Wings Choriste


Ten Thousand Club
Wings Choriste

Wings Choriste




Identifying Features

  • Rather unusually, is often surrounded by flitting butterflies.

  • Also, quite pretty, with porcelain skin and delicate features.

  • Is often seen wearing adorably cute, and designer outfits.

  • Pristine, elegantly flowing, sultry, silky pink-blonde hair.



Wings often is set up for concerts, or other various locales, and gigs. Her work takes her around Astrophel, but primarily keeps her to the 'richer' side in the West. She rarely finds herself booked in anything near East Astrophel. Concerts she's performed in are primarily low-lit stages, with various colored electrical (tagigite) lights, providing entrancing flair to her performances. Though, with the recent tagigite shortage, she's been finding herself booked for performances far less technologically stimulating. In these instances, her performances stop from being wild, techno, alternative, rock, peppy pop songs, to slower, softer melodies, with various illuminating lyrics, that hold special meaning for those in attendance. Stirring emotions like togetherness, love, peace, warmth, nostalgia, empathy, and compassion.

In other words, Wings not only provides entertainment, but her words and her lyrics are sang with such conviction, that they hold deep, significant human and moral value.

Home life

Wings's life at home, is -to be frank, quite simple and easy. She is an only child, and lives with her family, although her father is rarely around. He's quite busy with city planning and such. He married into the Choriste family. Though, he's not home often, she still has a strong relationship with him. Her mother, on the other hand, is home often (and is around Wings a lot, if possible). It was her mother that helped her get into the singing business. For, Wings was basically born to sing, with a beautiful voice that has the ability to motivate emotional response from those listening in. Following, in her mother's line of work, Wings has found herself singing from a young age, bringing joy to people's lives.

Her mother, though, used to sing with very little technological advancements to aid her. No grand stadiums, or stages, with beautiful rainbow lights, or amps, or back-up singers, or instruments. No, her mother would sing in more modest locales, using nothing but her charming voice to make people hear and find some enjoyment and fulfillment in her lyrics.

Anyway, her mother now, acts sort of like her agent, booking gigs, and shows for her daughter. Providing her outfits, and giving her to others, to be prepped for the shows she performs. Wings always went along with these very amicably, with no complaints. Her father always made her concerts, applauding the beauty his daughter could bring from her mythical voice.

Her home itself, is rather quaint and cozy. Despite having a bit more money than some others (as a singer she makes quite a lot in comparison), her family lives quite modestly. Neither her father, nor her mother ever really splurge (unless it's randomly for like a gift or something), only spending cash when they need to. Their home is a two story building, with other homes around it, in some subdivision within Astrophel. So, Wings, despite being a famous singer, lives on a street with other regular kids in their normal homes. She has a room that seems quite usual for a teenage girl, with little oddities here and there, sure, but nothing super out of the ordinary. (Aside from outfits and her musical sheets, for a singer).

Due to the religion the family practices, there is a unique path in their backyard. It is lightly dusted with soft sand, leading to a small little shrine. This shrine, is where gifts can be placed, and the practitioner will kneel here. Usually, at night. This is where prayers are held for the religion, asked of their goddess: Lethe'huu'ax.


Wings is an intriguing young girl. She is a prominent singer, that is quite adored by the older generation, but more famous, and admired by the younger generation that she is from. Her songs resonate with the older generation, but are usually sung in a style that is aimed for the youth. She doesn't really do this on purpose. Or at least, not for any deceptive purposes. She wants her music to reach all ears, no matter who they are. The girl finds herself easier to relate to the younger generation (and they relate to her, too), but that does not stop her from reaching out to those before her. Using music, she aims to show her inner feelings, which she does not express well on her own.

With music, she is seen as an idol. She dances about, moving beautifully, like a glittering river mid-morn. Like a rainbow, she expresses her lovely voice in entrancing song, that endears all who hear to her. In this way, Wings is a very lively, and expressive individual. It is hard to match her energy, actually, up on stage. She truly pops with life, color, and vigor.

However, conversely, and almost paradoxically Wings, outside of singing, is a complete 180 with her personality. She doesn't express any vitality, or any excitement. She speaks flatly, and simply, finding it tough to voice thoughts, emotions, or feelings. She is quite the monotone girl, dull and aside-from-appearance not all that attractive. Her demeanor is more simple, as she just meanders about, with very little aim to where she is going. Her face, when not on stage, holds an obvious aloofness, and indirection.

Unimaginative, Wings doesn't seem to understand humanity, or people in general. When she is left to interact with others, she tries, then fails, and ends up feeling frustrated inwardly. Even, that irritation is not expressed well. Flustered, and befuddled, the girl is quite socially inept. Her lackluster attitude is dismal, and disappointing. So she refrains from getting close to fans, knowing she is off-putting off the stage. It is quite a conundrum, how a girl so beautiful, so radiant, and so captivating, can be so vacuous, so witless, and so mindless off the mic.

Religious view

Religion: Issu unn Duun'e: Walk with the Night

  • People that practice the religion that Wing is apart of are often called 'Issulaths'. Though, this particular religion isn't broadcasted, and its followers do not seek out others to join, so its practices are mostly secretive. However, if you do know this religion, then you should be familiar with the term. It means Night Walker or 'Ones of the Dark', on occasion.

  • The religion itself, is specifically called 'Issu unn Duun'e', meaning: 'Walk with the Night'.

  • This faith is lead by the Almighty Queen of the Night: Lethe'huu'ax. If you were to go back to find the meaning of the specific language used in this religion, you would discover her name's meaning is this: Bright Star on the Path of Dark.

  • In this religion, its practitioners believe that the afterlife is visible above, and that stars are people's souls, passed on. They believe in loyalty, respect, and warmth of kinship. It is a religion (despite its connotations with the Night and darkness) that promotes the better part of humanity. Acceptance, tolerance, and serenity are cornerstones in this faith. This tends to be a tad confusing, so if brought up, a lot of people are initially turned off, upon first hearing about the religion.

  • Darkness (Night in specific), tranquility, stars, and spirits of ancestors, as well as forests, are all prominent imagery and themes, within this religion.

  • There is a practice, that they know as 'The Walk'. It is when one is ready to meet the afterlife. Where an Issulath, humbly, walks off into the night, disappearing into a forest. To find their life ebb away. It is believed, that their Walk continues up in the stars above, where they are eternally able to look down upon those loved ones left below; joining Lethe'huu'ax in the 'Eternal Night'. Which is, 'Ift'duune'huu', in this particular language. (It translates more literally as Eternal Night Path).

  • 'The Path of Stars' -'Eth'huu'- is just the term used to describe what is visually above at night. All those stars are the ancestors deemed worthy in this religion, to join their queen above.

  • A myth that once persisted, was the fact that Issulaths had unusual skin colors. From dark blues, to purples, to even dark greens. It was assumed they were darker people, considering their affinity for the darkness (Night). This same myth was proceeded with the fact that they were assumed to be a cult. That existed for evil, darkness, and shadowy ideals. Which, couldn't be farther from the truth.

  • The Nadir, in this religion, are actually called 'Issuvon'. Or Mishaped Walkers. The explanation the religion has for them, is those that have attempted to enter the Eternal Night, but through nefarious means, with ill-intentions, and dark inner selves. In this, they were punished by the Almighty Queen herself, and were sent back, that ugliness inside, now on the outside for all to see their treachery at attempting to walk the Eternal Night.

  • Midheavens, until recently, were an anomaly to the Issu unn Duun'e. For none of its transcripts seemed to describe a powerful race of beings that existed here in this world. Eventually, a few sparks of tales were found and released (or so it's said). So, Issulaths now know of Midheavens as 'Ter'exx uhn vuune'huur'. Meaning 'Warriors of Elsewhere'. (Actually, it is translates more literally to Fight People of Far Paths of Earth). This means that the faith does not exactly discern why there are powerful beings of magic within the world. Nor has "Lethe" (as she is abbreviated to often) explained why. Instead, it explains that Midheavens are just powerful people of the earthly plain, and are not described in the Walk with the Night.


There is a religion in Astrophel, called 'The Followers of Kara'. Lead by a goddess of primordial darkness. Who's followers believe that enveloped the entire world, before the discovery of tagigite. Those same followers celebrated the sacredness of the night (similarly to Issulaths, but unlike them), as well as certain, darker evils, and thoughts. With the ultimate goal of returning the world to a 'purer', more 'natural' state.

Due to the shadowy inclination of both religions's followers, Issu unn Duun'e is often assumed to be associated with Kara, and her extremist religion. It is hard to alleviate this nasty rumor, because of the dark extremism, that her followers presented before the public.


Then, there was another religion in Astrophel, it was known as 'Mraez'euhu van Trurrahn'. A mouthful, sure, but it was along the same lines of the Issulath's religious language. It was the opposite of that religion, too, in a way. It meant 'Judged by Light'. It's followers were known as 'Mraez'euhu van Trurr' ('Touched by the Light). Or simply Mraez. Even though, this religion seemingly was following a path of light, they were far prouder than Issulaths. Their followers often deemed others lesser, and frequently would deny hospitality to the citizens of Astrophel, when their religion was not acknowledged with respect. If they thought the recipient was not worthy of hospitality, or niceties, then Mraez generally would deny them it. These people figured you had to be 'Touched by the Light', to actually be worth respect and deliverance of one's sinful soul to the afterlife.

It is so backward. The Mraez religion was generally considered a preferable religion, due to its strong connotations to 'the Light', and affiliation with such. Preferable than the Issulath religion, which was strongly related to the dark (Night). Despite, Issulaths being far kinder, with a warmth that would aid anyone, if they could do so.

Romantic orientation


Wings is attracted to all people, living for love, acceptance, and commonality.

What is your wish?

To bring a level of acceptance, peace, and calmness to the people of Astrophel. As well as, maybe help them find the right path to lead their lives, towards both the future, and the life beyond. To show and prove that there is something beyond, to revere, exalt, praise, and love. For people to acknowledge and learn from this message. To hopefully, bring the world to a higher plane, where people can learn to cherish their lives, and express love, and find a tranquility in the afterlife.

What is your fear?

To not accomplish the goals, and desires in her heart. To lose her capacity to reach out to others. Resulting in the loss of her ability to communicate the feelings she wants. Losing the opportunity to help better humanity and Astrophel as a whole. To the smallest extent of her fear: she's afraid to lose her singing ability. Or losing her fame, so no one will hear her music anymore.

What's most scarce in your life right now?

Adequacy in the knowledge of common human interaction. Not understanding others. Vacuous mentality, causing stunted emotional showing.

Midheaven Relations?

River Smith-Shield (( @Bowa )) -- Perceived Mild 'Friendship' (from Wings's end) --

They met when River attempted to sneak backstage after one of Wings's shows and was caught by none other than Wings herself. The two struck up a conversation, River trying to squirm her way out of the situation. Security heard the commotion and so came to check it out. Much to River's surprise and delight, Wings coerced security into letting River off. They formed a friendship, River inviting herself around Wings's house randomly and her just accepting it and Wings commissioning a present for River: expensive Jewelry. Made at her mother's business. By her mother. Which River completely knew about. least Wings tried.

Quietus Graves (( @Kel Vas )) -- Symbiotic / Midheaven to Midheaven only --

The unlikely convergence of two Midheavens, whilst seeking a single Nadir. That was the peculiar event that allowed them to meet. Wings was going after her first Nadir in efforts to earn her first star. What was unfortunate, was that neither party was aware of the situation. A trap was laid by Quietus, resulting in the three being phased into the Garden Realm together. Luckily however, it was through Wings's efforts that the creature was slain, earning her the star. It was also at this time that Quietus made a proposition, that the two should meet at regular intervals to train within the Garden. Out of sight, out of mind.

Though, neither know of the other's true form.

Wing's Midheaven Appearance


Once transformed, she drops inches, finding herself at 4 foot 8'', quite small and petite. She retains a feminine body form, however, despite becoming fairy-like. She also sprouts 3 pairs of wings, enabling flight.


The Butterfly

The constellation that signifies innocent beauty. Lofty feelings. High-end dreams of honest emotions.



Both forms of it. The range of such an emotion is incorporated entirely by her. From far-reaching distrust, that causes animosity. To the deep-rooted full trust between persons that rely entirely on each other.


The Throne of Abundance

A magical construct, nigh indestructible, appearing once Midheaven transformation occurs. It hovers above, angelic in nature, and glows with supreme brilliance. It's scintillating aura envelops the nearby area, causing growth to occur in plants, and warmth to be felt within the centers of people; positive emotions are reinforced, even when buried deep. Just being in its vicinity, tends to cause Nadir to go wild with 'pain'. For its very presence is an affront against evils, apathy, and twistedness. Also allows for mystical rays of light to fire out from it like lasers, as a form of actual attack. She also has a silver longsword.



  • First and foremost, The Butterfly constellation joined by the emotion of trust, allows for one special thing. Wildlife attraction. Mostly -butterflies-, are drawn inexplicably to Wings like a prominently shining flower.

  • Secondly, with illustrious beauty, comes prominent 'godrays' of light. Wings's magic, as a Midheaven, allows for levitation via remarkably elegant wings, and magical blasts of light.

  • Thirdly, the more she feels trusted, the stronger her power over the area is, as well as her attacks. If she is not trusted, or in the presence of heavy mistrust, then she will be grounded, finding no power of levitation at her disposal (she can still float by sitting in her throne). As well as, finding her rays to be darker in color, firing out godrays of shadow, which can have the opposite effect she intends, negative to the rest of her magic.




Emotional Magical Effects

Your magic can cause extreme effects based on your emotions. If you start as a Midheaven, strike out one of the Despair shifts (indicating that you went through it already) and start with 0 Despair and 0 Hope, or start with 2 Despair and 0 Hope. If you start as a normal person, start off with everything uncrossed and at 0.

Hope: 0/3

Despair: 2/3

Hope Shift

  • A lucky break gets you closer to your goal.

  • You are able to heal someone else, removing all of their Despair points, healing a serious injury, or removing alterations by a Despair Shift or Great Despair.

  • You have a moment of sincere hope. Remove any Despair points you have.

Despair Shift

  • You have an outburst that alienates you from others.
  • You have an outburst that injures you or someone else.
  • You permanently acquire another fear or twisted wish. Write it on your CS.

Great Hope

  • You cause a small miracle to happen.

  • Undo any fears, twisted wishes, or alterations to your body caused by a Despair Shift or Great Despair.

  • Somehow, life in Astrophel gets a little happier and less panicked.

Great Despair

  • Your body permanently takes on an unnatural aspect related to your constellation, your associated emotion, or something that led up to your Great Despair.

  • Your magic goes out of control, destroying non-magical things in the immediate area.

  • A Nadir wrenches itself from your body, with characteristics and a human target based on what led up to your Great Despair.
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Alright, she is accepted, but I have a few things to say (the answers to which won't make me un-accept her).

Is the Throne of Abundance the gold thing floating above her?

In the future (you don't have to go back and change it in the CS), this formatting is really hard for me to read. You might try this or this if you want a similar effect; I'd prefer if you didn't use this.

Finally, if you have any amount of Stars, you must either take 2 Despair or strike out one of the Despair shifts.
Alright, she is accepted, but I have a few things to say (the answers to which won't make me un-accept her).

Is the Throne of Abundance the gold thing floating above her?

In the future (you don't have to go back and change it in the CS), this formatting is really hard for me to read. You might try this or this if you want a similar effect; I'd prefer if you didn't use this.

Finally, if you have any amount of Stars, you must either take 2 Despair or strike out one of the Despair shifts.

Sorry ^^ ill change the font :)

oh you said i dont have to in the cs.. lol i wont use it in the rp :) <3  sowwy

and the throne is above her, and what shes sitting on in the pic x3 (you can see it in the pic)

she herself, is actually not that big in that pic (aside from her wings)

and umsies, okies, ill try to fix the despair thing :D gimme a sec
i put the 2/3 despair in the cs :>

i dont know what "strike out" means, but i think she hasn't had that happen to her yet, right? like thats IC right?


Strike out means to go like this. Strike through, I guess. What I mean is, if you'd struck it out, it'd have happened before the story began.

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