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When old meets new [N0VA x Crystal Smith]


All grown up
Year 2024, Earth... a group of rock climbers found a strange portal on the side of a mountain, it's origin unknown and the location on the other side also unknown. The military quickly seized the location in and around the portal and slowly they turned the portal into a myth same as they did with Area 51. During the year scientists observed the portal and the strange energy around it... they were amazed at the technology used to create this portal but at the same time scared from the possibilities of other, less amazing but dreadful technologies that awaited if the person, the thing that created the portal had. They were running out of options and the military wanted answers and soon the verdict was reached, a soldier equipped with the latest technology would enter the portal and see what's on the other side. Soon recruits were drafted out but the situation called for a more serious approach, the General of the Army called in his best soldier from the secretive squad nobody knew about but the top hats. It was supposed to be a squad composed of individuals that cared nothing about morals, conducts or laws... they got the job done no matter the time of day... but their relationship with the military was a strange one... although under their thumb they got payed rather handsomely in money and technology.


Connor approached the general and shook his hand, the general quietly nodded and moved behind him. Clenching his machine gun hard, Connor took a running start and jumped into the portal in mere moments he dropped into a forest of some kinds... it seemed very much like Earth, but he felt like something was different. He tried the radio but heard only static, as he turned to face the way he came from he realized the portal was gone, he swore but then moved into hiding behind the tree. He spotted a patrol of soldiers, all dressed in strange medieval armor and carried weapons from that era, he was confused did he travel back in time? He shook the thought out of his head and continued to move as his cloak module kicked in... he began slowly moving towards the noise he heard, it sounded like men and metal clashing, he was getting fairly close as he noticed the patrols began to thicken... he laid in the cover as a patrol approached, he was sure he could slip by that is if his module didn't not decide to bug out, a thing that happened very rarely. His position now revealed the guards rushed towards him ordering him to surrender, there was nothing he could do... he surrendered and had his weapons taken, the guards did not know what they were so they kept them at distance from them self. They took him to what appeared like a huge War Party beside a castle that was under siege, they made him walk to the center of it where a large tent was sprung up. They made him wait there until their commander ordered them to enter.
Daeris sat looking around, her gaze cold not caring to look towards the guards. She watches as a man approaches, the commander. To her he looked nervous, "Your highness, we captured a man. He holds equipment we've never seen before, he's equipped beyond anything we are used to. He's outside with the guards, he surrendered. We are awaiting order from you, your highness. Would you like to meet him?" The man stated before bowing his head and stepping backwards. The woman nods, "Bring him in." She states coldly looking around slowly before setlljng her gaze on the man.
Connor was brought into the tent forcefully and tossed onto the ground. He swore at the guards as he rose back to his feet, one approached him to hit him but he swung with his head and knocked him out... "Stay still you dog!" said one of the guards as he approached him to silence him. Connor did not think twice he swung with his leg and tossed him across the tent spreading him on the ground but he was then quickly subdued as guards jumped on his back and pinned him to the ground... he would taste the dirt now if it wasn't for his mask "My highness we have restrained him." one of the guards said.
Daeris stands and shook her head, "Let him go, honestly I'm sure i can handle him." She says loudly, watching as the guards stood, dusting themselves off. She states at the man, "Stand." She commands, "And then remove that mask hiding you face," she says coldly. She waits slowly, "Now!" She demands and goes to sit down, gesturing for the guards to watch him. She brings a hand through her hair and stares at him, "You are a prisoner here now, I'm Queen Daeris. Who are you?" She asks loudly.
Rising from the ground as the guards stood off him he glared at the Queen through his visor "Why should? I don't need to follow you and your orders." he said as he crossed his arms continuing to glare at the Queen. She asked him who he was, a thing he did not want to say 'nor would have said, instead he remained quiet "Death..." he said and then stood silently with a smirk on his face.
Daeris chuckles coldly, "If you are death, why am I alive? You see you do not scare me, you are nothing compared to what I am. I don't care what you think, but you follow my orders," she says her expression blank, tie him up, in here with me, he can stay in the corner." She commands to the guards who quickly go to it. She stares at him, "If you wint reveal his face, I'll takes the mask off his face myself.
Connor smirked at her as she commented on the name, what the guards didn't do when they captured is take his side arms but due to all the commotion he wasn't able to use them, now there was some breathing room. With lightning speed he pulled out his sidearm and dispatched off the guards in the room, slowly they fell to the floor each and every one of them. He calmly walked over to the guard that was holding his M249 and picked it up, and looked at the Queen "I am not an enemy you wish to have... I dispatched of them with ease, what makes you think I won't do the same with you, do not test me." he said as he glared at her.
Daeris stands up, her face blank before anger bubbled in side of her, "Honestly, go ahead, try it, Death." She says, venom dripping from her words. She steps towards him, until her face was inches from his mask, "You should probably stop before someone gets hurt, my guards are easily replaced. You are not as it seems." She says coldly, looking at the contraption in his hands.
He was quite surprised of her boldness, she did seem like the warrior type though she was fairly pretty as well "I have no reason to kill you, I only had reason to kill the guards." he said as he began walking away from her "I stop at nothing but my own free will he said." he said and chuckled "Perhaps you shall find me in the forest to the north..." he smirked as he stood just at the tent entrance "...that is if, I will let you find me." he said as his cloaking module kicked in and disappeared before her very eyes. He proceeded to move through the camp heading north to the forest, he slipped past the guards with ease thanks to the cloak, he quickly made his exit out of the camp and into the forest... as he turned back on the camp he saw the guards and troops readying them self, he ignored them as he went deeper into the forest and climbed on a tree and sat there.
Daeris sighs and looks at him as he disappears, she was intrigued by the man and more so when he seems able to just become invisible. She looks around, "Guards!" She says loudly, watching as four guards approach, "We will stop out current plans, in the forest of the north there is a masked man. I want him found, and brought to me. I will be going too." She says loudly.
Connor sat up in the tree, his gun spread across his chest and binoculars in hand... he was scanning the campsite, the army seemed to be amassing he only hoped it was not for him. The tree provided ample cover and along with his cloaking module he would be able to take care off his targets silently, he smirked as he thought that only moments ago he was in a civilized world.
The queen grabs her bow and her arrows before looking around once more at her soldiers, "This man, he's able to become invisible." She adds before moving towards the forest. She hand at least 10 soldiers behind her, a small number compared to the thousands she had. Her gaze settles on the forest in front of them, "Split up." She commands, before moving on her around through the forest. She looks up at the tree branches, "How do you find a man who can't be found." She mutters almost silently.
Connor watched from afar as the group of soldiers and their Queen approached, he smirked as he sat in the tree and waited... calmly, patiently for them to enter the forest. The guards moved in, tightly surrounding their Queen... then some of them started to move in slowly and then before they noticed they lagged behind the group... Connor merely smirked as he jumped to another tree then down into a bush, he started to stalk the soldier and watch over him carefully, then suddenly he walked behind him and slit his throat, the guard screamed and that scream echoed through the forest. He quickly dragged him into the bush and climbed back on a tree, moving closely towards the pack.
Daeris pivots and turns to the direction of the scream, "Head back to the camp, I've got this sorted. I'll deal with this on my own." She yells to the guards who protest at first and then head back anyway. She eyes were cold as she continues to walk, "Reveal yourself, this is getting seal." She stays loudly, her voice cold and expressionless.
He smirked as he heard the Queen yell to the guards to fall back, as they did he watched her from above... stalking her, observing her every move before finally coming down quietly and from behind her. He took a hold of her as he forcefully placed his arms around her "I did tell you of what lies in the shadow yet you didn't want to listen. I will not kill you, but I will not be nice either." he said as he smirked and let go of her, he immediately took a few steps back and disappeared again. He walked this time in-front of her and revealed himself... he stood there with hands crossed and his weapon on his hip.
Daeris flinches when he grabs her, refusing to make a sound or even seem too alarmed but the flinch in itself would be
Daeris flinches when he grabs her, refusing to make a sound or even to seem too alarmed but the flinch in itself was enough to let him know that she had been scared. She stares at him, "I'm not scared, you're clever clearly, but not scary yet I have a feeling you like surprising people." She says looking at him. She narrows her eyes, "You're bizarre, that thing in your hands, I've never seen one and your amour well that's above any standard I've seen and well I have some of the best blacksmiths known." She explains, having no idea why she was rambling on.

The woman stands still, "Why don't you just kill me? Most would, I'm not exactly liked by many." She says before chuckling coldly. She lets her gaze settle on him, "So are you planning to do, that's oh so not nice?" She asks, her voice partly sarcastic. She holds her bow in her right hand, an arrow firmly in her other hand
Connor chuckled at her first comment "You still not believe me when I say I am not of this world. Refusing to believe that I am Death..." he chuckled again as he paced around her with a soft yet careful step, he observed her... carefully and did not make any sudden movements. He became quiet... silence echoed for a moment as he softly paced and simply gazed at her "Your scared of me..." he said as he stopped in one place and turned towards her "...fear, I can feel it off you. I have been so long in war for far too long not to be able to feel it pouring out from people..." he smirked as he took two steps towards her and stood in-front of her "Do you want to die?" he said and became quiet for a moment "What will do you have if you already wish to die." he took two steps back and continued to pace around her, he looked at her bow and the way she tightly held it in her arms "No weapon in this world is faster, not hand not metal." he said as he looked at her and stopped again "What do you want now? Will you still pursue me or will you go back to your petty siege? I have no reason to bicker or duel with you, as you have yet to give me one." he said and gazed right at her.
She stands still, the other movement from her breathing. She doesn't say anything at first, frozen in place. She looks at him, "Fear can't be sensed. And if it were possible for you to sense it, you calculations would be wrong. I am not scared." She says, she looks at him, watching his careful movement. She looks at the trees that surround them, "I don't believe you'll hurt me. You aren't from this world? Then how are you here?" She asks curiously but her tone still the same, cold and uncaring. She sets her arrow against the bow, pulling the string back, aiming it towards him, "That's the thing, if I were to simply let you go. How could I possibly trust you? You see, you have no face as of yet, your hidden behind a mask and you call yourself Death and yet you hesitate and refrain from killing me." She says.
As he looked at her he smirked under his mask "How would you know?" he chuckled as he moved around her "I came here because someone decided to open a portal to my world. And it seems in doing so he has trapped me here..." he paused and looked at her "...for now." he said and chuckled, he continued to move around her as she pulled her bow then stopped and looked at her "I care not for showing my face and neither should you, I don't need your trust and you do not need mine. We will simply let it be for now..." he said and paused. Suddenly he heard something not far from their location he slowly and calmly shifted his head towards the source of the sound and switched his optics to thermals, ten or so soldiers appeared carefully moving towards them. He turned to the Queen and gestured with his finger for her to be silent... his cloak engaged and he disappeared again, he carefully walked behind her and grabbed her dragging her to the nearby bushes and again gesturing to her to be quiet, he walked in the open and stood there with the gun in hand. The soldiers approached, they didn't seem like the ones from previously meaning that they were not on the Queen's side, they stood in a line formation just coming out of the woods and they looked around first at him then at their surroundings "Where is the Queen that was with you devil. Tell us and we will let you go..." their leader said and stood in place "I'm really getting tired of you people's attitude, acting high and mighty when your nothing but a worm in the food chain." he clicked in his machine gun "Down Devil! Don't..." Connor cut him off as he released a spray of bullets from left to right and mowed them all down, horrificly loud noises echoed through the forest as the bodies fell to the floor. He lowered his weapon and turned to the Queen "Death... Is all." he said and remained quiet.
Daeris looks at the man, hesitate. She gasps as he drags her to the bushes and tells her to be quiet. She could hear soldiers approaching and she watches the scene happen in front of her. She was quiet, hardly breathing. She steps out of the buses when they after seeing the man kill them all without wen approaching, "Well then, Death, you might have proven to be useful." She says, her voice expressionless still though inside she is by far shocked by this man's ability. She steps forward again looks at him, her gaze settling on him. She was curious now.

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