(WIP) The Dark-Mother: The Third of the First Circle


Dreams and Opportunities



"Do you know what happens to mortals at the end their life? The light fades from their eyes to be replaced with darkness. Come now, embrace your Mother." 


The Dark Mother :   Azura Nocturnis 


Age : 78,666


Genderless : Feminine 


Domain of Darkness and Shadow


Circle One


Chaotic Good Alignment



Azura is a benevolent demon with a better-than-average heart and a free spirit. She oft disrupts the demonic order and punishes mortals those who do well for themselves on account of another’s pain. She has a very strong sense of “everyone is bad and should be punished,” but she doesn’t act upon it and her ‘teachings’ profess that she gives people forgiveness in exchange for their souls. These followers are then husks that do her bidding to spread even more darkness. In away, she’s like some sort of sxy boogieman or something. 


    Her “kindness" is often defined as a weakness, but she is not kind without reason and it is more pity than kindness. This façade is only a lure and sultry seduction of sweet whispered nothings.  To persuade her victim,  to perhaps, make a deal to obtain their soul through more honest means than devouring them outright or tearing then from their vessels. The Demonic isn’t exactly the most pro-violence as it is too wrathful and energy-fueled  while she herself is more a a lulling and sonorous being unless another creature attempts to coerce or intimidate her in which she’ll waste you with no problems or questions asked.. 


 The Dark Mother makes her own way, and acts as her conscience directs her with little regard for what others expect of her. Azura follows only her own moral compass, which is usually a good thing, is bad for her as it does not bode well with the daemon society. Her servants and worshippers on the other hand, exalt this as much as they can for they well treated and well rewarded for their submission and loyalty.


    Azura believes rightness, but dislikes rules, laws, and regulations. Just because she believes rightness does not mean she believes in goodness as no one is truly free of sin. However, these things aren’t defined by her in black in whites, but rather shades of grey. Defining these shades are typically done by examining motives. Though unlike most demons, Azura only accepts contracts and deals that are done on the account of another party. Though she does make exceptions if the offer is succulent enough.





Weapons: She wields none. 



Problem Solver

Critical Thinker


Handles Pressure

Strong Leadership




Coldtouch -> Black substances (like say clothes) naturally absorb heat. Same for Azura, only the black magic and her shadows absorb heat and reverse it to be as equally cold as it had been previously hot. Isn't uncommon for the land/people/plants to go into shock or freeze solid and crack apart into shards. These make for some entertaining 3-D puzzles tho.  When there are volcanic areas and this is used, it is like the coldness of space. As a side affect of using the magic, the area around Azura is permanently cold.


Body Morph -> Azura can manipulate multiple aspects of physical herself to take on the beastial traits of her 'Inner Demon' ability, including size. While partially morphed, she is completely tangible, but if she injured her physical form will 'poof' into a cloud of smoke, reforming into her natural demonic self. Normally, she has draconic horns and tail, capable of running someone through if need be. 


DarkSong -> When Azura is humming, or singing in anyway, she activates a special magic she has crafted that allows her to manipulate shadows to make them physical instead of sources of non-light. And to think your parents said to never be afraid of the dark. Particularly when your own shadow can betray you. This magic wears off after a time, but depending on the size of the shadow activated, it typically doesn't matter, considering everyone has a shadow, save for the Dark Mother herself.  




Shadow-Gift -> Due to her domain and natural disposition, Azura is naturally intangible and resembles smoke or textured glass and she cannot be physically hurt (excluding divine/holy items) in this state as it is a spiritual-based form. With magic, she can become tangible to interact with the physical world. She cannot feel physical pain in this state, as she is literally solidified air particles. 

Inner Demon -> If Azura so chooses, she can become a great dragon with huge wings far greater than proportional norm. These wings can cover a grand amount of land to instill fear and spread her darkness / influence. This form is temporary, but very primal and feral. She has no control of the beast she becomes and rarely uses this form in it’s entirety, only aspects such as the wings. Though the form always shows through on her typical form as a warning for those in her vicinity the power she wields via tail & horns. The beast can fluctuate between intangibility and tangibility.  

Soul-Stealer -> If a human is in a non-normal state of mind / in great pain / failed to hold deal, then she’ll kiss them in someway, and take their soul. For those she pities, orphaned children / broken men the death is painless, and they see for a moment, their loved ones before permanently becoming one with the deceptive demon. For those who caused her rife in anyway will be punished in severity and will experience something akin to being exposed to a nuclear bomb. Their skin with bubble and steam with boils and pustules that’ll burst and smell. Then their skin sloughs off as they tear at their body in pain, their scream gaining no reaction from the false goddess. Their eyes will melt out of their skull into discolored fluids that’ll dribble down their face. Their organs will quiver and dissolve, their owners tearing their own abdomen’s open to release the building pressure. Such is the way the sinful are punished. 


A storm is loosed upon the sea,

Whose eye is stained with tears. 


A wretch Hell-bound and bent on blood,

The makings of the fearful’s fears. 


The tide, it stole away her grace,

The depths, they wouldn't claim her.


A toil begat by father's blood.

This path was laid before her.


Redemption borne by brigand's blood

A blight upon the darkness.


The pact embraced, a road unsought 

The Maiden of Death won't be unwrought. 


Her wrath is known throughout the black, 

The gardens of death she’s tending.


Vengeance is her only ward. 

Beware the blood red rose's thorn.
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I think she means she is the fourth and therefore the last lord, but slot number 3 is still up for grabs. Like Marx is the first and most influential in Hell, Kharn is the second and the largest/tankiest demon in existence (excluding this final form of Azura's) and Azura is the fourth and most... Well, idk really. She's apparently independent from the normal demon values and she looks like she can hold up in a fight against any of us other Lords. She's... the mother of the group? xD

But anyways-

She's apparently independent from the normal demon values and she looks like she can hold up in a fight against any of us other Lords. She's... the mother of the group? xD

But anyways-


She's not actually the mother of the group, it's more of the mentality / persona she uses when claiming souls. It's like a forgiving mother tutting motherly thing -> tba in history //// rip 


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