Other whos as stoked for halloween as i am


Now I KNOW we have a while until Halloween (81 days to be exact, I have a goddamn calendar) but I am just so eXCITED! Who else is #readyaf for Halloween? It can't just be me. Also I'm gonna be posting hella spoopy music in here and maybe even pics of my Halloween costume (shutup no one is ever too old for Halloween costumes.)

Edit; @Swoob i know ur hiding some spoopy memes from me
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Oh i thought i was the only one! im so excited for it ive already started plotting on a costume....weirdly. aannnd the bags of candy! im such a lame, agh!
I get to blast spooky scary skeletons in my house for halloween
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I get to watch women in promiscuous clothing through a pair of binoculars until the police are called on me. Boo ya.
I'm super pumped! Already starting to plan the shopping strategy for my costume parts this year. I'm either gonna be a Skeleton or Robin. Depending on whether I want to do glue gun work or make stencils more. Or also what I can find while searching Costume stores and Goodwill.

I'm lucky our work lets us dress up in costumes on the day of so I usually come in to work as my costume. Then after that I go home and give out candy.

It's all very hype hype hype.

Plus I do monster themed rps like you would not believe.
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I want to actually dress my house up this year too. We used to do small things like scare crows and hanging stuffed clothes from trees but I am to go all out and make jack o' lanterns!!!!
Hey hey! Dressing up the house buddies! Jack o' lanterns are the most fun ohmygod. @myvalentina

@nerdyfangirl Monster themed rps plague my mind as soon as October 1st hits, don't you worry. That's so cool that your work allows costumes! Mine does too, but since I work with kids it's pretty much a given (though I do have to wear a more lowkey costume - if I showed up in my proper costume, it'd probably distract the kids, haha! I plan to be a cat at work. No hassle there.)
I always use Halloween as an excuse to cosplay xD  if everything goes smoothly, I'll have my next planned cosplay done by then, so it will be sort of a test-run.

Also, I will never be too old for free candy.
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