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Realistic or Modern West View Highschool for the supernaturals

Kari hesitated and then nodded, it wasn't like she had anything else to do seeing as she didn't want to go to any of her classes today. "Sure, it's not too far from here" she smiled and started to walk again down the busy street, turning off down a far more deserted one.
"So, Dair, do you go to West View High? I don't think I've seen you around before" Kari asked as way of making conversation as she ran her hand over her hair, making sure it was still all over one side. The streets they headed down weren't particularly nice and only worsened as Kari started taking short cuts down alleyways. She didn't seem aware of those that were lurking around or at least didn't think them to be threats.
"Yeah, just started there," Dair replied, running a hand through her hair. She glanced behind them, noticing the people lurking in the shadows.
"And you're bumming off already? Nice" Kari grinned, heading down another alleyway. She'd forgotten how dank this particular route was and apologised to Dair. "Lux" Kari murmured, a ball of light appearing in the palm of her hand, illuminating the dark alleyway.
"Haha yeah," she laughed. She watched as Kari muttered something and soon the alleyway was lit with light.

"Woah, now that was cool," she said, eyes wide.
Mia pulled out a picture she'd created using one of her memories. It was an easy spell for someone like her. Sensing somewhere nearby she looked up, she knew who it was too. "Patrick" she muttered and threw a knife where she knew he was at.

"Hey, that hurt!" He stepped out prying it out of his shoulder. "Looks like my thoughts on your condition were right. You haven't changed a bit Mia, farewell" He grinned and disappeared back to wherever he'd come from. "Idiot" She muttered and held the photo close to her chest. "I don't want to change, not one bit, I promised you that" She said looking at the person featured in the photograph.
"I should hope so, magic is all I've got. Apart from that I'm just a regular mortal" Kari shrugged "I'm not all that good at it, if I'm honest" she sighed. Why did she have to be good at the one type of magic that she didn't want to use on a regular basis? Kari had no reason to want to hurt anyone at the moment and so she was stuck just being mediocre at everything.
Cysero walked towards his destination, his new school, with his eyes pointed at the ground. Once he came close to the building, he looked up. "West View High School." He muttered. A small sigh escaped his lips. School didn't bother him too much. Cysero never felt strongly about it, neither good or bad feelings, but it did induce slight boredom. "It's a waste of time." He said out loud on accident. He had to admit, it did allow him to clear his head of everything except class knowledge, and that helped tremendously with his stress that always seemed to sneak up on him. He shook his head of his thoughts and stepped into the building of learning.
Kari couldn't help but be a bit pleased by Dair's reaction to her little spell. It was nice for someone to think that her magic was cool for once. They'd reached the end of the dark alleyway and rejoined a more normal looking street with a steady flow of traffic so Kari murmured "Extinguo" causing the ball of light to vanish.

"What can you do? If you don't mind me asking..." Kari asked Dair
"Just round the corner" Kari gestured at the left turn not far up ahead "A werewolf huh? So can you shift whenever or is it a full moon only deal?" she asked, genuinely curious.
"I can shift whenever," Dair replied, "I just don't recommend doing it in the middle of science class...learned that the hard way,"

She chuckled embarrassed.
"Bet that caused a bit of a commotion" Kari laughed softly, she never did anything to cause bother when at school. She kept herself to herself mostly when she went, which was less often at the moment. Maybe she'd go in tomorrow. Kari reached the shop and opened the door, looking back at Dair. The shop looked small from the outside but it went down three floors and had all sorts of things. Bottom floor was her favourite as it had the place where she got her piercings and a lot of alternative jewelery and clothing that she liked.
"Woah this is cool," Dair murmured, stepping into the store, "Do you think I'd look good with a lip piercing?" She asked, turning back to look at Kari.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/image.jpg.b54fbe04b28c9aa461904b827175476b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="40185" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/image.jpg.b54fbe04b28c9aa461904b827175476b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <------ Dair



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"Hell yeah, you thinking of getting one?" Kari asked with a smile. It was cool to have someone around that liked the same kind of stuff as she did but with them still being nice. Stop it Kari scolded herself.
"Yeah, my mom would kill me if she found out though," Dair laughed. She was happy to have met someone who liked the same things as her. Back at her old school, she was an outcast. All the girls there were spoiled little brats.
"Well you can't really take it out for ages once you've got it done so she'll probably noticed" Kari shrugged as she walked deeper into the show, pulling items of clothing off racks and looking at them before putting them back.
"She'll live," Dair shrugged, glancing at a pair of ripped black skinny jeans.

"So, where can I get this done?" She asked, pointing to her lip.
"Downstairs two floors, wanna go there now?" Kari offered. She wasn't exactly in a position to judge Dair for doing stuff her parents wouldn't approve of. She did it all the time, even though her Father never noticed.
Mia let the picture she was holding disappear. She was done crying about the past for the day and wiped her eyes. Patrick couldn't just come along and ruin her day like this. Sure, maybe it was King Midas's orders but she didn't care. She stood up on the branch looking towards the sky. "I'll find you someday" She glared up at something only she could see it seemed, if it was there at all. Jumping off the branch she started flying higher into the sky. She always hid her wings even if she was flying. One of the first few things she'd learned was you can still fly with your wings hidden, she was glad for that.
"Sure!" Dair nodded, "I've been meaning to get it pierced for a while now." She smiled, she was happy Kari didn't judge her for rebeling against her parents.
Kari nodded, she understood how it was to want to get something done for a while. It had been like that with her tragus because it was a lot less conventional and looked really cool. She started heading down the stairs towards the back of the shop in silence.

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