Welcome to the void ~


New Member
So you've decided to click on my thread (you must be really bored then).

My names Jake, and I'm completely not new to role playing. I've been tinkering in this realm for about ten-ish years now but have been on a hiatus for about 3-4 years. Real life got complicated, had to try the adult thing, then missed writing, so decided to come back!

I'm more into fantasy rping, but I've dabbled in all kinds of genres. Just graduated college with an English degree (yay writing!, so I'm looking for more of a more literature form of role playing. Something where the character development is dense yet fun and the story lines can be complex yet entertaining! I don't mind the semi-lit spectrum, but don't expect my posts to be anything shy of 2-3 paragraphs.

Well, if you made it this far, then I must haven't've bored you too much. Drop me a message or respond to this thread and maybe we can connect and work on some stories together ;D

- Jake

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