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Realistic or Modern what's a human to a god?




It started out small. Maybe moving the victim into a puddle with a small nudge. But you can do that. You're a god after all, so what does some human's lowly life matter to you? But soon it escalated. Fires. Floods. All for the sake of 'a little fun'. Some drove their human to insanity. Others slowly destroyed the things the victim loved. The fun soon ended, however. The god eventually found out, and was pretty pissed. Like, really pissed. Apparently he's had enough of your 'nonsense', or whatever it was He said. so yeah. that was that. it only took one swift slap to send you and the other five gods barreling down to earth, in an attempt to teach you all 'humility'. Why do you need to learn humility, anyway? You're a god, for crying out loud! Man oh man. So, here you are. Stuck in a human form. Stuck in high school. Stuck with a human, who has to teach you - the almighty god! - how to function in this world! How could this day get any worse?


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Open Spots


Gender: Male

This kid doesn't really have many friends. Most are put off by how awkward he is, and his lack of

conversation. But he does try! Despite this, he seems to fail again and again. His shyness may

just be his downfall.

Pair: God of Madness


Gender: Female

She loves gambling and other games like that. Widely known for scamming dozens of people

out of their money, but they still play with her anyway. She used to be another widely

respected god, due to her ability to bring luck to those who please her.

Power: Probability Altering

Inactive People CS

Niji Yamauchi
Mr.God Complex


  • Full name:

    Niji Yamauchi





    Paired with:

    God of War and Justice

    Face claim:

    Apollon Agana Belea



    Green eyes


    Messy blond hair


    (Height and Weight)

    He is 180cm or around 5'11.

    He weights around 60 kg or 132pounds

Carina Bellerose

(<3)(rapier) Goddess of
Love and Vengeance (<3)(rapier)

View attachment 144958

Some hearts understand each other, even in silence.



Carina Bellerose




"Gorgeous? You know, something like that."




Female [Neutral]


"Pansexual, I don't concern myself with gender."



"You think I'm cute? Thanks. You are too."

View attachment 144930

Carina is a slim young woman that stands at 5'6" with caramel skin. She has hourglass figure. She has elegant neck with proportionately slim arms and shoulders, with long elegant legs. Carina has a soft, oval shaped face with a pointed jaw, framed by silky, thick, pink hair that falls to her waist. She has blue almond shaped eyes framed by thick dark lashes. She has a snub nose, it is button like with a slightly widening at the base. It's a small nose with little definition and she has pink full lips.


She loves modern style, so her style is constantly changing "hipster" one minute, "bohemian" the next. Though, she likes to wear shirts that show her abdomen. She thinks one perk of being human is that she gets clothes.



Fake tears can only hurt others. False smiles can only hurt yourself

matchmaker! Though, it's more trouble maker then matchmaker, when Carina is around. There always love in the air with her, she always meddling in human affairs. Now, that she's human, it's gotten worse, she locks them in closets! No matter the gender, she even locked two football players in the closet. Their two sides to Carina, one minute she's happy, chirper and affectionate, but mess with her or anyone she's acquainted with she'll make your life a living hell.

She graciously showers people with affection and is extremely energetic and can spread her vibes to others. She doesn't easily get disheartened by disappointments and setbacks. She extremely charming, the way she talk and the matter she speaks in make people comfortable in her presence and her captivating smile make it hard not to be wooed. She's enthusiastic and active, but most of the time her energy is scattered in different directions. She also won't think twice about being confrontational, she'll approach a situation in an aggressive way, which sometimes leads to problems.

Sometimes she can be the darker side of love, greedy, and needy even obsessive. Vengeance is simply another way of saying revenge, if one does not get revenge it will consume them sometime even after exactly one's revenge things are not forgotten.


Chocolate, Shopping, Flirting, Matchmaking, Spring, Sun showers, Rain,


Summer, Heat, Aggressive people, Idjits,


PM or tag me in OOC to work something out.


Ms. Petrified WIP


Demetrius "DJ" James-God of Madness[Brother]

"I'm good big sister. I think ?"

They bicker, bully and tease each other, but it's all good fun. They hit each other and They been around so long that it's become habit. Now, that their human it hasn't change. Though, this relationship seems hostile it not it's only god natured teasing. They're very protective, if one were to hurt DJ, or vise versa. All hell would break lose.

Best Friend

Ares Chandler - War and Justice

"In human terms BFF."

They tired a relationship, but it was uncomfortable and they decided it would be better to stay bestie. Despite how both seem to be complete opposites they get along well. It's kind of hard not love, Ares when he gets all, when he because a mess in front of girls. He seems very protective due to you know to fact their best friends.


Jae Kurenai-God of Truth



Kerri Hawthorn- Goddess of Nature

"Tense, but friendly none the less."

They are never going to be best friends. Never. She is way to old fashioned for her. They have good moments, when she isn't meddling in human love. They seem to get along, but then it's fighting again. Endless cycle.


Tchyes Gain- Goddess of Luck and Fortune

"Error. I don't compute. I'm goddess of love. I don't hate anyone. It's the opposite of like"

They simply do not click. As far as Carina considered, It's because the "Ty" is self-absorbed. Yup. Carina has nothing to with the

tension among them. When she was goddess she used to curse certain humans, she disliked with misfortune and well "Ty" ruined all her fun.



She likes chocolate because she thinks it's romantic!

Name: Rysen Liosen

Age: 17

What God / Mr or Ms they are:

Mr. Awkward

Who their paired with:

God of madness

Personality Description [ 10 Lines minimum. ]

Around those he doesn't know Rysen is quiet untrusful and shy. One that avoids physical contact as well as eye contact and tries not to embarrass himself. Usually he keeps to himself and loses himself in books or music, distracting himself from the going ons around him. This is mostly due to his self consciousness and the fact that he finds it hard to make conversation with those he doesn't click with. However, once you put him in an environment with friendly familiar faces he will become more open and you will find he is more then he appears.

He is smart and artistic with a large imagination with the strange ability to retain what he reads in fiction books but not in school books and uses nicknames in place of long forgettable names. Undoubtedly lazy with a spitfire personality and a large variant sense of humor, one that can be very crude weird or dark, he has a habit to make strange friends, when he succeeds in making them, and is usually chatty around them. He likes to keep these friends close and tends to unintentionally spoil them or pick up their small habits to make them more comfortable. On that same take he tends to hide his social life behind several walls so most outsiders only know the barest hint of what's going on. It makes him feel safe from anything they can bully him with.



no slide
Kazuki Kurosawa


Impassive | Indifferent | Obedient | Sincere

True to his alias, Mr. Totally Cool, nothing fazes Kazuki. Rarely does anyone see his lips quiver due to the outburst of emotions, his voice waver or ring louder than a siren, or his eyes widen or dampen with tears. After all, he's the guy that is like a monochrome painting, bland and colourless. An impassive individual that scarcely shows any emotion and has a blank, but captivating look that can draw anyone into his palm.

Nevertheless, Kazuki pays no attention to the rumors that define him, heck, he doesn't even care about people that spread it, or generally, people at all. He's indifferent like that, as if socializing was a pain and being a neutral party was the only option he has left. However, this is where Kazuki is always misunderstood. Just because he's emotionless doesn't mean that he can't hold a conversation or two. In fact, he has a polite manner of speaking and would attend to anyone who needs his assistance. The only thing is, Kazuki loves being alone and would rather take a hike just to have a peace of mind than to be at extravagant parties.

Towards people that he treasure, however, Kazuki has a different treatment for them. To those people that know the real him, Kazuki is an obedient individual. He would go out of his way just for that person and would even give up hiking just for them. Since they know him, he would also have no problem being honest with them and would immediately speak up on matters of importance.


Tyche Gaines | God of Luck and Fortune

Tyche is Kazuki's partner.

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