Literature What are you reading at the moment?

i just binge read five broken blades in a single sitting the other day and recommend it to anyone who loves multi pov storylines filled with treachery, angst, and a good dose of queer romance~ also for anyone else living in the states, the first limited print run has some really pretty edges ✨
The Pariah by Anthony Ryan. Not sure how I feel about it. It's not bad and I binged like 316 pages in one night, so it definitely kept me hooked. However I feel like it went in a different direction than what I was expecting due the blurb/summery.
i just binge read five broken blades in a single sitting the other day and recommend it to anyone who loves multi pov storylines filled with treachery, angst, and a good dose of queer romance~ also for anyone else living in the states, the first limited print run has some really pretty edges ✨
sorry but that sounds kick ass wtf <3 a good dose of queer romance? i'm in (replying to save the title for myself in the future >:^D)

but I started reading a book my mom recommended to me years ago called Bone Season and only yesterday did I realize how funny the title is (it is not least not yet? I'm only a handful of chapters in but it involves various forms of necromancy and spirit powers I love it so far)
The Stormlight Archive and Mistborn Trilogy- by Brandon Sanderson, his two best fantasy-shared universe series, essentially he has different series that take place on different planets, with the main connect being a (sort of) demigod that travels the universe, usually helping the protagonists before mocking them (In Stormlight it is his profession, literally mocking people for the king.)
But no one has ever heard of Brando Sando
I’ve been switching between Red Rising and Star Wars Jedi: Battle Scars. Battle Scars kinda reads like a wattpad fanfiction, but Red Rising is totally worth checking out!
okay sorry to geek out on main but i just??? would love to talk more books with people???
sorry but that sounds kick ass wtf <3 a good dose of queer romance? i'm in (replying to save the title for myself in the future >:^D)

but I started reading a book my mom recommended to me years ago called Bone Season and only yesterday did I realize how funny the title is (it is not least not yet? I'm only a handful of chapters in but it involves various forms of necromancy and spirit powers I love it so far)
if you end up reading/enjoying five broken blades feel free to slide into my dms! i'm eagerly awaiting the next book in january! bone season is also on my TBR but i might bump it up a bit now because i love the sound of necromancy and spirit powers?? we're talking the one by samantha shannon right?
The Stormlight Archive and Mistborn Trilogy- by Brandon Sanderson, his two best fantasy-shared universe series, essentially he has different series that take place on different planets, with the main connect being a (sort of) demigod that travels the universe, usually helping the protagonists before mocking them (In Stormlight it is his profession, literally mocking people for the king.)
I read the final empire last year and LOVED IT!! i wanted to jump right into well of ascension but with wind and truth coming out later this year i decided to see if i could get caught up on the stormlight archives. no idea if i'll be able to start and finish them all in 6 months but sanderson is an insta-buy author for me and i am just in awe of his worldbuilding <3 (i also really want to start his skyward series at some point but also the reckoners-- how does (1) author write so much of what I love???)
I’ve been switching between Red Rising and Star Wars Jedi: Battle Scars. Battle Scars kinda reads like a wattpad fanfiction, but Red Rising is totally worth checking out!

as for responding to the actual thread... i just finished two LGBT+ contemporary romances to kick off pride month yesterday after being sick the whole weekend. right where i left you by julian winters and the first to die at the end by adam silvera. the latter made me bawl my eyes out and somehow hurt more than the first book, but overall i enjoyed both! i'm currently reading dragonfall, the first law, and plan to start when the moon hatched soon!
okay sorry to geek out on main but i just??? would love to talk more books with people???

if you end up reading/enjoying five broken blades feel free to slide into my dms! i'm eagerly awaiting the next book in january! bone season is also on my TBR but i might bump it up a bit now because i love the sound of necromancy and spirit powers?? we're talking the one by samantha shannon right?

I read the final empire last year and LOVED IT!! i wanted to jump right into well of ascension but with wind and truth coming out later this year i decided to see if i could get caught up on the stormlight archives. no idea if i'll be able to start and finish them all in 6 months but sanderson is an insta-buy author for me and i am just in awe of his worldbuilding <3 (i also really want to start his skyward series at some point but also the reckoners-- how does (1) author write so much of what I love???)


as for responding to the actual thread... i just finished two LGBT+ contemporary romances to kick off pride month yesterday after being sick the whole weekend. right where i left you by julian winters and the first to die at the end by adam silvera. the latter made me bawl my eyes out and somehow hurt more than the first book, but overall i enjoyed both! i'm currently reading dragonfall, the first law, and plan to start when the moon hatched soon!
My friend has bullied me into buying and reading every book
God Emperor of Dune by Frank Herbert. It has a giant homophobic man-worm and is very #menwritingwomen but my sister wanted me to suffer it like she did so we could text about it. I did the same thing to her with Anne Rice so it's fair.

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