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What goes on, behind the bolted doors


Seven Thousand Club
Your eyes shoot open as you feel the pressure building beneath your eyes, like someone clawing at the inside of your subconscious, trying desperately, frantically to get out. But you know what will happen if you give in.

You cannot lose this battle, and in your desperation to make sure that you do not lose yourself to the sweet temptation of instant relief, you begin digging your nails into whatever exposed skin you can grab onto. The stinging pain helps, it helps keep you focused, it helps keep you in the real world. However, the pain is soon overruled by the menacing laughter now erupting all around you, and with a start you realize it is coming from your lips.

You cannot recognize the voice, though, for it is certainly not your own. Your body twists and contorts itself on it's own accord, and you are desperately trying to hold on to that sense of familiarity within your own thoughts. But you can feel them slipping away from you, you can feel the edges of your vision begin to darken as the other is dangerously close to taking over.

You cannot let it happen. You cannot lose this battle.

With a long, drawn out cry for help, a cry nobody will answer to except for yourself, and it is yourself you are calling to, you slam yourself against the wall as the other cheers you on, it's voice, now made from your vocal cords, taunting and menacing in it's words. But you can't make out what it's saying, you're too occupied trying to keep yourself together.

If you fail, it will all be lost. If you let it win, you will be lost.

You cannot let that happen again.

You cannot let it take-

It's gone, sudden and abrupt, and you slump against the wall, exhausted and panting. Tears streaming down your face while you try to dry them with your shaking, bloody hands. Bloody? When did that happen, you ask yourself, knowing you wont get an answer.

You curl up on yourself, your body shaking with relief and loneliness, because you know, as well as I do, that this is a battle you must fight alone. Every day. For the rest of your life.

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