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When I'm With You...

"Pfft. We can make as much noise as we want, I'll fend off any old hags that come your way." he snickered, walking along besides her, his eyes roaming the street ahead. "
A cute chuckle erupted from her mouth before she could stop it and she covered her mouth. She hated her laugh. "I'm not sure if you can, yes, they're old ladies, but I am 99% sure that they take martial arts lessons." Her voice was soft as she spoke jokingly. Practically bouncing, she walked down the street, stared up at him then Mumbled, "I bet I could beat you in a race..." Her eyes glittered playfully, like the stars above. Before waiting for an answer, she took off her shoes and ran down the road, faster than expected, she was pretty fast, but she wasn't too fast.
"Hey, your supposed to at least tell me where the finish line is!" he yelled after her, smiling widely as he took off in her direction, she had gained quite the lead but it took him mere seconds to catch up with her. He laughed loudly as he passed her, turning to face her, easily keeping up with her even though he was now running backwards.

"Is that all you've got? I'm beyond disappointed." he teased, quickening his pace, the distance between the two beginning to widen considerably.
Scowling playfully, she chased after him, before long she was in the lead, despite the fact her toes were scratching against sharp rock, and debris on the floor.

Catching her breath, she zoomed ahead, smirking, "Oh, you're dissapointed?Aw." Swiftly, she turned a corner into the drive of a small cottage, with light grey walls and a beautiful small flowery garden. The thatched roof added to its cuteness as she leant against the door, gathering her keys from her pocket and opening the door.

"Hey, you want a drink or anything?" She smiled and kicked her shoes into the small shoe box and walked through the hallway. It was a one floored cottage, the only thing she could afford in a decent neighbourhood.
Skidding to a halt in front of her driveway, he took in the quaint scenery, then followed her to the front door. Hesitating, he watched her head down the hallway, trying to catch his breath as he took a tentative step into her home.

"I'll take some water, if its not too much to ask." he said, following her down the hallway.
"Of course it's not too much to ask," she found her way into the kitchen, a room coming off of the left of the hallway. Approaching the White marbelled sides, she sighed and lifted herself into the counter, crawling on her knees to a cupboard in order to retrieve a cup, which she then put ice in and passed to Atticus. "...Here..." She mumbled, sitting at the white wooden table tiredly.
(wow she really is short)

"Thanks." he responded politely, reaching over to take the cup from her, his fingers brushing hers softly before he quickly pulled the cup away. "S-so how long have you been staying here?" he asked, placing an elbow on the table, cupping his chin in the palm of his hand as he looked over at her.
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(She's like 5ft 1, but the cupboards reach the ceiling xD )

"A few months, how long have you been in this city?Its a beautiful place." Her eyes widened as she placed her head in both of her hands. "How old are you? I have s feeling you're around 18, but you look like you're 22. It's really puzzling me." She muttered timidly, her gaze once again locking on his, her honey coloured eyes warm and welcoming.
"I've been here my entire life, can't say I'm too fond of this place though, I've always dreamed of living all on my lonesome somewhere out in the country. Away from the smog, all of the constant noise, and especially the unruly people." he told her, looking longingly out of a window.

"I'm 20 to be exact, I turn 21 in a couple months, can't say I look forward to it." he mumbled sadly, meeting her gaze, his brown eyes open windows to his soul. "What about you?"
Looking at how desperate he was to live in the country side she smiled, "Trust me, from personal experience, you don't want to live in the country side." Tucking her legs to her chest, she looked into his brown eyes, almost as if she were in a trance. "I'm 20 in a few weeks." She rolled her eyes. "I know I don't look it but I am....And what couldn't you possibly not be looking forward to at turning 21?Its the greatest birthday age,you know?"

Curiously, she furrowed her brows in confusion. Why wasn't he excited to turn 22?Hm. She frowned and stared at him warmly.
"Well happy belated birthday!" he suddenly shouted, throwing his arms into the air and pretending to throw confetti everywhere.

"And its not like I dread my 21st birthday specifically, I dread ALL of my birthdays equally." he sighed, folding his hands in his lap and leaning back as far as he could in the chair. "It brings back to many unpleasant memories..."
Startled by the sudden shouting, she almost fell off her chair.

"Jeez!Why all the shouting?" She grinned sheepishly, "But thanks."

As he mention unpleasant memories, she was intrigued, but she wasn't prepared to ask him why or how. They were unpleasant, and with unpleasant things comes negativity. And with negativity comes sadness, she didn't want to make him sad on the first day they met, that would be a bad first impression, host and overall, a despicable person. "Oh, I'm sorry about that..."
"No need for you to say sorry, and sorry to leave you in suspense, I just don't really want to talk about it at the moment." he said, giving her a small smile, he was still leaning in the chair, balancing his weight precariously on just two legs.

"Anyways, so where are you-" a moment later the chair suddenly tipped over, and he fell backwards, hitting the ground with a loud thud. "...ouch." he groaned, from his position on the ground, bursting into laughter as he struggled to get up.
At the loud crash, she gasped, watching him fall to the floor. Stumbling over to him in shock, she sat by his side, unable to hold back her laughter. Between chuckles, she managed to say, "are you....Okay?"

Supporting his back, she helped him to sit up, using her legs to kick away the chair. "Damn chair." She grinned.
"You ask me if I'm ok, yet you laugh at me? Jeez, make up your mind." he laughed, managing to sit up with her help. "I'm perfectly fine, thank you very much." he said quickly, failing to notice a thin trickle of blood running down the side of his face, from a small cut on the side of his head.
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She smiled, "I'm sorry....." Looking up at his head she rolled her eyes in disbelief and stood, climbing onto the shelf to reach the highest cupboard for her mini first aid kit, for emergencies, seeing as she lived on her own.

"You're bleeding, you know?" Jumping off of the counter, she skidded across the floor, right next to Atticus. Opening the small plastic case, she pulled out a cotton band aid, putting pressure on the small cut, then taping the cotton pad on with clear tape. Getting an antiseptic wipe, she cleared up the blood on his face and smiled wildly and proudly. "And......There!..."

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