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Realistic or Modern "We're the Foster kids"

Sam Haven

Sam was so relieved when she saw Samantha's kind face. She smiled and stepped into the house. "Hey, I was worried you fell asleep." She obviously scared to be in another home so soon, but Samantha seemed nice and she prayed that her assumption was correct. "Sorry if I woke you up. I left a few hours ago, my social worker didn't expect it to take so long to get here."

Samantha waved the excuses away with a hand. "Don't worry about it. Hi, good night..." she waved the the social worke, and closed the door after she drove away. "Okay, Sam. Would you like a snack? We only have a couple rooms left--the yellow/gray one or the real one, I think..."
"Yeah a snack would be great." Sam wanted to see what the house looked like and find out where the kitchen was and what was in it. She set her bags down under a table next to the front door, and followed Samantha into the kitchen.

Samantha led the way into the kitchen, flicking on the lights. The cabinets were a tasteful minty green sort of shade, and the countertops were white. Most everything in the kitchen was shiny and clean. Samantha pulled open the pantry door first, then the fridge. "Sorry you missed supper. We have some leftover spaghetti. Or any of your staples: on&oh, microwave macaroni, chips and salsa, granola bars, bananas...whatever floats your boat." She shrugged and glanced at the girl, taking her in. Funny how real faces were always so different than photos.
Sam Haven

Sam grabbed a bag of chips and thanked Samantha. After a few minutes she grabbed her bags and went into the yellow room. She used her laptop for a few minutes and waited until she thought Samantha had gone to bed.

Hey do you wanna meet up tonight now that ur in town
Yeah how does willow street park sound?
Twenty minutes

Sam put on a black hoodie and climbed out the window. She hadn't done anything this bad in past when she was living with her parents, but she didn't feel like anyone was holding her back here.


Heading there (Prologue)

Why she was in this car, she never knew, as she looked up from her book and glancing at the driver Madison took a deep breath. Tilting her head and looking out the window, so many things were on the young girls mind, her eyes flickering at each area as the car went by Theater 6. Where am I going? Will I see my Ethan, Zach, (Her Brothers) and Dad? Why am I hear? As millions of question gathered in her mind, all Madi could do is worry. They've been driving for hours now, and it didn't improve much on the mood, and made her much more tired then she already was.

"We're almost there." She heard the driver say, causing Madison to look up at the brown haired man with her eye brow raised. She really did hate the situation she was in, all she got was a call on the intercom from her class about saying... "Can we have Madison Carmichael for early dismissal." She remembered, as she packed her books hearing her teacher scream saying. "She's on her way!" Her mind still full of memories from that moment; she remembered seeing Ethan but not Zach at the main office, they didn't really give us much information on why we were here, the only person that was their was a lady in a dress with glasses on. After that we all just.... moved, the women said that we would all be together again but will it really happ-

As she continued thinking the car instantly slowed down, her body moving forward as the black Honda turned into the neighborhood. "Sorry love, almost missed the place." The driver said with a smile, his eyes looking up at the rear view mirror for second before looking back at the road. "It's fine, It's fine." Madison said calmly her heart pounding as her whole body lean on the window, her eyes scanning each house like a factory. The houses looked really good, hell better then were she was living by a long shot, which caused her to grin from ear to ear, as she begins to laugh to herself. This couldn't be real, these houses are much more beautiful then anything. The car then went into a slow halt.

The Neighborhood

Looking up at the Victorian House, Madison was shocked, her mouth in the shape of an 'O' as she continued to stare at the house. The driver then gave a smile as he leaned back a bit in his chair. "Well, we're here." He said, pressing a button on the car as the trunk opened from the back. "Thanks for taking me here." Madison said. Getting out of the car she brushes her blonde hair behind her ear as she went to the back of the car, her eyes still trained on the house.

Taking both luggage into hand, Madison began to walk closer to the house, her heart beating with each step she took as the house got bigger and bigger. Heading into the porch and looking at the door Madi paused for a second. What was she suppose to do? Wasn't somebody here already to greet her? Turning her head toward the car, Madi then sighed noticing the man waving his hand, obviously telling her to go inside, taking a glance around it was basically like a ghost town, well beside someone taking smoke on there porch. Taking a deep breath Madi, put both luggage down she then balled her fist and began to knock. "Please open the door...." Madison said whispered to herself in prayer.


Blouse, Ribbon Tie, Black Skater skirt, and Black Tights.


Mentioned: @Lilli
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Sam Haven

Sam sat on the tree outside the window and saw Madison knocking on the door. Crap! If somebody opens the door and sees me out here I'm dead-and I haven't even been here for an hour! She sat on a branch, waiting a few minutes to hear footsteps or see somebody open the door. She took a deep breath and tried to figure out how to go about this. Sam attempted to jump out of the tree, but instead landed on her knees, making a loud thud. She winced in pain but got up out of the pile of crushed brown leaves.



Nothing, just pure silence past as she listened to the wind and the rustling of the trees. Turning her head she noticed that car left, and was probably long gone by then. Was this a sick joke? Madison thought to herself, her eyes looking at the door as she continues to knock on the door. "Come on, come on...." She mutters to herself, her luggage down on the porch as she continues to wait. "Why does this always happen to me-"


Turning her head at the speed light Madison quickly got out of the porch, her face showing a bit of confusion as she noticed the brown haired girl getting up from the leave pile, millions of more thoughts came to mind as she began to study the girl a bit. Why was she here? Or rather why was trying to leave? Quickly running to the girl, or rather speed walking in her case, Madison looked at the girl as she smirked. "Uhh, should I even-" She then paused for a second, closing her eyes as she stops midway, probably best not to know a girls business. "Do you live here?" she asked curiously, her brow raised as she takes a quick glance at the house then back at the girl. "Lord, I've been waiting here for minutes thought no one would really answer or anything." She said with a chuckle, scratching the back of her hair as she responded.

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Sam Haven

"Oh, uh, yeah I live here. I just moved in a few hours ago." Sam replied, standing up as she brushed the leaves off of her pants. She looked at Madi and wondered why she was coming in the middle of the not. I mean, Sam had arrived in the middle of the night as well but she didn't think it was a normal thing for children to show up at literally any time. "I think that the parents are both in bed by now" She continued, looking at the girl's bags. "If you want to get in then I think you might have to use the window." Sam joked, motioning her head to the tree she just fell out of.

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Jamie was on the way home from the dance studio. He needed a shower and food, cracking his neck as he thought to himself.

The advanced students had been pushed more than usual lately, some major competition coming up from what he had been told.

While waiting at the traffic lights, he decided to send one of his "Siblings" a Text to find out what the situation was with dinner.

Since they had been adopted, the idea had been that the older kids look out for the younger ones.

Pulling up Emily's number he sent a text to her.

Hey Em, whats going on with Dinner???(^.^)

Emily's phone buzzed in her pocket and she checked it, seeing that she received a text from another foster asking about dinner

Hey Em, whats going on with Dinner???(^.^)
Hey, dinner is over but I could make something for you if you want

@Haus Of Alaska
Emily walked over to the front door and opened it to see two of the new fosters interacting "You guys wanna come in?" she asked, Sam and Eric were probably asleep by now and didn't know that they were out here so she was almost in charge, being the one who was awake.

@Pure @sheep
Jamie was at the next set of lights when he checked Emily's message.

Wincing that he missed dinner, their mom was very family, so she loved to have big family dinners

which allowed everyone to talk about their day.

He had not been expecting practice to run on so long so he would apologise when he got home

Hey Em, whats going on with Dinner???(^.^)
Hey, dinner is over but I could make something for you if you want
Its cool, I will stop in chapolte does anyone want anything???

While Jamie tended to be on the bitchy side, he had a soft spot for Emily.

They were the oldest so between them they tended to look out for the youngest.


"Are you serious..." she says with a sigh, realizing it was a little late then usual, and that she had to climb a tree to possibly get inside, and the worse thing was, she never really climbed a tree before. Pausing for a second Madison began to worry... what could she do? Should she just wait? Or Possibly wonder what this girl is doing at this type of time. As seconds of silence filled the awkward blondes mind she shook her head. "Uhh, I'm Madison, or you can call me Madi... which ever you prefer.-" She says with a smile taking a quick glance back at the door, hopping maybe someone will answer. "Sorry for putting in a weird situation like this." She says to Sam, as the blonde began to brush her long locks of hair back as she puffs her cheeks for a second.

"You guys wanna come in?"

Quickly turning her head, she noticed the door open and light as more beautiful then heaven. "Sanctuary...." She mumbled to herself, her eyes staring at the other brunette by the door as she nodded as fast as she could. "Oh please...!" She says with a grateful sigh from afar, acting like a beggar on the street for change. Looking back a Sam, happiness arose from the blondes face, "Well, I'm going inside, I don't know what you're planning on doing, but I wish you luck." Madi says quietly to Sam with a smile; before turning her heel as she walks back up the porch and grabs her luggage. "Thank you so much again, I thought I was gonna be out there all night!" She says to Emily, her cheeks rising and her dimples showing as her hands grip both of her luggage's tightly.

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Sam Haven

"Oh, I'm just going to stay out here for a little while longer" Sam said to Emily. "It was nice meeting you Madi. I'll see you later tonight." Sam put her hair in a bun and began walking to the park. Man I hope that none of them come back outside to check out where I am. But why would they care anyways? Sam stood there waiting in the cold for Damon to arrive. She did things that night that she never done before, and it made her feel alive. They "hung out" for about an hour when Sam checked her phone. It was late to say the least. She began walking back home, admiring the beautiful theater and quaint bookshops that lined the streets of the neighborhood.

@Pure @FluffyMarshmallow

(after what would be about an hour of interactions between you guys in the RP just say that you see Sam walk in)
Emily's phone buzzed one more

Hey Em, whats going on with Dinner???(^.^)
Hey, dinner is over but I could make something for you if you want
Its cool, I will stop in chapolte does anyone want anything???
Most of the kids are asleep and have eaten, others are snacking in the kitchen, everyone should be fine

@Haus Of Alaska
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Emily laughed and looked at her with her luggage "No problem, sorry I didn't notice you before, Sam and Eric are sleeping by now I suppose. Well Eric is in the kitchen with Joel I think. Need help finding your room?" she asked tilting her head



Madison looked over at same, it was quite odd that she was just going to stand out there at night, but their were more important things in mind, plus she had to get her bags set down and and everything situated, which... she hates doing besides meeting new people. Staring for a bit longer Madi heard a buzzing sound which instantly snapped her back into the real world as she looked back to the brunette at the front door.

Listening to Emily just stirred up more confusion. Who was Sam and Eric? Were they the Foster Parents, well more likely. Madison thought to herself as she nodded to Emily's question. "Yeah-Yeah, that would be great...-" She says happily, her arms shaking "My arms have been killing me with all this luggage I'm carrying, and I'm just so tired from this trip here." She says with a chuckle. Realizing that it's probably best that she didn't wear anything fancy when she entered the Foster Home at this kinda time.


Mentioned: @sheep
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Jamie was nearly to the house, he had his food and he even got something for the younger ones, knowing that even if they were not hungry they would pick at food anyway.

Walking in the door, he dropped his gear bag to the floor and headed for the kitchen, intending to chill out and eat his food. Pulling out what he needed he sat down and took

a bite of his salad. Spotting Emily and a new girl, he swallowed his food and spoke.

Hey Emily, hey new girl. Theres food"

He pointed to the food bag on the table for the new girl as he resumed eating.

@FluffyMarshmallow @Pure



Jamie shrugged as he continued to eat, he did not really care either way. Swallowing his next bite of food he spoke up

Its my sweaty stuff, I have to put it out for a wash, I will sort my bag thanks Em."

He explained as he went through his texts on the phone.

We are gearing up for the open weekend, the usual parents visit so the studio can show how much we are working"




Heading into the house, Madison was amazed to say the least. The style of the house or rather mansion was absolutely stunning and she couldn't wait to explore this place after she got all settled in. Still looking around, and luggage in hand, she noticed someone walk past her, looking at him, the first thing that came to mind was his hair, was different to say the least but happy that at least there were some guys around here, or she thinks... but for Madison, her knowing more about the dancer will have to come later.

"Hey Emily, hey new girl. Theres food"

Food Madison eyes instantly widened, she was starving, and couldn't wait to get something to eat, her mouth begins to water a bit as her luggage was still in hand.

"If you want, I could take your things into your room and you could eat?"

Sighing in relief Madison gave Emily a wide smile. "Really?! Yes, yes that would be awesome, thank you." She says, handing Emily both her bags as her mouth begins to form a smirk. "Careful, it's a little heavy-" She says, her hands red from holding the luggage for quiet some time (Well if 5-10 minutes counts as a long time...) as well as herself being relieved. "Thanks again uhhh-" She stops midway, eyeing Emily before shaking her head, realizing she hasn't even introduced herself. "I'm Madison, sorry for putting you through all this, we'll talk more after we eat." She says sincerely.

"We are gearing up for the open weekend, the usual parents visit so the studio can show how much we are working"

She then turns around before heading into the halls, she hated staring but this place is amazing, she never seen anything like this in her life, though in did cause memories of her and her Brothers and Father. Shaking her head she headed into the kitchen and looked at Jamie with a greeted smile on her face as she watches him take a bite of his food. "Hi-hi,-" She says with looking at the boy. "So you're the one with the food? cause I-Am-/Starving!/" she says, her stomach churning as she continues to watch him eat.

@FluffyMarshmallow @Haus Of Alaska
Emily took the bag and nodded towards Madison and walked up the stairs, the bag was heavy but nothing she couldn't handle. She walked upstairs and opened the dark blue door. She placed the bag beside the bed and walked downstairs to see Jamie and Madison


@Haus Of Alaska

Ryder was sitting in his kitchen window, smoking and joint and watching the group home. He'd just seen a blonde girl walk inside. She was new. At least he'd never noticed her before. She was pretty too. He closed his eyes for a moment, feeling really bored, before deciding to walk outside.

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