TV & Film Who Is The Best Disney Princess? (A Friendly Argument!)

Despite not being a princess or queen, but rather an administrator for a total brat, I think Yzma should win. She takes everything into her own hands and has proven to be a smart, capable scientist.
Well, I gotta say... the best princess is definitely Kida. She's got a strong sense of curiosity, wants to understand the world around her, is super smart, immortal, and sacrifices herself for the good of others.


But, If I could go the gypsy way, I'd totally vote for Esmeralda. She's spicy.

For princesses, in my opinion, I'd say Pocahontas because she was brave enough to try to understand the invaders, and even went as far to stand up to her tribe to save one of the invaders. Merida and Jasmine, because they strong enough to stand up to their parents and fight for their rights to marry for love, not for throne. And Belle, because she was compassionate enough to rescue her kidnapper and try to understand him and showed him love.

For nonprincesses, I'd say Mulan, hands down, because she put her life at stake to save her father, and to save her country and because I cry every time I watch it without fail.

But all in all, Rapunzel is my favorite! :)
Due to loyalty to my favorite princess, I feel compelled to say Aurora, but in all honesty I think Mulan and Tiana are the two best princesses (I couldn't choose just one). I think they're both wonderful role models for young girls, what with Mulan breaking the norm and staying true to her heart, and Tiana's work ethic and ambition. Both princesses also exhibit amazing strength, wit, and confidence that girls and women alike can really look up too.

Aurora just fell asleep until the prince came and saved her. But what can I say? She's a classic, I love her.
I feel like Jasmine has some super strong potential, she is one of the few ethnic princesses, which makes her story a little less common place, at least to me. She also knows what she wants in life, and does what she want to get there, she's brave, fiery, and all around cool, I think she is a definite contender.
A tie between Mulan, Tiana and Rapunzel. They're all so sweet, but independent and willing to make themselves by their own power. I respect that, and I respect them.
I will never argue for a 'best' princess, but my own favorites are Mulan, Jasmine, and Merida--typical more in-charge and headstrong. I especially liked Merida because Brave focused on a mother-daughter relationship which was so heartfelt and touching. I think I'd be really partial to Tiana as well, but I haven't actually watched the movie yet. I know, unforgivable. xP;
Mulan and Jasmine are my two favorite ladies. Both going against their society's expectations, both use rational thinking against opposers, and both kick ***.
Hmm, I'd say it has to be a stale mate between Princess Ana and Princess Merida.

Why, you ask? Because after analyzing and breaking down their character traits and personalities they are the most like a realistic woman.

Merida is brave, independent, does not need a man to keep her afloat. She believes in herself and loves the freedom of the great unknown. She's not concerned with her looks or her status, she just wants to be herself in the best way she knows how. I have so many friends like her and it's beautiful.

Ana is clumsy, silly, looking for love and not afraid to speak her mind. She is the equivalent of a girl in today's world growing up to find herself and loving every moment of it. She just feels so real to me and she is so down to Earth I love it.

That's not to say the other princesses aren't great too, but they are more like what you read about in fairytales, their different in the sense that many of them are similar. They want a prince, they live in a castle or a palace, they are very girly. There's not enough contrast for me. The differences in personality are there for sure, but there's too many similarities that are hard to ignore.
After reading through and taking in all the points...

Best Princess, a being of upholding a noble line and able to rule with fairness and provide freedom for her people?

Without a doubt Kida, Princess and now Queen of Atlantis.

-Pocahontas: Spurned her chance to continue her line and in essence betrayed her people.

- Elsa: Overdone, overused, and overrated. A being of magical power in an extremely minor noble house. Her lack of control nearly doomed her people and her attitude continues to irk me.

- Mulan: Not a princess as her line is not royalty. She's a daughter of a minor land owner or the husband of a Generals son. While powerful, she holds no Imperial blood to be considered capable for ruling a Chinese dynasty.

- Merida: She's close. I'd consider her second but she's got the same issues with threatening to tear her people apart and her youthfulness is acting against her.

- Jasmine: A big no as her culture wouldn't allow for a ruling princess. Her word would be overshadowed by her male superior.

- Ariel: Daughter of Triton, a lesser deity of Neptune or Neptune's daughter. Ariel is out of her league, especially if she has to compete against Aphrodite and other Greek Goddesses. No, she'd be asking for trouble.

- Aurora: A solid candidate but rather two dimensional

- Snow White: Creepy vampire with dark magic and questionable relationships with dwarven men. No undead thank you very much.

- Rapunzel: Far too invested for her own good, not a decent ruling character.

-Belle: While another strong choice, she's not royalty herself and her rule would be that of the beasts.

Now for my arguments why Kida is best.

Kida is by far the oldest of the Disney Princess Pantheon. She'd be easily over 2000 years old by today. What better experience than time to temper a ruler of men?! Her heritage is also extremely strong and her connection with the rulers of the past is stronger than any other princess. She also wields considerable power as her people have advanced technologies unseen by most of mankind yet remain mostly peaceful. Throughout her life she's also shown dedication to her people, nearly dying to provide a better existence to her people. She also has the ability to sacrifice herself to SAVE her people. Not tried to sacrifice, actually did get absorbed into power to save Atlantis. She's physically imposing and fluent in multiple languages. Her husband too, Milo, amazing in his own right, doesn't lord over her nor takes a position above her. Atlantis has a Queen and it is Kida.

Princess sweet and fun? Easy. But that is not a ruler I'd care to have. Kida is the only one I'd swear allegiance to.
I love Mulan. She's brave, strong, and has a great sense of honor and spirit. She's a true role model I believe, and I really appreciate how she differs from the female stereotype of being feeble.

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