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What is bunny posting?


memer of ylisse
I've seen this several times on this website now. I'm an experienced roleplayer but new to RPnation and I've never heard this term before, and google is unhelpful.
Bunnying is a term that refers to a person controlling another person's character in a RP, without their consent :D
Bunny posting is when someone posts as another member's character without their express permission in the shortest of explanations. Some people can take this a little further, and claim that it covers any post in which a member of an rp takes control of another member's character at all.

And I now realize that I'm just a moment too late xD
Bunnying is a more specific form of god-modding.

Basically it is when you use someone's character without their permission. This includes, but not limited to: Feelings, speech and movement.
Yes, to a degree at least. Godmodding/moding is more commonly used to refer to making a character perform some action which they shouldn't be capable of, for an easy example, dodging a bullet could pretty generally be called godmodding/moding.
Interesting. This right here:

Heartsteal said:
Yes, to a degree at least. Godmodding/moding is more commonly used to refer to making a character perform some action which they shouldn't be capable of, for an easy example, dodging a bullet could pretty generally be called godmodding/moding.
Is what I (and many people in my old freeform RP circles) is what we would refer to as "powerplaying", because you are playing your character as being more powerful than they really are. (not coincidentally, the omnipresence of this is exactly why I don't freeform anymore. Dice + systems 5evah.)

Godmodding is what we used to call it when you controlled someone's character without their consent, or rather, you were moderating their character like you were some type of god.

Where does bunnying even come from?
That's an excellent point JayTee, it's true that powerplaying is another term that can be used to cover what we call godmodding/moding here. Though I've also spent a brief stint in circles that use powerplaying as a term to refer to what we call bunnying.

While I'd love to give you an answer to your question, I myself am not entirely aware of where the term bunnying came from, but it's what we've always used here on RPN when referring to taking control of another player's character.

I don't think there's a universally agreed upon point in roleplay terminology, and that's why threads like this one occasionally occur. I'm glad to see users voicing their concerns or questions to our staff though, and I'd always be more than happy to clear up any misunderstandings that I can.

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