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What Arises (OPEN - Two Years Into a Zombie Apocalypse)

"You misunderstand," said Rima. "The bridge isn't to connect other houses on the block - it's to go across the street, connecting this block with that one. We could get more space - we could make a little hotel, for people passing by! Getting supplies from Home Depot would be great - we've already stripped some stuff here."

"As you can see, my daughter has a mind for architecture," explained Mr Laird with a smile. "She actually pushed us to make this place. But the weapons would be greatly appreciated. As you can see, we don't currently have many... not a lot of break-ins used to happen here... my, my wife and I actually don't know how to fire a gun. Maybe sometime in the future, we could organize some lessons." Andrew didn't want to push them too far.

"But we'll need an escort to the Home Depot," said Rima excitedly. Her mind was already on the renovations across the street - though to be truthful, it had been there for weeks. But now it was within grasp. "That way, we could get materials, and... and we could grow more food! And give some to you. And people who stop here to refuel could give us gun lessons."
Bwahaha said:
"You misunderstand," said Rima. "The bridge isn't to connect other houses on the block - it's to go across the street, connecting this block with that one. We could get more space - we could make a little hotel, for people passing by! Getting supplies from Home Depot would be great - we've already stripped some stuff here."
"As you can see, my daughter has a mind for architecture," explained Mr Laird with a smile. "She actually pushed us to make this place. But the weapons would be greatly appreciated. As you can see, we don't currently have many... not a lot of break-ins used to happen here... my, my wife and I actually don't know how to fire a gun. Maybe sometime in the future, we could organize some lessons." Andrew didn't want to push them too far.

"But we'll need an escort to the Home Depot," said Rima excitedly. Her mind was already on the renovations across the street - though to be truthful, it had been there for weeks. But now it was within grasp. "That way, we could get materials, and... and we could grow more food! And give some to you. And people who stop here to refuel could give us gun lessons."
Jackson froze at the word 'escort' although they don't see his discomfort because of the suit; he begins uneasily. "Max, we could only fit one more person in each humvee. Those guns might actually have to be used now if you want to all come dispite that. We have men watching our backs right now, so a quick lesson could be given."
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"Have the National Guardsmen we saw in Brockton be monitored. We'll need to know if they've gone rogue before contacting them. Make sure we're not seen, though." Dorian Hesketh scribbles the order onto a paper. The way that it worked here is that everyone who had something legitimately important to say wrote it on a piece of paper looking for orders. The paper read,

Leader, during our last scavenging expedition to the city of Brockton to our south, we spotted what appears to be a police station. But, what in it was not police - Several military vehicles were spotted outside, bearing the mark of the Massachusetts National Guard. There were three HMVs and one big ass cargo truck with a .50 on it. Didn't see any ammunition loaded into it, though so it's probably dry. We spotted one marksman on the roof, luckily he didn't see us. The guy was in combat armor. Upon further observation, we saw a trio of guys go on a patrol in one of the HMVs. We lost tail of it before we could see it's activities."

He flipped to the next one. Pointless, irrelevant. And again and again, until he came to one which caught his eye.

Dorian, James Dupile, the only primary school teacher here in the sanctuary, has been using corporal punishment recently. My kid came home with a black eye! I demand that something be done about this.

Being abused as a child, he begun writing his response, which would be the sentence of a cruel temporary exile for Mr. Dupile. After writing this, a man bearing a AR-15, a man named Sean Perry whom was the head of the watch for the monastery, barged in and spoke.

"A quad of blackies juss' showed up at the gate wanting to trade or some shit. They got a huge truck stuffed with goodies. What you want us to do?"

Dorian thinks for a moment, before responding.

"For one, Sean, I won't tolerate that kind of racism here. For two, how heavily armed are they?"

Sean grins, showing yellowed teeth, liking the way Dorian was thinking, or going to think.

"One's got themselves a pretty AK47, one just a baseball bat, the final one a 1911."

Dorian nods.

"Rob them. Keep it quiet from the public, though. Dump their bodies in the twin lakes."
Pat said:
Jackson froze at the word 'escort' although they don't see his discomfort because of the suit; he begins uneasily. "Max, we could only fit one more person in each humvee. Those guns might actually have to be used now if you want to all come dispite that. We have men watching our backs right now, so a quick lesson could be given."
"What use would the guns be?" asked Esosa quietly. "If we ever use them, they'll just attract more Zeds than they kill. They're a bad idea."

"A good thing to have, just in case."

"It would be better to learn to use them another time, when these guys can stay longer."

"Mom, dad, could I go to the Home Depot?" asked Rima.

The adults whirled around.

"Please? I know what materials we'd need."

"And have you on your own with a bunch of strangers?" said Andrew, incredulously. "No."

Rima argued back for a little bit, but she could tell her dad wasn't going to budge. She was willing to take a small risk of a large consequence to herself, if it meant expanding her fortress. Dad wasn't.

The four finally decided on what to say. Andrew was about to say it, then decided to hand it off to Maya. He hoped with a little practice, the kid could become the most charismatic person in what was left of the world, someday.

"As it seems you won't be here for very long, we'd like to pass up the opportunity for gun lessons - that is, if we may request them at a later date.

"We would also like to pass up the trip to the Home Depot, as we would prefer not to be separated. However, we request that you return here in the near future, with cars that have two seats free in each, and escort us to the Home Depot. In return for this, along with some architectural advice, within a few months of gaining the supplies, anyone from the CDC, or who is affiliated with you, may have an entire half-block to themselves if they choose to make a rest stop here. The stairs would be removed and replaced with ladders, so the visitors would be completely safe from Zeds. There would also be gardens on all the roofs of that block, and excess food, so the visitors may eat from our own supplies while here.

"If we get those supplies, we'd also be willing to permanently take in a number of people, ten or less, if overpopulation becomes an issue at your fortress."
Bwahaha said:
"What use would the guns be?" asked Esosa quietly. "If we ever use them, they'll just attract more Zeds than they kill. They're a bad idea."
"A good thing to have, just in case."

"It would be better to learn to use them another time, when these guys can stay longer."

"Mom, dad, could I go to the Home Depot?" asked Rima.

The adults whirled around.

"Please? I know what materials we'd need."

"And have you on your own with a bunch of strangers?" said Andrew, incredulously. "No."

Rima argued back for a little bit, but she could tell her dad wasn't going to budge. She was willing to take a small risk of a large consequence to herself, if it meant expanding her fortress. Dad wasn't.

The four finally decided on what to say. Andrew was about to say it, then decided to hand it off to Maya. He hoped with a little practice, the kid could become the most charismatic person in what was left of the world, someday.

"As it seems you won't be here for very long, we'd like to pass up the opportunity for gun lessons - that is, if we may request them at a later date.

"We would also like to pass up the trip to the Home Depot, as we would prefer not to be separated. However, we request that you return here in the near future, with cars that have two seats free in each, and escort us to the Home Depot. In return for this, along with some architectural advice, within a few months of gaining the supplies, anyone from the CDC, or who is affiliated with you, may have an entire half-block to themselves if they choose to make a rest stop here. The stairs would be removed and replaced with ladders, so the visitors would be completely safe from Zeds. There would also be gardens on all the roofs of that block, and excess food, so the visitors may eat from our own supplies while here.

"If we get those supplies, we'd also be willing to permanently take in a number of people, ten or less, if overpopulation becomes an issue at your fortress."
"We'll pull up the humvee bridge inside the house and hand over the guns now and go." Jackson grabbed a strip of paper and gave it to the Lairds. "That's our radio channel, if you ever need to contact us." The soldiers leave them with a .357 revolver, two hunting rifles, and two reloads for each. Soon they exit the town the way they came in, detonate the ZED, and put an end to the music and hundreds of Z on route back to home base.
"So what we doing out here?" Asked one of the deep voiced foreigners, brandishing his AK47 on his shoulder. "Why we come out to the forest to trade?"

"Eh, you know. The public likes to shout out things they want when they see a bargain going down. We don't need the noise." Says Sean Perry, the chief of the militia. He holds an AR-15 still, and a radio lies on his shoulder. Sean was with he, two other heavily armed militiamen, and a group of very good traders, to make the deal.

"Yeah I feel you. So what you guys wanna trade?"

"Here's a list of the things we offer." Sean says, handing the man a paper.

The man takes it, and reads carefully.


The man suddenly falls as a silenced shot rings out amongst the forest. Then another takes a buddy down. All that is left is the one with the pistol.

"What the fuck!? No, come on, please!"

Sean puts a pistol, with a soda-can silencer on it, to his forehead, and ends him.

"Start unloading things."


Andrew looked at the humvee bridge with Rima. It was big enough for the distance between two close houses, but not even close to half of what they'd need to reach the other side of the street. Still, the engineering fascinated Rima, who was already thinking about how to apply it to a large structure. The excitement in her eyes was infectious.

Esosa and Maya went to the roof to check up on the rabbits. Esosa looked out into the distance. Five armored vehicles were coming their way, along with a dangerous-looking drone.

The mother put all the rabbits in the shed they'd made on that roof, then took her daughter inside.

"Andrew," she shouted, as she speed-walked toward him, with Maya in tow. "They're coming back."


"A bunch of armored cars and a drone are coming our way." Esosa's mind was already going through the worst possible reasons.

"Well," pointed out Andrew calmly, "if they were going to kill us, they would've done it already... but this is weird."

The family went to the place where the stairs used to be, and looked out through the window in front of them. It gave them a good view, and relative safety, as the vehicles came towards them.
Bwahaha said:
Andrew looked at the humvee bridge with Rima. It was big enough for the distance between two close houses, but not even close to half of what they'd need to reach the other side of the street. Still, the engineering fascinated Rima, who was already thinking about how to apply it to a large structure. The excitement in her eyes was infectious.

Esosa and Maya went to the roof to check up on the rabbits. Esosa looked out into the distance. Five armored vehicles were coming their way, along with a dangerous-looking drone.

The mother put all the rabbits in the shed they'd made on that roof, then took her daughter inside.

"Andrew," she shouted, as she speed-walked toward him, with Maya in tow. "They're coming back."


"A bunch of armored cars and a drone are coming our way." Esosa's mind was already going through the worst possible reasons.

"Well," pointed out Andrew calmly, "if they were going to kill us, they would've done it already... but this is weird."

The family went to the place where the stairs used to be, and looked out through the window in front of them. It gave them a good view, and relative safety, as the vehicles came towards them.
Military Convoy

"Sir We Have Reached The Neighborhood" Reported A Soldier To The Captain On A Radio.

"Good, Secure The Perimeter And Shoot All Z's On Sight" He Commanded.

The Captain Along With 5 Men Walked Towards The House. The Captain Knocked

"Hello, We Know Youre In There.. We Would Like To Talk With You, We Are The PMR Short Of Pandemic Military Resistance.. We Are What Remained Of The Government And Military."

Wickedkent said:
Military Convoy
"Sir We Have Reached The Neighborhood" Reported A Soldier To The Captain On A Radio.

"Good, Secure The Perimeter And Shoot All Z's On Sight" He Commanded.

The Captain Along With 5 Men Walked Towards The House. The Captain Knocked

"Hello, We Know Youre In There.. We Would Like To Talk With You, We Are The PMR Short Of Pandemic Military Resistance.. We Are What Remained Of The Government And Military."

The Laird family creeped towards the stairs. Andrew looked at Rima, the fastest climber in the group. She picked up the ladder and put it in place, turned to her family, and gave them a nod. Then she was off, speeding down the ladder, running to the door, unlocking it, speeding back up, and going into the hall a bit, as her mother pulled up the ladder.

"Come in!" shouted Andrew. "The door's unlocked!"
Bwahaha said:
The Laird family creeped towards the stairs. Andrew looked at Rima, the fastest climber in the group. She picked up the ladder and put it in place, turned to her family, and gave them a nod. Then she was off, speeding down the ladder, running to the door, unlocking it, speeding back up, and going into the hall a bit, as her mother pulled up the ladder.
"Come in!" shouted Andrew. "The door's unlocked!"
The people inside the house unlocked the door and shouted for them to come in.

The captain stood still, he then tapped his earpiece

"Sir?" He asked

Colonel Vargus picked up the mic and stared at the monitor for a few seconds

"Go...but be careful" He replied

The captain then looked at the 2 soldiers next to him and nodded

"Let's go... the rest of you here secure the perimeter" He ordered

The captain along with the 2 soldiers then went inside the house cautiously.
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Maya and Rima were out of sight, to anyone on the first floor. Andrew and Esosa stood, wondering why the CDC was returning, ready to respond to something hostile.

"Why'd you come back?" asked Andrew, in a light tone. "Did you forget something?"
Bwahaha said:
Maya and Rima were out of sight, to anyone on the first floor. Andrew and Esosa stood, wondering why the CDC was returning, ready to respond to something hostile.
"Why'd you come back?" asked Andrew, in a light tone. "Did you forget something?"
The captain looked at the man confused "Come back? We have just arrived here. Greetings, I am captain gerald from the pandemic military resistance, we are the remnants of the former government and military. We have sent surveillance drones to this area and saw movements in the roof of this house, and it caught our attention."
Wickedkent said:
The captain looked at the man confused "Come back? We have just arrived here. Greetings, I am captain gerald from the pandemic military resistance, we are the remnants of the former government and military. We have sent surveillance drones to this area and saw movements in the roof of this house, and it caught our attention."
Esosa and Andrew looked at each other.

"So... not from the CDC, huh?" said Esosa.

They whispered to each other for a few moments.

"We'd be happy to do trade, if that's what you're here for," said Andrew, diplomatically. "We can exchange lists of things we wish to trade, and things we want. If it doesn't work out, we can then make lists of things we don't want to trade, but will if absolutely necessary."
It had been five hours since the commencing of the mission and so far things were moving smoothly so far. Seven soldiers of the WMR special task force are sent into the city port of Norfolk. Within that city laid the grand prize, the Largest Naval base in the U.S. It had been originally a safe haven for extracting civilians, but soon became a hell hole after a horde came through the city. Every defensive position was overrunned and the city fell within three hours. The military ships were either long gone or destroyed, but a few remained impacted within the dry docks that were in the middle of repairs.

The task force moved through the city with caution and only taking out tangos with silent executions. They reach a nearby Walmart that had tangos swarming all over the parking lot. The squad leader pulled a one scope binocular and focused it on the entranced. There were signs of hastily put barricades, but it was futile. The squad leader signaled his fifth man. The soldier moved out into the open and fired a flare towards the east. The red glowing flare was souring and then started to descend down. The nearby tangos all started to take notice of the bright light and moved towards it and eventually forming a horde around the flare within minutes. The squad quickly moved to the Walmart entrance and using the cars to block any sight of them. Some of the tangos were still shambling around and they were taken out one by one with the swift stab to the forehead. One of the soldiers nearly got himself killed after failing to take his tactical knife before grabbing the damn tango. Luckily the squad leader grabbed the thing by the neck and twisted it's head to a certain angle. Leaving its entire body disconnected from the main brain. But it still moved its eyes and jaws, trying to gnaw at the nearby soldiers feet. The squad leader them grabbed the soldier by the tactical vest.

"Are you trying to kill yourself? Cause I'm willing to do it myself properly."

"No Lietenant Death! I just forgot that's all!"

Mr.Death looks him up and down, both not being able to see each other's face with the gas mask they had on. But the squad leader had a good idea of what his subordinates face currently was. He then let go of the soldier and signaled his soldier of complete silence and single file line. They all formed up and moved to the Walmart entrance. There the tangos were swarmed, about around 50-60 of them at the least. Death then brings out his AR 15 and installed his silencer, the rest of the squad do the same and they all chose there targets. Taking five second pauses and then firing again. Repeating the sequence until every single one of the tangos were put down. But afterwards the flare outside had stopped and the swarm started to spread out.

"Move it!!! Get inside now!"

The troops quickly got inside the building and locked the entrance doors. Two of the soldiers started to head to the other entrance of the Walmart and popped every tango they saw. Death looked outside and luckily not many of the tangos were taking interest towards the Walmart entrance, those that did were now trying to push there way in but the bodies were and other barricades were making it difficult. The two soldiers that checked the other entrance and reported in.

"Sir we sealed it off and checked the other entrances, there sealed for now. Tho there are still some tangos in the back area."

".....Good....Take four men with you and sweep the mess, the rest of you your coming with me to the roof."


"Ladies and gentlemen, Today we are exterminating a man who has broken three, of the ten commandments!"

The crowd was bolstering with excitement, waiting for the screaming man to finally be purged from existence.


"You shall not have more gods than me! Is it not written clearly, my disciples!?"

The voice bellowed out from the speaker above the stage, the man behind it was obviously pretending to be God. To boost the morale of the crowd.

"You shall not make idols!"


The first nail went in, with a crunch of the bones. The man's screams drowned out the speaker.

"You shall not take the lords name in vain!"

The second nail went in, and the man screamed louder now.


A metal crown of thorns was jammed onto the man's head, and he screamed the loudest he could, blood dripping all over him now.

With an abrupt stop, he was shut up by a mask put across his mouth.

"Fine crucifixion, is it not, Father Cameron?"

"Very fine, Father Tuck, now, what was it you were asking?"

Father Cameron lifted his glass of wine to his lips and took a sip.

"I believe we should send troops to Texas, soon enough. The traders seem to be getting trigger-happy."

"We barely have enough here, for gods sake! Think or I'm quite sure you will be damned for your own stupidity."

"I apologize Father Cameron, but at the least, we could send ten or twenty, by god, we could at least get conscripts."

"Yes, and who would sign up for that? We don't even war over piteous things, so why do we keep our ammunition?"

"We've gone to war over things before, we should be happy no one knows where we are located."

"That may be true, but-."

"'But' What?"

"You may be true Father Tuck. If we lose those communities we're sealed off from the mainland, we could easily be found by smaller groups, then everyone figures out where we are."

"So I should get recruits?"

"Yes, arm them with our best weapons."

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Michael was fiddling with the wires for one last time when a great hum went through the Radio tower. turning to Erik, the best technician of the group, he grinned. "Well, let's fire some music up on this sucker, eh?" He asked, entering the nearby Radio Station and setting a pop song on to test the radio. Nodding his head that it was fixed he gave a thumbs up to Mike. He then nodded and smirked. "Fuck yeah."

Meanwhile, at a highschool or something

The music was blaring, and the zombies continued to stream into the school. The stream was ending, however, and when they all finally packed in, multiple men with makeshift riot shields blocked in the area, sealing their shields together to make a wall. With that, the explosives handler smirked and counted down on his fingers. Standing at a safe distance, it was a beautiful sight when almost all of the remaining zombies in the city blew into hundreds of pieces. The men all laughed and jeered, highfiving each other. The city was no longer zombie ridden - well, except for the western ghetto. But that was blocked off by the blockade the military had set up long ago and the river on the other side. They would clear them up later. For now, it was a cheerful time and an expanding time.
Lieutenant Death and his two other soldiers reached the top of the roof of Walmart and began to set up the radio equipment. One of the soldiers went to the edge of the roof near the Walmart entrances and was shocked at the amount of tangos that were starting to emerge at the entrance. There were probably by now a hundred of them.

"Sir we have twice the amount of tangos at the entrance then before."

"Then what the hell are you waiting for? Start clearing it until there's a pile blocking the door."

The soldier nodded and knelt down and adjusted his sight on the heads below and started to fire. Occasionally he would fire at the tangos at the other gate and such. taking his time of aiming.

Ten minutes pass and the radio was set up. The lieutenant starts up the radio and contacts HQ. At first there was a bit of static and nothing responded.

"Zzzzzzzzzzzzz*click*.........Report in Mr.Death."

"Sir we have managed to hunker down in the Walmart store in the western sector. We've so far haven't met any living tangos so far so this should be a cinch."

"Excellent......I have been given a task from the higher ups that you have a secondary mission to accomplish while you await for Charlie team to arrive."

"......What might that be sir?"

"We have received reports from our scouts in several of the nearby states that there are indeed factions arising or of ....growing concern. Sooner or later they will become a problem and interfere with our conducted Research that are vital to the corporation. Especially the zeliot types and the CDC which is surprisingly still holding up and along a military reminisce of the U.S army. We may have to expand our organization and recruit those who are of worthy skill if we are to stay alive. I have just sent you coordinates that will lead you to the U.S naval drydocks. There seems to be someone lurking in that area that bears some sort of rank, or perhaps some petty thug or civilian. Investigate the area and of course follow regulations....Is that clear?"

"Yes sir, I'll carry out the mission myself."

"Very well, I and the higher ups are expecting much of your results."

The radio then silences and Mr.Death goes and hands the radio to one of his operators.

"Keep the radio on in case HQ calls."

The soldier nods and Death walks to the northern side of the roof and pulls out some rope from his tactical pack and prepares to climb out.
Bwahaha said:
Esosa and Andrew looked at each other.
"So... not from the CDC, huh?" said Esosa.

They whispered to each other for a few moments.

"We'd be happy to do trade, if that's what you're here for," said Andrew, diplomatically. "We can exchange lists of things we wish to trade, and things we want. If it doesn't work out, we can then make lists of things we don't want to trade, but will if absolutely necessary."
The captain looked at the girl for a few seconds, confused.

"We would like to ask if you would like to take refuge in one of our refugee bases, there are tons of people there, food and water is not a problem either... you can also join the army to help suppress the zombies" He said

"Ah, and by cdc... What do you mean?" The captain added.
Wickedkent said:
The captain looked at the girl for a few seconds, confused.
"We would like to ask if you would like to take refuge in one of our refugee bases, there are tons of people there, food and water is not a problem either... you can also join the army to help suppress the zombies" He said

"Ah, and by cdc... What do you mean?" The captain added.
Andrew and Esosa paused, not really sure what to say. He looked to his wife, but she shrugged. He was the more charismatic of the two, and she had even less of an idea of what to do, than he did.

"Some gentlemen from the CDC came by earlier," said Andrew, trying not to give away too much. "Apparently, there's a group living there... We would like to remain here. Our own fortress is quite safe. If you'd wish to make a trade, and give us some building materials, that would be negotiable. If you're having a population issue, and request a place to keep a few people, that would also be negotiable. Otherwise, I don't think we have anything else to discuss."
Albion said:
Michael was fiddling with the wires for one last time when a great hum went through the Radio tower. turning to Erik, the best technician of the group, he grinned. "Well, let's fire some music up on this sucker, eh?" He asked, entering the nearby Radio Station and setting a pop song on to test the radio. Nodding his head that it was fixed he gave a thumbs up to Mike. He then nodded and smirked. "Fuck yeah."
Meanwhile, at a highschool or something

The music was blaring, and the zombies continued to stream into the school. The stream was ending, however, and when they all finally packed in, multiple men with makeshift riot shields blocked in the area, sealing their shields together to make a wall. With that, the explosives handler smirked and counted down on his fingers. Standing at a safe distance, it was a beautiful sight when almost all of the remaining zombies in the city blew into hundreds of pieces. The men all laughed and jeered, highfiving each other. The city was no longer zombie ridden - well, except for the western ghetto. But that was blocked off by the blockade the military had set up long ago and the river on the other side. They would clear them up later. For now, it was a cheerful time and an expanding time.
Maya had been carrying the hand-cranked radio, in a small bag, for the past few days. She heard a blip.

While listening to her parents talk to the men below, Maya took the radio out of the small bag she kept it in, ignoring Rima's incredulous look. She younger girl looked at the radio intensely, ears open, but the sound didn't come again.
After some work and a few solar panels, the Radio Station was rigged to play music and prerecorded messages greeting others and giving a general region of where the radio signals are coming from. The Spokane Comunity are also working on expanding their borders to engulf most of the city.
Albion said:
After some work and a few solar panels, the Radio Station was rigged to play music and prerecorded messages greeting others and giving a general region of where the radio signals are coming from. The Spokane Comunity are also working on expanding their borders to engulf most of the city.

Maya jumped, as the radio started transmitting a message.

"Um... mum? Dad? You should hear this."

Andrew and Esosa turned, alarmed.

"What is it?" asked Esosa.

"There's someone else not he radio. Some sort of greeting message." Maya listened closely. "Eastern Washington, I think."

Andrew turned to the people in front of him.

"One moment. My kid's hearing a transmission over the radio."

The two adults moved towards their kids.
the message contnues, stting that there is a trading post in CDA to the east, and if you have goods to trade or want to speak to/ join them, to come to what follows is a series of coordinates and directions.
Bwahaha said:
Andrew and Esosa paused, not really sure what to say. He looked to his wife, but she shrugged. He was the more charismatic of the two, and she had even less of an idea of what to do, than he did.
"Some gentlemen from the CDC came by earlier," said Andrew, trying not to give away too much. "Apparently, there's a group living there... We would like to remain here. Our own fortress is quite safe. If you'd wish to make a trade, and give us some building materials, that would be negotiable. If you're having a population issue, and request a place to keep a few people, that would also be negotiable. Otherwise, I don't think we have anything else to discuss."
"Sir, do you hear this" The captain speaking to the colonel via ear piece without anyone hearing

"Yes.. CDC, to think they are still operating, proceed there after you talk" He replied

"Yes Sir"

"We need to get going, if you need us; contact us" the captain said as he handed out a card with the frequency for the base's radio

The captain and the two soldiers went back to their humvee, and the convoy was now heading to cdc on atlanta.
Albion said:
the message contnues, stting that there is a trading post in CDA to the east, and if you have goods to trade or want to speak to/ join them, to come to what follows is a series of coordinates and directions.
The strangers were leaving. Esosa ran to the edge of the second floor, only to see their backs exit the house.

The Lairds looked at each other. Andrew sighed.

"It's too far."

Maya grabbed the radio.

"We're in southern Georgia. If the Spokane community, or anyone else, wants to speak or trade with us, meet us in exactly ten days, where the two-twenty-one highway meets the eighty-two. I repeat, meet us in ten days, where the two-twenty-one meets the eighty-two."

Andrew and Esosa stared at her.

Andrew sighed.

"Maya, we avoided being killed just two seconds ago!"

"They weren't going to kill us. And, and I didn't give our actual spot," said Maya meekly.

"It could be tracked! By someone who does want to kill us!"

Maya suddenly exploded.

"Well, maybe I'm tired being safe and lonely!"

"We all are!" Andrew shouted back, harshly. "That doesn't mean it's better to be killed! I... I don't want anything to happen to you," he finished, gently but flustered.

Maya didn't know what to say to that. She paused. Then she ran upstairs.

Andrew sighed.

"I shouldn't have yelled at her..."

"Don't worry about it," said Rima gently. "I think she needed to be taken down a peg... She was acting like she was the only one who was tired of this."

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