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Queen of Thonos



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Name: Fesmar

Age: 913

Height: 4'10"

Familiar (if applicable):

A fire spirit that looks like piece of coal that has a constantly burning white flame covering it. His name is Kelsifer and is a bit of a minger. He keeps Fresmar company and is basically the only "person" she trusts. Mostly because her soul is attached to Kelsifer...

Star sign (Libra, Scorpio, etc.): Gemini

Personality: mischievous, cautious, is really sensitive about her height and the size of her feet. She is kinda narcissistic and is arrogant and doesn't trust or like other people. She mostly does this because she doesn't want to get to connected and then have them leave. Like her father whom she resents

Brief bio: she is half God and half human. Her mother died giving birth to her because she human and Fesmar was half God and had a bit of a fiery touch. Her father cares for her in dreams because he is a powerful deity and many people, from the red kingdom especially, pray to him each day. He can't be with her all the time like he was when she was young. She was left alone at twelve and has pretty much taken care of herself.

Who does the person live with: lives alone

Where they live: in the east district in the Gold Kingdom


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/marks_by_irkaid-d77sp2d.jpg.79638b98eceefc5296f803d4d48e13dc.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="48609" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/marks_by_irkaid-d77sp2d.jpg.79638b98eceefc5296f803d4d48e13dc.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Additional appearance info: has a good figure and her feet are size 10.



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Name: Thaegyn Blackwood

Age: 16

Height: 5'3

Familiar (if applicable): None

Star sign (Libra, Scorpio, etc.): Capricorn

Personality: Thaegyn is often optimistic and happy. He can be sarcastic and sometimes witty, but don't count on it. He becomes very loyal very fast, so if his trust is broken, he shuts down and can barely function properly.

Brief bio: Thaegyn grew up outside of the kingdoms with his mother and younger sister, Elspeth. Thaegyn's father was a merchant who left frequently to go and make deals with the richer folk outside of their village. His father left one day to visit the Capitol and never came back. Thaegyn always heard from his father that the kingdoms were a beacon of hope and prosperity, and so he promised Elspeth he would visit the kingdoms one day and come back to tell her all about it, and that when she was old enough he would take her with him. But their mother died when Thaegyn was 13 and Elspeth was 8, which meant that Thaegyn would have no one to watch over Elspeth when he went to the kingdoms. So he stayed and took care of her alone, until she was old enough to watch over herself.

Who does the person live with: Sister, but currently is travelling

Where they live: A small village way way way way outside of the kingdoms' borders


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/upload_2015-4-11_20-31-7.jpeg.ba6f8ba5706d394424e19044a1722c62.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="48623" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/upload_2015-4-11_20-31-7.jpeg.ba6f8ba5706d394424e19044a1722c62.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Additional appearance info: Is stronger than he looks, but not by much. His eyes are blue instead of the hazel-ish brown in the picture.



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I'm going to post the info I had sent you earlier of the lands of Craelicla:

The Blue Kingdom, Green Township, Red Republic Army, Golden Godess's Land, and the Capitol (of the United nations of Craelicla).

They all (except gold) represent the four elements. Red is fire, blue water, green earth, white air. Gold is the land of the gods and creatures of Fae. Faerys, Gods, dragons, etc. The Blue Kingdom consists mainly of fisherman and middle-poor class. The Red Republic is made up of all military forces and very rarely the children of the officers. Any house outside of the base is a run-down shack and a family would be almost impossible to care for in the conditions of the land. The Green Township is made of middle-upper class. Everyone lives comfortably. The Capitol is made of only upper-class citizens and "blue-bloods."

The Blue Kingdom lives almost completely in the water. Areas near the Red Republic Army and the Green Township are on solid ground. The Green Township is covered in a drastically varying landscape. Rolling hills, caves and caverns, mountains, a small desert, and deciduous and coniferous forests. The Red Republic Army is a vast wasteland practically. It's dry and poor because all the money is used to import from the other lands. The military forces and training are paid for by the Capitol. The Red Republic Army serves as a buffer from the other lands to protect the "Road of St. Helena" that leads straight to the Capitol. The Capitol itself is mostly castles on the many cliffs looking over the clear blue lochs and crystalline sky. The area is completely made of cliffs. The Golden Godess's land is completely forest with a few springs and it hides all the magical creatures you can imagine. It also protects the "Road of St. Helena" with celestial force. No human is permitted in the "Lands of Gold."

All the lands work together to provide protection and keep the entirety on Craelicla "healthy." TBK provides water, RRA provides protection, TGT mainly serves in farming and tourism, believe it or not, The Capitol provides in government, TGGL contains the gods and people pray to them and they keep the land in peace.

All of the lands have their own system of government.

TBK: a kingship. Has a king and queen.

RRA: a military system (duh)

TGT: each town has their own district and a representative from each town meet to discus important matters. (Democracy)

TGGL: no government. In fact, the only control The Capitol has over it is that the gods aren't asked to have their battles outside of the region because they can get pretty nasty and affect the surrounding nations quite negatively. And that doesn't always happen, but they try to keep the fights inside, because they don't want the humans to see them anyway.

The Capitol: run by a council of elders and has a king and queen (constitutional monarchy).

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/image_2015-04-11_200921.png.0dba712ae93c1f568eb733881cd3ed3d.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="48730" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/image_2015-04-11_200921.png.0dba712ae93c1f568eb733881cd3ed3d.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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