Opinion what would be the best weopon for a zombie invasion ?

So my questions is what would be the best weapon for a realistic zombie invasion ? and I also want to know why the best weapon. be specific which weapon . not just saying sword .-. I might not agree with what you choose and I will explain why . also remember that there are hunters aswell.

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An AK-47. High-powered, automatic and reliable, with its ammo being extremely common.
A zorb ball.

It can hide your scent, and unless the zombies have acquired weapons, there's a very slim chance that they'll be able to break through.

That part doesn't even matter, though, because you could easily outrun them - or, rather, roll away from them, I suppose.
joker: all though that an ak-47 is a good weapon . its not the best. its make a lot of noise which would easily attract more zombies and hunters . and how is ammo easy to find ? what do you think there going to be lying on the ground lol. its not a game. talking about real life here.

pine: isn't the zorb ball made out of plastic ? I'm sure with a good hit to the wall it can be broken. plus its not even stronge enough to hurt zombies. plus you would really be a an easy hit for hunters lol. 
pine: plus you can't outrun a car or bullets. so i guess its not really a good weapon lol. that's my opinion



What type of zombies are we talking about here? lol

Plastic can be surprisingly durable.

Idk, maybe you were talking about taking them out...

I'm far too passive and will just be focusing on survival l o l.
Depends on the specifics of the nature of the zombies and their physiology;

Slow/clumbering/shufflers - Melee, ideally something massively damaging in single blows; with strength something like a sledgehammer or a baseball bat if not that strong. Essentially needs to be quick, as quiet as possible and something that doesn't require ammo - no matter how common ammo will run out eventually and people don't just leave the stuff lying around like computer game.

Normal pace/human-like/walkers - Melee again, either the same as above or potentially bladed weapons (Though bladed only really for things where decay has set in, cutting through flesh is surprisingly difficult and getting a blade stuck in the skull of something may allow others to grab you or sneak up whilst your weapons still firmly lodged in something). Again something quick, quiet and requiring no ammo.

Faster/rage-based/runners - Melee backup as above, but for expedient dispatching of Z's a ranged weapon is a nifty choice. Ideally something quiet like a bow/xbow however carrying capacity for ammo would be limited without becoming too encumbering. A rifle (Ak47, M16 etc) would be ok but noisy so not ideal. At this level any choice begins to become academic when you faced with more than one Z and in vast numbers is pointless - it becomes about damage limitation rather than a presumed survival based on weapon choices. It's keep gunning/hitting till the inevitable happens. Trick is avoid them at all costs.

Different things in different situations. Need more information ideally! :)
pine: I said zombie invasion. meaning that there are other survivors. other survivors can carry weapons,shoot guns and drives cars lol .-.

el phantasmo: all-though you do have point. I was talking about normal/basic zombies(walking dead). all though a bow is silents liek you said you wont find ammo on the floor but you can make arrows but just to be more realistic to make a good arrow you need to have experience doing it. but yeah you have some good points.
ugh ugh

Can't I just hide from everyone?

Can't that be an option?

/cries + goes back to the drawing board




/ugly crying
[QUOTE="THE J0KER]An AK-47. High-powered, automatic and reliable, with its ammo being extremely common.

You don't want automatic weapons against zombies. You want precise shots, not full auto. Also, carrying the weapon plus the ammo is gonna be bulky as hell. Even if you use clips and only a couple magazines its gonna take a lot of space to carry enough ammo to survive.

What you want is the Kel-Tec sub 2000:


Not only is this thing small and lightweight, but you can fold it. So you can either stash it in your backpack, or hang it from your shoulder with little discomfort. Not only that, but it can use several different type of pistol ammunition, so if you ran out of one, you can change to a back up, or a back up back up. Same with magazines, you can fit several types of magazines, including GLOCK magazines so you wont run out of mags to stack. You can also add up suppressors and scopes. Basically, this is all you want in a survival environment: Lightweight, portable, can use different types of (common) ammo and magazines, and unless you are trying to snipe from far away its really accurate.
augmentedpartan: its a good weapons. but i wouldn't waste bullets on zombies unless I need to. i would leave it for hunters. but still ammo is still a pain to find. as I said before. its not a game. you wont find ammo on the ground .
I'm saying that is the best, in my opinion, gun for all the reasons I said. I guess if you are in the US you might have a better time finding ammo than in other countries.

Also fighting zombies in real life wouldn't be as easy in a videogame. If there is more than one zombie and you can escape (small room for example) you might want to shoot them because getting close and personal with them is too much of a risk. Better waste five rounds than to waste your only life.

If you want a melee weapon though I would recommend Mr. Machete, not the guy, the big knife. It doesn't take much space, and its strong enough to be able to decapitate zombies, or just cut off limbs if that's what you need. The only downside is that its rather heavy compared to others, but that helps if you haven't sharpened it in a while, for the weight will help with the cutting.
I do understand your point. as I said use it when you really needed. although a machete is good weapon. I would prefer a fire axe or your own creation of weapons. i'm not talking about weapons like dead rising games or like dead island but you can mix some weapons example: A mop pole. and 4 knives. 2 on each side. it might sound silly but if it comes to zombie invasion i would prefer to mix some together.
Hmmm, I don't really think a mixed weapon is a good idea. It will probably break or dismantle itself immediately because it wasn't planned out like an actual tool is when created or built in good conditions like a factory tool. You can glue or tape knifes to a mop pole, but after the first hit it'll be useless. In Zombie Go Boom they tried a similar thing, the famous nail bat. They showed that aside from being a pain to put the nails in (you have to drill the holes first before putting the nails, if not the bat will break) after the first hit most of the nails bent beyond repair and made the bat useless. Mixing tools isn't just coming up with the idea, you have to know how to put it together so that it doesn't break.

What you need are industrial built tool, because they are guaranteed to be durable and work. Preferably good known brands, not Walmart stuff.
I'm talking about wielding them .-. no with tape or glue lol and the pole would be metal not wood . 
my best friend does these stuff. he built weapons on his free time. his really good at it.
It will still not be as good as a tool or weapon that has been a) planned and built from scratch by professionals b) built in industrial conditions that also control the quality of the final product. Sure you can weld them together, if you know how to weld properly. If a person who has never done it in his life tried it, then it will turn out badly. You also need to consider the weight of the final product. Will the knifes add to much weight to the pole? Will that make it difficult to swing or carry? Are the knifes of good quality? Because if one brakes, then replacing it might be a pain.

If you are the person that does this for a job, or just as a hobby, and are good at it, then probably you wouldn't have too much trouble. But if you have little or no experience (like most people) then trying to go with home made weapons will just get you killed.

chloeesalibaa said:
my best friend does these stuff. he built weapons on his free time. his really good at it.
That sounds pretty cool actually. Do you have any pics? I would like to see some of his designs.
well not on me but I can ask him if he can send some pics. last week he built a machete. it cuts like a dream. he tried it on melon and plastic containers . its sliced both of them. but I'm not fan of sharp weapons. I prefer blunt weapons.
Blunt weapons are pretty good too, since if there is not cutting, there is no blood that could infect you. An aluminum bat would be a good choice, its light and can pack a good punch. The only problem is that unlike sharp weapons that can be sharpened when needed, if a blunt weapon gets a dent its staying there.

The thing is, you can't just go around with one weapon and expect to survive. Guns run out of ammo, and melee weapons need space to swing and can't take enemies from a distance. What you need is your primary ranged weapon (preferably a gun, because bows and crossbows have too many disadvantages), one melee weapon (blunt or sharp, whichever you prefer), and a secondary gun (you never know when you might need it, plus handguns are easy to carry and fairly common in countries in which carrying guns is allowed).

Also, hunting. Really important. After a while food will either be too scarce, or what you find will be expired (no, you don't want to eat it, no matter how hungry you are) so your only choice will be to hunt for food. Here a bow or a crossbow would be ideal, but if you aren't good with them or can't get your hands on one, then guns are second best. Carbines, snipers, bolt-action, whatever you want, but it has to be semi so that you don't have more bullets than meat on your dinner.
i don't agree with you on these. first hunting with guns is horrible idea. there to noisy you don't want to attract zombies or hunters to you,second bows and crossbows are better( if you know how to use them) I'm an archer myself. and not to flaunt but i'm really good at it. and i have a really good aim. so one to the head and its over. plus arrows aren't really a problem as they can be made by you. guns are noisy and ammo is pretty annoying to find(where ever you are. i'm sure you wont find ammo on the floor in the us either). but still a gun is good for hunters
Thankfully we have the magic of silencers that make guns not pin point your location. If you are a good archer, then yes use a bow, BUT if have little to no experience with a bow then you will be wasting your time. You'll need a gun, preferably a silenced one, because sneaking near an animal is almost impossible unless you want to lay on the ground covered in leaves and mud for hours until one is curious enough to get near. The only problems guns have that bows don't is that a) you can reuse bolts (although you don't want to use the same one that you shot a zombie to kill a deer) and b) bolts don't spoil the meat as much as bullets.

Also, unless you have experience making arrows you should stick with pre-made ones, same as home made weapons. Arrows aren't just a stick with a feather and a pointy triangle at the end.

You MIGHT find ammo in the ground. Lets take the US for example. You won't be the only one to go to a gun store obviously, so most of them will be half empty. This doesn't mean that all the ammo was used, but that it was just taken by other people. You will probably find a lot of dead bodies clutching boxes of rounds and guns, but that were overrun by zombies. This is your "ammo on the ground", dead people that hoarded ammo but that couldn't use it all. So yes, you will find ammo on the ground if you scavenge enough.
so before they get eaten by zombies they will take out all there bullet outs ? .- . . doesn't make sense at all. and you do need to know how to shoot a gun. it not just point and shoot.
chloeesalibaa said:
so before they get eaten by zombies they will take out all there bullet outs ?
What do you mean by that?

chloeesalibaa said:
and you do need to know how to shoot a gun. it not just point and shoot.
Yes, but not everyone knows that. Thanks to movies and videogames people think that shooting a gun is easy or at least easy to learn, which will make people rush towards gun because of the feeling of safety they bring. Hell even if you didn't know how to shoot, trying a gun is better than surrendering and letting the zombies eat you.
augmentedspartan said:
What do you mean by that?
Yes, but not everyone knows that. Thanks to movies and videogames people think that shooting a gun is easy or at least easy to learn, which will make people rush towards gun because of the feeling of safety they bring. Hell even if you didn't know how to shoot, trying a gun is better than surrendering and letting the zombies eat you.
first thing you wont find bullets on the damn floor. Its not a game. and second thing: everything is better then getting eaten but still shooting a gun is hard. people who don't know how to use a gun will get hurt and if your aim suck. guns are useless. you need to be realistic. which your not being.

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