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Fantasy What Lies After Death?


Picked Clean
You are free to write whatever you like here about your character.

Template is here simply to help. All of it is optional to use.

Character's Name - Name your character will go by in the RP.

Nicknames - Any Nickname/names your character might go by.

Origin - Where your character was born/raised before they died.

Gender - Which Gender you chose your character goes by.

Age - What age your character was before they met their end in life?

Birthday - What day was your Character was born?

Sexuality - What circumstances turn your character aroused/In love?

Form in the after Life - What form your character has decided to take once they arrived in death.

Languages - What languages your character is capable of speaking.

Height - Approximately how tall is your character?

Beliefs/ Religions - What beliefs does your character stick by?

Loves and Likes - What does your character prefer doing?

Hates and Dislikes - What does your character prefer NOT to be doing?

Most hated - What does your character loath the most?

Most loved - What does your character love to do the most?

Fears - What does your character fear?

Strengths - What does your character excel in doing?

Weaknesses - What does your character fail to perform well in?

Qualities - What qualities does your character possess at heart that makes them who they are?

Habits - What little things does your character do all the time, even without thinking?

Temperament - Your characters basic personality.

Backstory - What was your character like in life, and what led them to to their final moments?

Looks/Appearance (Picture) - If prefered, using a picture instead of words (Or both) to describe your character is placed here.

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Wolf, the first to die.

Character's Name - Wolf

Nicknames - Wolf

Origin - An unnamed landmass with a nearby shore

Gender - In life, a male. In death, nothing.

Age - Unknown.

Birthday - Unknown.

Sexuality - In life, straight, in death nothing.

Form in the afterLife - A White wolf with black fur on it's head and tail

Languages - Wolf and English

Height - 2-3 feet tall

Beliefs/ Religions - None

Loves and Likes - Wolf loves to be curious, investigating and exploring new things around the Limbo created in Wolf's mind.

Hates and Dislikes - The sight of emptiness, and being alone.

Most hated - The feeling of loniless and silence.

Most loved - The talk, since it's discovery from one of the passing remains, Wolf has talked to almost any that have come across.

Fears - To be lost forever and abandoned

Strengths - Wolf is experinced, knowing and figuring out how most things in this limbo have worked and what had happened to bring them here.

Weaknesses - Wolf is reckless in approaches, only wanting to discover everyone and everything that comes by and can be overly insensitive to other things.

Backstory -

Born on the first reaches of the planet, and with nothing to their name they died after a brief life in a time before time was recorded. While little of Wolf's memory remains of much significance to Wolf's mind, it was a mundane one, of waking up on the sun, hunting for food, surrounded by others of humankind. At Wolf's end, it was the first time encountering a creature. It had blaring white fangs, a blinding white fur and a coal shaded patch on it's head and tail. Upon approach, Wolf had died swiftly from its bite, thinking the creature harmless and new. As wolf awoke, Wolf found to be resembling the image of the creature that was the end, and in time others that would arrive would tell that it resembled a 'wolf', gaining the name.

Looks/Appearance (Picture) -

Character's Name - Cryn

Nicknames - Cryn

Origin - Spain, Palma de Mallorca in Las Illas Balears.

Gender - Male

Age - 19

Birthday - First of September, 2072

Sexuality - Straight

Form in the after Life - Same as he was in Life. (If that's not possible, then a Coyote).

Languages - English, Spanish.

Height - 7'2 Feet tall

Beliefs/Religions - None

Loves and Likes - Reading. Writing. Playing videogames.

Hates and Dislikes - Big crowds. Socializing with strangers.

Most hated - Obnoxious people.

Most loved - Talking with people he trusts, or just hanging out with them.

- The unknown.

- Writing. Combat with an Axe. Stubborn.

- Socializing. Drawing. Keeping certain promises. Stubborn. Slight anger issues.

- Odd, very odd. Unintentionally intimidating.

- Buries his chin in his scarf. Generally has a wide grin. Keeps his hands in his pockets.

Temperament - Unfriendly at first, but once you get to know him, he's a reliable friend.

- A mercenary with a sad history. When he was young, he lived with his only friend, a hacker called Axen. Their families were all killed by a group of people who had it in for all with their family names. Said group of people found where they hid one day, and killed Axen. Cryn was able to escape just barely because of a distraction by Axen before his finale moments.

As Cryn became older, he came closer to getting his revenge. Then one day, only one person remained in the group - the rest were all slain by his hand. The leader, a man who called himself Holes. They had an intense fight, but both ended up dying - Holes, by an axe to the head, and Cryn by knife to the heart.

Looks/Appearance (Picture)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/57a8cd6d664fa_GoldysCryn.jpg.a3a533c6934a47ffecfc6a05c642eb8f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="148670" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/57a8cd6d664fa_GoldysCryn.jpg.a3a533c6934a47ffecfc6a05c642eb8f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • Goldy's Cryn.jpg
    Goldy's Cryn.jpg
    109 KB · Views: 7
InKryption said:
Character's Name - Cryn
Nicknames - Cryn

Origin - Spain, Palma de Mallorca in Las Illas Balears.

Gender - Male

Age - 19

Birthday - First of September, 2072

Sexuality - Straight

Form in the after Life - Same as he was in Life. (If that's not possible, then a Coyote).

Languages - English, Spanish.

Height - 7'2 Feet tall

Beliefs/Religions - None

Loves and Likes - Reading. Writing. Playing videogames.

Hates and Dislikes - Big crowds. Socializing with strangers.

Most hated - Obnoxious people.

Most loved - Talking with people he trusts, or just hanging out with them.

- The unknown.

- Writing. Combat with an Axe. Stubborn.

- Socializing. Drawing. Keeping certain promises. Stubborn. Slight anger issues.

- Odd, very odd. Unintentionally intimidating.

- Buries his chin in his scarf. Generally has a wide grin. Keeps his hands in his pockets.

Temperament - Unfriendly at first, but once you get to know him, he's a reliable friend.

- A mercenary with a sad history. When he was young, he lived with his only friend, a hacker called Axen. Their families were all killed by a group of people who had it in for all with their family names. Said group of people found where they hid one day, and killed Axen. Cryn was able to escape just barely because of a distraction by Axen before his finale moments.

As Cryn became older, he came closer to getting his revenge. Then one day, only one person remained in the group - the rest were all slain by his hand. The leader, a man who called himself Holes. They had an intense fight, but both ended up dying - Holes, by an axe to the head, and Cryn by knife to the heart.

Looks/Appearance (Picture)

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