Where The Law Fails

Jackson sighed as he watched her pass out and carried her through the huge glass windowed door, as he entered there where couches about in all places, but they all faced towards the large TV, "There is about 20 rooms, choose one," Zac said before he went off into what can be only known as the kitchen.

Jackson sighed before he ventured forward, a hallway with 10 doors either side, "Why do they care so much for one girl, geez, they could get anyone, there are many girls willing to date them for there money," Jackson said sighing as he entered one of the rooms, he set Liana down on the covers of the large room, a bathroom and shower only a couple feet away, "Geez, how much money does this guy have?" He said to no one in particular, Jackson slightly rocked Liana so that she could wake up, "Hey, i need to talk to you," He said the thought of getting her pain killers in the back of his head, "Come on," He said his voice slightly irritated. @Quiet Is Violent @Altair1303
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Liana's eyes fluttered open. They were bloodshot, filling with tears. "What?" She asked hoarsely, shaking pretty badly. "What did I do? Did you find my friends?"
Nathan steps from the helicopter, straightening his clothing and handing his weapon off to one of the 'maids' so that they could dispose of it, messy business, having killed a cop, he felt a whisper he hadn't heard in a very long time, he never expected to hear it again, the voice echoing through his skull as if it emanated from something that didn't quite belong.

'Was it worth it? Killing that cop, I mean' chimed a voice that wasn't like the one he had become acquainted with in these recent years, he pushes it to the back of his mind and focused on following the man who was carrying Liana, following him from a few paces back and stalking as silent as a cat, something he didn't think he had the ability to do, as the man enters the room and makes his comment, Nathan feels tendrils of rage snaking through his body, wishing he still had his gun to put and end to the disrespectful fucker.

Entering a room beside the one entered, he sits by the bed and places his head against the thin wall, listening in on the two's conversation.

@VenomSlayer @Quiet Is Violent
"N-no, i was just wandering if you wanted some pain killer's? Because you look like your about to pass out from the pain, and uh, sorry about slapping you, as well as when Zac shot you," He said as he leaned back up and moved to sit down on the chair, "I'll stand guard outside the door or even if you want i can stay here, but first, do you want those pain killer's?" He said as he cocked his head to the side slightly as he looked at Liana,

Zac poured himself some orange juice, something he hasn't had in a long while, he sighed as he drank it seeing as Nathan followed Jackson, "What is he doing now?" He said to no one in particular as the 'maids' came back in and standed against the walls, "Disposed of the helicopter?" He said, "Yes," They chorused at once, "Good, the guns?" He said as they nodded from behind him, "Yes," They chorused again, "Good, you are relieved for tonight for now, please choose a room and sleep in it, clothes have been prepared, there should be at least somethings there." He said as he placed his cup in the dishwasher below. @Altair1303 @Quiet Is Violent
Zac walked down the hallway a glass and pain killer's in his hand, as Jackson ran out the door almost knocking Zac over, "Here," He said as he outstretched his hands with the glass and painkiller's, Jackson nodded before he went back into the room and handed the painkiller's and the glass of water, "Here," He said in a voice that was strained. @Quiet Is Violent
Liana took the painkiller with a swig of water. She was still shaking for another few minutes before the meds Kicked in. "Thank you, thank you, thank you." Liana whimpered. "I really needed that." She was exhausted and scared of herself for siding with the bad guys. "Is Nathan here? Is he okay?" @VenomSlayer @Altair1303
What was left of the hospital was smithereens. Local PD and all kinds of suits surrounded the place. Firefighters. Survivor rescue teams. Body bags. Screams for help. The smell of the smoke and flames.

Among several FBI SUV's, firetrucks and cop cars, one of them was significantly more well guarded. Seemingly armored. Out from the back stepped an older gentleman. He had grey short hair, a goatee and mustache, large physique, and donned a brown suit with a matching tie. His look upon the scene. Fury. Eyebrows crossed, and followed by a patrol officer, he stepped out of the vehicle and stomped to a clearing in the road. "Where's Officer Saunders?"

The officer replied, "He's being instructed to land the helicopter as we speak. He'll be on the ground shortly...... look up. There he is."

The on duty cop pointed upward for the man. The two looked just over their heads to see a familiar helicopter slowly descending onto the clearing.

"Back it up a bit, Chief," the cop instructed, placing his left hand over the man's right shoulder, pushing the two of them back slightly as the wind from the heli pressed against them. Slowly but eventually, the aircraft landed and the blades came to a halt. As they did, out from the vehicle stepped Dave. Seeing the obviously superior gentleman, his first instinct was to approach.

"Chief Brookes," he greeted. "You really didnt have to come all the way down here. It's not safe."

"I'm fully aware," the man, Brookes, firmly stated, "But it seems as though i have no choice, Saunders. First you let a criminal you have in cuffs get away, then you land yourself hostage to two other nutjobs."

Dave tried to defend himself, "With all due respect, Chief, but we are greatly understaffed here. There's only so much the competent police can do."

"How can we make the people feel at ease wtih the justice system, if I've got my own cops crippling to the mercy of these crooks," Brookes cut him off. "Not to mention that a hospital going up in smoke is no help. And if i have to get down an dirty to kick the force into shape, then so be it. But I came to discuss something else." He turned to the subordinate cop behind him. "Would you give us a moment?"

The cop nodded and walked away. Now with their privacy, the chief continued.

"First of all, we can't trace Kain's cell phone. The kid's using an encrypted line, probably something he still had from the force that he didn't return."

"Damn it," Dave groaned. "No other leads on him?"

"I'm sorry. But he's been quiet. No sign of him. I've sent his photo to be plastered at every gas station out there, but that's as best as i can do. The good news is, after this little mishap, I am now authorized to send your little request for protection to the feds. No safehouse in the suburbs. Full protective custody straight from the bureau and agents with them at all times, for the homeless kid, the ex-military woman, her wife, ......... and your brother. They just need to come down to the station and fill out some paperwork, then we can get somewhere."

At first relieved, then Dave realized something. The chief didn't mention his name. "Wait... what about me?"

Brookes shook his head. "I'm sorry, Dave. I tried arguing for you to get that protection as well...... but this is beyond me." The chief turned his back on Dave, walking away.

"What do you mean, 'beyond you'?" Dave was confused. "There's nobody stopping you from including my name in all this."

He turned around briefly, "Let's just say, I still need you out in the field. I can't have you sitting at home with a few agents watching your every piss. Now if you excuse me...." Facing forward again, Brookes walked off to a few of the other cops on scene.

The chiefs words were strangely vague. 'It's beyond me.' Something wasn't right. That protection is useless unless I find them all.
Jackson sighed, "Yeah i think he's around, do you want me to stay in here or in the hallway?" He asked before his eyes lit up, "Oh, and one last thing, there is clothes in the closet over there, if none of them fit then tell me, i'll go grab some from another room," He said with a small smile before he stood, the smile disappearing from his face entirely, "You should get some rest, it's been a long half an hour, and Zac is going to go pick up his insurance money from this little mishap with his hospital, he's also going to be buying new equipment and better training," He said before he stood there waiting. @Quiet Is Violent @Altair1303

Zac was in his limo as he rode up, his left eye being covered by his patch, he knew that 'David' person didn't see his face so he was fine to be out in the open, as the car stopped at the smouldering mess that was a hospital, the driver opened the door for him, Zac stepping out in a suit and tie, the tie red with black and white as his suit, as he stepped out, his eyes instantly landed on David, he walked over to him as he was the same height as David at least, "Where is your commanding officer?" He said in a bored and angry tone, as if he never knew the man. "Well?" He said as he waited for a reply. @Shaba7
It was a day like no other, as Miland was about to meet his age old friend that he holds close to his heart, a partnership that single-handedly saved his career.

Start of flashback

They met three years back, when Miland was working on a case that was maticulusly worked and planned to go against him. A case where the blood, the DNA sample from the thin, soft hair that was placed in the scene all pointed to one culprit which was him. He couldn't believe it for a second. *Sigh, his head filled with emotions that shut the outside world, the voices that were expelled from the police officer beside him sounded like a murmer.

'Sir, sir..... I... take... in... murder...

He was trapped inside his head, fighting to get out, screaming, but it was holding him back, fear was keeping him chained down like a dog. But a voice kept ringing. Bitter words that were coming from the police officer who was beside him.

'Sir, sir, I am going to have to take you in, sorry to inform you but we are convinced that you are the murderer based on the analysis of the evidence that we found on the murder scene.'

Miland replies in a serious, high toned manner, 'but that wasn't me, it was all a set up'.

however, the police officer contradicts him, 'hmmm, how about the blood that was found on the scene, how would you explain that?'

'Someone must have had access to them when I... I...'

The police officer punches him on the stomach with so much force that blood begins to drip from his dried lips.

'How's that for blood sample, you scumb, I know you committed the murder you sick bastard, and now you will rott in prison for it'

Miland replies again demanding attention, coughing blood, 'But it wasn't me officer, I am being framed but if you weren't so thick you would be able to see that'.

And the officer replies with anger ' I don't care much for what you have to say, why don't you take it up with your lawyer'.

End of flashback

'Hmmmmm, where is he?'. Miland looks at his watch, 'it's 5:00, and the sun is about to fade into the distant sea. 'Hmmm, he must be in a bar picking up ladies, ahh where are you Aliastaire?'
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Dave was never fond of the 'suits', i.e., federal agents. In his case, for protection? He needed it. But this man that had approached him. But Dave knew better than to just point him in the right direction. He had no clue who he was, with no obvious badges or identification. Just another 'suit.' "I'm gonna need to see some ID, pal," he answered, staring the man eye to eye, getting in his face. @VenomSlayer
Nathan perked up at the mention of his name, removing his ear from the wall and walking from the room, standing out in the hallway and poking his head into the other room "You called?" he chuckles, still unsure why he was being so cordial with the child, he had no idea what would cause the homeless slaughtering, church bombing villain like himself to be... pleasant. @Quiet Is Violent
Zac sighed before he grabbed the bridge of his nose, "My hospital was just blown up," He said as he turned his head back up, "If you would be so kind just to show me to one of your superior's i could rebuild this hospital and go back to my office to where i can pay for the funeral bills," He said as his eyes held anger, thunder rummbled in the air before lightning cracked, Zac's driver came straight to him and held an umbrella up so he was covered by the rain, it started pitter pattering before it became heavy, Zac sighed before he pulled out his drivers license, "Here, hurry up," He said as he handed his drivers license over, it read; @Shaba7

Name; Zac Crimson Black

Age; 25

It seemed credible enough. Dave had assumed wrong. He thought this man was a federal agent upon first glance. Turns out he's just the owner. Quick, though. This owner really must mean business. His tone diverted from trying to be high and mighty to more sympathetic. What happened to the hospital was a tragedy, and was therefore open to help. Dave peeked behind this man to see Brookes, discussing something with two other officers. "Right behind you, Mr. Black...." He turned his eyes back to the man. "And i'm deeply sorry for your loss. If there's anything i can do..." He extended his right arm out for a handshake, "The name's David Saunders. Just ask for me." @VenomSlayer
Altair1303 said:
Nathan perked up at the mention of his name, removing his ear from the wall and walking from the room, standing out in the hallway and poking his head into the other room "You called?" he chuckles, still unsure why he was being so cordial with the child, he had no idea what would cause the homeless slaughtering, church bombing villain like himself to be... pleasant. @Quiet Is Violent
"You said you weren't gonna hurt me, I want you near me so I won't get hurt." Liana whimpered. "I miss my friends. When will Dave bring them back?"
"I'm sure Dave will find them soon enough, You both will have to meet a some point, The man, while a pain will probably stick to his word and find your friends, maybe, if you wouldn't mind, we could try and look for them ourselves." He says, bringing a chair from the other side of the room and sitting down on it.

'Maybe you're getting too old for this' the unfamiliar voice mocks, causing Nathan's face to distort slightly as the noise reverberates through his skull.

Shut up

'Whatever, Mid-Life crisis?' it goes off again, continuing with it's mockery

I. Told. You. To. Shut. Up.
Altair1303 said:
"I'm sure Dave will find them soon enough, You both will have to meet a some point, The man, while a pain will probably stick to his word and find your friends, maybe, if you wouldn't mind, we could try and look for them ourselves." He says, bringing a chair from the other side of the room and sitting down on it.
'Maybe you're getting too old for this' the unfamiliar voice mocks, causing Nathan's face to distort slightly as the noise reverberates through his skull.

Shut up

'Whatever, Mid-Life crisis?' it goes off again, continuing with it's mockery

I. Told. You. To. Shut. Up.
Liana sees the face he made. "You hear them too." She said softly. "Don't you? That's why you understand my friends so well!" Liana smiles lightly. "I'm not alone! Oh my god, I'm not alone!"
*sigh, "How did you become a detective, with terrible deduction skills like that"

"Look closely midland, this isn't a slash, if it were, you could see the point of entrance and exit clearly, but in this case you can't, this is clearly something else" "oh well no matter on that, i'm good midland, how about you my f..."

*walks inside the house

@Athem Snow
@Quiet Is Violent

Nathan looks taken aback for a moment, how much of a face did he make? eh it didn't matter, anyhow. "Yes... I hear voices too" he says, feeling a familiar sense of his old self coming back over him. "You are not alone, no." he says, in his more usual tone of voice. "What would you like to do? Would you like to rest or head out and look for something... entertaining?"
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Altair1303 said:
@Quiet Is Violent
Nathan looks taken aback for a moment, how much of a face did he make? eh it didn't matter, anyhow. "Yes... I hear voices too" he says, feeling a familiar sense of his old self coming back over him. "You are not alone, no." he says, in his more usual tone of voice. "What would you like to do? Would you like to rest or head out and look for something... entertaining?"
Liana started to cry. She wasn't crazy. There were people just like her. She wasn't crazy. "No, no, I just... I'm good here, for a little while. Just need some rest." She whispered, still shaking.
"Ok." he says, standing up and dusting off his bloodstained black suit. "I'll be right back, just need to get into something that doesn't make me look like a career criminal." He states, avoiding his usual chuckle-filled speech, removing the deck of razor cards from his pocket, he places them on the table. "You have one of the set, I assume you'd like a few more." he explains, turning to leave. "I have a few other sets I can use. the edges can cut through most things if you throw them right." He finishes, sparing her the details, leaving the room for his own.

@Quiet Is Violent

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