Other What do you think of Ben shapiro?

I have legit been addicted to his videos lately. I love his videos on arguing with the left, namely about institutional rascisim (I'm black so it helped me build arguments based on statistics and fact), abortion, and the sjw movement. He's a cool guy, I just wish he'd find someone who's just as intelligent, but on the other side of the argument who'd be willing to debate him. It would be very interesting to see. if that does exist I need to know about it, please!
Hate to be that guy, but when the other side is making arguments for racism that are at odds with reality, you're not going to find someone intelligent. With tons of conservatives like mccain not having a spine and not pushing back against the nonsense, it'd be hard to find anyone from his own party to debate him. The fact that our top colleges have gotten to the point where they're essentially used to indoctrinate kids in leftest ideology, proves how little action the right takes when it really counts.

but shapiro as it stands is just a talk show host who gets paid to trigger sjws. That's about all he can do till he steps up and pursues something more.
Fascinating to read. I just watched a few of his videos today actually so its ironic I stumbled on this thread.

He's an interesting guy. I love watching people who are intellectually capable talk about politics. Yelling over one another and using emotion to validate things is not something I'm interested in watching.
I saw a video of his today breaking down Jimmy Kimmel's spiel on the Vegas shooting and I thought it was nice to hear. While I can appear more right leaning in politics I'm actually pretty moderate, so his views on what Kimmel had to say was nice. I'm constantly being villainized (?) for being the way I am. It is rare that I hear anyone on either side of the spectrum speak logically about that kind of thing. People have had differing opinions since the beginning of time. People will always have differing opinions. As someone who is politically lost at this point in time, his words are refreshing. I am not a monster for not being part of the hive mind.

While he can seem condescending, I have enjoyed listening to him speak. If there was someone on the opposite side of the spectrum that could speak as composed and intellectually as him, I'd be happy to listen to them speak as well. I'm a person of science, so for me, an emotional speech with no statistical or scientific value will mean much less to me.
I doubt he will, though. I don't think someone with his views will ever be in a high government position ever again. Maybe one day he'll create his own society where people with his views can live without being forced to make changes in their own personal lives or be forced to cater to people's "feelings" and belifes. We live in an amazing time and also a pretty bad time.
I doubt he will, though. I don't think someone with his views will ever be in a high government position ever again. Maybe one day he'll create his own society where people with his views can live without being forced to make changes in their own personal lives or be forced to cater to people's "feelings" and belifes. We live in an amazing time and also a pretty bad time.
No no no no no no, we don't want to fragment the united states over belief. There has been a cultural war in the us ever since one man said he sides with states rights, vs the other side who sided with the federal government. It would only weaken and create an even larger division in the country if we advocated splitting off from the whole because we didn't like someone else's point of view. The grand thing about the US is we have changes in power but hardly any bloody war or conflict because of it. To fragment the country and form a new society, is essentially giving up America to the people trying to destroy it.
"Gender is not a social construct."
"These are definitions put out by SJWs"
View attachment 360127 View attachment 360126
Yes, because if trump said he was a woman tomorrow, we'd have to accept that he's not a man despite being born with a penis and 2 xx chromosomes? that he could go into a bathroom full of women and there's nothing anyone can say or do to stop a man with a dick, going into a female bathroom? This is a sexual predator's wet dream.

Anyone who buys into this social justice definition is reality challenged or a malevolent snake.
Yes, because if trump said he was a woman tomorrow, we'd have to accept that he's not a man despite being born with a penis and 2 xx chromosomes? that he could go into a bathroom full of women and there's nothing anyone can say or do to stop a man with a dick, going into a female bathroom? This is a sexual predator's wet dream.

Anyone who buys into this social justice definition is reality challenged or a malevolent snake.

Looks like someone can't read very well. Or has never studied anything outside of his limited cultural purview. Regardless, the facts stand that what is considered masculine and feminine is different between cultures. Much like cultures have different standards of beauty or handsomeness.

And what's the matter with a dude using the ladies restroom anyway? So long as he's not doing it to get himself off, why does it matter? And if he is doing it to get off, he gets arrested regardless of his gender identity. And if he's dressed as a woman convincingly enough, who but perverts would care about him using the ladies' restroom and not jerking off?
Looks like someone can't read very well. Or has never studied anything outside of his limited cultural purview. Regardless, the facts stand that what is considered masculine and feminine is different between cultures. Much like cultures have different standards of beauty or handsomeness.

And what's the matter with a dude using the ladies restroom anyway? So long as he's not doing it to get himself off, why does it matter? And if he is doing it to get off, he gets arrested regardless of his gender identity. And if he's dressed as a woman convincingly enough, who but perverts would care about him using the ladies' restroom and not jerking off?
Gender and sex are not separate.
Gender and sex are not separate.
I'm gonna need some facts to back that up. Because right now, the way people commonly use the term around me, the way I've seen biologists and psychologists and psychiatrists use it, and the way most dictionaries define the term, say it applies to social expectations of the sexes.

But first, let me guess your response. You're going to call all those groups SJW-infested (in spite of that being a baseless accusation). Or maybe you'll go on about how I need facts to back my assertions up (in spite of most of these facts being readily available to anyone who is willing to search google and do it neutrally [i.e. search terms something to the effect of "definition of gender"]) Maybe you'll just attempt to re-assert your nonexistent dominance by doubling down on your wrongheaded answers and insist that you know more than people who are immensely more qualified than you.

Does that cover everything?
I'm gonna need some facts to back that up. Because right now, the way people commonly use the term around me, the way I've seen biologists and psychologists and psychiatrists use it, and the way most dictionaries define the term, say it applies to social expectations of the sexes.

But first, let me guess your response. You're going to call all those groups SJW-infested (in spite of that being a baseless accusation). Or maybe you'll go on about how I need facts to back my assertions up (in spite of most of these facts being readily available to anyone who is willing to search google and do it neutrally [i.e. search terms something to the effect of "definition of gender"]) Maybe you'll just attempt to re-assert your nonexistent dominance by doubling down on your wrongheaded answers and insist that you know more than people who are immensely more qualified than you.

Does that cover everything?
US Army says female soldiers should shower with trans soldiers who have male genitalia
New Army Training Tells Female Soldiers To ‘Accept’ Naked Men
UFC's Joe Rogan to Transgender MMA Fighter Fallon Fox: 'You're a F***ing Man'

The facts are simple, you learn this in highschool biology. A man's 23rd chromosome is xy and a female's is xx. It's as simple as that.Your feelings and societal beliefs don't change this.

As a psychology major in college, I'm going to end up at odds with these same reality challenged folk you're clinging on to. Authority doesn't over ride simple empirical facts. That a man is a man and cannot simply change their gender because one day they decided they were going to be women. And thusly now get to change in women's locker rooms, shower with women, and use their restrooms.

edit: Man that's embaressing. I got them mixed up. xD
US Army says female soldiers should shower with trans soldiers who have male genitalia
New Army Training Tells Female Soldiers To ‘Accept’ Naked Men
UFC's Joe Rogan to Transgender MMA Fighter Fallon Fox: 'You're a F***ing Man'

The facts are simple, you learn this in highschool biology. A man's 23rd chromosome is xy and a female's is xx. It's as simple as that.Your feelings and societal beliefs don't change this.

As a psychology major in college, I'm going to end up at odds with these same reality challenged folk you're clinging on to. Authority doesn't over ride simple empirical facts. That a man is a man and cannot simply change their gender because one day they decided they were going to be women. And thusly now get to change in women's locker rooms, shower with women, and use their restrooms.

edit: Man that's embaressing. I got them mixed up. xD
Yeah but that's biology. "Sex" is defined by biology. You can't argue your sex, it is what it is. Gender and sex aren't synonymous. "Gender" isn't a biological concept, it's a sociological concept. That's why someone who identifies as the opposite gender is called transgender, and someone who gets the reassignment surgery and takes hormones is called transexual. The goal of the surgery is to alter the sex of the person, not their gender.
Yeah but that's biology. "Sex" is defined by biology. You can't argue your sex, it is what it is. Gender and sex aren't synonymous. "Gender" isn't a biological concept, it's a sociological concept. That's why someone who identifies as the opposite gender is called transgender, and someone who gets the reassignment surgery and takes hormones is called transexual. The goal of the surgery is to alter the sex of the person, not their gender.
Since when does delusions count as reality? Schitzophrenics can believe they've heard the voice of god,but we know there's something wrong with them.
Yeah but that's biology. "Sex" is defined by biology. You can't argue your sex, it is what it is. Gender and sex aren't synonymous. "Gender" isn't a biological concept, it's a sociological concept. That's why someone who identifies as the opposite gender is called transgender, and someone who gets the reassignment surgery and takes hormones is called transexual. The goal of the surgery is to alter the sex of the person, not their gender.
Actually sexual reassignment just remakes the person in a facsimile of the chosen sex. It does not make them that sex. Men who have had sex change surgeries are still biologically male, just stunted with female hormones and with a simulated female sex system (because they have no female reproductive organs).
US Army says female soldiers should shower with trans soldiers who have male genitalia
New Army Training Tells Female Soldiers To ‘Accept’ Naked Men
UFC's Joe Rogan to Transgender MMA Fighter Fallon Fox: 'You're a F***ing Man'

The facts are simple, you learn this in highschool biology. A man's 23rd chromosome is xx and a female's is xy. It's as simple as that.Your feelings and societal beliefs don't change this.

As a psychology major in college, I'm going to end up at odds with these same reality challenged folk you're clinging on to. Authority doesn't over ride simple empirical facts. That a man is a man and cannot simply change their gender because one day they decided they were going to be women. And thusly now get to change in women's locker rooms, shower with women, and use their restrooms.

Those conservative rags are certainly sharp-looking, fam, but they don't make good sources on their own due to their inherent bias.This is something every freshman in college should know about, tbh.

"The facts are simple, you learn this in highschool biology. A man's 23rd chromosome is xx and a female's is xy. It's as simple as that.Your feelings and societal beliefs don't change this."

Okay, So lemme get this straight. You think sex and gender are the same thing. Even when they're used to refer to completely different things, somehow context is lost on you. Forget it. I won't argue with you on that point any more. So let's move onto something else, because you are too dense and/or unwilling to hear others' opinions on the matter. (Also let's forget about the bit where you mix up who has what chromosomes. I've been trying to ignore it, but I just can't stand such a blatant, idiotic mistake any more. Just so there's not any confusion about that: Females have XX and males have XY)

The fact of the matter is, people who elect to shape their sex organs into something else are ultimately doing no harm to themselves. Nor, for that matter, are they doing it to other people.Nobody's claiming that their chromosomes don't stay the same. Nobody's saying that they will be able to have children. All people are saying is that they'll be able to live life the way they want.

"As a psychology major in college, I'm going to end up at odds with these same reality challenged folk you're clinging on to."
I would say the person that spergs out over something that matters very little is out of touch with reality, but whatever. (Hint: I'm talking about you)

"Authority doesn't over ride simple empirical facts."

Neither should idiotic beliefs. But that's never stopped you before, eh chum?

"And thusly now get to change in women's locker rooms, shower with women, and use their restrooms."

The horror! the people who look and act like women living like women. Horrific. Simply horrific. I've no doubt that there will be gorillions of people who get a sex change operation and undergo hormonal treatments just to oogle a type of people they probably weren't attracted to in the first place. (Hint: Sarcasm. I'm peppering this bit with hints so even your socially stunted ass can understand that I think you're a raging dumbass)
you're a raging dumbass)
Pot calling the kettle black, have a good day.

So let's move onto something else, because you are too dense and/or unwilling to hear others' opinions on the matter.
Opinions have no place in this conversation. Your opinion that sex and gender are separate doesn't change that they aren't. Your opinion that men should be able to shower with women outside of being in a relationship is wrong. That's a liability for actual women.

he fact of the matter is, people who elect to shape their sex organs into something else are ultimately doing no harm to themselves.
If an adult wants to mutilate their body, they're free to do so. But until they mutilate their bodies, normal people who want to take advantage of being able to claim to their opposite gender, pose a threat to the rest of society.

I'm not against the freedom to call yourself a woman when you were born with a penis,but you're still a man. And until you have your dick removed surgically, you pose a threat to any women who actually uses the correct facilities.
"Opinions have no place in this conversation. Your opinion that sex and gender are separate doesn't change that they aren't. "
That's a nice inocrrect opinion you have there. What makes you think that two terms that mean different things are the same? This is not a matter of opinion. These words literally mean different things. Regardless, you have a pathological need to advance the position that they are one and the same. It's kind of pathetic, frankly.
Since when does delusions count as reality? Schitzophrenics can believe they've heard the voice of god,but we know there's something wrong with them.
The definition of a word isn't a delusion, and that allegory is neither here nor there. Definitions are created by people, yes, because that's how language works. In order to communicate in any language a group of people need to agree on the ideas and definitions of each word in their language. Gender is a word in the English language with a meaning that is not synonymous with sex. Whether or not you recognize the concept of gender as a valid phenomenon is entirely up to you and you're entitled to your opinion. But your opinion on the concept of gender doesn't change the fact that the word means what it means.

Take for example the word "ghost". Some people believe in ghosts and some people don't. People who don't believe in ghosts don't disregard the meaning of the word just because they think ghosts aren't real.

Actually sexual reassignment just remakes the person in a facsimile of the chosen sex. It does not make them that sex. Men who have had sex change surgeries are still biologically male, just stunted with female hormones and with a simulated female sex system (because they have no female reproductive organs).
Yeah that's why I said the goal is to alter the sex. I chose my words carefully.
The definition of a word isn't a delusion, and that allegory is neither here nor there. Definitions are created by people, yes, because that's how language works. In order to communicate in any language a group of people need to agree on the ideas and definitions of each word in their language. Gender is a word in the English language with a meaning that is not synonymous with sex. Whether or not you recognize the concept of gender as a valid phenomenon is entirely up to you and you're entitled to your opinion. But your opinion on the concept of gender doesn't change the fact that the word means what it means.

Take for example the word "ghost". Some people believe in ghosts and some people don't. People who don't believe in ghosts don't disregard the meaning of the word just because they think ghosts aren't real.
You do make a fine point. As long as the Pre-operation men who call themselves women, are still legally obligated to use men's facilities(bathrooms,public showers, and changing rooms), there's really no problem. I will go along with your lie as long as you commit to the lie and destroy yourself.

However when you start off an argument by saying gender is a social construct. Then change the rules to allow men to shower with women in public showers, what you're doing is more than saying they're transgender. That's now the lines of trans-sex. Because now you're allowing men, who can never change the fact that they're men, shower with women. Who can never change that they're women.
You do make a fine point. As long as the Pre-operation men who call themselves women, are still legally obligated to use men's facilities(bathrooms,public showers, and changing rooms), there's really no problem. I will go along with your lie as long as you commit to the lie and destroy yourself.

However when you start off an argument by saying gender is a social construct. Then change the rules to allow men to shower with women in public showers, what you're doing is more than saying they're transgender. That's now the lines of trans-sex. Because now you're allowing men, who can never change the fact that they're men, shower with women. Who can never change that they're women.
I've got no stake in the topic. Just came through to shed some light on the difference between gender and sex.

And you keep responding? Good job, all you did was conflate gender and sex.
Do you not want to be responded to? It'd be pretty dickish on my part not to when you're speaking to me. And it's not like I'm salty or mad at you or anything lol. I just don't care much about trans issues and politics. I did the opposite of conflate the two actually, I broke down their definitions for you in an effort to show you that they don't mean the same thing. It's a common misconception and in regular speech we do use them interchangeably. But if you still don't understand that idk what to tell you. Especially since you're a psych major, I'm actually surprised you don't already know that. I guess the leftist indoctrination at your uni is sub-par. You either didn't know, which is fine, like I said it's a common misconception, or you're willfully rejecting the meaning of a word. And it's not a good look when you're trying to make a logical argument, but part of your argument involves you disregarding what a word means. Not just any word. In this context the word "gender" is central to your discussion. But like I said, I've got no stake in the actual topic and continuing to talk semantics is just derailing your thread so... me leaving was out of courtesy to you and anyone else who wants to argue with you about trans people.

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