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Fandom (WIP) One Peice: In Search of the Forbidden Fruits

[QUOTE="Leo Radomir]i'll drop out because i like to multi char in rp but best of luck

That's cool.
[QUOTE="Wild Imagination]That's cool.

i'll leave it up to you if you want Mai to have the fruit your looking for in her bag. i'll come up with an explanation on how she got it if you wanna go that way.
[QUOTE="Shiro kurogane]i'll leave it up to you if you want Mai to have the fruit your looking for in her bag. i'll come up with an explanation on how she got it if you wanna go that way.

Hmmm. Sure. I wanna go that route. Guru was too hard to try and roleplay anyway. Maybe at some point she'll attempt to eat it and Skulley will go bat shit crazy.
[QUOTE="Wild Imagination]Hmmm. Sure. I wanna go that route. Guru was too hard to try and roleplay anyway. Maybe at some point she'll attempt to eat it and Skulley will go bat shit crazy.

alright, but i kinda already know what fruit i wanted for Mai. but i let you decide. im not picky
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[QUOTE="Shiro kurogane]alright, but i kinda already know what fruit i wanted for Mai. but i let you decide. im not picky

Oh that's fine. Everyone's been so ready to just let me do whatever. You guys can make decisions too. She doesn't have to eat it. I just meant that she doesn't just give it up.
[QUOTE="Wild Imagination]Oh that's fine. Everyone's been so ready to just let me do whatever. You guys can make decisions too. She doesn't have to eat it. I just meant that she doesn't just give it up.

alrighty then, i'll work the fruit to be needed for the same reason as the bag full of gold... (to be revealed) (} :) )
Wild Imagination] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/25837-shiro-kurogane/ said:
@Shiro kurogane[/URL]
@Zy That Guy

I also think we should slow down some everyone can catch up in the story and post (:
okay, then i'll hold off on posting for a bit then.
Is like to introduce Nikolai by having him attack the crew...as a test to see if they are indeed a pirate crew worthy of his time. :D

@Wild Imagination
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Alphaius said:
Is like to introduce Nikolai by having him attack the crew...as a test to see if they are indeed a pirate crew worthy of his time. :D
@Wild Imagination
xD that would be fun to see... but Mai would use the opening you create to run. since she has the fruit Skulley is after. xD so im all for it.
Zy That Guy]So let's figure that out so we can keep going [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/25837-shiro-kurogane/ said:
@Shiro kurogane[/URL]
originally, i was gonna have Mai get hammered while she and Zeshin were getting to know each other. have her spill the reason for why she needs so much gold along with the devil fruit. Then idk from there...
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Zy That Guy]Then Zeshin could say join us and we'll help you get that money if you hand over the Devil Fruit [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/25837-shiro-kurogane/ said:
@Shiro kurogane[/URL]
thats works. :3
[QUOTE="Shiro kurogane]thats works. :3

I like it! I've been waiting on you guys yo decided what it is you want to do... And this sounds good.
[QUOTE="Wild Imagination]I like it! I've been waiting on you guys yo decided what it is you want to do... And this sounds good.

lets get back to the rp
Two questions:

One, is blacksmith available?

And two, are we require to have MASSIVE knowledge one piece? I know basic concepts and seen a few episodes.
I Can answer those

Blacksmith still available

I mean basic knowledge what a Devil Fruit is the known races as of now that's about it @Wild Imagination will tell you anything else you need to know

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