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Realistic or Modern "We're the Foster kids"

AJ Hansen


She laughed lightheartedly at the wolf whistling, exedra. She watched from the front of the crowd with a smile as Jay talked to the crowd easily.

(Sorry for my absence, I really need to stop signing up for rps
xD )

So guys do you want the norm, or do you want me to shake it up a bit tonight??" Jay asked with a smile as he looked at Aj. The crowd then started to say shake it up. Jay had to do it then. So Jay picked random off the song list waiting to see what popped up.
AJ Hansen

(My computer is freaked out at the gif)


She smiled back, still laughing slightly at him. This was definitely his 'element'. She clapped her hands lightly and chanted along with the crowd for a couple beats, laughing at the same time. She was curious of what song it might land on.

Jay had to smile when he saw that the randomizer landed on Stacy's mom. "Well you guys got lucky tonight." Jay said as he smiled, and the music started to play. Jay listened to the beat, befoer he started to sing the song.
AJ Hansen


She swayed to the beat slightly and smiled, watching him. He was a pretty good singer, at least compared to the only guys she'd heard singing, which were the guys in her sixth grade class when they were forced into a choir that wasn't optional.

Jay kept going with the song. When he had finished he smiled and got off the stage. Jay then went up to AJ. "Hey Aj want to go get some food??" Jay asked with some puppy dog eyes.
AJ Hansen


She couldn't help but laugh at his "puppy dog eyes" as she nodded, following him out of the crowd that was currently swarming around and towards them.

"But first we have to get through her fan club," she joked about the crowd.

Okay lets juts make a run for it." Jay said as he smiled at his friends actions. They were always like this when he came.
AJ Hansen


"Okay let's go!" she said, suddenly yanking him out of the crowd running for the clearer area around the club at the back and near the door. Once they were outside she let go of his arm and stopped panting slightly and still laughing. This was definitely one of her more favorite adventures.

JoelHPIS said:
(Sorry I never got any notifications ><)
Joel nodded to Eric and began to quietly eat his ramen. He was rather hungry actually, which made a change. He was hardly ever hungry lately. This simply proved how much ramen could somehow comfort him. He remained silent, not wanting to cause any more trouble. He had already interrupted two people's night with his stupid condition. He didn't want to cause more trouble, afraid he would be hurt for it.


(Sorry I wasn't here earlier.)

Eric was glad the Ramen was comforting to him. He would definitely have to remember that little trick, and make sure Samantha always had some on the grocery list. "Feeling better now?"
Joel nodded a little as he finished the ramen off, yawning a little. He put the bowl on the kitchen counter and looked around hesitantly. He didn't want to go to sleep. He had nightmares when hr went to sleep. He wanted to do something else, anything to avoid sleeping.


Jamie woke with a groan the following morning. He had fallen asleep on the sofa. Cracking his back he saw the time was 7.am.

With a sigh he headed for the kitchen and started making breakfast. He sent a shout up the stairs, safe knowing that the parents were gone to work.

"Yo if you want breakfast get the hell down here!"

He re-focused on cooking, plating up waffles, pancakes, bacon, toast. He also put the cereal boxes on the table with jugs of juice and milk. Chuckling to himself,

he thought about the fact that being here had turned him from closed off and angry to a total home bird.

(too many people to tag so any foster kids and friends staying over, breakfast is served
:P )
(I mean. I sort of didn't even get Leo back to the house last night sooooo I'm lost now)
(I'll just play as if nothing happened until we finish up what we were doing then bring them to real time)

Bea said:

Leo Riley Hale

He blinked when he was pulled up and laughed a bit "Knew I'd get you in one way or another" he said as he held onto Simon's waist to keep him from sinking as the lake was deeper than he thought it was. He shook his head and flipped his hair out of his face with another cute giggle. He couldn't believe he was doing this, with someone else anyway. He'd normally do shit like this all the time but he never took anyone with him for the sake of getting in trouble but Simon seemed pretty trustworthy, if for no other reason than he'd be too shy to say anything.

@tomato modest​
@tomato modest


Madison began to sleep silently. Her blue nightgown and her clothes laid out on the floor from that night, Madison was out of it. From finding her room, to just the simple travel and food, she deserved a good nights rest; as the sun began to rise, so did Madi, however, she didn't want to awake, unfortunately Madison was a early riser, even when she didn't want to wake. Turning her side, and closing her eyes again, Madison just wanted to be home, she didn't want to be in a situation where she was basically separated from her own family.

"Yo if you want breakfast get the hell down here!"

That's all Jamie had to say to open Madison's eyes, hearing the scream of the man from under her. Getting out of bed she began to rub her eyes and stretch as she began to raise on her tippie-toes. Though everything was fine, sadly Madison's hair wasn't.... and unfortunately it was much more poofy then anything else.

Exiting her room, Madison went downstairs, the sound of her feet making contact with the stairs as she went down. Listening to the sound of the bacon sizzling through the halls always was nice, and the aroma... don't get her started.

Entering the kitchen was like heaven as Madi's eyes widen and she looked at Jamie. "Your making all this?!" she said curiously & shocked looking at the Jamie plating the waffles on the plates as he went back to cooking the other food.

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"You getting tired, Joel?" Eric asked, still leaning back against the counter. The kid looked sleepy. His eyes were starting to droop and he seemed a little out of it, in a different way than he had been before, of course. He was glad that episode was over.
Joel instantly tried to perk up a bit and shook his head in protest. He couldn't possibly sleep like this. He was scared and would just end up panicking. He would end up with nightmares, crying to himself alone since Josh wasn't here anymore. He simply wouldn't go to bed. That was his solution. He could never sleep or sleep well if nobody was with him.

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Sam Haven

"Yo if you want breakfast get the hell down here!"

Those words jolted Sam awake. Looking down, Sam realized that she was wearing the same clothes from the night before. She walked into the kitchen and skimmed her eyes over all the food on the stove and counters. She seemed like is always hungry lately, she could not believe her eyes. She shot a smile at Madi as she sat at the table and waited for breakfast. This was by far the best foster home she has been in the past few months. "Where did you learn to cook like this?" she asked Jaimie. It was her first real interaction with him, but he gave off such a welcoming vibe. She could tell that he is a natural entertainer and also kind of a mom.

Interactions: @Haus Of Alaska

Mentions: @Pure


Jamie looked up as people started wandering into the kitchen, he chuckled as they questioned the amount of food.

Wiping his hands clean he began to put the plates on the table, allowing anyone to take what they wanted.

Sitting down he answered Sam and Madi

"Yup, I made all of this, with so many people in the house you have to and I learned to cook growing up"

Putting the last things on the table he spoke up

"So dig in"

Sam Haven

"Hold on I'll be right back" Sam said, before launching herself out of the chair and running to the nearest bathroom. She puked. What the hell? She wished she had time to turn the sink on or something before it happened. She was beyond embarrassed that people might have heard the gross noises. She prayed that Jamie wouldn't find it as an insult to his cooking, and that Madi didn't think she got drunk when she went out last night. Sam washed her hands and face, thankfully her hair was still in a bun and there was no vomit in it. Sam swished some mouthwash in her mouth until the taste went away, and walked back into the kitchen. She sat back down in her seat, grabbed a glass of water, and put some food on her plate. "Sorry about that" she said, trying to be casual.


Still watching in shock, Madi couldn't really believe it honestly; still looking at the food, and almost finishing the bacon, she noticed the young brunette Sam, heading into the kitchen, and funny enough had the same reaction whilst the blonde returned her smile with a greeting smile as she followed Sam and sat down, waiting.

"Yup, I made all of this, with so many people in the house you have to and I learned to cook growing up"

Staring at the plating, as Jamie continued to finish.

"That's amazing, honestly." She says pausing midway, as the blonde raises herself from her seat; Madison quirked her brow a bit as she purses her lips, "Funny enough, I never really knew much about cooking, whenever we go to breakfast we usually have cereal.... or I ate the free breakfast at our school." She said with a chuckle, taking the plate as she headed back to the table. Just the pure smell of the food made Madison drool a bit as she quickly took her seat at the table, grabbing a glass and pouring Milk into the glass.

Grabbing her fork she began to cut her pancakes and took a bite, mixing the pancakes and the bacon giving a salty, but sweatish like combination. "Mmmmmm. Oh my gawd-" She said, her mouth filled with food "This is so good." Taking another bite, Madison was like she was in heaven.

"Hold on I'll be right back"

Watching Sam leave, she continued to look down at her plate, finishing her food as she heard a weird sound coming from the bathroom, kinda like gagging..... She then looked at Jamie, giving him a confused shrug before Sam entered back into the kitchen, sitting down before grabbing her things.

"Sorry about that"

She continued chewing on her pancakes, her legs crossed as she looked up at Sam. "It's fine-" She said, stabbing her fork on the pancake and sliding it around the syrup before taking another bite. "So what do you all do?" She said, food still in her mouth and some bits of pancake falling onto the plate.

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