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Fantasy Weredragons-(revamped and open)

Ryker bolted upright, the weightless feeling of the void he had left still clinging to his limbs - wait.

What did I dream about again? He squeezed his eyes shut, lightly rubbing his forehead with a hand. I'm pretty sure it was really, REALLY weird...

His eyes opened, blinking a few times, and the hand rubbing his forehead advanced into his hair, gripping the wavy material. By the Tides, he had a massive headache. What was he dreaming about..? He couldn't find an answer, as every time he tried to dig into his memories a sharp answering pain rendered him seeing stars.

Groaning, he flopped back onto his back, his other hand joining the first. He'd worry about that later. First, he had to find some respite from the dull knife shoving into his skull a little more with every passing second that went by.

Time bends...

Suddenly, the pain cleared, simultaneous to his remembrance of the quest formed in his unconsciousness. Find and defend the Sea Crystal... Find a man with red and silver hair with metallic blue highlights...

How odd. Tasks assigned to him in his sleep. An intense headache that dissipated without a trace. His seemingly selective memory as he tried to put all the puzzle pieces into place, remember who told him to do this - a telltale tingle went up his arm as he dwelled on that for a moment. What in waves was he expected to do, and from whom? Why should he even consider following these instructions?


He quickly sat up once more, scooting to the edge of the bed and grabbing the T-shirt he had set aside last night for when he awoke from the nightstand - a solid white T-shirt, casual dress. But, then again, he was the King. He could do whatever he wanted, really - but he didn't abuse that privilege. Today wasn't slated for any public appearances anyway - why bother wearing formal attire?

Donning the cotton fabric, he also snatched similarly set-aside faded blue jeans, tugging them on as well as he stood up. He stopped momentarily to pick up his black tennis shoes, slipping them on as he triasped to the door, which he cautiously opened after hastily tying his shoelaces.

Listening, he could hear no movement - so he nudged the door open, soundlessly swinging open on its hinges as he contemplated where to go from here. Who would actually hear him out without believing he was a child having a nightmare?

...Caspian. He automatically turned right, darting down the decorated stone corridor. Caspian knew of his arcane abilities, and was never too quick to turn anything down. Plus, he had a good memory for mythology and lore - he could possibly help link things together that Ryker would most likely brush over.

Not because he was a close friend, or because he was also a friend... with benefits. Ryker blushed a bit as he scooted down the halls, turning left and beelining to Caspian's door.
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Zain woke in his inn room with a gasp. He had such a terrifying dream that it seemed real. But now, he felt hollow.

Parthenope woke with pleasant smile on her face. She had gotten to speak with her lord face to face for the first time but she needed to be vigilant for Zain's sake.

Shiyam woke to jumping out of bed and grabbing her rapier before sheathing it with a slight huff. Her dream was quite real in her mind and it more questions than answers. At the moment, she was visiting the king of the Sea kingdom for either casual talk or trade discussions whichever came to mind
"Caspian!" He hissed, impatiently tapping on the door until it opened, a sleepy boy in a tanktop and shorts greeting him as he sleepily rubbed his eyes, brown hair sticking up in all directions.

"...Whaa - oh, hello Ryker! Do you need someth -"

Ryker pushed past him, sending the boy stumbling back a bit before he caught his balance. "Hey - Ryker! What gives?"

Ryker shook his head, muttering to himself as he paced back and forth. "...I can't get this off my mind, whatever it is... Who in Enos' name is behind this? I swear I should know, but I don't remember... I don't remember anything -"

"Ryker." Caspian stopped the boy, putting both hands on his shoulders and gazing into the hypnotising blue, flecks of light green and lighter blues swirling about in his irises, resembling the oceans he ruled over. "Stop. Calm down - breathe. Now tell me, what brings you to my quarters at such an early hour?"

As Ryker gazed back into the soothing, earthy greens of the other male's irises, he caught the spark that ignited in his orbs, as if Caspian's immediate thoughts strayed well outside of why he was really here. "I... I -"

"Use your words," Caspian murmured, eyes drifting down to Ryker's lips. "What's troubling you?"

"...I had a dream," the boy haltingly said, gauging Caspian's reaction. "I think... I think someone's trying to communicate with me. I don't know who, I don't know why - all I know is that they told me to, umm... To find and protect a Sea Crystal, and to find this guy with some wacky hair... I don't know - I know it sounds crazy," Ryker rushed to convey as Caspian's face grew expressionless, "but I swear with all of the sanity I have that -"

"The Sea Crystal?" Caspian's hands tightened, gripping Ryker's shoulders like a vise. "What need have you of the Sea Crystal?"

"I... I don't even know what that is! All I know is that I was told to find and defend it - with haste. Do you know where it is -?"

Caspian suddenly let go of Ryker, dropping down onto the rumpled blankets of his bed and muttering to himself. "This isn't good. This isn't - what could possibly require the Crystal? I've half a mind to -"

"Caspian?" Ryker asked, hesitantly sitting next to the male on the bed and carefully looping an arm around Caspian's torso. "You know something, don't you."

"...Yes, but I never envisioned that we would need the Crystal. It's only necessary to retrieve it in dire circumstance... which your Kingdom is safe and prospering. Why would - who asked you to do this?" Caspian turned to face Ryker, a worried frown twisting his lips.

"I... I don't know -"

"But we can't risk it. We can't risk ignoring this and suffering the consequences later..." Caspian mused, more to himself than anyone before abruptly coming to a decision. "Fine. I'll show you where the Crystal lies. Tomorrow."

Ryker began to protest but was immediately shushed by a finger to his lips, Caspian bending his head closer to the boy's face. "Tomorrow," he emphasised, dragging the word out. "But right now..."

Ryker instantly caught the implication; and a suggestive smirk played across his face as he slowly raised his arms, looping them around Caspian's neck. "Yeeesss?" He teased, the word dripping with a feigned casualness that they both knew wasn't there.

"Take a guess," Caspian breathed, drawing a bit closer - so much so that they could feel the breath of the other against their skin, and so that his lips nearly brushed Ryker's every time either of them spoke.

The boy swung a leg over Caspian's waist, exhaling when the other male's hands immediately found his hips. "You tell me," Ryker purred.

And then a sudden spike of pain lanced through both of their heads, Caspian silently wincing in contrast to Ryker's yip of surprise.

"You left the door open," another voice nonchalantly pointed out, and Ryker grinned, slowly shaking his head in muted admiration.

"Damn it, Ethan, at least knock before coming in!" Caspian complained, collapsing onto the bed. "You scared the kelp out of me!"

"Granted, we did leave the door open," Ryker admitted, turning to look at the newcomer, who nodded once in agreement. "Although we were in the middle of something, Ethan..."

"Oh, go right on ahead - continue your little... Escapade. I'll just wait right here until you're finished," Ethan commented, crossing his arms. "Whenever you're ready."

Ryker glanced at Caspian, who shrugged a little, then back to Ethan. "Alright, spill already. What's up?"

"The negotiator from the Mountain Kingdom is ready to speak to you. She's here to hash out a few trade agreements." Ethan paused. "If you're prepared, of course. If you need to, ahem, finish anything, then..."

"Do shut up, Ethan!" Ryker laughed, flicking a spray of water at the boy, who managed a grin, Ethan's blonde hair falling into his eyes and lending him a certain mischevious air.

"I'm not opposed to that," Caspian commented, already expecting the lighthearted punch Ryker gave.

"You guys are such pricks," Ryker mumbled as he stood up, turning towards the door. "Seriously. I don't know why I hang out with you guys."

"Because, um, we're awesome. Isn't that much obvious?" Ethan jibed.

"Just because you have telepathic abilities doesn't make you special," Ryker sighed, grinning despite himself.

"Same goes for your elemental abilities," Caspian called out after him.

"You know I hate both of you, right?" Ryker rounded the corner into the corridor, a huge smile on his face.

"Love you too!" Caspian exclaimed, and Ryker immediately began to turn red, hurrying away from that pairing and towards the guest area.

"127... 128... 129..." he muttered as he padded down the hall. "131... 132." The male stopped, standing at the door for a quick moment before quietly knocking, stepping back to wait for a reply.
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Malekai awoke from his slumber...feeling very sore and very annoyed...Wait...what? He...AWOKE from his slumber. He checked his surroundings. No...this had no be another dream...right? He took a few steps forward, and stumbled forward from having muscles tight and cramped. He felt...no pain. Not from such a basic fall. He would feel pain if he was dreaming though "Could it be?" He said aloud. His voice came out almost like a croak...not the sweet voice that he used with dreams...he was...AWAKE.

And now, some whelps were going to pay for what he had endured for the past...Good God how many years has he been asleep?! He stood up, and unnaturally bent his back backwards. The cracks echoed through the empty halls of the Abyss. He continued to stretch out his body, each way more unnatural then the last.

Finally, He felt more lose. He did little jogs, flips, conjured the dead, banished them back. He used his mind to shout to servants in the Abyss, and generally proved to himself that he was awake, at long last. A few creatures, troglodites, one of the lowest form of servant he had, stepped forward. "What can we do for you massster?" They hissed.

He looked at them with a grin. He was awake, at long last. "You can-" he stopped. His voice was hideous. With a hideous laugh, he conjured his black cauldron, and drank from the black water that flowed in the Abyss.

After a long drink, he set the cauldron down, stretched, and cleared his throat. "I want you to get things back in...working order...GO!!!" He shouted the last part. He stalked over to his black throne and sat. He snickered, a couple more times until he chuckled, till the chuckle became a small laugh, to a large laugh, to insane laughter that echoed throught the halls of the Abyss. When he was done, his expression turned to that of one that had just seen his family killed and now wanted revenge. "Oh surface world...you know not what is coming." More laughter. Another drink. "My dreaming ends...your nightmare...begins!"
[QUOTE="Gabriel Ivanov]"Caspian!" He hissed, impatiently tapping on the door until it opened, a sleepy boy in a tanktop and shorts greeting him as he sleepily rubbed his eyes, brown hair sticking up in all directions.
"...Whaa - oh, hello Ryker! Do you need someth -"

Ryker pushed past him, sending the boy stumbling back a bit before he caught his balance. "Hey - Ryker! What gives?"

Ryker shook his head, muttering to himself as he paced back and forth. "...I can't get this off my mind, whatever it is... Who in Enos' name is behind this? I swear I should know, but I don't remember... I don't remember anything -"

"Ryker." Caspian stopped the boy, putting both hands on his shoulders and gazing into the hypnotising blue, flecks of light green and lighter blues swirling about in his irises, resembling the oceans he ruled over. "Stop. Calm down - breathe. Now tell me, what brings you to my quarters at such an early hour?"

As Ryker gazed back into the soothing, earthy greens of the other male's irises, he caught the spark that ignited in his orbs, as if Caspian's immediate thoughts strayed well outside of why he was really here. "I... I -"

"Use your words," Caspian murmured, eyes drifting down to Ryker's lips. "What's troubling you?"

"...I had a dream," the boy haltingly said, gauging Caspian's reaction. "I think... I think someone's trying to communicate with me. I don't know who, I don't know why - all I know is that they told me to, umm... To find and protect a Sea Crystal, and to find this guy with some wacky hair... I don't know - I know it sounds crazy," Ryker rushed to convey as Caspian's face grew expressionless, "but I swear with all of the sanity I have that -"

"The Sea Crystal?" Caspian's hands tightened, gripping Ryker's shoulders like a vise. "What need have you of the Sea Crystal?"

"I... I don't even know what that is! All I know is that I was told to find and defend it - with haste. Do you know where it is -?"

Caspian suddenly let go of Ryker, dropping down onto the rumpled blankets of his bed and muttering to himself. "This isn't good. This isn't - what could possibly require the Crystal? I've half a mind to -"

"Caspian?" Ryker asked, hesitantly sitting next to the male on the bed and carefully looping an arm around Caspian's torso. "You know something, don't you."

"...Yes, but I never envisioned that we would need the Crystal. It's only necessary to retrieve it in dire circumstance... which your Kingdom is safe and prospering. Why would - who asked you to do this?" Caspian turned to face Ryker, a worried frown twisting his lips.

"I... I don't know -"

"But we can't risk it. We can't risk ignoring this and suffering the consequences later..." Caspian mused, more to himself than anyone before abruptly coming to a decision. "Fine. I'll show you where the Crystal lies. Tomorrow."

Ryker began to protest but was immediately shushed by a finger to his lips, Caspian bending his head closer to the boy's face. "Tomorrow," he emphasised, dragging the word out. "But right now..."

Ryker instantly caught the implication; and a suggestive smirk played across his face as he slowly raised his arms, looping them around Caspian's neck. "Yeeesss?" He teased, the word dripping with a feigned casualness that they both knew wasn't there.

"Take a guess," Caspian breathed, drawing a bit closer - so much so that they could feel the breath of the other against their skin, and so that his lips nearly brushed Ryker's every time either of them spoke.

The boy swung a leg over Caspian's waist, exhaling when the other male's hands immediately found his hips. "You tell me," Ryker purred.

And then a sudden spike of pain lanced through both of their heads, Caspian silently wincing in contrast to Ryker's yip of surprise.

"You left the door open," another voice nonchalantly pointed out, and Ryker grinned, slowly shaking his head in muted admiration.

"Damn it, Ethan, at least knock before coming in!" Caspian complained, collapsing onto the bed. "You scared the kelp out of me!"

"Granted, we did leave the door open," Ryker admitted, turning to look at the newcomer, who nodded once in agreement. "Although we were in the middle of something, Ethan..."

"Oh, go right on ahead - continue your little... Escapade. I'll just wait right here until you're finished," Ethan commented, crossing his arms. "Whenever you're ready."

Ryker glanced at Caspian, who shrugged a little, then back to Ethan. "Alright, spill already. What's up?"

"The negotiator from the Mountain Kingdom is ready to speak to you. She's here to hash out a few trade agreements." Ethan paused. "If you're prepared, of course. If you need to, ahem, finish anything, then..."

"Do shut up, Ethan!" Ryker laughed, flicking a spray of water at the boy, who managed a grin, Ethan's blonde hair falling into his eyes and lending him a certain mischevious air.

"I'm not opposed to that," Caspian commented, already expecting the lighthearted punch Ryker gave.

"You guys are such pricks," Ryker mumbled as he stood up, turning towards the door. "Seriously. I don't know why I hang out with you guys."

"Because, um, we're awesome. Isn't that much obvious?" Ethan jibed.

"Just because you have telepathic abilities doesn't make you special," Ryker sighed, grinning despite himself.

"Same goes for your elemental abilities," Caspian called out after him.

"You know I hate both of you, right?" Ryker rounded the corner into the corridor, a huge smile on his face.

"Love you too!" Caspian exclaimed, and Ryker immediately began to turn red, hurrying away from that pairing and towards the guest area.

"127... 128... 129..." he muttered as he padded down the hall. "131... 132." The male stopped, standing at the door for a quick moment before quietly knocking, stepping back to wait for a reply.

(Typin fuckin essays here lol)
Inheritance said:
(Typin fuckin essays here lol)
(Try to keep this to a minimum or at the end of your posts so it doesn't clog the rp.)

Parthenope was being lead around the Sea kingdom castle, Hahnu, was quite enjoying the explaining of what she couldn't see by her guard and while her nephew Zain couldn't come personal to do this, since he was off wondering around the kingdoms with only a few clothes with him, she had to do so. For a little over 800 years she has done this with other kingdoms and she was getting a little tired of doing the same the same thing over and over. She just hopes something happens interesting today.
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Charlie sprung up from the bed. What a strange dream..of course as she soon as she begins to think about it, the dream slipped through her fingers like sand. Ugh, she hated having the feeling of knowing she had a dream but no being about to remember it. She shrugs, she could think about this later in the day, right now she was hungry. Her grumbling stomach confirmed it. She gets up, straighten out herself, even if she was hungry, one could never know if they were going to spot their one true love. You gotta always look good.

Finally, happy with her looks, for now, she glides out. The smell of the sea mixed with the many scents of dragons made her smile. She didn’t think she would like the sea kingdom as much as she did, her begin air she thought it would have been like hell here..but really it was like a more fluid air. She giggles, that didn’t make sense but that was the only way she could describe it. It also helps that this kingdom had some of the loveliest men she had ever seen, seriously beauties. She finally orders something from the tavern’s bar. Lamb and seaweed soup, yum!

As Charlie eats, she wonders what she’s going to do today, she’s already she almost all the wonders the sea kingdom had to give..well almost all, she wasn’t going anywhere near the deeper parts, those were a little too daunting for her. Hmmm oh! She could visit the castle, she heard the king was a very handsome dragon, and she also didn’t hear of a queen..soo maybe she would get lucky and the king would fall for her at first sight and they would have a royal wedding…ohh and she would be the most beautiful bride, ever dragoness would be jealous! Lost in her thoughts, she didn’t realize the she was on the edge of the seat and falls, spilling the remains of her meal on her. Too embarrassed to even look around, she slaps down some money and darts out. Well maybe she wasn’t queenly yet but she’d work on that.

The castle comes into view and she smiles. Ah it was beautiful! Everything just seemed more pretty underwater…well cept the fish. They still looked like weird things to her, with their huge eyes and blank looks.
Parthenope was outside the castle, trying to get back in since the guard thought it was funny to leave her, a lady of the mountain kingdom and negotiator for trades for said kingdom, outside where someone could 'try' to find her. It wasn't damn funny and she couldn't see worth shot since she couldn't open her eyes!

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Charlie smiles as she finally gets to the gates. Finally! It has been farther away them she had realized and she was kinda tired of swimming. As she gets closer to noticed a very lovely woman by the gates. “Hello! Are you trying to get in too? I didn’t know if they just let everyone in but I was like ah Charlie you gotta try you know, sooo I’m here. I’m trying to become a queen you know. I may not look so queeny like you but I’ve got enough heart for it.” She smiles at the female. “So like do we wait here….orrrrr do you know a secret way we can get it. I can’t wait out here all day, I’ve gotta charm a king!” She spins a little.

Parthenope turned towards the noise and smiled at the woman in front of her, eyes remaining closed.

"I am. I'm here on kingdom business for the mountain kingdom and my guide decided to take me outside and leave me. Quite rude to a woman that represents another kingdom's King and I can't see worth shit because of personal business!"

She said before hearing the girl say something about charming the king and lifted a hand to her mouth, lightly giggling into it.

"I would do best to not try to charm him since he has a preference for his own gender. I'm sorry if I popped your dream of being queen but you have quite a ways to go before trying to get the king view you like that....Ah, the mountain kingdom has a king as well. Wouldn't you like to see him?"

She said, images floating in her head...well, crap. She didn't even know the girl's name or looks.

"Do forgive me for being rude for not introducing myself."

She said before bowing a bit.

"I am Parthenope Artremidoros. And I'm sorry to ask but can I ask how you look and name?"

She said as she straightens up, her eyes remain shut.

No response came, and he waited for a moment before knocking again, a bit more insistently. "Umm... Parthenope? This is Ryker, from the other day. We talked a bit and agreed to continue our trade negotiations today... Are you awake?"

Again, no answer. Blinking a bit, he stepped back, away from the door. What was she doing? ...Ethan had just said -

"My liege!" A voice from his left proclaimed, and he jumped, a hand instinctively going to his upper chest, above his heart.

"By the Tides, Remi! You scared the kelp out of me!"

The armoured guard shifted uncomfortably, and Ryker rushed to comfort him. "No - no, it's okay, it really is! I should've been a bit more on my guard - if this were a duel I would've already been downed."

"...If you say so, mi'Lord." The guard bowed a bit as he said that, snapping back to attention immediately afterwards. "Parthenope Artremidoros, Mountain Kingdom trade negotiator and High Priestess, wishes to see you as soon as possible."

"Yeah, I know. That's why I'm here," Ryker informed the guard, gesturing at the door.

"...No, my King. She awaits in the courtyard, from outside the palace walls."

"...In the courtyard? Why -" He briefly nodded to Remi. "Thank you. Your report is acknowledged, you are dismissed."

The guard answered with another bow before turning on his heel, marching back down the corridor from whence he came, Ryker looking after him. It had never been his style to demand total respect and fealty from his subjects, and the niceties of bowing and the like was simply dreadful to him. However, it was better than groveling - and Ryker had already reformed the monarch system quite a lot already. No need to disrupt it more.

Sighing, he turned around, heading back down the halls he had just traversed going to Parthenope's quarters. Slipping past Caspian's room, he stopped and backpedaled. He might need those two, no matter how irritating they usually chose to be.

"Caspian! Ethan! With me!"

"But I'm not even dressed!" Caspian whined, his voice slightly muffled by the masonry walls separating his room from the corridor.

"Then hurry up and dress! Ethan, come out here. I need to speak to you."

The boy slipped out of the room, brushing his hair out of his intense brown eyes - tempestuous, stormy, coloured like they could see into your soul and read your innermost thoughts. Which they did. "Yes, Ryker?"

"Parthenope's outside," he started, ignoring the look of confusion that lined Ethan's face as he divulged that information. "I need you with me because the trade negotiations are a tenuous matter - you know this. I need your telepathic skills on-hand the entire time, got it?"

"Umm..." Ethan blinked at Ryker. "Sure, I suppose... I've never attended negotiations before, though, so are you sure -?"

"Read her thoughts. Tell me - silently, up here." He tapped his head. "Ever since the last few negotiations... We can't risk anything."

"I understand. I'll do my best, Ryker."

And with that, Caspian stumbled out of the room, a black muscle shirt showing off his well-built arms and not doing much to conceal his torso, as the material was nearly skintight. Grey basketball shorts and black running shoes completed his outfit.

Ryker gave him a once-over before crossing his arms, shaking his head in mock disapproval. "Do you always pre-order your entire wardrobe about a million sides too small?"

"Trust me, it's an annoyance on this end as well," Caspian replied, studying his arms as if he hadn't noticed it before - and obviously not receptive of the sarcasm Ryker had doled out.

"...Whatever. Follow me." Ryker spun and set off at a speedy walking pace, and both boys hurried to catch up with him and match his pace.

"Alright, Ethan, you know what to do. Caspian, the Sea Crystal. Today," he cut the male off as he started to protest. "And that's an order."

"Fine," the male grumbled. "But I know as much as you do about where it's hidden - nada."

"Find out as much as you can in that case." The corridor began to open into a wider, more open room - almost gilded in decor and elegance. This was a foyer of sorts - the entrance doors to the palace led into this room. "Won't divination reveal its location?"

"No. It's heavily enchanted to protect against evil intent - and that also veils itself from the good. That's why it has stayed hidden for so long."

"Alright, do what you can." He stopped, turning and nodding to Caspian, who grinned back before skittering back into the halls. "Ready, Ethan?"

"Am I ready? You'll be doing most of the work, Ryker," the boy easily responded. "Are you?"

Ryker pondered that for a moment. "...I don't believe in being ready. I believe in being ready enough."

And with that, he turned and grabbed hold of the sculpted seahorse door handles, opening them and stepping outside.
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Parthenope heard the doors open and turned to the noise, cocking her head slightly. She could hear footsteps coming close to her and couldn't tell which one was the king or not. Then again, she had only just gotten here yesterday and fell asleep as soon as she could. Being unable to open her eyes because of the contract was a pain in the ass but it was a necessary for her eyes be that way.

"Do excuse me but could I feel your faces? I'm unable to see because of a contract so feeling is my best option to know who is who...If you'll allow me."

She said while gazing with her unopened eyes. She would have a summons out to help her see but she didn't have time to summon a familiar to help her see since she was quite rushed outside to be in the sun. She wore a simple sun dress outside as the heat was more than what she was use to in the mountain kingdom.

@Gabriel Ivanov
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Ryker stopped just in front of the Priestess. "Of course, Parthenope," he replied, giving a hard look to the sentry posted outside that undoubtedly had denied the Mountain Kingdom emissary access inside the Sea Palace. His blue eyes, usually pleasantly warm, were like blades of steel as he balefully swept it across the guards, conveying both his disappointment and his warning to stay back and let him handle things.

"It's been awhile since I laid eyes on you, dear Priestess," the boy hummed, returning his gaze to Parthenope. "The last time I've seen you within this Kingdom's boundaries was at the funeral of my parents." His voice slightly hardened as he mentioned his parents, although it quickly dissipated, reverting back to his friendly, inviting tone. "How has your stay been as of late? Other than being locked outside - I'm terribly sorry for that misunderstanding. My security detail has been a bit more... Cautious lately, after the last time we had guests in the Palace."
Parthenope giggled before smiling at Ryker.

"It has been sometime. I do not mind being shown around the palace but being dumped out here without so much as a reason why does raise my ire a bit. Nonetheless, the one who lead me out here is going to get it easy. I'll not punish them, they....Lets continue talking inside, this heat is a bit much for my body to take."

She said before holding her hand out for Ryker to take so he could lead her around the palace.

"I don't mind the increase of security but at least have someone with common sense to stay near me so I don't try to run into walls, no matter how funny it is to others."
Ryker took Parthenope's hand, leaning down and lightly brushing his lips across the back of her hand in a surprisingly traditional gesture. "Of course, my Lady. Again, I do apologize for the inconvenience... How may I repay you?"

"Of course, Parthenope. Of course. Nothing but what you desire." He stood there for a moment, thoughts racing through his head before he turned, gently pulling the girl with him as he returned to the door. "If you would like, my companion Ethan Lucado is extremely skilled in telepathy and mental communication. He can provide a pair of eyes for you to see through if you so please."

Ethan nodded, advancing to Parthenope's side. "Mi'lady," he murmured, bowing to her. "As Ryker said, I am adept at feats of the mind and intellect. To use my sight, grab my hand and I'll do the rest."

Ryker nodded, looking back. "...Oh, and who awaits with you, Priestess? A fellow companion of the revered Mountain Kingdom? Speaking of which... How is Zain? He's faring well, I trust?"
Malekai already had ideas of how to start this nightmare. He needed those crystals DESTROYED, so he could conquer the land. He would start his whispering...he shot his power out to anyone in the area that would even give a hint of thought to him. @RoyalPhoenix32 @Gabriel Ivanov @Mikailgirl
Parthenope smiled before responding.

"I do not mind holding your hand but as for mental communication, my mind is off limits as to the contract I share with."

She said before answering Ryker.

"Zain fair's well. He's being his usual self; cautious, curious, and landing himself in danger with all sorts of people. You know how he is with his aura sight. Always investigate before asking questions."

She said before tensing at a feeling that shot up her back and a mental whispering in her head, a warning. Her head whipped side to side with unopened eyes in a determined way.

@Gabriel Ivanov @Inheritance
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He felt it before he heard it. The ghost of a whisper, a sudden feeling of pressure in his chest. Caspian quickly turned, a flame already beginning to light in his hand, but saw no one.

"By the Tides," he muttered, turning back to the shelf of books he had been previously perusing. Ryker prophecising a situation of emergency, the all-too-convenient displacement of an esteemed guest - it all seemed too coincidental, not just limited to the realm of chance.

His hand raised, skimming along the spines of the ancient tests. "Siren Songs... Monstrosities of the Ocean Deep... Crystalline Lore." The boy stopped, his hand grabbing the book and snatching it from its place among the shelf. A vague title, but probably as close as he would get here in the vast catalogue of the Palace's catacombs. If it was here, then there was some power associated with it - almost like fish to a river. The catacombs were no place to mess around in.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Ryker glanced at Ethan, who furrowed his eyebrows before slowly shaking his head, tapping his temple.

"Oh. Oh, what a shame that is," he slowly said, tilting his head. "May I ask what kind of contract caused your loss of sight?"

"Ah, Zain. Trusts light surrounding living things more than living things themselves." Ryker smirked, a bit suggestively. "Although, he is rather good-looking. Has he found a suitable match yet? Surely he must have - the Mountain Kingdom is, after all, known for its stark beauty, both in landscape and with its people."

Suddenly, a familiar tingle shot up his arm again, as if he were reentering his dream earlier that day, and he quickly retracted his hand from Parthenope's, staring at it and flexing his fingers to test the Arcane Energy around him - which was normal, although heightened due to the presence of three powerful weredragons in such close proximity. "...Did you do that?"
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Malekai felt it...beautiful...he could be heard. He reached out again, this time, with a message "Well met" this would repeat for a bit. "Well met"
"I cannot say. The title would be very simple to say but when I signed it, it burned a symbol onto my skin and also burned away. I later found out where it went, inside my mind. That is why mental communication is quite delicate for me to use."

She said before hearing the voice and frowned.

"What do you want, demon?"

She said with venom in her voice. Summoning energy was at the forefront of her mind as she thought of who to summon if something came to pass.

@Gabriel Ivanov @Inheritance
"Demon?!" Hissed the sweet voice. "I am nothing of the sort. I am simply a...I'm not sure what I am really. I'm a dragon I know that but..." Malekai could play dumb, or the pity card. Whatever he needed. @RoyalPhoenix32
Ethan suddenly cried out, crumpling to his knees and clutching his head. The boy shuddered, then let out a shout of pain, bending forwards as far as he could to try and escape whatever pierced his mind with such... Such vengeance.

"Ethan!" Ryker gasped, kneeling down as well and hesitantly putting a hand on the boy's back, his face laced with worry. "What's wrong?! Ethan! Talk to me!"

As Ryker prodded his incapacitated friend, trying to get a response, a faint blue outline of a sphere shimmered into existence around the three, as if his consciousness had extended out into a tangible shield around them. It glinted a bit, then faded - but was still there, a wall of energy boxing them in and keeping... Whatever it was out.

Looking up at the sky, Ryker shouted, "What the Tide is this? Who are you?!"

@RoyalPhoenix32 @Inheritance
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Ethan groaned, shaking his head. "...No, this... This isn't right... What do you want?!" He screamed as a new pain glanced through his skull, and he saw white.

And then... Nothing.

He instantly quieted, smoothed into stillness by the soothing tones of... This entity. A sort of relaxation - almost euphoric - spread through his limbs.

"What are you doing to me," he gasped, the feeling of weightlessness overtaking him.

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