Other What is the meaning of life? (Serious answers only.)

From a Christian perspective, we are born to worship God and love others...

That's all I can contribute to this thread. lol.
I think the answer is subjective -- no one answer fits a mold created for everyone. For me, my meaning of life is to give to my gods and promote goodness to my fellow humans, or Ma'at as my religion calls it. It can be big things like physically saving someone's life or the small things like listening to someone's heartache and comforting through the good time. Being there for another human being and promoting well being for my fellow man is what I like to think my meaning of life is, anyway. 
The actual meaning of life is, from an agnostic's (like myself,) point of view; undiscoverable.

As for the scientifict meaning of life; it's actually simpler than you think.


This can be easily proven.

It is most likely that at some point during the world's creation, (assuming the Big Bang theory is true,) the quarks started combining together and creating more complex entities. Atoms, particles, molecules, compounds. All that stuff started existing. Then life appeared, BUT... life couldn't exist without one, primary asset. The programming that dictates our very being: DNA.

When we breed, we pass down our DNA and genes to our prodigy, along with our partner of course. The whole point is to ensure that our own DNA code is saved within some other being. Within some other cells. We ourselves eat and preserve our life to ensure that the DNA that is ALREADY in us survives AS LONG as possible, but from DNA's own viewpoint; as long as we had healthy offspring we're expendable. In other words: If we want to transcend the rules of life itself, we must ascend above human limit and become what people nowadays call 'transhuman,' AKA Cybernetical. If we became cyborgs, or human minds in robots, then we would no longer have the need for DNA, thus we would perform the biggest con-game in the history of evolution and literally say 'fuck you,' to our very nature. Then again, it's not like the above is very easy, or that it will happen anytime soon.

I know it's not really a satisfying answer, and you'll probably disagree with me, but then again: I'm the agnostic person here, not you, so I can't exactly blame you for not believing me either.
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I think everyone has their own meaning. There is no universal answer that applies to everyone. Finding that meaning, if it means so much to you, is your meaning. Others live for wealth, some for family, some just for themselves, not caring about the said meaning.

we are intelligent creatures that learn, grow and are unique, having no real hivemind. Though we do tend to flock like sheep.
The meaning of life in my opinion; contribute.

Contribute, no matter how small or large, to the world and inhabitants around. It could be for a personal of universal reason, a good or bad thing, as much as it pains me to say, but as long as you have contributed in some way, you have fulfilled my meaning of life.

That's why I do a multitude of things, from joining band, to helping at local food drives, I know in these things that I'm contributing to the world and inhabitants that live there, and that makes it all worth while.
From a psychological/philosophical viewpoint: There is no one, objective meaning to life. There's only everyone's own subjective meaning, and everyone's meaning will change multiple times over the course of their lives.

Meaning is a construct, like language or morality, but just because it's a construct doesn't mean it's not real and important. But because it is a construct, it's not constant and it's always changing.
I'm an existentialist, so my view is basically this. (The link is an article on existentialism and it's pretty short, and I don't think I could describe it better. The gist, though, is that life has no meaning except for the meaning that you create for yourself. Which is basically what others have already said, but though nihilism and humanism have come up, existentialism hasn't yet, and existentialism is a bit different.)

This is gonna be really weird but I legit thought of this the other day.


I don't think life actually has a meaning. It's like we spend a lot of our time trying to prescribe some kind of meaning to life, but there really isn't one. What could we possibly do that gives purpose to life? All we can do is focus on each other. Maybe if we loved each other a little more or didn't try to fit our selves into some type of mold of what humans should be, then we wouldn't have to ask "What's the meaning of life?". A part of me wishes people would stop trying to give meaning to it, y'know?

It's like, our whole lives are centered around turning our selves into being something just because that's what others choose to do. Like, the whole, make good grades, go to a decent college, get a job, find a partner, settle down, have kids, raise them to be like you thing. Why do we feel the need to follow the rules of a normal life? Why can't being different be the norm? We feel so confined to what others do and say, that we hardly have our own ideas. We gotta get out more. man. We gotta do things that have never been done before and maybe if we do that a little more and love eachother and support eachother and be HAPPY..


We wouldn't ask what the meaning of life was.



But that's just me.
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Here's my perspective.

From a purely scientific standpoint, there is technically no meaning to life. We are all infinitely microscopic bumps on a particle of dust floating throughout the massive universe, and any effect we ever had will eventually be smoothed out by the hand of time. Life itself has no explicit meaning, nothing really does. However, life has a unique function that all known life performs, which could be interpreted as a purpose, or a meaning. Life reproduces and spreads. All life does this, and it can be interpreted as a meaning, as species that reporoduce the most and spread the farthest are seen as successful. From this, we can surmise a meaning of life: to make as much life as possible and spread it as far as possible, as well as keeping it alive as long as possible. Life itself has taken over much of the Earth, and so the next step would be filling the solar system, then other solar systems, then the galaxy, then the universe with life. Simply put, the meaning of life is to make, spread, and preserve more life.

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