♔ Westbrooke International School of Cosmetology ♔ [Inactive]


Untapped Potential
"Ho-ly shit," Jacqueline Brewster--Jack to anybody who didn't want to receive a massive death glare--muttered as her twin brother, Marco, pulled their shared beat-up Honda Civic up to the curb in front of a massive townhouse that screamed "California". She suddenly felt like she was arriving on The Read World San Francisco, not about to become a cosmetology student at one of the most prestigious schools in the world. Though, to be fair, she couldn't decide which one sounded more exciting.

"This is a lot nicer than I thought it would be," Marco admitted. Even he was impressed, and that was a shocking rarity for his normally cool-as-a-cucumber self. He was a straight male about to spend his days in a black apron cutting mannequin hair so that he could go into the family business. Mrs Brewster owned her own hair salon back home in Chicago, and Marco, wanting life to be as easy as possible--decided that he was going to embrace his calling as a hairdresser. He just wished that there was a manlier way to say it.

Jack, on the other hand, had bigger plans for herself. Like her brother, she had never really been the motivated type. For the majority of her life, she found herself wondering if "Wet T-Shirt Contest Winer 4 Years Running" could go on her resume. That was, until she was looped into doing makeup for their younger sister's school play. For the first time ever, Jack felt like she was good at something besides beer pong and and passing the bong. Might as well embrace it, right?

Marco walked up to the glass front door and twisted the handle. "J, it's even nicer on the inside," he commented. And it totally was. Pretty nice new digs for a bunch of broke students to live in. Then again, when you were sharing a townhouse with your sister and eight other people, rent wasn't through the roof, and thank god for that.

Jack practically bounded through the front door and dropped her bags before spinning around the foyer like a girl in a movie. This place was heaps nicer than the apartment she had back in Chicago with her brother. She knew that once everybody else arrived the house wouldn't stay perfect for long, and that was fine. She thrived on chaos. All she hoped was that the other eight people weren't assholes. She didn't do teen drama. She was too old for that.

"I'm gonna go find my room," Marco shrugged, and Jack knew he was about to go smoke a quick joint before the others showed up. Jack partook in smoking socially, but Marco basically relied on it. She watched as he wandered up the stairs. She knew that the house had five bedrooms, each with two beds in them. They had all spoken briefly ahead of time to get the whole room assignments thing out of the way. Jack hardly remembered it, but she knew there was a number generator involved.

Marco slipped into his room, which he was supposed to be sharing with a guy named Charles Gunnar. After ditching his bags at the foot of one of the beds, he spotted a small bench in the windowsill. What could be the harm in lighting up inside? He sat down in the little nook and took out a tightly rolled joint. With a flick of his Bic, the tip was aglow. As he smoked, he realized the door was ajar. He could hear Jack down in the living room watching television. Oh well. Hopefully Charles, or whoever had the potential of passing by, was 420 friendly. After all, sharing is caring.
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Kimber & Jae


Eh, are you sure this is it?

" Kimber with a crinkle of her nose. She looked the place up in down, examining it. It was hard to tell if she was staring because she hated it or because she loved it. Kimber had waltzed out of the car holding nothing and left her cousin to


do all the heavy lifting.

Jae, not one to stand for doing someone else's work rolled down the window and called out to his cousin.


Hey! You idiot, are you just going to go in there without any of your junk?

" He asked with that awfully condescending smile on his face.


No! I just wanted to make sure that this is...



Do you hate it?

" Jae interrupted, finally getting out of the car and unlocking the trunk.


No! The exact opposite! It's amazing!

" Kimber smiled with her hands to her cheeks. She felt like squealing but knew she'd get a whap to the head from Jae so she controlled herself somewhat.


You know what else would be amazing?

" Jae asked while grabbing his bags but not before tossing Kimber's too the side, and what I mean when I say 'side' is the



Kimber's face went pale.


You grabbing your things.



You jerk! You won't make any friends here!

" Kimber fumed, "

You may have a cute face that looks all innocent but you are the devil!

" She quickly ran over to her things and picked everything up. She made sure that nothing fell out or got lost.

Jae just laughed and strolled into the townhouse leaving his cousin behind. Like a lost puppy, Kimber ran after him but smacked her face into his back once she got in.


Hey, what are you-

" She was then cut off by what Jae was looking at. The interior was so breathtaking and modern.

They then took their attention to the

other person

who was here.


Hello~ I'm assuming you'll be staying here too?

" Kimber asked with a friendly smile spread across her face. She set down her bags and walking over for a hand shake while Jae stood in the background watching his cousin introduce them.
Jaye, or Honey, as her friends called her easily hailed a cab to get to the townhouse she was living in with nine other people. She was informed that the rent would be less, and it would be to her liking. She scoffed at the thought with the meeting with one of the staff telling her that she'd like it, but she was sure she was. It would be easier to make some friends, and not be able to live alone. She was one to work better in groups, since she was the kind of person that people could adore easily. Sure, she could be really mean when she was angry, but she had this certain type of charm.

The taxi swerved throughout cities and towns. She was from Los Angeles, and San Fran was five hours away, not including traffic and stops. After a six and a half hour drive from La La Land, the wheels of the taxi crackled onto the pavement. She stepped out of the taxi, and rolled all seven of her bags to the front door. Jaye headed back to the taxi driver, and he asked for an outrageous price. She threw her head back into a groan, and slapped four twenty dollar bills into his hands. He smiled and went back to the yellow taxi, and he rolled off. She watched it go off, then she headed to her bags.

Pulling out a key from her pocket which the staff of the school had given to her, she shoved it into the doorknob's keyhole, and twisted it. She pushed the door open, and stacked a few bags onto each other, so she was only lugging a group of three. She took a look around and smiled cheekily. The smile faded though, this wasn't her time to be in awe. She needed to get settled. Jaye's eyes flickered over to the living room and she waved at the girl in there casually, as if she'd known the girl her whole life. She then started to carry up her bags to her room.

Footsteps could be heard, going back and forth to her room, and then back downstairs to get all of her seven bags. She was in the third room, with a big window and a view of the outside. She smiled at the room, and she took the bed next to the window, laying a bag on it so the person who was also going to be in here knew that the bed that got the awesome view was hers. Being the ass she was, she took her suitcases and placed them in the closet which she confirmed as the biggest out of the two. She would unpack later.

She made her way down the hall, and took a sniff of the air. She paused, and walked into a room where she saw someone inside. Jaye leant against the doorframe, and knocked on the wood of the door. The girl blinked, and cocked a brow. "
I smell weed." She said, voice sing-songy. She stood up straight, and ran a hand through her shoulder length blonde hair and she smiled. "I'd love to stay and 'chat', but I have something to do." Jaye added, smile widening. She was a bit baby-faced, and that made her look cute, but her eyes were her most distinguishing features. The baby-faced girl turned on the heel of her matte, black Doc Martens, and she was about to go, but she paused, with a turn of her head.

The name's Jaye, by the way. But my friends call me Honey." Stated the aforementioned girl, and she sauntered out of the room, leaving the door open. Her footsteps were light and quick as she went down the stairs. It was always easier to go down the steps than up them. She saw that there was two other people in the room, other than the girl who was lounging in the living area. She walked into the place where everyone was at, and they finally got to hear her pleasant, slow, and slightly scratchy voice. "Hey," she greeted simply, as if she was greeting old friends. "What's up?" Jaye asked as she plopped herself on an empty couch. She straightened out her shirt which went well with her whole outfit.

This year was going to be good.

As the black sedan pulled around the curb, he spotted the townhouse he was to be sharing almost immediately. It was.. nice. It definitely stood out against the beach background and looked way better than what it did in the picture, to his relief. He knew basically nothing of this country, but was told that this would be the best place for him to study if he really wanted to go into this field.

Sharing the house with nine other people though, all of different status and personalities would probably be a challenge to say the least. Especially if the Americans here fit the stereotype the world makes of them. The car pulled to a stop and straightening his collar, he opened up the door, stepping out before his driver Jeffrey could for him.

"No worries man, it's cool." He said, tossing a $50 his way. "Just help me get these suitcases out of the trunk and ill be good." He faced the house before helping the driver unload the various bags of his. Nodding his thanks, he grabbed all four of his luggages, two in each hand, and began making his way up the steps. Reaching the door, he sat down two of them, reaching to open up the already unlocked door.

Walking in and setting his bags down, he admired the neon lights.
Ah, so it's not a complete let down. He thought, grabbing his luggage and carrying it to his room. Finding room four, he sat down the luggage, but not before smelling the sweet incense of weed slumbering out of Room 1.

So these Americans do have taste after all.. He thought.

Let the school year begin (;
Haliee pulled up to the townhouse she would be spending the next year in, to her it wasn't anything special. In Newport she would pass houses like this on a daily basis. Her old beat up '69 Ford truck idled in front of the town house as she collected her thoughts. Well this is it. She thought to herself as she analyzed the exterior of the house. The truck's door let out a long ear splitting creek as she slammed it shut. Making her way to the bed of the truck she yanked her large bags out; closing the gate as she turned on her heels.

If there was anything she learned from her mother it was to always act confident and walk like you have a purpose. She took long strides, planting her feet firmly on the the ground and keeping her eye's locked on the front door. She rolled her eye's as she could see the shadowy figures of people through the window.
Ugh, why couldn't I have been the first one here. Maybe if I'm lucky my roommate hasn't arrived yet. Entering the main room she gently kicked the front door closed with her boot while looking around taking in her surroundings. "Hm." She shrugged her shoulders and trudged off towards the staircase. Once again, the house was nothing special to her, it was ordinary.

As she made her way up the stairs the clean and crisp air quickly turned into the wafting order of weed. Turning her nose up she quickened her pace until the odor dissipated. It didn't take her long to find her room; room three. Shifting her bags she flung the door open to see two beds next to each other, and of course, the once closest to the window was already taken. She let out a long groan as she dropped her bag to the floor with a thud. As much as she hated not having the bed with the view, she was happy she at least got a room
with a view. Stepping out onto the terrace she felt the cool ocean breeze hit her face, a small smile started to grow on her face. If there was anything she liked more than hair, it was the beach. "Maybe this place isn't so bad after all." She said under her breath. She stood out on the terrace tilting her head back and breathing in the salty air. Finally she snapped herself out of her little meditation of sorts and made her way back into the room to start her unpacking. Noticing that the larger of the two closets was already taken, she let it roll off her shoulders. After all she only had three bags, clearly less than her mystery roommate.

It didn't take her long to fill up her closet, only leaving one or two hangers unused. She scanned the spacious room for a dresser for her to use but she only spotted one in the whole room. Tilting her head to the side and smirking she though to herself.
Hope you didn't want to use the dresser. She knew she wouldn't be able to fill the whole thing but she was able to fill three of the five draws with her belongings. Before shoving her bags into the closet, she took one last look at herself in the floor length mirror, altering her outfit slightly. Once pleased with her appearance she sauntered her way out of the room only to be greeted by the over whelming smell of weed. Coughing a couple of time, as to make a point, she trudged down the hall and stairs to the main room.

Out of the corner of her eye she spotted a few people on the other side of the room seated on the large and rather static looking couch. Giving them a small, almost fake looking, smile as she propped herself against the bar.
"Hi, I'm Hailee."
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Peyton had made sure to wake up bright and early that morning. Nothing would stop her from getting to her dream school bright and early. After leaving around 5 that morning, Peyton arrived in the heart of San Francisco in her slightly beat up Jeep Cherokee sometime around noon. Although she would've much rather have shown up to the campus--- if only to stare at it, she pulled up to the townhouse in which she'd be staying with a roomie. All she had was a name: Kimber Lucas. Strange, different, something she'd never heard of before-- not that she was judging or anything.. okay, maybe just a tad. But that's just human nature. Peyton assured herself the girl was probably nice.

She had dragged her bags in herself and made her way to what would be her room. The brunette could've sworn she'd heard some of the other residents but decided to head straight for her room for now. It was nothing extravagant but then again she had no intentions of spending too much time here anyway. New place, new state, new people and plenty of new opportunities to get herself into trouble. Now, Peyton Brooks was known for her trouble-making abilities but luckily with a new town came a clean slate.

It was when she was deep in thought of all the redecorating she could do when her roomie walked in-- with a friend. Strange how she wasn't expecting it, since the two were bickering the whole way down the hall.

"Oh, uh, yeah. Hey. I'm Peyton. Nice to meet ya, then."

Okay, so, Peyton isn't exactly the friendliest person around.
Mal was irritated. Like, red at the ears and all. His flight had been delayed, the flight attendee was rude, and above all he was never gonna fly again. Unless it was by private jet. He climed out of the taxi, leaving his pay and a nice tip, and stood at the steps of the Townhouse.

It was perfect.

Oh my god, somebody pinch me." Mal whispered as he walked down the pathway to his new home. The inside was splendidly gorgeous, making him glad he got the spot that had been coveted by so many all over the nation, all over the world. He hadn't expected to go far with the trade. Just something to get out of a tough time, a way out. But soon, Malcolm honed his gifts, creating new visions and styles that wowed the women and men of his community. That being said, he knew he probably wasn't shit compared to those who walked out of Westbrooke alive. You either made it or didn't, and he wasn't one to give up very easily.

Mal was so caught up in the decor of the home that he didn't notice the bags that were already placed down by a gentleman who'd entered before him. He tripped, taking a light tumble. If he was red before, he'd be extremely red now. He did not like to be embarrassed, and that was exactly the case right now.

Crap." he whispered, trying to get up on his own.
All he could do was smile ear to ear as he looked up at the building where he was supposed to be living in with nine other people. Charles Gunner, the small town boy from Macon, Georgia, couldn't believe he was in the heart of San Francisco. The house looked pretty good from the outside and Charlie hoped it looked just as good on the inside. He paid the taxi driver after slinging one of his bags over his shoulder and carrying the other bland bag by his side.

Charlie only took three steps into the glorious house and saw a good amount of people already there. He was hoping he wouldn't be the last person to show up but it really didn't matter now. Glancing around he saw a few people introducing themselves, a girl watching TV as another girl talked to her, and a boy who was in the process of getting up. Charlie could already tell he would get along with everyone though that was mainly his optimistic side talking. Charlie decided to help the guy who was half way from getting up on his own and even though he was perfectly capable of doing it, Charlie thought it was the nice thing to do. So he grabbed the other guys hand and pulled him up then smiled as he joked.
"Got to be be careful, the air will trip ya." Charlie was very familiar with this, he could recall the hundreds of times he tripped over nothing as a kid. With that said, he gave another quick smile as he departed up the stairs with his bags to go find his room. Sooner he got his stuff in his room, the sooner he could meet everyone which was an ideal way to spend time for a friendly guy like Charlie.

As he walked down the hallway, Charlie could smell the weed wafting from the room he would be staying in with his roommate. As he recalled, some guy named Marco would be his roommate. Charlie didn't mind if anyone smoked and didn't care what they smoked seeing as it wasn't his business. Entering his room, he set his bags by the bed that wasn't taken and seated himself on the edge of his new bed.
"Hey, you must be Marco." Charlie just waved lightly seeing as the other male was busy holding and smoking his joint. To be truthful, he was happy that his roommate wasn't a girl because being the stereotypical flamboyant girls' best friend wasn't very ideal to Charlie. In fact, girls never talked to him through high school until they figured out he was gay. Charlie got up and looked over at Marco as he spoke, "I think everybody is here...Oh, by the way, would you mind calling me Charlie instead of Charles?" Charlie hated being called Charles, it was an ugly and unappealing name in his opinion. He always thought the name was some sort of punishment given to him by his mother for not being born the little girl she always wanted. Marco seemed like an easygoing guy, so Charlie was sure he would get along with the other.

Marco Brewster

He stared out the window and pouted as cars began to pull up merely seconds after he lit the joint. He didn't mind sharing, but the last thing he wanted was for some narc to walk into the house and sniff out the beautiful scent of Mary Jane, and get his ass booted out of school before it even started. Marco inhaled and exhaled a little faster, though getting high was a lot less fun when you were rushing. Luckily, the couple of people who headed upstairs seemed to not notice him, or stay away. At least, until some girl strolled in.

"You wouldn't tell on me, now would you?" he teased as she playfully made it clear that the entire house reeked of cannabis. He twisted the last bit of the joint against the toe of his boot and listened as she introduced herself. "Marco, pleasure," he called as she flounced down the hall, just as quickly as she appeared. Honey didn't seem like a tattle-tale. Then again, looks could be deceiving. As much as Marco wanted to go home, he knew that he was pretty much stuck here, unless he wanted to work at McDonalds. He was not the college type, so this was the next best thing to keep his mom off his back. At least he got a job out of it.

He looked up once more to see that a guy had entered the room. This had to be his roommate. This was affirmed when the dude introduced himself.
"Charlie? Sure, you got it," Marco replied, "Nice to meet you, man." The whole house was bustling now, and now that Marco wasn't a zombie, he figured it was safe to go socialize with the people he'd be attending school and living with for the next year. "Charlie, I'll see you downstairs, okay?" he smiled at his roommate before grabbing his phone off the charger and retreating down the steps to see his sister and whoever else was there.

Jack Brewster

She was perched casually on the living room couch, flipping through a magazine while some TLC show blared in the background. Jack had a habit of intruding, so she wouldn't have any problems immediately making herself at home here. "Jack, nice to meet you," she'd repeat non-committally every time somebody would enter the house. She was looking forward to getting to know who these people really were, to see who was worth actually getting invested in. She figured that tonight's orientation bonfire across the street at the school would be a good place to start. Nothing like a roaring fire and flasks full of bourbon to help start the party.

Jack saw her twin descending the staircase and waved. He was baked, but if the whole house didn't smell like weed nobody probably would have noticed except for her.
"That's my brother, Marco," she said openly, in case anybody cared. Introductions were so awkward. Did anybody actually do them anymore? She looked down at her phone as Marco sat down on an empty loveseat that was perpendicular to the couch. They had about two hours before the party really started.

Fabian put his things in the bigger of the two closets and claimed the bed closest to the window, I wonder when the other guy will get here.. if it is a guy. A girl wouldn't be so bad either, getting ready would be a chore though. Stretching and yawning, inhaling the sticky sweet smell of weed reeking in the air, he began to make his way downstairs to the others, he plopped down on a couch and smiled, his eyes wrinkling at the corners, it almost made it look as if he was older.

"I'm Fabian" he said with his slight French Accent, "It's lovely meeting ones, such as yourselves.((winked at Jack)) Now, where are the others? My roommate has yet to arrive in our room." he said warily, looking at them with a cautious look, not quite sure how these Americans would react to such a direct question.
After a small introduction with her roommate and her friend, Peyton decided to take herself to the common area as she heard the others conversing in there. Upon arrival, the girl remained in the doorway to observe the others and see exactly what she was working with. Everyone seemed decent but looks can be deceiving.

"Hey guys," her voice wasn't loud or overpowering but it was enough to be heard. Her words were accompanied by a smile. She was ready to play nice, no reason to make them have any negative feelings towards her.

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