Opinion Why so much Anime?


New Member
I have nothing against anime. I've even seen 3 or 4, maybe 5, series, and read a manga or two. It hits topics, ideas, and other such things that you don't see often. But why in the living fuck is it so idolized, and taken to such extremes. Everything nerdy I do, it leaks in. People overuse works like senpai to the point it makes me sick. They are HONORIFICS,(better have spelt it right), aka, titles. Like Sir, Mr, or Madame. And it's like they have some sort of overwhelming sexual power on the whole Internet. So mad. Anyways, why are so many role players only into that kinda stuff? Idk. I'm just kinda mad at how little of the community for this kinda thing is a complete anime buff. And I'm not just talking about the names. The whole feel, characterization, and energy of an anime carries over into said role plays. It could be fantasy or space, but if you slap anime on it, it feels the same. If you don't feel like making a claim or putting down an intelligent comment, don't do anything. Think about what I've said.
I'll be moving this thread to Personal topics because this is not a discussion about role play nor is it a question asking for help about the site.

Though, to answer your question in my opinion: my own personal like for anime adds up to the same as my like for Fantasy and Sci-fi. It's just not real. It is a escape from my boring and stressful school grind / daily life. I am a real person... so I don't need or want to role play real people. I like the live action TV shows when the story is good, but the falseness of a good cartoon or anime is what I really like. I like the impossible that can be achieved in most anime shows. Though often rarely seen in live action TV or movies with cheesy effects that kind of don't match, ruining the magic.

However the obsession for Japanese culture is a bit strange to me as well, but not lost. Anime only shows a few sides of the anti-touchy, very ridged and ultra polite culture they do have. Most anime portrays the oddities, or 'embarrassing situations', of Japanese culture... thus producing weird... 'Japaneses stereo types'... which tend to not at all be what the culture is like.

Now the internet. The internet is this amazing source of information where I am positive that only 20% of the information on here is true. (I pulled that number from my ass, don't quote me on it. It was more for comedic effect.) Most of the magic of the nonsensical Japanese culture is spread about because it is funny. I mean... what is America's catch phrase for Japan? "What the fuck Japan?" And then it is usually followed by some super weird gif or video... Most Americans proububly think Japan is a place full of weirdos. (I don't know... I've never been there.)

Fun fact though, there are Japanese people obsessed with American culture. They are widely made fun of as well. Japaneses have A LOT of weird American Stereo Types. It is quite funny when you see it. (> :D )
As Ricia said, I don't like roleplaying real people because it takes the freedom that an anime character has. It somehow takes the fantasy factor from the roleplay, even if it's a realistic one. Personally, roleplaying is a means to live a life different of my own, with a different me, with dreams, ambitions and behavior different from mine. I can be from a simple businessman to a full fledged general of a magical army. Being a normal person kinda takes this freedom from your hands.
I agree with the fact that the imagination of the impossible is a nice escape from real life, but personally, that isn't the only reason I like anime. I have always been interested in Japanese culture, even before I knew about anime. My best friend showed me anime a couple years ago (High School of the Dead), and though I loved the show, it didn't really get me hooked on anime, as to me, it was just another cartoon. He had shown me a couple more that I cannot recall at the moment, though I do remember Spice and Wolf, which definitely got me more interested in anime. Then one day, he decided that I had to watch Steins;Gate. It was a slow start, but something pulled me in and kept me interested. We watched the whole series in one 12 hour long session. After watching Steins;Gate, I was hooked on anime. Steins;Gate connects you to the characters, making them very relateable, and truly makes you feel like you are part of the show. Steins;Gate was the first show (not just show... anything really) that had made me feel true emotion in years. Clannad was the same way. Clannad will make you feel every emotion imaginable. It made me feel... human, I guess. I have always been very distant from the world around me, I often felt as if I was just simply here to observe. I felt like a spectator, rather than a player. Being able to connect with people, even if they are fictional, is what brought me back to this world. It is truly amazing.
Steins:Gate is based on a visual novel, if I'm not mistaken. There's the "Cellphone trigger" That relies on the choice of the player on answering or not the cellphone to trigger events. It's a good game.

To the argument, I guess that is another part of why I use anime. The nature of anime is highly emotional. A single background change might change a whole context of a scene. Being able to imagine this and put this on the roleplay is also a big plus on using anime.

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