William Serain

Cruor Flumine

Ballistic Heartbreaker

City Lights.jpg

Name: William Serain

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Personality: William is a silent individual, always found reading or writing while in school. He doesn't care to find any friends in-school because he believes he has enough outside of classes. If anything, William is a realist and fatalist, always going with what happens and not wishing or complaining that it couldn't have gone another way. He isnt afraid to loose his wrath when the situation calls for it.

Bio: William, from an early age, has always been buried in his books. His affinity for both reading and writing showed in school as he progressed further through the grades. When middle school came along however, the bullies in the school turned their eyes unto him. Now, William has always been one to adapt to new situations. This was no exception. In his eyes he saw a problem and a permanent solution. By the end of the year, William had gotten good enough with his fists that the bullies knew better than to pick a fight with him or risk loosing teeth or worse.

It seemed that every year since he was three, however, that he was in a new foster home. By the age of 17, William had gotten a small apartment. He paid for this by working at a local boxing gym helping the attendants, cleaning, and doing whatever else the manager needed. When he wasn't at school or working, the manager had offered William further training. He graciously accepted the woman's tutelage and began training immediately. A surprise to the manager, who preferred to be called Carolina, was his rapid advancement in the levels at the gym. Soon enough, he was participating in matches and winning more prize money to further support himself.

Magic Systems Learned: (leave this blank for now)

System Affinity: Blue (water)

Casting Method:

Job Title Acquired: (leave this blank for now)


Other: Carries around a pair of brass knuckles for self-defense.

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