Wicket Forest


Mother of Tiny Lions
font-family: 'Dancing Script', cursive;

Outside Harlaan

Rumors that the forest is full of killers and haunted, abandoned building surrounds the place

There has been no reports of doors here....so far


Kunzom whistled a discordant tune as he wandered through the forest. Earlier, he had a wrestle with a lil piggy, and had unfortunately knocked it unconscious. He had heaved the feral boar over his shoulders and carried it with him. Maybe he could make friends and get hisself a lil Bludstabba!

'course, that was if none of da elfies attacked again. Really, he was just passin' through, dey wouldn'ta had ta fix them trees if dey had just let 'im through.


((I fear no killer or ghost!))

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