Other Whats your Fav Non human species or character?

Sangheli are quite high on my list. I always liked their warrior culture, their aesthetic and their design as aliens in the halo setting. (This is coming from someone who's really only played Halo 3 and Reach)

The Gem Species from Steven Universe is up there. I like how all the mechanics behind gems get worked into a narrative structure, things like the possibilities behind fusion, shapeshifting, being able to be "poofed" without dying, and then reforming looking somewhat different, etc.

Though my all time favorite is the Pikmin. The only issue is there aren't really any memorable character in the pikmin themselves. The astronauts are the only ones that get proper backstories and personalities.
I love White Wolf's Changelings. There's something so tragic about literal dreams trying to survive in today's mundane world.
Dragons soar through the air around you, standing on a cliff, you can see them for miles on end. You feel like your flying, the wind from their wing beats almost blow you off the mountain. Standing 20 feet tall, they are well muscled and could kill you in one swipe of their claws. But, usually gentle, Dragons are a wonder. Their shiny scales change color depending on their mood. Their wings are long and strong to keep them In flight. Their eyes will stare you in the face, breath-taking are those Emerald eyes. As soon as you think that you are going to die from beauty, they fly off again. Dragons are my favorite. :)
I mean, I love mythical creatures -- especially phoenixes and dragons.

But if we're getting more specific and talking about species that are actually copyrighted and developed by modern writers, I'm going with Vulcans from Star Trek. I like the strange blend of mystical and logical in the Vulcan race.

Also 'coz I'm a great big honkin' nerd, that's why.
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Orks: Angry space mushrooms.
They're not sophisticated
Not graceful
Not nuanced
Not smart
Very crude
Very dumb
Very barbaric
Very very very very stupid
And that is why I LOVE them to death.
In a universe where everyone takes themselves too seriously, it seems that orks are the only one who can have any fun. I mean, have you seen their tech? It can't physically work, but because alot of orks believe hard enough, it magically works! They don't concern themselves with dominating the galaxy, if they conquer it really is a by product of they rampant WAAAGHs! Even the word WAAAGH itself define orks wonderfully: Simple, chaotic, and full of energy.
That's the thing, if any faction in 40k has won from the start, it be the orks. The moment an ork commits to an (violent) engagement, they've won, because they're entire PURPOSE is destruction itself and mayhem. That said, they don't do it for some patron god(not intentionally) but for the sake of...well, fun.
My favorite comic of all time is "Deff Skwadron", which summarize why I love the orks so much:
Deff Skwadron
Two more videos explaining why I love orks:

Species-wise, it would be elves (the Tolkien ones). Beauty, grace, and immortality.

Character-wise, it would be the horse Black Beauty (yes, from Anna Sewell's Black Beauty). Horses are my favorite animals, and Black Beauty's left an impression on me since I was a kid.
NGL, most of the species I favor are things I've created myself.

If we're talking established lore and species from multiple universes then Sangheili are my number 1. I loved the halo games, loved halo rp, and the lore behind it all is very intriguing and great to read. Hell, I even had a Halo themed rp plot that I just could never find a partner for.

Number 2 would definitely be changelings. I love the idea of concealing your identity and toying with others all through a facade, disguise, and mental games. Many fantasy rp's I'm involved in have at least one of my characters be a changeling.
ORCS > ANIMAL-MIX THINGS (not the kind with just cat ears though. I mean savage jaguar-type beings that are just standing mostly upright 8D) > DRYADS.

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