• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern We're the Experiements


Yeah, that one.

Closed until further notice. My apologies lovely people!

Character Signup Template



Age: (18 or under please)

Sexual orientation:




Experience with host family: (what kind of family took you in until your return to the lab at age 10)

Description of wings:

Appearance: (real picture or digital art preferred)

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Name: Natalia (Nat)

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Sexual orientation: Heterosexual

Personality: In short, Natalia is people-orientated. She's usually outgoing, and has a very approachable nature. Although she come across as trusting and sweet, she's extremely cautious and calculating. Nat has a good sense of humour, and really appreciates comedy. When things don't go to plan, Nat just rolls with it. She's very laid back and tries to keep her cool in most situations. She likes to have people that she can rely on, and that can rely on her. To her, friends are family.

Social skills, good at teamwork, trustworthy, intelligent, agile and quick.

Weaknesses: Can be clumsy, gets attached to people easily, fears wide open spaces under darkness e.g. the ocean or the night sky.

Experience with host family: Natalia's host mother, Marlene, was absolutely lovely. She taught Nat how to cook and made sure to help her with any homework she brought home from school. She was a nurse, so she also passed on a little extra first aid knowledge. Nat's host father, on the other hand, was a vile man. He was abusive towards his wife and would often beat on Natalia too if she happened to come to his attention at the wrong moment. Right before she was taken back to the lab, Nat asked Marlene why she didn't leave her husband. Marlene responded by saying, "We weren't married yet when we signed up to receive you. You're under his name. If I left, you'd be here with him all alone. I couldn't do that to you." Marlene fought the scientists when they came to take Nat away, resulting in her death.

Description of wings: Deep brown, but shows up as a beautiful auburn in the sunlight. The underside of her wings are spotted with gold coloured feathers.

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/beautiful-redhead-girl-wallpapers.jpg.6cf6ff7e5f787edf24c09896e8a5c3e8.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="69252" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/beautiful-redhead-girl-wallpapers.jpg.6cf6ff7e5f787edf24c09896e8a5c3e8.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Andre

Gender: Male

Age: 18

Sexual orientation: Heterosexual

Personality: Andre is the silent but strong type. He's a deep thinker, often lost in his own thoughts. At first he may come across as hostile or indifferent, but as one gets to know him they'll come to find he's really a sweetheart. He'll speak up when he needs to, but usually lets others do the talking. He'll be in the background watching, listening. Although he isn't very outspoken, Andre does form firm opinions and he can be painfully stubborn. He's fiercely protective of the people he cares about and will do all that he can to maintain their safety and comfort.

Observant, strong, quick thinker, good listener.

Weaknesses: Stubborn, not good at talking to unknown people, prone to fits of rage when angered.

Experience with host family: Andre's host family consisted of a woman, Leenah, and her three sons, Adam, Keith, and Michael. They were generally a happy family, although Leenah was often unable to feed the five of them. She worked a low-income job and barely had enough money to pay the rent. Because of this her sons, all whom were older than Andre, went on regular hunting trips and took turns stealing from stores and pickpocketing strangers. Helpful skills that they passed onto Andre. By the time Andre was 10, he and Michael were the only two still living with Leenah. Their parting was as simple as a hug goodbye and a thank you for the many good years spent together.

Description of wings: Each feather has a gradient of light to dark brown, creating a mottled effect.

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/male_practice_by_rachopin77-d6fq3gz.jpg.a991a7722be87702eaa1a18327444383.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="69253" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/male_practice_by_rachopin77-d6fq3gz.jpg.a991a7722be87702eaa1a18327444383.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Penelope

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Sexual orientation: Hetrosexual

Personality: She’s shy, and quite awkward, yet has a feisty temper if you ever do manage to get her angry. She has a knack for stomping on toes with her heels when angered, so if that does happen, mind your feet. From a good albeit protective parents, she’s very empathetic, and a good listener; but also quite sensitive herself. Being an open and emotional person, Penelope takes insults to heart, making her seem as if she’s an ‘easy’ victim. Yet when she needs to stand up for herself, she will without doubt. Penny prefers solitude, although she does enjoy talking to those she’s close to.

Strengths: Intelligence, light footed, calm and collected, agile, lithe, listens well.

Weaknesses: Claustrophobia, painfully shy to strangers, stuttering.

Experience with host family: Her father was a kind and meek man. A musician. He played piano, violin, and was a paid orchestra conductor. Her mother on the other hand was a dancer, ballet to be specific. They were kind, strange people, finding a love in the arts. Their ‘daughter’ taking after them in some ways more than others. With such a heavy influence, Penelope herself took ballet lessons, wanting to become like her host mother. Yet all good things come to an end. The scientists took the screaming and begging girl, her host family watching with tearful eyes. Her mother simply said; “It’s for the best”

Description of wings: A creamy white, with longer grey feathers toward the bottom, turning the white to an ashy colour as you move down.

Appearance: Standing at 5’6, she’s an albino. Her eyes coloured a light, rosy pink.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/57a8c4050d712_whiteporcelainsadface.jpg.88cbe74723b90604ab1f6367dc44200c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="69279" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/57a8c4050d712_whiteporcelainsadface.jpg.88cbe74723b90604ab1f6367dc44200c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Noah Smith

Gender: Male

Age: 18 years

Sexual orientation: Bisexual

Personality: Noah is the stubborn type. He thinks his opinion is right no matter what. He can be stern and quite bossy yet its all to protect others. He is a natural born leader and doesn't take orders very lightly. When put in stressful or high-risk situation he often acts off the most logical way he can think of. He thinks quickly and tries his best to make good choices that can better the small group.


• Highly intelligent

• Skilled in hand-to-hand combat


• Short temper

• He has low stamina

Experience with host family: Noah was "gifted" to a man and woman who lived in Alaska with their two other kids. He home schooled Noah and taught him many things, including how to shoot and hunt. The father figure was an ex. marine. Noah was taught how to shoot many different types of guns, and he can be incredibly sneaky. The two other kids were there to play with and were just his age. When the time came for them to part, Noah's mother figure was quite reluctant. Yet his father figure knew he had to do this, for the government.

Description of wings: Noah's wings are quite interesting. They are a deep black, darker than a night sky without stars. They have tints of silver and brownish-red. He has a wing span of 7 feet 4 inches.


Name: Sierra Snow

Gender: Female

Age: 17 years

Sexual orientation: Heterosexual

Personality: Sierra is quite, and tends to keep to herself. She enjoys reading and drawing. She doesn't often speak her thoughts or opinions to others. She'd much rather curl up with a book then be surrounded by people, even if they are her kind. Shes sweet yet isn't easy to love due to her rather hard and cold exterior. Yet when she loves someone she'll protect them with her life


x she's fiercely loyal to those she loves

x She's incredibly stealthy and sneaky


x She's not one to enjoy fighting. She is rather weak when it comes to fighting.

x She doesn't have the heart to shoot someone.

Experience with host family: Sierra was given to a single mother who at first treated her like a little princess. She gave Sierra everything she could, ad her belly was always full.. Until her mother figure got in with the bad crowd. At first she was okay, there was just less food in the house.. Then there was no food, Sierra's mother figure was always tweaking out on drugs, soon they lost their home and were forced to take shelter with other people Sierra didn't know. Once this happened her mother figure got deep into drugs. They were constantly high. Her mother figure wasn't there when the scientists came to take Sierra back, so the young woman doesn't care for that woman what so ever, and very rarely thinks of her.

Description of wings: Sierra's wings are a snow white color, that glisten like newly fallen snow in the sunlight. Her wings have a light purple and gold tint toward the tips that make her wings a strange mutation the scientists didn't mean to create. She has a wing span of 6 foot flat.


Name: Daniel Stonewall Jackson

Gender: Male

Age: 18

Sexual orientation: Heterosexual

Personality: Daniel is a thick hooded guy, meaning he keeps a lot of things to himself. Being raised in the south he has always had the notion of treating people how they should treat you. Though in this 'facility' he has lost his respect for people and rather use his physical gifts to tear at the guards. Seclusive as much as mean Daniel doesn't like large groups or at the least being stared at. He doesn't care why they are experimenting on him all he cares about is how much he hates them.

Strengths: Physically, Daniel is build like a brick shit house when ever the guards come for him they have to send at least a dozen armed to the teeth with stun sticks to take him down. Tough, though he does have his physical weaknesses he can take in a lot of pain until he eventually gives up. Confusion, using his laid back attitude and comforting conversation of a 'country boy' Daniel gives his enemy a false sense of safety, which he has used several times.

Weaknesses: Daniel's body resembles that of a falcon, thick muscle fibers but weak bones made for breaking things apart but not for staying together. His left knee is weaker compared to his right knee and whenever cornered he will use his right leg to kick, never his left. Because he spent much of his childhood with his adopted parents instead of other people he was rarely lied to or tricked into anything, with enough backstory he can fall for about anything. He has a soft spot for women always referring to them as Mrs or mam and even with the doctors showed restraint from 'disabling' them.

Experience with host family: Daniel was raised by an old couple and given the middle name Stonewall Jackson for his adopted fathers amazement in his strength. Deep in the south he spent his life playing in fields and reading about the old battles that were fought. Every so often his adoptive parents would invite other children over to play but to no avail Daniel ended up hurting or scaring them with his inhuman strength for a child. Raised as a polite young man he spent a lot of his time fishing with his adopted father who if it were differently he would be his grandfather. Until he turned ten, all Daniel remembers is his father waking him and grabbing the house gun, an old rifle his father kept above the fireplace. A few gunshots and Daniel's father and mother were gone and his home was far far away.

Description of wings: Light grey with a span of 9 feet even.


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Name: Evelynn Rouge (Nickname: Eve)

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Sexual orientation: Heterosexual

Personality: Due to the parents that claimed her as a young child, she is quiet and fearful of social interaction. Yet, once close to someone she is sociable and caring towards them. She tries to avoid any kind of negative contact, and is scared of the ones that hurt her, or will hurt her. When angered, she will say what she needs to, and quickly get away from the situation. Although under all of her problems and fear, she is a very sweet, kind, and loving girl.


*Is mentally prepared for situations that need a thought out plan, unless under pressure.

*Careful in situations unless overwhelmed completely, and will keep on the safe side.


*She is physically unable to fight, and not mentally prepared, which causes her to feel threatened in a harmful situation and run away from it.

*Cannot stand being harmed, threatened, or so much as yelled at.

*Has a slight fear of men.

Experience with host family: Evelynn was given to a family of four. There she had two sisters, a mother named Susan, and a father named Peter. Her sisters treated her horribly and would blame any mistake they made on her due to jealousy of being their mother's favorite child. The mother was a kind woman, but also acted as a doormat to her daughters and husband. As for her husband, he was a brutal man and always believed his two daughters, and hated Evelynn. He would find reasons to scream at her for what she did wrong, and beat her with a belt. Once the scientists came back at the age of 10, she struggled and tried to run, but stopped once she looked to see a painful look in her mother's eyes. To this day, she doesn't regret being taken away, but only wished she could of helped free her mother from the abusive home. The last name Rouge was given to her by her mother a year before Evelynn was taken away. One day she wanted to be able to call her daughter by her full name, and be proud of that name. Her mother picked the color of her hair, remembering the french way of saying it.

You are, and always will be, my Eve Rouge.

Description of wings: Her wings are light gray on the outside, and off-white on the inside feathers. The tips of her wings slowly fade from a deep red at the bottom tips, to a light pink near the main light grey feathers, as to match the color of her hair.

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/Anime_girl_with_red_hair_by_angel24601-d7q5fkh.jpg.cda2ea2fc6a4f84dc881e41591c82900.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="69318" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/Anime_girl_with_red_hair_by_angel24601-d7q5fkh.jpg.cda2ea2fc6a4f84dc881e41591c82900.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

She has light green eyes.

Height: 5'2"

98 lbs.



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(Hope I can still join

@thatteaganchick )

Elizabeth Melanie Lee

Nicknames: Liz, Lizzy, Beth or Mel

Gender: Female

Age: 13

Sexual orientation: Heterosexual

Personality: She is a bubbly girl, she loves making friends,

and she was the last creation. She cries easily, but otherwise is

an optimistic person, who loves cheering others up.


She is a really good actress

+ She is agile, flexible and fast

+ Her extra powers


She is too trusting

- She has claustrophobia

- She's too kind and not a good fighter, because

she doesn't have to heart to hurt anyone.

Experience with host family: She was given to a married couple, who loved her.

They over pampered her, but she didn't take advantage of it. She was given so

much attention, and treated like a princess. She was homeschooled, so she didn't have

many friends, but she loved her family. They always taught her to be herself, she

became super bubbly and quirky. Her family was devastated when she was taken away.

"Be yourself, you were made to stand out our little princess"

Was the last thing she ever heard them say.

Description of wings: Since, her DNA was mixed with a peacock and a macaw,

her wings are very colorful. Her wings are baby blue to white ombré angel-like wings,

with a hint of gold. Her wings also have a special glitter-like sparkle in both night

and day. Her wingspan is a total of 10 feet.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/image.jpg.6770f95764f5b79e0fd18274ed372c2c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="69369" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/image.jpg.6770f95764f5b79e0fd18274ed372c2c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Her eyes change based on her mood

Gold: Neutral

Baby Blue: Calm

Pink: Happy




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Name: Kita

Gender: Female

Age: 15

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Personality: Is afraid of contact with people despite how she hates being alone, easily scared, weird, loves to imagine a different world where she is free and normal.

Strengths: She is relatively optimistic, she thinks she can survive anything thrown at her, determined, creative.

Weaknesses:Can be easily scared, if scared enough she will completely freeze up in terror, is always worried despite her hopeful thinking, nearly deaf.

Host Family Experiences: Her host father seemed to be the wisest person she met who could also be loving and funny. Her host mother was more of the stereotypical gossiping judgemental lady.

Describe Wings: Kita's wings are big and covered in soft black feathers.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/57a8c407ddc97_download(2).jpg.ed6538f6498e2b0e53ba6c53f7d9329f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="69409" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/57a8c407ddc97_download(2).jpg.ed6538f6498e2b0e53ba6c53f7d9329f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Emily West

Gender: Female

Age: (18 or under please) 17

Sexual orientation: Heterosexual

Personality: Emily is observant, quiet and often misunderstood for that of a shy person. It’s not as if she is shy, more so that she’s often got her head in the clouds or happy to watch on silently at those around her. She’s extremely accepting and is not known to disagree with another’s opinion which does often lead her into the stickiest of situations. Being naturally curios Emily spent much of her childhood with her nose in a book. All things outdoor intrigue her, although she has a heavy fear of water. Emily has an exceptional artistic personality and is quite the professional with pens, markers and paints. Being also a dancer this has made her strong, disciplined and quick. Emily has a kind heart and is almost willing to risk life or limb to save those that matter to her most. She will do her utmost to help a fellow being out, that said some may take this to an advantage and not always in the most honest of scenarios. She’s intelligent and often has good ideas, if she’s not distracted of course.

Strengths: Intelligent at the best of times, strong, fast and a fair team player.

Weaknesses: Easily distracted, can be weak minded and often misguided. Also has a fear of water.

Experience with host family: Emily was raised in a small town with a large family. Her childhood was that of a happy one. Her Mother and Father owned a family farm, which she often spent exploring and learning about the natural world. Her mother had much knowledge on natural remedies and her Father could make a meal out of almost anything, qualities both passed onto Emily. Her host brothers and sisters all were pleasant enough. Both her parents were encouraging of her arts and often pushed her to further her abilities. Although her family was sorrowful the day the scientists came, they all wished her the best, clearly unaware of the struggles she would face.

Description of wings: Emily’s wings are pale peach in colour, darker at the tips and the underside is spotted with light brown patches. They are quiet thin although wide which aid her in carrying her size quickly.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/upload_2015-8-17_18-6-9.png.02973be38fc9d0b25aba1218c98d966d.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="69411" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/upload_2015-8-17_18-6-9.png.02973be38fc9d0b25aba1218c98d966d.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Height: 5”4

Weight: 110 lbs

Eyes: Hazel

Lips: Light peach

Skin: Light toned

Hair: Long (Often worn piled in a bun) and light orange in colour.

Build: Slim, yet toned.


Name: Finn Simons

Gender: Male

Age: (18 or under please) 18

Sexual orientation: Heterosexual

Personality: Finn is highly energetic, cheeky in nature, incredibly flirtatious, confident and oozes self-assurance. He’s a natural born leader and because of this can be either unbelievably stubborn or amazingly clever. For the typical, tough masculine type Finn enjoys reading and composing his own music. Being naturally well spoken Finn can talk his way out or into any situation whether it be good or bad. He can be passionate, comforting and an easy listener. Due to his nature many people find him trusting and approachable.

Strengths: Naturally athletic, confident and strong team leader.

Weaknesses: Stubborn, overly confident and can have foot in mouth syndrome.

Experience with host family: Finn was raised in a single home with a mother who worked long hours. He was often left alone and spent much of his time teaching himself guitar from a young age and reading fantasy based novels. Finn never overly felt like he was something special whilst growing up although he was naturally popular in the public school he attended. His mother was an amazingly strong willed woman and never once complained about her long hours and lonely life. She was always kind hearted, an amazing cook and Finn enjoyed the few hours he got to spend with her. The day the scientists came was an emotional day for them both. His mother had come home early, tears in her eyes and a dreariness to her walk. She had hugged him for longer with her silent tears staining his shirt. When they came, she watched helplessly as they dragged him from their home.

Description of wings: Finn’s wings are dark chocolate in colour with black tips. With quite a large wing span of 10 feet 3 inches, Finn can look quite menacing when they are withdrawn.



Height: 6’3

Weight: 190 lbs

Eyes: Hazel

Skin: Tanned

Hair: Untamed, slightly longish.

ooc: Sorry guys it seems rushed, but I want to get in before it's too late, time zones are the worst! D:



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Karie Hitori De





Sexual orientation:

doesn't mind.





-can appear cold/harsh






-cries easily


-smiles a lot!!


Is confident and not afraid to say what's on her mind, has a high tolerance of pain and is trained in most martial arts thanks to her host family... she is stronger than your average female and has enhanced senses thanks to intense training.


Is extremely stubborn and lonely... she can appear cold/harsh to others at first but in reality has a big heart.. she also has a fear of the dark and being cut off from others.

Experience with host family:

Karie's host family was in japan and she lived at a Dojo in a small village, she went through hard and merciless training every day... her parents rewarded her for good behaviour and would punish her be locking her in a dark room..all alone for any bad, she only had one friend which was the old woman who lived in a hut, she taught Karie everything she could in her free time, she had/has lots discipline and the other children were afraid to approach her because of her parents, she was and still has scars from the training.

Description of wings:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/Tachibana-Kanade-Angel-Beats.jpg.b0bd430a56e2099b649305e0a22e44bd.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="69414" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/Tachibana-Kanade-Angel-Beats.jpg.b0bd430a56e2099b649305e0a22e44bd.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Same as in picture except larger.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/b624a738b6b2da1a060a90cd6110baf3.jpg.a2ba21f703ef3de9fc0356057b7282ed.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="69415" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/b624a738b6b2da1a060a90cd6110baf3.jpg.a2ba21f703ef3de9fc0356057b7282ed.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(Sorry that's anime... but this is exactly how I want my character to look!!
:D )


She is AMAZING at singing and has a 'secret'...



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Name: Aavak (does not know birth name or surname)

Gender: Male

Age: Around 16-18 years, though not definite.

Sexual orientation: Heterosexual orientation, but largely asexual.

Personality: Quiet and reclusive introvert who loves to share his ideas and thoughts when asked, but ultimately needs time alone to gather thoughts and contemplate actions.

Strengths: Extremely smart.

Has no concept of pain.

Has adequate ability to see in darkness and has exceptional eyesight.

Weaknesses: Can become unstable and volatile when provoked, such as in stressful or dangerous situations.

Is quite weak physically and can be clumsy at times.

Cannot cope in large groups or crowds, often becoming volatile and delirious when the center of attention.

Suffers from severe amnesia, not remembering events during or before the middle of the previous year.

Experience with host family: Has no recollection of being in one.

Description of wings: A large 12 foot wingspan of layered grey, black and dark brown feathers.

Appearance: Pale skinned, skinny figure, with a thin face and deep orange eyes and some scars around his body. Has long, dark-brown and messy hair that fades to grey at the tips. Has a large scar at the back of his head, where the spine connects to the skull, which is completely hidden by hair most of the time.

Height: 6'2''

Weight: 68Kg (150 pounds)

.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/random-pic-for-RP.jpg.4701a5f55341ceebf9c770664336adfa.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="69417" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/random-pic-for-RP.jpg.4701a5f55341ceebf9c770664336adfa.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Izaac Jackson

Gender: Male

Age: 16

Sexual orientation: Demisexual

Personality: Very shy and shut in, doesn't like talking to people and doesn't trust after being stuck in the laboratory for most of his life. The tests made it harder for him to feel joy and everyday he just wishes that he can be a normal kid and stop living in a cage, he couldn't believe there were actually facilities like this and people so cruel they'd torture kids. He believes that life is built on give and take, if you're not willing to take and suffer the losses when people take from you you won't survive.

Strengths: Loyal, trustworthy, hardworking

Weaknesses: Untrusting, naive, unobservant, stubborn

Experience with host family: Izaac enjoyed staying with his host family and considered them his real family, he learnt about art and how fun technology could be. The lady he called his mother taught him how to read and write and made him believe that he had a real future ahead of him with no more cages or needles, the man he called father played sports with him and let him enjoy the outside world letting him believe he'd get to play a lot in the future. He even had a sister about his age who he always played with and he was sure he'd make lots of new friends when he got to go to 'school'. He got hobbies and even learnt how to cook, he actually learned to trust his new family until he was forced to go back to the lab. Realising that he'd just been used his heart broke and he started to hate the people who he had once called his 'family', he lost faith that there was even such thing as love.

Description of wings: Black, medium length, reach about to his feet, good for sharp turns and tight corners, gliding is tiring to him.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/image.jpg.8a9d976a1f2f53be57ddf6794d97ca13.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="69437" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/image.jpg.8a9d976a1f2f53be57ddf6794d97ca13.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Alexander (Lex)

Gender: Male

Age: 16

Sexual orientation: Bisexual

Personality: An awkward young man who, while capable of putting up a sociable facade he's nervous around most people and made more so by the experimentation to the extent where physical contact turns him violent. His curious nature is one of the few things that can draw him out of his shell making him ask questions endlessly when an interesting subject comes up ignoring any subtle attempts to make him stop.

Strengths: Curiosity, imaginative,

Weaknesses: Distrust, irrational bouts of violence, curiosity (it killed the cat remember?)

Experience with host family: Placed in the household of a college professor Lex was brought up to question the world around him and developed his insatiable thirst for knowledge under the professor's tutelage. Raised on the values of truth and learning Lex knew from an early age that the man he chose to call father wasn't in any way related to him and was left with a growing disquiet about the cryptic half answers he received whenever he'd asked about his origins. "You'll find out when you're older." Was all he had until the scientists came for him leaving his core philosophy betrayed completely.

Description of wings: A golden colour that catches the light and gleams even in low light. Formed in a thin shape similar to a falcon.


Name: Aaron (Airo) Galen (Referred to as subject 223 by staff)

Gender: Male

Age: 15

Sexual orientation: (unsure very very sheltered)

Personality : (Suffering from an extreme split personality disorder the subject is somewhat aware of his changes stating them as strange blackouts . To make further sense in this document we will outline a small psychiatric evaluation made on subject 223)

Subject 223 referred to himself by the name "Aaron Galen" Although it did seem he was a little unsure himself of this. from documents as well as video evidence (Aaron as we will refer to him as for this document to separate the two personalities) He is very well read enjoying reading as well as puzzles. He can be very timid around new people keeping him isolated from the other subjects as well as unaware of them is more than likely for the best it is best to stay calm and friendly with him the avoid any kind of "outburst" He is very frightened around authority figures following any orders given in most cases excluding incident (Redacted) while shy around others he will follow orders given making him very easy to test on.

Airo as he referred to himself on the rare occasion we were able to make contact with (note most information is form video and audio recordings as well as incident (Redacted) ) Staff. Airo unlike Aaron is more violent showing a disregard for others lives his only interest seems to be escaping he is very reluctant to follow orders unless they interest him and his "motives he is highly dangerous unlike Aaron he is more aware of his powers and abilities mix that with little care for other lives or at times even his own it is obvious that he is a real treat to security and others around him. He can be distinguished by eye shades Aaron having glowing green him having glowing red. he should be restrained if possible and well guarded

Strengths: subject 223 shows different signs of enhanced strength alongside his natural flight making him a perfect subject for operation 45 airo also seems to have a knack for combat unlike Aaron add in the razor sharp talons on his fingers. the subject is very smart and should be monitored.

Weaknesses: Prone to headaches as well as the chance of becoming more and more aggressive around others he should be monitored very carefully

Experience with host family: 223 was kept in the lab growing up in a sort of isolation aside from tutors doctors and other staff he considered some of the doctors even as close family.

Description of wings: thick black crow wings



(I really wanted to try something new with my character sheet hope its okay.)
From the last Character Sheet posted (Raypoint), this RP is closed. No new members, please. I'm really incredibly sorry about this.

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