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Fantasy What Lies After Death?


Picked Clean
Firstly, Hello and Welcome.

"What Lies After Death?" Is a RP about Fantasy in every sense of the word, but with the underlying truth that each character (Including you) is dead.

A simple explanation would be that the afterlife/Limbo realm is unique to the eyes of every person. If someone creates a house infront of them, only they can see the house. For anyone else to see it, they would need to create the house in their image as well.

Seems a bit confusing, but it's simple once you get use to it. Promise.

A few points to place out:

Since this is a world that anything can happen, almost nothing is restricted, so you could be the most overpowered snowflake character able to kill entire dozens of foes with a single flick of your finger, but if the opposing faction doesn't see it that way, then it won't affect them.

You can take any form you want

Have fun and explore this RP as much as you like.

Character sign ups are that way -->
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