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Realistic or Modern "We're the Foster kids"

Angel "AJ" Hansen


She laughed again and bowed still mockingly before standing up and slipping on the flats she'd brought that were finally dry.

"Shall we?" she said," I mean, I'm up for modeling sweatshirts and all, but this club sounds interesting."

She smiled and nodded her head towards the door.

We shall." Jay said as he walked towards the door, and opened. "It's not even that far. It is basically around the corner." Jay said and smiled a little bit as he saw Aj.
Angel "AJ" Hansen


She smiled back before running off down the street, yanking Jay along by his arm before letting go and slowing to a walk.

"So, I take it that it's that one," she said sarcastically, pointing to the club that was lit up like christmas and pounding with music from inside. As well as a line out front.

Yeah, but don't worry we don't have to wait in the line." Jay said as he walked to the two teens in the front. Jay gave them a custom handshake, and showed a card. "Come on silly were almost there." Jay said as his smile lightened up as he walked through the doors. As he broke the barrier the crowd cheered as they saw the main man on campus.
"AJ" Hansen


She followed Jay inside and looked around in awe. The place was packed, but they were all cheering for Jay. All except for the girl at the bar with dark hair who just nodded her head with a smile towards them before sliding a drink down the counter to someone.

"This place is awesome," she said with a slight laugh. She felt a bit under dressed compared to some of the people in fancy dresses, exedra, but it didn't bother her too much. She was never one to care about others' opinions much.

(... casually mentions one of my own characters
xD )

Miya walked outside in her front yard and waved to her parents goodbye. Her brown hair flowed in the cool wind as she looked up into the sky. After a minute of standing there Miya heard a crash and the kids giggling. She walked back inside to find them fighting. "Come on you two! Go to your rooms!" She said playfully and they ran off with more giggles. She laughed lightly and pulled her hair into a ponytail. her black hoodie draped over her short self. She walked to the kitchen and started to mess with the food, smiling at the photos hung around the house.

Miya's door was wide open, the windows as well. The smell of bacon swarmed around the room before exiting the house and floating to the neighbors. The pops jumped out at Miya as she cooked, the smell formed small clouds in the house as the kids' t.v. was turned on. You could hear them giggling and playing on the beds as songs played, echoing through the house.
Joel was beginning to calm down. He nodded quietly and even managed to smile at the girl who smiled at him. Maybe he would be okay here. He looked up at Eric hesitantly as he shivered, before looking to see the girl was gone. His face fell, he wanted a friend. He was just too anxious and shy to reach out and try.

"I-It's cold..." He mumbled almost silently. He was surprised he had managed to say even that.


Emily looked up and saw that Eric and Joel were still there, she wondered if she still kept that old tattered copy of Pegasus she raced up to her attic and looked through her bag and triumphantly raising it in the air before scurrying back down she clutched the book tightly and hesitantly placed the book by Joel, she had no idea if he liked to read or was any bit interested in it, but the book contained both of there names and the fact that the character Joel was in a group home was perfect, she had loved the book and it comforted her in the homes she had been in, she knelt down beside Eric uncertain, she contemplated talking, and decided to stay silent, he would talk to her when he felt comfortable, he had overheard that he liked music, no she didn't spy she just was nearby. She leaned on the wall and smiled at him, hoping to comfort his nerves, she could use some friends to get her through High school, and here, and he seemed like he needed one just as much as she wanted one. Though she knew better than too push him into something too fast and she didn't speak, if talking was on his agenda it would be up to him to speak, she wanted to know if it was alright before starting something. She wondered if he would like her Narnia.

(Pegasus is one of my favorite series and actually has their names and they are best friends)

@JoelHPIS @Talieann
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Eric smiled at Emily, wondering what the offering of the book was about. She seemed like a sweet girl; he was glad she was there. He turned his attention back to Joel. "Tell you what. Why don't you let Emily here help you pick a room, and I'll run downstairs and get your stuff. We'll find you a jacket...and your guitar," he finished, smiling. "Okay?"

@JoelHPIS @FluffyMarshmallow
Joel looked at the book that was placed beside him. He had never even heard of it but smiled in appreciation. He nervously looked up at Eric at the mentioning of him staying with the girl. He hugged his knees tighter, trying to stay calm. He'd be okay. Right? He nodded silently to Eric's suggestion and looked down at the floor shyly.

@Talieann @FluffyMarshmallow
Nami had headed outside with frustration. The kids had ran downstairs and took all the food. Nami knew not to cook anything else, so she ran outside and climbed up into the tree. Her light hair glistened in the light, her sweats and hoodie made her seem cold, when really she was only comfortable. The tree bark scrapped at her legs and hands. Birds flew around her hair before she caught onto one of the branches and listened to their sweet melody.
Emily smiled at Joel and when Eric left she stood up "Want to find your room?" she asked tilting her head in curiosity, she was excited to finally be able to talk to this boy, well maybe he wouldn't say anything back. She offered him her hand.

Joel nodded quietly and forced himself to get to his feet. He felt dizzy at first but soon righted himself. He smiled a little, shaking both in nerves and the cold.

"Okay..." He nodded a little.

Emily started to walk "Okay, whats your preference, an isolated room or normal one?" she asked him looking at the doors, the ones that were vacant were open slightly, she knew that a lot of kids preferred to stay near the parents during their first home for comfort, and when they had been in a few they liked to keep their distance from everyone, even herself, she choose the attic.

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Joel shrugged a little, quietly looking around. He turned, trying to work out where he was going to remember it later.

"Somewhere near Eric..." He mumbled quietly. He didn't really mind otherwise, long as he had Eric nearby.

Emily walked over to dark red door and opened it, it was a nice bedroom right beside Samantha and Eric's bedroom, "Does it suit your taste?" She held out the bowl of grapes and asked "Have you eaten?" she asked him a bit worried

Joel hesitantly followed her, looking into the room quietly. He walked inside and looked around, nodding a little.

"Is it near Eric...?" He asked almost silently. He was still shivering a little and looked paler than usual.

He looked at the grapes and shook his head a little, taking one and nibbling on it nervously.

Emily nodded her head "Right next door, don't worry" she looked around and looked at him nibbling on a grape "Hey, wan't me to make you something? You need to be fed" she said quietly, not quite sure what he wanted but wanted him to feel welcome

Joel looked up at her hesitantly as he nervously nibbled on his grape. He finally finished it and nodded a little.

"Can I have some ramen...?" He asked quietly, unsure if she would make it. Ramen always calmed him and made him feel more comfortable for some reason.

Emily nodded her head "I think I saw some in the cupboard earlier, c'mon, lets go" she said walking to the door and motioning for him to follow. She walked downstairs and into the kitchen, opening up the cupboard and ruffling through it until she found ramen, she started some water to boil the noodles. She opened the package and let the noodles pour into the water.

Joel followed her quietly, not saying anything else. He couldn't find the words to say anything. He silently watched her make the ramen, coughing a little. He still shivered, wondering where Eric had gone with his jacket. He was really cold now. He looked at the girl and shyly smiled.


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