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Welcome to Vampire Academy 1x1 (TheGodSnake and StarrySkyofLostSouls)

Thad laughs again as he continues to move about quietly, watching him from where he is. "Maybe so, but that doesn't mean i'll let you win~" He said while sending a gust of wind towards him from another direction to avoid giving his position away. "I'm also surprised that shield fits through the row." He commented while moving silently towards the door.
Thorn smirked, "it fits, but only just" as the wind came from behind he didn't falter, using every sense he could to locate Thad. But it's difficult to track someone who can silence their steps with air.
Thad laughs again, letting it flow around the library. "I know something else that just fits but barely~" He said rather lewdly but didn't say anything further on it as he continued to stalk his prey in a way as well as keep his distance from his novice future guardian. He was tempted in tricking the novice by making it seem like he left the library by sending a gust of wind down a row knocking a few books to make it seem like he was making a mad dash to the doors.
"Very funny Thad," Thorn sighed as he kept moving, jumping lightly as a set of books fell. "You're not getting me with that one, I've learned since the last time you tried that," Thorn kept moving, glancing over his shoulder every so often, suddenly hatching a glimpse of Thad's Robe two rows down. "Found you," he said as he moved in Thad's direction.
Thad's eyes twinkled darkly in amusement as he quickly dashed down another aisle, laughing all the while as well as knocking books off the shelves but makes sure they fall closed properly as he does care for them quite a bit considering how often he visits the library or comes here to skip out on class.

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