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Fantasy Within the Core


Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)

Character Sheet

For the character sheet, you must include at least:



Appearance(Preferably anime pictures)




You may add anything else you like, whether it's what your likes or dislikes, your special skills...You may construct your character sheet in any ways you want as long as the basics are included.

If your character sheet has been liked, that means you're officially accepted.

Note that you must PM the admins (me or @Dawnsx) first, or ask to join in the OOC and we'll PM you individually, if you're interested in the roleplay about your character, for there's likely a few things we want to go over first with each of you. Thank you for your understanding.

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Jordan Keisuma

Age: 21



Jordan is most often quiet, stoic and curt in all his responses. Occasionally he will come out of his shell, but only when he comes to trust someone implicitly. He tends to be arrogant, cold and cocky in the way he speaks, but there is a gentler side of him that can be coaxed out with effort. Jordan is knowledgeable, and more able to carry on a civil conversation than he usually feels up to.


Jordan's mind can enter a state of being in which his reaction times, senses, and critical thinking skills are increased by one hundred fold. He can preform movements of the hands and feet at blindingly fast speed, comprehend sensory information in an instant, and be entirely aware of everything around him all at once. This makes small, light weapons of any kind very deadly in his hands, as well as allowing him to dodge, block, jump, flip and perform any other acrobatic feat with perfect precision. Pain and discomfort do very little to interfere with the processes of his accelerated mind. This does nothing to affect his natural strength, or allow him to manipulate or attack in any way beyond the average human's means. It lasts for very short periods of time, minutes at most. Every second, as long to his perceptions as it is, will be vital to him.


Jordan was the son of a Japanese immigrant, his mother, and an american tech mogul, his father. Jordan's father is famous for inventing some of the most widely-used technologies in the world. His multi-billion dollar company, SageCorp., was into some pretty shady research on the side that very few people ever knew about, Jordan being one of them. From an early age, Jordan showed prowess in mathematics and science, languages as well. His early childhood wasn't exactly wonderful. His father rarely was home in time to do anything but sleep, and his mother divorced his father when he was just 6 years old. Jordan's father won the custody battle with his money and influence, leaving his mother with next to nothing. Jordan never saw her again.

Many days, Jordan had the mansion to himself. He felt lonely very often, and found himself looking forward to school just for social interaction. He felt more at home there than in his father's maze of an estate, and his father didn't allow his friends in the mansion because he was certain they'd make messes or break his things. That's all his father cared about as far as Jordan was concerned: his possessions, and his work. Much more than his own son, anyway. Jordan played sports in school, joined activities and kept his schedule as busy as possible in order to keep his mind off things, all the while trying his best to hide his angst from his friends and teachers. Jordan dated several girls in high school but none of the relationships lasted very long; by senior year he'd given up on finding real love. Slowly his friends drifted apart from him too, and one year after graduation it felt as though no one he'd ever cared about knew he existed.

At home, the only thing he could take solace in was his hobbies. He took an early interest in the workings of electronics, and as early as 12 years old he was dismantling, successfully repairing, and tinkering with whatever he could get his hands on. He learned programming as a teenager and became to proficient at coding ,decoding and understand how a program or webpage was set up that he could hack into things easily. So he did. For years, without being caught, he crashed and exposed websites he didn't like, hacked accounts and computers of people at school that bullied him or his friends, and just took his anger out on the denizens of the web. It was better than hurting people, as far as he was concerned, and there was a certain satisfaction in pressing a button on his wrist phone's touchscreen and hearing the hysteria of that asshole team captain as suddenly his cellphone fried on the spot. Of course, his father was wise to his talents but said nothing... in fact he covered up many of his son's potentially incriminating exploits with his technical skills, all so his son could sharpen his skill that his father saw as signs of a bright future with SageCorp. Jordan himself had other ideas, however. With one more risky hack, he stole billions of yen from a secure Japanese bank account, and created a fake, nigh-untraceable Identity for himself. With the money he vanished. He covered his digital tracks, flew to Japan, bought a small, discreet home, and set it up to continue his life's work.

Hacking had become the highlight of his existence, and by nineteen years old he had convinced himself that he needed no one but himself. He lived for the next news scandal revealed by digging up the private emails of some high-life celebrity, or snooping through the private account of non-profit organizations he was sure were corrupt. Sure enough they were, every time. This was his life, he felt like a god behind a keyboard, able to make anything he wanted to happen, happen, bring down the authority figures he saw as evil or corrupted, with the end goal of eventually beating the man who had taught him everything and sending his empire crashing down. Jordan's online handle, Cr1mZoN, slowly became notorious as it was indirectly linked to a high-priority case of cyber-crime, then another, then another. His IP address was never discovered, and the only thing that linked these cases were what happened before the servers shut down for good, damaged beyond repair and unable to ever function again. The screens flashed blindingly bright red, and after the monitors died the words "Cr1mZoN was here" were permanently etched on the screen.

A couple of months before waking up in that strange bleach-white room, Jordan received a very mysterious email that he couldn't get out of his mind for weeks. It was sent by a completely blank address, entirely untraceable. It was almost like whatever device they sent the mail on didn't exist. The first line scared Jordan so thoroughly he didn't touch his computer for weeks. "We know who you are, Jordan Keisuma, and what know what you will do." The rest of the contents were equally surreal, telling him an end was coming but he would be among those to stop it, and other similar cryptic, fantastical quotes. Eventually, Jordan got up the courage to reply, asking who the hell they are and how they got his name. The reply that he received chilled him to his very core.

"Who we are is unimportant. All that matters is we know your true destiny, and one day you shall meet us. Then, and only then, all will be revealed."

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Name: Alexander 'Alex' Hales

Age: 25

Sexuality: Bisexual

Personality: Alexander is a sadistic person, that is his main point. He tends to hide his sadistic personality by his smile. His smile appears friendly and gentle, but it's very much fake. His smile rarely becomes real if he truly cares about a certain person or thing. But if not, he's very much an evil bastard. Although he's really caring and gentle to certain persons only. The falseness of his smile, tends to fade away once he became really pissed or mad. His true nature will show. And he does not like it when he lose



Liquid Manipulation- He have the power to control any liquid substance, manipulate it and/or make any shape he wants of the liquid. For example, he can make a huge flood or a whirlpool. He can also use it to make it possible to hurt someone. He can manipulate any type of liquid, be it his own blood or someone else's. However, his stamina will get affected a lot during the manipulation.

Solidification- Alex have the ability to solidify any form of liquid, may it be blood or someone else's perspiration. Once he solidify it he can form it to any shape, a sharp sword, a bow and arrow, a needle, a shield or anything that can help him during combat. However, he needs to form any type of physical contact to the liquid before he can solidify it. And if he use his own blood, as the liquid for his weapon, it will obviously affect his stamina. Once he combined this with the manipulation he can, send a hundred of flying needles at the same time, or something at that sort.

Bio: Alexander grew up in a pretty rowdy and poor environment. His parents were drug users, and when they are drunk in the illegal medication they usually beat him up. He does not know why his parents do that maybe it's the medication's effect. Which it is. Up til his teenage years, that was the usual scenario, once he goes home from school. He will find his parents in the middle of their house, his mother sniffing some white powder, his father also, with the mix of alcohol. And once they caught sight of Alex, they will devour him. Beat him up until they became satisfied.

Eventually, his parent's way of beating him up may have brushed to him also. One day, he got into a fight with some bully from his school. They fought, and he beat the crap out of the other guy.. horribly, and he found it.. enjoying. From then, before he goes home, he usually starts fight in the darker parts of the city. But those days where soon gone, as he got tired of his parents basically killing him everyday. Once he was legal enough to do things on his own. He left that household, and eventually made his way up the social ladder.


He became a model teacher. The teachers and students in the school he works in, respected him a lot. All he need to do was smile as say some good and kind words to them. And they eventually got drunk from his compliments, that's where he started to think that they are so easy to fool. He find it quite funny and ridiculous. But one time on a short break after one of his lectures,sitting alone in the rooftop,his saying the sadistic stuffs he'd like to do to one of the teacher he hates, he was quite surprise when that certain teacher, was by his side, muttering something.

"The world is... about to change.."

was the words he heard. Realizing that this is what he hates about that teacher, muttering some unnecessary and weird things. But he doesn't really care, he just found it annoying, which he said out loud to the other teacher. And a few days before that happened, the teacher vanished from the school like a dust. And that was long before he woke up in this clear and perfectly white room.
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Sona Avani Ainsworth


Age: 19

Sona is a rather quiet girl, and usually only speaks if spoken to first. When she does speak, she's very polite and uses formal language. It's a habit she'd very much like to get rid of, since she no longer has anyone to impress for her parents. Sona is also very sensitive, and cries easily. It embarrasses her a lot and she usually tries to hold back her tears.

Power: Sona has the ability to alter people's mental state. She can make people feel or think a certain way, gain or erase memories, and etc. She uses it to trick opponents and sometimes to make others do things she wants them to do. The power's effect only lasts for about 1-2 minutes, and it gives her a painful headache for about thirty minutes after the effect is up. When using this power, she must work fast to get the results she wants.


Bio: Sona's mother and father were two of the head magic scientists at one of the research facilities years ago. Sona usually only interacted with her parents at banquets and events for the facility. She often spent time with her older sister, Isabel. Her life was changed completely when Isabel went missing one day. This led to her isolating herself, and rarely speaking. Despite girls trying to become her friends at school, she ignored them. No one could replace Isabel. No one at all. To this day, she wonders if Isabel is alive and well.

Her parents took Isabel's disappearance surprisingly well - that's what happens when you don't take the time to build a bond with your child. They sent out a few search parties, and let it go after only a few weeks. Even then, it seemed like they were only doing it to keep up their reputation. They wouldn't look good if they didn't even bother searching for her. Though they never said it directly, Sona knew their motives and it led to her losing respect for her parents. Sona saw them as nothing but bank accounts around the time she turned 13, only speaking to them to ask for the latest designer clothes and the newest video game consoles.

Sona eventually made a few friends around the time she was 15, and she was very popular at school. Despite her quiet personality, she was admired by many and received many confessions monthly. She didn't particularly dislike the attention, considering she got almost none from her parents. Everything was well until she gained a stalker. She received creepy emails, texts, and even notes in her locker. She decided to go to the police, but nothing could be tracked. Sona eventually chose to do her best to ignore it. Her mansion was heavily guarded anyway, and her parents hired a few bodyguards to protect her when she went out. Everything was going fine until she received an email one day. Assuming it was the stalker, she attempted to delete the email. However, it couldn't be deleted at all. Slightly intrigued, she opened the email. It said only two words:

Be prepared.

Scared, she presented the email to the police and received the same response. It couldn't be tracked. The mansion now had multiple police cars guarding it daily, and even more bodyguards were hired to protect her. She stopped attending school, in fear that one of the students was the stalker and was tutored at home.

This was a few months before she woke up in that strange, white room.

The world was now in ruins, and there was an organization formed to reconstruct the world. Sona was grateful to these people, really, but she had no interest in joining. She was going to find out what happened to her, and why she woke up in that strange white room.
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Ruk Cras

//A Man Who Yearns for the Past//


Appearance Ruk likes to wear little amount of clothing. Other than wearing slightly baggy pants, a collar made of beads and threads cover his neck, his wrists are covered with bead bracelets and mere string-sometimes even gold bangles. Around his forehead is a head ornament with two bronze pieces that connect to arrangements of strings with beads and patterns that tie themselves underneath Ruk's eyes and to the back of his head. He has blue eyes and light colored hair with strands of red in them. If necessary, Ruk covers his body with a black hooded cloak. He also makes sure to carry around his messenger bag which contains his various field notebooks, a telescope for when his eyes fail him, and of course pens to write with.

Age: 23

  • Ruk is quite the talkative one--aside from being very imaginative. He never fails to correct people who mistake the pronunciation of his name ("-- I beg your pardon, it's Rahk Craws. Not Ruckus!"). Of course, he isn't afraid to butt into conversations whenever he sees fit. The raconteur doesn't give a second thought when it comes to defending others and tries his best to support them. He is quick to act, trusting his gut more than his mind and prioritizing his emotions over logic, leading him to get into risky situations more than necessary. When Ruk isn't busy yapping away, he will probably be daydreaming and putting together stories in that chaotic mind of his.

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An explanation would be lovely right about now.



Nil Paagoliik








Elemental Proficiency



> Erebokinesis

Able to control darkness and sometimes solidify it to a certain extent though this takes far more energy.

> Shadow Mimicry

Allows the user to meld themselves with the darkness/shadows nearby. This cannot work in well lit areas and can only be done for around 12 minutes without causing mental fatigue. If not ended before time is up, it switched to sapping to physical energy once mental has been used. This will not only cause a sickly, malnourished appearance, but aging as well.


> Dark Drinker

This causes the user to gain little nutritional value from food and drink, and must be in total darkness to regenerate well-being, small wounds, and energy. Meditation can hasten the process.

> Creature of the Night

A strong dislike of sunlight as well as night vision and a general better well-being from dusk till dawn.

> Unholy

Extremely susceptible to anything of holy origin such as a church or temple, blessed water, and light magic. Not so much a dramatic burning, but feeling really awkward, uncomfortable, and a piercing pain.



Nil isn't all that special, rather having her head in a book reading about something then actually doing it. Her studious nature caused her to become quite serious and rather intelligent though never lacking in a physical, emotional, as well as mental backbone.


Nil, at a younger age was just like any other child. Happy, go lucky without a single care in the world. Well, that was soon to change. At the age of 16 she had been driving her younger brother, August, home from practice. They had been arguing as sibling do, but it got heated. And just as she turned and took her focus off the road to scream at him some more, she had failed to notice the truck that had gotten into their lane somehow slam into them head on. This ended with August's death and a depressed Nil from that moment forward.

As mentioned previously, Nil had fallen into a bit of a depression. Not only from the fact that the suffocating weight of guilt was upon her shoulders, as well as the blame from some family members. It was quite rough, receding from most forms of social interaction for some time. This is when her love of literature and knowledge developed. Reading anything and everything from scientific theories to bedtime stories.

Much, much later. Nil had been staring at her computer screen. Trying to find some form of employment that wasn't sketchy when she had received an email.


Not long after reading this and taking it as an elaborate, disgusting hoax, she awoke in the room. First startled by how bleached of color it was. But that was more or less a minor reaction, taking her appearance into account.

Coding By | @StoneWolf18
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So I have powers huh? Interesting.

no slide no slide no slide no slide


5' 5"


135 pounds

Written Appearance

Ramona is a slender woman with very little meat on her bones. Her diet consisting of only fruits, beans and vegetables has left her healthy and skinny. Some people wonder how she has an ample chest when the rest of her is so slim.


Elemental Proficiency




Able to control water in all states and shapes. Controlling water in living things takes a great deal of effort however.

*Living Water*

Ramona can turn into water in any of the three states, so long as the environment is permitting. (Aka, she can't turn into solid water if it's 200 degrees Fahrenheit around her.) This is very tiring and has some risk when changing back into human.



Ramona is flexible and more understanding than people believe. She tends to move like water and go with the flow, constantly changing to fit what's needed of her. Her personality comes off as very directed and business oriented. She just wants to do what she can while she can do it.


"To be honest, I don't remember much about my life. It's as if they're pieces missing to the puzzle of who I am. I remember just a few things. The first is obviously my name. It was the same name as my mother and I'm thankful for it. The next thing I remember was when I was eighteen. It was when my parents divorced. They let me know that it had been awhile since they had fallen out of love, but I was already aware. Deciding to not pit them against each other I left the country to live on my own.

Then there is my life I started. I opened my own cafe with the help of some friends. I don't remember where I met them or how I grew close. It was a shop that did fairly well. The people there spoke about some interesting things. The spoke about powers, the supernatural and other topics. I never really paid them much mind as I was enjoying myself being independent and free. It was a fun life. Then there was some kind of explosion.

When I woke up later, the same people that had been at my cafe were speaking to me. They spoke about potential and how I could do amazing things. It was rather weird and I just took the fact that I was alive as a miracle. I left them with smiles saying that I'd talk to them more about the situation when I was feeling better. Now I've woken up in a room that's more plain and sanitary than a hospital. It's terrifying."

Code by | @StoneWolf18



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Evelyn Whelan



22 years




  • Soft-spoken isn’t quite the word to use for a woman of Evelyn’s temperament, nor should her calm demeanor be taken at face value. Though she might seem mature beyond her years and inherently levelheaded, there’s no denying the less agreeable sides to the woman’s nature. Point in case, Evelyn is a regular spitfire who doesn’t hesitate to speak her mind and put people in their place. This, coupled with an iron will, corrosive tongue and harsh manner of dealing with people when angered ensures that she only stops when she wants to. When it comes to stubbornness, it’s only the tip of the iceberg as far as she’s concerned.Nonetheless, Evelyn is steadfastly loyal to those she places her trust in. More often than not, she finds herself lending a shoulder to cry on or offering emotional support to others. It might seem a little strange considering her volatile temper, but the woman has always prided herself in being an active listener.


Female/Age 18

This young girl lost her parents days before the explosion fifteen years ago. After the tragedy though, a scientist found her and took her in. Gilda, though disheartened at first, eventually found a new family among the organization. All of the members raised and cared for her with love, and she soon grew into the jovial girl that she is today. For her, the organization and the people within it are her utmost priorities, and she will do all that she can to support her dearest family.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.png.1db6acd463d5e656e0da47d0a58c4f42.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="102055" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.png.1db6acd463d5e656e0da47d0a58c4f42.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Diana Elise Devereux




Diana really isn't anything special. At least, she doesn't think so. She's quiet and tries to be unassuming though her striking appearance doesn't help. Diana is a bit clueless about most things but tries her best to help by demurely suggesting answers to the problem. Outwardly, she seems to be easily influenced yet retains her views wholeheartedly on the inside. Diana's good with children and you can tell from her constantly calm demeanor, endless

patience, agreeable personality and hatred of fights. As far as romance goes, the young woman is definitely not going to face her feelings head on instead acting coy and waiting for the other person to approach her.


Diana was born and raised in the slums of Kingston, Jamaica. Her mother, Demetria, was only 17 and her father, Jaxon left when she was six months old. The first ten years of Diana’s life were lived in extreme poverty. Her “home” was a small shack which housed six people, Diana, her mother, her grandmother and her three aunts. The whole family had dark hair. golden eyes and a curvy yet petite stature so it was easy to see why the younger members of the family, excluding Diana, were involved in prostitution. One of Demetria’s “clients” was an American businessman and drug dealer, Ashton Viterro. Ashton became infatuated with her mother's physical appearance, got to know her and soon became fell in love with her for who she was. Their affairs were a secret until one day ten year old Diana was told to pack up for they were suddenly moving to America.

The difference between the upper-middle class lifestyle she was living and her past dwelling was and still is shocking. However, Diana did her best to immerse herself in the American culture. Her thick accent, broken English and unfamiliarity with how most technology works made it hard too. Despite all this, she did her best to get the best out of the situation by mainly focusing on her education and gymnastics. Still, Ashton's influence on her life did come with some cons. Yes, he did enjoy her company and they had occasional "father-daughter" getaways but it didn't do anything to avert the fact she was an attractive girl around much older and much more dangerous men. Her parents tried to shield her from harassment but Diana got several odd catcalls from her Ashton's partners. The weirdest one was from a gentleman who slipped her a note one day, the paper saying "you'll shape the world in a form no one's seen before". Confused, she crumpled it up and ran away. If only Diana payed more attention.


Cursed Electricity Manipulation:

"User can create, shape and manipulate the darker, destructive and consuming aspects of lightning, which ignores the limitations and weaknesses of normal lightning. Black lightning not only discharges energy, it shocks and destroys everything it touches, including regular and white lightning"

-Powerlisting Wikia -

Technological Corruption:

User can destroy certain technological pieces of information or infect the device with "disease" of some sort which will eat away at the data on said device. This takes a large amount of practice and time depending on the amount of damage needed to be done. Fry the whole thing ? Easily done in a few minutes. Go after a specific piece of info buried deep within the system ? There better be time to spare. User can also do this on accident and in times even the slightest emotional distress, should be kept out of range from electrical items.

Dark Lightning "Cursed Electricity" Manipulation:

This ability comes naturally but is extremely difficult to control. Aiming at a certain target takes a extensive amount of practice and concentration considering dark lightning was made to cause the most amount of destruction possible. The more one gains in power, they lack in emotional stability thus being able to be around electrical devices or cope in some situations.

Shock Value:

Black Lightning takes a lot of energy so user is always hungry. Thankfully, they are able to draw energy from other direct electrical sources like electrical sockets or being shocked.



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Name: Aiden C. Walker

Age: 18


Personality: walker is short tempered, aggressive,and hard to talk to sometimes,but in truth he is actually a very caring and protective person. He is just very...defensive,about his personal life.

Power: terrakinetic-Walker is able manipulate minerals,from simple rock like like limestone and sulfur, to metal like tin,and even iron, to a degree,from simply lifting and moving large boulders, to launching smaller ones at high speed.(size influences velocity.the smaller the stone,the harder it hits) He is able to mold rock into basic shapes, and do the same to metal. However, any attempt to manipulate metal of any kind is incredibly draining,and is done rarely.

Techtonic sense-as long as he has some connection to the ground,Walker can feel movement also on the ground. Granted it varies. An elephant would be far more noticable than a mouse,therefore a mouse requires more focus to locate. Distance from the natural ground is also a factor. If he is,say in a tall building, he has much more trouble sensing things nearby,in comparison to being at ground level. Being underground can be overwhelming,as he is sensing from all directions and he can have trouble focusing on one area.

Techtonic strength-while stationary on the ground,walker can tap into the natural forces underneath the earths crust,redirecting the energy of the techtonic plates movements to his advantage. In short,when standing still,he uses the earths natural forces to give himself incredible strength,but only when he is planted on solid ground.

Bio: Walker was born to a simple family in the middle of Oklahoma, in a small town called Haskell. He spent his days helping his grandfather working cattle and tilling fields with his grandmother. He was a scrawny little thing, almost sickly in appearance, and never stood out much compared to others in his class. He was never the intimidating type, or the type that got into fights. No, he was the one who always got bullied. He was too quiet to defend himself, or speak up to the teachers. And thats always how it happened. Every day he went to school, got picked on and bullied for being part of an 'old ways' family, went home, and worked the fields. Every day. It wasn't his fault. His family had always been in the farming business. It still made good money, but it was an easy target. Most had business firms and manufacturing work, and yet he always came to school in dirt stained jeans, worn from work. Aiden was never focused on anything other than keeping out of the way. He never noticed the friend he had made...

The boy was a fellow victim,but always watched out for him. He can't really say how they became friends. It must have been something to do with being victim's to the same group.

They became unspoken brothers,in a way. One would do what ever it took for the other,and they kept each other strong, always there to comfort the other when they were down.

Sadly it was not to last. One day the boy he cared so much for had had enough.

They pushed him to far. They decided to make an example of him, and what better way then to beat him with the tools his only friend, Aiden used every day. He was Finished.



The boy ended his life that night, a belt tied around his throat, leaving only a letter to aiden,with only one line written on the blank paper.

"Protect them"

The teen cried himself to sleep that night, and he wouldn't wake for years to come...
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Name: Baransu [Ba-Nan-Su] Jo Witway

Age: Twenty-Three

Gender: Male

Mental Health: Prey to anxiety and stress.

Physical Health: Weakened immune system due to medications he takes.

Personality: His forlorn stare and solemn disposition is quick to make people think of Baransu as a loner type. By certain factors they are not far off. A life of challenge as a young kid he is always one to push people away, to avoid one day being pushed himself. Not very quick tongued he tends to keep his words simple and agreeable to avoid confrontation. Keeping much of his thoughts locked away.

But underneath that he is analytic and curious, sometimes overly so. Usually his precise actions tend to serve as a better representation of how he feels versus what he says out loud. When forced in a group situation he tends not to contribute much, though will do as directed to avoid any trouble.

The only time he seems to come aglow is when someone talks of a subject of interest. In most cases this is either ecology science or his favorite authors.



He was born with the name Baransu which means balance in Japanese. Maybe it was his mother's clever way of placing her hopes on her newborn child on bringing about such balance in her chaotic life. Born as a child of lust in a loveless marriage Baransu was always at odds in his life. His mother, Hana a Japanese immigrant, and his father, Joe an American business man, were always arguing about how things should run in the family. On many occasions he took both his parents verbal abuse, commonly being made to hold the weight of being the cause of their woes. Hearing it throughout his whole childhood he naturally believed them and felt he had something to repent for by being born. He felt his namesake was something he had to meet up to.

School served to do little to stir up his academic aspersions. His fellow peers commonly used his 'odd' name as a way to mock and tease him. His parents had done much in the way of forcing him to be obedient and as such did little to stop his attackers. His quite disposition did little to stop the harassment and only served to make him a larger target. Even with his teachers showing him respect and kindness he could never take it to heart as they were adults. Adults being people he was simply meant to show unquestionable respect and obedience too. His grades reflected him to be a student of higher learning, but his hard work was the result of the fear of causing trouble. Something he had deeply set in his mind to avoid.

Around the time of his parents's divorce was when he experienced his first heavy anxiety attack, more were to ensue through the following months. The act of his parent's marriage being legally broken served to deeply stress Baransu as he felt he was surely the cause. When his parents officially split apart he was to live with his mother, never to see his father again. It did little to improve his case as he was forced to take on new responsibilities quite suddenly. To help his mother take care of apartment bills he took on two part-time jobs, and consequently had to balance that with extensive school work. It was around this time that his doctor labeled him as chronically depressed and placed him on strong anti-depressants. His mother thought Baransu was simply faking it for sympathy. He was only half way through middle school at that point.

Life continued down a similar path for him until he got into high school. His pills and favorite authors served to get Baransu through the tough points in his life. Once in High School and only one step from adulthood a new stress latched onto his mind. What is he suppose to do with himself? The question was so broad in its scope that there should have been many options open to him thanks to his quality work as a student. But for Baransu he had no hopes and no dreams, just the aspiration to live up to his name. The same aspiration that pushed him into so many pits in his life. In this light he went to his mother to seek some sort of enlightenment. Instead he received resentment as his mother felt it wasn't her problem to deal with.

He felt aimless for the first time in his life. The stressed he had placed himself under was never for himself, but to keep up with the undying expectations people placed upon his shoulders. Now he had to ask himself where those expectations have measured up to for him. Even with his chance to gain further education in a prestigious college Baransu decided it wasn't worth it. To keep his mother happy, if it were even possible, he would simply pick up a third job along with more hours once he graduated High School. Through his logic having one high paying job wasn't worth the effort if three low paying jobs would cover the financial issues at home.

So the day came when he graduated High School with some of the highest honors. For him it meant more gloss on a resume. A few more years passed and life grew steadily more predictable for Baransu. Work, eat, and sleep were the definitive parts of his day. One day he would come to receive an odd e-mail that he could have never logically deduced the true value of.

Send New Email
New Email Received

Balance in a new world

You have been scouted out as someone that can save the world. Bring balance to it. One day things will suddenly change for you. On that day know it us and that there is little to fear. We look forward to meeting you.

For Baransu he simply thought it a misdirected e-mail since it originated from an unknown sender. Thinking little of the odd message he deleted it without a wavering thought.


Core Resonator


His ability is quite unique in how in conducts itself. When a creature with a core meets its end it'll interact with Baransu's core before it dissipates. This can happen with any organism regardless of the core's condition, but its death must happen within a certain distance of him. The intermingling between the two cores results in heavy physical strain for Baransu, but more importantly it connects the two beings briefly in his sub-consciousness. Here he is able to communicate with the deceased organism directly for around a few minutes.

Following this Baransu falls prey to more physical strain as an object starts to take form in his stomach. Eventually he will consecutively puke out a palm sized blue orb. The exact nature of the orb isn't known beyond the fact that it enhances the holder's core abilities and gives off a familiar heat.

Death Side Chat: Is capable of communicating with the recently deceased.

Orb Indigestion: After "Death Side Chat" will produce a "Core Orb".

Lingering Aura: If Baransu interacted with a dead organism that had an awakened core he'll temporarily gain their full abilities. After this duration of time he'll still have the abilities, but they will be consecutively weaker then they were for the original owner.

Core Orb: The orb in question produces the affect of enhancing the holders own unique core attributes. Over using the orb itself will cause it to shatter releasing a pulse of energy that quickly subsides.

Healing Touch: If Baransu is given time he is able to heal the injuries of others through empowering their core. He could in theory bring a person back from the brink of death, but in turn bring himself to death's door.

Core Manipulation: By properly concentrating he can suppress other being's cores by force. This results in the target losing the abilities their core gives them for as long as Barasu is exerting this force.

Orb Shards: When a core orb is broken its leave shards behind. While not as effective as the core itself these shards can enhance the holder's abilities.

Over Receptive: When over three organisms die within Baransu's range it results in unexpected consequences.

Name: Mark Plier

Age: 26

Gender: Male

Appearance (Image):

Appearance (Description): Red long hair, pale skin, slim frame, non muscular, yellow irises. Mark can often be seen wearing black or red, usually a hoodie with jeans. In fact he is always wearing jeans weather in the blistering heat, freezing cold or even to bed. Contrary to the picture he does not actually paint his fingernails.

Personality: Mark Plier is an introverted man, and often enjoys solitude, or interaction with people over long distances. He enjoys games and psychology, and has a soft spot for people he thinks of as damaged. He is polite, but can sometimes have a cruel or dark sense of humour that might weird or anger some people. When Mark likes someone though he can become quite attached and will do almost anything for them, even if it puts his own life in danger.

History: Mark grew up in a mundane setting where everything was normal and okay. Nothing felt real to him, he had to go to school, get a job, follow the rules, lather rinse repeat. He hated this and sought any form of escape, and he would often do this in the form of video games. Hours upon hours were spent losing himself in the virtual worlds that were created by massive gaming companies, and indie developers. Mark passed school with average grades despite having a sizeable intellect, his only problem being lack of motivation. Mark didn't pay many people much attention, not even his family. He did however save up enough money to go to college and taking up writing and psychology, he became a councillor, helping people deal with life troubles an mental illness without the need of medication.

Mark spent four year in college learning about psychology, and mental health so that he could help people. Despite being heavily introverted he had a soft spot for what he would consider damaged people, that and he secretly loved hearing other peoples secrets and problems, it made him feel like he was trusted. Coolege is also where he started taking a serious interest in his education, and went from playing games twenty four seven, to only a few hours a day. He actually started doing his work, and studied whenever he was in the mood. He passed school with flyer colours and was soon hired to be a counsellor even at a young age. He had plenty of experience with mental illness given his own depression so it was easy for him to learn and relate to people who had been going through the same or similar thing.

Fifteen years ago though Mark had got a new patient, Mark had thought they had been suffering from acute paranoia, or possible schizophrenia because of what they said. They kept talking about how the world was going to change for the worse, and that Mark would be involved in it somehow, that it was going to be up to him and several others to change the world either for the better or the worse, the fate of the world depended on it. Mark had never saw that patient again, but it turns out that what he said was true.

Sexual Orientation: Gay as can be

Power: Advance chromatophores. This ability resides in his skin and it's unique ability to change shape, density and colour. This ability is as versatile as Mark likes it to be. He can change the shape and density in his finger tips for example to become sharp fleshy blades like daggers capable of piercing skin and even thin sheets of metal. He can also camouflage himself to become near invisible in an setting. Moving will make this power less effective, but if standing still even in broad day light it can be nearly impossible to see him without technology or careful observation. He can also change the toughness of his skin so that he can take more heavy blows, becoming hard enough so that even a bullet 9mm bullet would have a difficult time killing him. He still feels most of the force, but it's useful in protecting himself.

Summery: Mark Plier is a gay male with a knack for psychology and games, he's introverted but enjoys helping people. His power his unique skin cells that allow him to be harder to see, harder to kill and more deadly depending on how he wants to use it.

(I hope this is good, and sorry I don't know any code.)

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