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Wise Fox (girl x girl)


~Hella Gay~
Adelaida ran quick I can't use my powers here I'll burn the whole woods down, their after me I'll just run and hide. She thought as she elegantly ran in her fox form bobbing and weaving through the trees. It was a cold winter night snow already dusting the Shotanoa ground she saw a light ahead. Adelaida ran to the light it was a small village she climbed up the steps of the cabin clawing at the door. Please open up hurry, hurry!
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((I'm looking for a partner so yeah? Sorry I'm new to this website not sure how different it is from others.))
(( you should PM me then xD and we can become roleplay buddies because im searching for one right now ))
((I can't pm cause I just joined there's a 24 hour wait period.))

((But I'd still love to be rp partners!))
(( alright that works. Idk ive been on this website for atleast 24 hours and the 10 post thing it still won't let me PM do you want me to make another thread and we can plan a roleplay there? ))

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