Then there is my life I started. I opened my own cafe with the help of some friends. I don't remember where I met them or how I grew close. It was a shop that did fairly well. The people there spoke about some interesting things. The spoke about powers, the supernatural and other topics. I never really paid them much mind as I was enjoying myself being independent and free. It was a fun life. Then there was some kind of explosion.

When I woke up later, the same people that had been at my cafe were speaking to me. They spoke about potential and how I could do amazing things. It was rather weird and I just took the fact that I was alive as a miracle. I left them with smiles saying that I'd talk to them more about the situation when I was feeling better. Now I've woken up in a room that's more plain and sanitary than a hospital. It's terrifying."[/i][/color]

[color=#00ffff]Code by | @StoneWolf18
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StoneWolf18 said:
@Kiroshiven How's this? It took a bit longer than expected because the code was a mess. When working with code use the Bbcode editor. I have my rich disabled to prevent things like this.
[center][bg=#333399][border=dotted 6px #6699ff][color=#6699ff][font=Righteous]


[blockquote=Ramona][color=#00ffff]So I have powers huh? Interesting.[/color] [/blockquote]

[color=#00ffff]Ramona Petrioff[/color]







[color=#00ffff]5' 5"[/color]


[color=#00ffff]135 pounds[/color]

[b][u]Written Appearance[/u][/b]

[color=#00ffff]Ramona is a slender woman with very little meat on her bones. Her diet consisting of only fruits, beans and vegetables has left her healthy and skinny. Some people wonder how she has an ample chest when the rest of her is so slim.[/color]
[b][u]Elemental Proficiency[/u][/b]




[color=#99ccff]Able to control water in all states and shapes. Controlling water in living things takes a great deal of effort however.[/color]

[color=#00ffff]*Living Water*[/color]

[color=#99ccff]Ramona can turn into water in any of the three states, so long as the environment is permitting. (Aka, she can't turn into solid water if it's 2 degrees Fahrenheit around her.) This is very tiring and has some risk when changing back into human.[/color]

[color=#00ffff]Ramona is flexible and more understanding than people believe. She tends to move like water and go with the flow, constantly changing to fit what's needed of her. Her personality comes off as very directed and business oriented. She just wants to do what she can while she can do it.[/color]


[color=#00ffff][i]"To be honest, I don't remember much about my life. It's as if they're pieces missing to the puzzle of who I am. I remember just a few things. The first is obviously my name. It was the same name as my mother and I'm thankful for it. The next thing I remember was when I was eighteen. It was when my parents divorced. They let me know that it had been awhile since they had fallen out of love, but I was already aware. Deciding to not pit them against each other I left the country to live on my own.

Then there is my life I started. I opened my own cafe with the help of some friends. I don't remember where I met them or how I grew close. It was a shop that did fairly well. The people there spoke about some interesting things. The spoke about powers, the supernatural and other topics. I never really paid them much mind as I was enjoying myself being independent and free. It was a fun life. Then there was some kind of explosion.

When I woke up later, the same people that had been at my cafe were speaking to me. They spoke about potential and how I could do amazing things. It was rather weird and I just took the fact that I was alive as a miracle. I left them with smiles saying that I'd talk to them more about the situation when I was feeling better. Now I've woken up in a room that's more plain and sanitary than a hospital. It's terrifying."[/i][/color]

[color=#00ffff]Code by | @StoneWolf18
@Kiroshiven , honey...save yourself some time.
StoneWolf18 said:
@Kiroshiven How's this? It took a bit longer than expected because the code was a mess. When working with code use the Bbcode editor. I have my rich disabled to prevent things like this.


So I have powers huh? Interesting.

no slide no slide no slide no slide


5' 5"


135 pounds

Written Appearance

Ramona is a slender woman with very little meat on her bones. Her diet consisting of only fruits, beans and vegetables has left her healthy and skinny. Some people wonder how she has an ample chest when the rest of her is so slim.


Elemental Proficiency




Able to control water in all states and shapes. Controlling water in living things takes a great deal of effort however.

*Living Water*

Ramona can turn into water in any of the three states, so long as the environment is permitting. (Aka, she can't turn into solid water if it's 2 degrees Fahrenheit around her.) This is very tiring and has some risk when changing back into human.



Ramona is flexible and more understanding than people believe. She tends to move like water and go with the flow, constantly changing to fit what's needed of her. Her personality comes off as very directed and business oriented. She just wants to do what she can while she can do it.


"To be honest, I don't remember much about my life. It's as if they're pieces missing to the puzzle of who I am. I remember just a few things. The first is obviously my name. It was the same name as my mother and I'm thankful for it. The next thing I remember was when I was eighteen. It was when my parents divorced. They let me know that it had been awhile since they had fallen out of love, but I was already aware. Deciding to not pit them against each other I left the country to live on my own.

Then there is my life I started. I opened my own cafe with the help of some friends. I don't remember where I met them or how I grew close. It was a shop that did fairly well. The people there spoke about some interesting things. The spoke about powers, the supernatural and other topics. I never really paid them much mind as I was enjoying myself being independent and free. It was a fun life. Then there was some kind of explosion.

When I woke up later, the same people that had been at my cafe were speaking to me. They spoke about potential and how I could do amazing things. It was rather weird and I just took the fact that I was alive as a miracle. I left them with smiles saying that I'd talk to them more about the situation when I was feeling better. Now I've woken up in a room that's more plain and sanitary than a hospital. It's terrifying."

Code by | @StoneWolf18

Yeah, sorry bout that. I know it is a mess, but thank you. That looks really good. Thank you for doing that.
Kiroshiven said:
Yeah, sorry bout that. I know it is a mess, but thank you. That looks really good. Thank you for doing that.
I added the code to the spoiler so its just a copy and paste.
StoneWolf18 said:
I'm so thankful that Microsoft Word Exists. In my frustration I deleted the CS. Thankfully I could copy the code down, paste it into word and then copy the changed format and paste it back in. YAY! *goes to die in a corner because code is evil*
Kiroshiven said:
I'm so thankful that Microsoft Word Exists. In my frustration I deleted the CS. Thankfully I could copy the code down, paste it into word and then copy the changed format and paste it back in. YAY! *goes to die in a corner because code is evil*

no slide







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