Why is grammar such a big issue on here?

For what it's worth @Aaron775 I think this have been kept fairly civil. I've seen other threads go totally off the rails so I think it's still okay.

Just if you see something that makes you upset just don't reply to that post. It's a good way to keep things civil and on topic.

As to topic as I realized no one has covered this side of it yet :

A good thing to do when you do come across people who are maybe asking for better grammar or a longer post or whatever.

Just take the post at face value. Don't assume the person is being mean or hurtful, just take it as they're being just as honest as you are and asking you to do something that will increase their enjoyment of the roleplay.

The same way that sometimes when you post things they might give off the wrong impression. Sometimes your partners will be overly blunt or say something that might inadvertently hurt your feelings.

The best thing to do is just take it as a bit of polite advice and try your best to respond in turn.

If they have asked a thing of you that your incapable of completing ( maybe your doing the best you can and you don't know how to make it better/longer/etc. ) Than it's okay to just let them know.

I'm sorry but I'm doing the best I can.

Chances are they'll appreciate the honesty if nothing else.

And sometimes if you have a hard time with telling if something your saying is mean or hurtful. Just imagine that someone else is sending you that message.

How would you feel? If it would make you upset than you might want to work on the wording a little bit.

And last but not least - apologies.

People are always appreciative of an apology even ( especially ) if you haven't actually done anything wrong.

It shows that your genuinely taking their feelings into consideration and your trying to be nice.

So that way even if you do maybe slip up and say something that they take the wrong way - they know that it was an accident and not you being deliberately hurtful.
@Riuma Was I talking about my preferences? Not everyone updates their preferences was the reason I pointed it out, before joining RPNation it possibly sounded like a good idea to him so he checked it.
Reznor said:
@Riuma Was I talking about my preferences? Not everyone updates their preferences was the reason I pointed it out, before joining RPNation it possibly sounded like a good idea to him so he checked it.
I have warned not to continue the argument 2 times, but you keep going? :I

If things get out of hand or the argument continues on, it will result in the thread being locked.
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Grey said:
Contrary to expectations, I'm hugely forgiving about poor grammar and spelling as long as I can make sense of a post.
Same. I consider myself more of a storyteller than a writer, so occassional punctuation errors and POV slips barely move my quality needle. If someone genuinely has something to say with their characters that's usually enough for me.

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