Music what's your favorite type of music?


she's country
I was wondering what is everyone's favorite type of music? There is only 2 types I will listian to and that is Country music and Christian music.
Do video game soundtracks count? xD I like a lot of different kinds of tracks from games, but I tend to prefer either calm and serene tracks, or tunes that are really high in energy. I also like the electric guitar, if that helps at all.
countrygirl824 said:
I was wondering what is everyone's favorite type of music? There is only 2 types I will listian to and that is Country music and Christian music.
Sorry, but Country and Christian music happen to be my least favorite Genres, but that doesn't mean you have to stop listening! My favorites are Video Game music, Dubstep, All sorts of Metal (Mainly Death metal, heavy metal, power and thrash metal), and VERY FEW pop songs. Does anyone else here share my tastes in music?
Alternative rock, hard rock, metal (skimming the surface)

Open to most anything though, and I honestly explore a wide variety of genres and several oddly mixed playlists.

Don't really like as much country or rap (but admittedly there are always a handful of albums worth listening to). I mostly try to avoid bashing altogther though.
Mainly Kpop and EDM for me, though these days I've been listening to some great English songs thanks to Spotify. I seem to like the acoustic covers the most. Funny, I really hate the original version of Cheerleader but I've loved every single cover of that song I've gotten to hear.
[QUOTE="Ace Felix]Sorry, but Country and Christian music happen to be my least favorite Genres, but that doesn't mean you have to stop listening! My favorites are Video Game music, Dubstep, All sorts of Metal (Mainly Death metal, heavy metal, power and thrash metal), and VERY FEW pop songs. Does anyone else here share my tastes in music?

Eh I listen to some metal. Prefer other types of rock though, Mostly Post-Grunge bands like 3 Days Grace and Seether. Also listen to Alternative and Cinematic (Starset, Sabaton I guess)
Thankfully I'm at a point in my life where I can accept that I like bits and pieces of every genre, rather than just be a snob about any music that isn't My Music. That said, the main genres I like are britpop, new wave, glam rock, post punk, indie pop/rock, and musical theatre.
countrygirl824 said:
I was wondering what is everyone's favorite type of music? There is only 2 types I will listian to and that is Country music and Christian music.
LAAAAAAAWWWWD, I listen to just about everything! My playlist is so crazy! My friends think I'm a serial killer, because I'll go from listening to graphic gangster rap to death metal to calm jazz music from the 30's.
Taking a music appreciation class has broadened my horizons when it comes to music a bit (as I now have a fondness for jazz), but I still find myself listening to different types of rock most of the time. Indie rock, new wave, punk, alternative, hard rock, etc.

Pop music is enjoyable as well, especially since it's so different from decade to decade.

Most country and rap songs leave a bad taste in my mouth, though. Blame the abundance of people blasting it loudly in their cars around here.
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I don't really have a favorite genre since what I love to listen to kind of depends on my mood, but I'm probably a little more fond of vaporwave than I should be. I wouldn't call it an absolute all time favorite but it seems to fit my mental landscape a little too well. Though I will say I'm not really a fan of the type of country music that gets extensive radio play (some of it's alright but I can't stand the message of most of the lyrics and the music backing the lyrics tends to be very very samey to me) but I definitely don't turn my nose up at the genre altogether.

I find that as I get older my musical appreciation only broadens and deepens.
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Black Metal

Classic Rock

Death Metal

Doom Metal

Groove Metal

Heavy Metal

Prog Metal


Speed Metal

Thrash Metal
It's nearly impossible to choose, but I think I'll have to say Electronic. I love melodic dubstep, future bass and house as well!

Leading into second and third places, I also enjoy Indie Pop and certain types of rock music.
I'm pretty much hooked into Alternative, modern rock, techno, trance, and EDM. The more bass, the better! Classic rock is still pretty heavy in my heart though.
There are some genres I refuse to listen to: Rap, most pop, most country, electronic, seventies.

But I absolutely love anything from the Golden era, Classical, Jazz, Kpop (Mostly RnB, the more lively songs get on my nerves honestly), metal, alternative, hardcore, rarely screamo, and occasionally indie. I
love Skillet.
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I'll listen to just about anything I hear out there, if I like the sound of it. I listen to a huge range of music, from pop to nightcore. I probably won't name all the genres, as there's way too many!
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I tend to enjoy most genres of music too. Unfortunately, I can't stand the crap they put on the radio over here lately, same goes for music channels. It's all just shite thrown together to make some quick cash. No soul or passion in it at all. As for my favourite genre of music, I really can't choose because it all depends on the kind of mood I'm in. Generally speaking though, anything that a musician has actually invested themselves in, I enjoy. I'm a big fan of blues, folk, country, I really enjoy funk and soul... and I even enjoy reggae, hip-hop (Actuall Hip-Hop, not this whole "I got arrested cuz I shot sum guy fo' dissin' me" crap) dubstep, jazz, punk, metal... Some of my favourite bands and musicians include Tracy Chapman, Midnight Star, Velvet Revolver, The Prodigy, Rage Against the Machine, P-Funk, The Beegees, Slipknot, Afrika Bambaataa, Miyavi, Mucc, Dir en Grey, Girugamesh, The Whailers, Bob Dylan, Motley Crue... and so many others. Those are just the ones that come to mind right now.

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