Chitchat Whats one of your creepy experiences?


𝘢𝘬𝘢 𝙈𝙄𝙉𝘼 !
Just a place to share some creepy events that has happened to you. It can be anything from near deaths, stalkers, creepy nightmares. KEEP IT AGE APPROPRIATE! And if I happen to have put this in the wrong place, I sincerely apologize. Its my first time making a thread like this. Well here is mine! A creepy stalker story? I don't know honestly. Just read it if you'd like ( I actually have two, so if the first one ends up getting some type of attention then maybe ill share the other one.)

I used to live in an apartment complex that was about a mile away from my school. My mom always made me walk to school, and I had no problem with it honestly. But I remember when me and my stepdad went to the liquor store next to the apartments and I seen this really creepy guy paying for his stuff. I had my own money so I was first in line behind the guy. I notice that he was staring at me and I could see him from the corner of my eye just smiling at me. Then all of a sudden he starts talking to me. Basically offering to pay for my stuff. I said no and I did notice that my stepdad had that "im gonna beat the fuck out of you" face. I didn't think nothing of it though.

Anyways, the next day after school was out I started walking home and I noticed that the same guy standing outside of his house. He waved to me and had that creepy smile again. I didn't know what to do so I just ignored him and continued walking. He seemed to have gotten really angry so he just stormed out of the house. He kept standing out every day at the exact same time my school let out. I thought it was pretty weird that he knew exactly what time I would be walking by his house.

But then one day, he was standing out by his car. I tried avoiding his gaze but he stood right in front of me. I was terrified at this point and I ended up running all the way back home. I did tell my mom about him and she told my stepdad to go walk home with me the next day. But he ignored it. I was still terrified of walking but there was nothing I could do.

The next day after school, I was walking again and I seen him standing outside of his car looking at me. Luckily there was a women with her daughter walking behind me so I just waited and walked with them. I did explain why I was doing it and she understood completely. He ended up walking right in front of me again but this time the women grabbed me by the arm and she threatened to call the police. He got really angry and drove off in his car.

I seen him on the news a few days after. Turns out he was a sex offender who had some previous encounters with children (mostly girls my age) as well. He was caught trying to kidnap and young boy and I think he is still in prison. Not sure. And I really don't wanna figure out.

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I'm a cashier, and today one of my customers friended me on facebook to ask me over to his place to watch Netflix. It was really odd....and creepy, because I remembered him just staring at me while I was checking his groceries out.
I was in my kitchen and thought "huh, I remember having deja vu as I made a bagel after my archaeology class." Regardless, I didn't have deja vu about making a bagel in my kitchen at any point in the past - I've only lived in my current house for less than a year - and further, this is the first time I've ever taken an archaeology class.

I'm a cashier, and today one of my customers friended me on facebook to ask me over to his place to watch Netflix. It was really odd....and creepy, because I remembered him just staring at me while I was checking his groceries out.
One of my coworker's has told me similar stories and it always makes me so mad to hear about creeps doing stuff like this. >:|
OK, this is about the house I lived in prior to the current one. I shared a room with my brother so he would know what I'm talking about. One night, I was just sitting in my room playing the playstation when I heard a voice from behind me. I thought it was just the game, but looking back on it, the voice sounded way to scratchy and real to be from the game. I turned back to my game for a little bit longer before hearing the same voice, except it was louder. This time, I could hear what it was saying. It said "Hello" in a scratchy tone. I started to get goosebumps. I turned back to my game thinking that if I ignore it, it would go away. It didn't. It said in a similar tone "Why won't you talk to me?". At this point I was generally scared. I left the room without looking back.

That night was probably one of the most terrifying nights of my life. I was laying awake in bed because I had always had a hard time getting to sleep. My brother was asleep, so what I heard was not him. As I was about to fall asleep, I heard scratching on the wall behind me. I jolted out of bed and sat facing the wall. What I saw could only be described as hellish. I grabbed my flashlight and shone it at the wall. There were three distinct claw marks going down the wallpaper to where my head was previously. Whatever it was, it wasn't in my head. My brother woke up and saw the claw marks too. Then we both heard one of the most terrifying sounds possible, a deep, hoarse voice telling us to "Get out". I immediately grabbed my brother by the arm and left the room. This time I looked back into my room, and what I saw was two red eyes staring back at me from my bed. We were out of that house within the week.

Turns out, a little boy had died in that house shortly after it was built. To make it worse, the new owners said they found a pentagram on the wall behind where my bed had been. That night still haunts me to this day.
I know. It has scared me for life. I can only pray something like it doesn't happen again.
i don't like to talk about it, but i've been about as close to dead as you can get without passing the point of no return.

can't remember all of what happened, but it was... quite an experience. changed me from a hardcore atheist to pretty agnostic about the whole afterlife thing.
Oh boy. Do I share the "prank demon" story or the "serial killer girl scout gang member story" or the "bones island" story? Or, ooh! The "dog bones" story. Or the "tooth" story. Or the "bridge" story. Or the "plumber stalker" or "cups stalker" story. I'll start with prank demon. I almost shared this on the RPN Discord but decided not.

Ok. So I used to have a crush on this boy. We were both about 17 I believe, maybe 16 (this was around 2 years ago) and I rarely ever attended parties, but there was this girl in my class who I'd known since pre-school and met up with again in high school and she invited everyone to her house for a huge party, and I figured, her house is 2 blocks away from mine, something goes wrong, I'll walk home.

So this boy I liked. We're at the party and he announces he's taking a walk, and would anyone like to come? ME! I WOULD I LIKE TO TAKE A WALK WITH THE GUY I LIKE! THIS IDIOT! OOH, PICK ME! Well, two of his friends, who we'll call Tall Girl and Short Girl wish to come. Greeeaaaatttt. No romantic walk for me. But I go anyway. So near my house there's this abandoned school. Run down and dingy, dirty, and very creepy. And it's under construction because the Buddhist Temple bought it. But it has a playground and a field. We walked over there and we wanted to get in the field but it was padlocked, so we had to break in by sliding under and through. (Please take note I was peer pressured into this. I am a good kid.) So we wander the field a while and it was already dark when we left, and I'm like, "So, there could be sex offenders around, can we please leave?" And my crush goes, "Oh, don't worry about that, I have an app for that, there's none around." Um, OKAY.

So we end up hanging on the swings (playground), and, well, swinging, and because this is literally a horror film, the swings are all creaky because why not add to the ambiance. And I notice the security cams mounted on the wall. And I notice there's a light on on the second floor, I can see through the window. Why would there be a light on in an abandoned school? At this time of night? Where no one was around but us? When the door to the school was padlocked and chained? WTF? How would someone even get up there without falling? SO I made them leave. But we got turned around and had to go back to retrace our steps and get back to the party. And when we returned, the lights were off upstairs...but at least one of the security cams had been ripped from the wall and was dangling from the wire. This is when I realized something paranormal and bad was going on. This time, me and Tall Girl (who had some sense) forced Crush and Short Girl to leave, and we began to walk back to the party. Short Girl, who has been trailing behind us, has begun to giggle.

At first, the three of us ignore Short Girl, but after some time, we finally turn around to see what she was doing-- we being me and Tall Girl. And she turns around, giggles, and waves at the school. Remember how I said it was under construction? The bulldozer or whatever construction equipment is facing us, is flashing it's lights.

There is no one there.

I took off running and I didn't stop until I reached the party. I'm very out of shape at this time-- I run a 16 minute mile, usually, and I have to take breaks to walk because my chest hurts so bad. I ran and jogged the whole way and made it before everyone else. It wasn't until I was about to go looking for them that they returned and told me it was all a prank. It wasn't real. They didn't explain how. And I don't believe them.

I did return to that place a while after, like days after, but didn't see anything paranormal. I don't know what the hell happened that night, but I know that ghosts are real. They have to be.
I'll share more if anyone is interested but I really don't feel like getting into the serial killer story right this second
I've never really had creepy experiences, but when I was little I had a recurring night-terror of me waking up in the middle of the night, noticing something was sort of wrong about the situation, then just sitting there for a few moments until something happened. Every time, right above my bed, there suddenly appeared some sort of spiked sphere that hovered over me and screamed so loud at me it pushed me back to the bed. It was like somebody opened up a portal to hell and a truck parked over me.

The thing is, it was more like a hallucination. Are hallucinations supposed to scream at you?

My mom usually came in afterwards.
I remember being almost hit by a bus, that was going full pace towards me and my friends, and there was no driver, and the handbrake was visibly down, turns out someone had died on that bus.
When I was thirteen, I came home from school and took a nap which would lead to a strangely vivid dream.

Recalling details may be a little difficult since this happened about six years ago, but I'll do it to the best of my ability. The dream began with my consciousness leaving my body and entering a portal of sorts through my sister's large mirror. After being transported inside the mirror, I remember falling into a spiraling black abyss only to be greeted by my stepfather who I think of as my father. This individual told me that there were NOT my stepfather and had only taken his form as to not alert me. They told me that time was limited and that I absolutely had to destroy my sister's mirror. As soon as I woke up, I definitely did not destroy my sister's mirror, but instead, went to tell my stepfather about the dream.

The dream itself is not the creepy part, however.

The creepy part would happen about a week later after my stepfather tripped over the mirror during the night causing it to shatter and break. Less than three days later, my mother walked out on me, my sister, and my stepfather after it was revealed that she was having an affair. At the time, the three of us were relieved to see her go. My stepfather had wondered if my dream and the shattering of the mirror was connected at all - as if shattering the mirror released the negative energy from our lives - my mother.

Probably looking too far into this, but it's a theory that my family has accepted at this point as being legitimate.
Seeing a complete stranger (a woman) peeing on your doorstep................That was a very awkward night

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