Why was six afraid of Seven?


Magic Eight Ball
Because Seven eight [ate] nine (cue the cheesy laughter)! Nah, just kidding; I don't eat people. Normally.

Excuse my awful attempt at being humorous. Anywho, hullo! I'm Seven (or Sev) as you can probably tell. I joined on Sunday but didn't get the chance to introduce myself. I've been roleplaying for a few years now, and if I can say so without sounding conceited, I believe I'm quite good at it. I'm pretty mature for how old I am (see if you can guess my age. Maybe I'll tell you, maybe I won't. We'll just have to see, now won't we?), and my posts are typically quite long.

A quirk of mine (don't judge me) is that I love using archaic/obsolete words when I write, so I apologize in advance if you see a whole bunch of them! I usually play the female gender as I myself am one, but there will be times that I am very in the mood to play a guy. It depends on how I'm feelin'. I prefer 1x1 roleplays to group ones because I end up getting lost in stories with more than two people.

I suck at these introduction things so I'm going to end it here before I make a fool out of myself (I probably already have). If anyone wants to roleplay, please feel free to send me a message! I adore writing with others who can keep up with me. I've included an example of my writing down below — I would love it if you read it and told me what you think. It's longer than would normally post, as my typical length would be several paragraphs shorter, but no less than three. I hope I don't scare anyone off.

Err, I'm rambling. Oopsie! I'll stop now, I promise. I'm counting on meeting a lot of you. c:


"Hey! Stop!"

Two pairs of footsteps — one thrumming to get away and the other pounding to get closer, both surely running but the twain of them for different reasons — tore down the crepuscularly illuminated road at the quickened pace of their own hearts. The pair looked quite frightening as the young woman pursued the man; it was fortunate for the male that the luminosity of twilight was fading into the darkness of night, but it was so very
unfortunate for the female who cursed the dimness of the streetlamps which were providing almost no brilliancy whatsoever. Tracks of shoe prints trailed in the snow behind them like the trains of bridal gowns, but this occasion, by juxtaposition, was far less happy than a wedding — and frankly, that should be obvious.

Running down the street at eventide was not on Tara's do-to-list. Crossing paths with some galumphing, middle-aged asshole was not on Tara's to-do-list. Getting mugged — you guessed it — was not on Tara's to-do-list. But running down the street at eventide after some galumphing, middle-aged asshole
because he mugged her? Yeah, that was definitely not on Tara's to-do-list. The ireful expression twisting her fetching features alongside the fists her spidery fingers were curled into manifested that point.

"Give me back my pendant you stupid piece of shi-" The twenty-one year old cut off her shout as the thief came to a sudden and abrupt halt, and, unable to stop fast enough, she collided tumultuously into the kleptomaniac's back. Her bony hands flew to her face, palms covering her now bleeding (and possibly broken) nose as she staggered back several feet before landing on her behind in the weathery white blanket that lay atop the pavement. Letting out a sound that resembled a shrill inhale, the chocolate-haired girl leaned forward and hunched over her lap, chin tucked to her chest, face scrunched up in pain, and eyes (resembling a doe's) squeezed shut. A few choice words were muttered angrily under her breath, her digits becoming a canvas to warm streaks of her own crimson gore.

"Didn't your mummy ever tell you that when a fellow that's bigger and stronger than you wants something of yours, that you give the
'nice' man what he wants? Especially when you're alone, you stupid, stupid little girl." The man's voice was a gruff, guttural, sarcastic tenor that was not at all pleasant for Tara to hear. Turning around to face the young woman, the thief kicked her multiple times in the right side until she toppled over and no longer sat upright. This action caused her to curl up into a fetal position, cheek becoming wet and cold and teeth gritting as droplets of her blood turned bits of the snow red. Suddenly, she let out a jarred, stunned gasp, her eyelids fluttering open as she felt the slash of a knife against her collarbone. Twice more she felt a slice, first on her thigh and then on the dexter half of her torso. She felt the sanguineous liquid seep out almost instantaneously and cried out in pain.

"Y'know what — this necklace of yours? It's not even worth my god damn time. Take it back." Whether or not it was broken as he said this, she didn't know, but Tara opened one eye just a tad to see the mugger break the chain and throw the whole pendant at her head. It bounced off slightly and landed a few centimeters from her lips.

It started to glow.

Not a like a measely lantern, or a flashlight, or anything of the sort. The brightness was absolutely blinding. A crooked, shady smile pulled slowly at her mouth.

Everything went a blazing white.

When the intensity of the light subsided, a different person seemed to be in the brunette's place, but it was most certainly still her. Her hair, once chest length and the aforementioned brown, was pin straight, the startling color of snow, and the length of her hips. Her eyes rivaled the artic's bitter blue. Her tone was paler, her skin was smoother, she grew a few inches, and her body was more decorated by gems and jewlery and headpieces. There was no trace of blood nor injury.
She was in control now.

"What the hell-"

"Surprised? You thought I was some helpless young woman, didn't you. I might be lanky, I might be ignorant, and I might be easy to steal from, but I am
not helpless." A smug expression crossed Tara's face. "But now, I'm bigger, and I'm stronger. Now I get what I want." Grabbing the stupefied man by the wrist, a chalked silver circle appeared around the two. Before he could get away, the girl opened the portal and pulled them both down.
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I don't know what to say. I:

Except for a really lame,
"Hello and welcome to RpNation! We hope you enjoy your stay!"

Yep, lame as ever. ou o

It's nice to meet you though, and I bet a lot of fellow roleplayers would feel that way too.

I figured that liking your post without even saying a thing would be rude (or something like that), so here I am. c:

And you don't need to say it. You are, really good at it.

Tee-hee, look at that big mouth. (
:D )

Compared to you, I've only been roleplaying for a few months... (*counts*)

Yeah, about four to five months, removing my break times from roleplaying. (Major writers' block)

But one thing's for sure, you're one of the peeps on my inspiration list!

Have this marshmallow:


It is our peace treaty.

P.S. I love the archaic/ obsolete words you use.

P.S.S. Please don't eat me.
Hello and welcome, Seven. (Is it bad that I think of Seven-of-Nine from Star Trek first?)

I'm glad you've found us and think you'll find many great RP partners here. It's a little slow right now with the holidays, but that should pick up shortly. If you have any questions as you get oriented to the site, please just reach out.

Welcome again to RpN!
Thank you both, @L u n a and @Erica. I appriciate it~

I hope I get the chance to roleplay you two at some point! ^^

(P.S. @Erica, I adore your writing. I may or may not have taken a peek at your posting history.)

Hi, Sev, and welcome to the nation! I gotta say your writing is impressive, and the archaic/obsolete words make it even better, haha. xD Well, I hope you enjoy your stay here (I'm sure you will), and I look forward to seeing you around!

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