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One x One Welcome to the New West

[QUOTE="Kirito Kei]Welcome to the New West!

Somehow, a picture of a skeleton makes me feel the opposite of welcome. You could say the desert's bone-dry, though. Badum-tssss.
@Fezzes Sorry my post is taking so long, it's almost finished. Just wanted to make sure I accurately described the opening of the rift and the 'interesting' situation Jordan is being put into.
Kirito Kei] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/18168-fezzes/ said:
@Fezzes[/URL] Sorry my post is taking so long, it's almost finished. Just wanted to make sure I accurately described the opening of the rift and the 'interesting' situation Jordan is being put into.
No, it's fine. Take as long as you need.

I might not be available for a decent bit of tomorrow, so I probably won't get a reply out for a while. Although I might get time in the morning, and eventually I'll be able to get back to my computer late in the arvo.
Hmm, judging from the book, it would probably give it some very nasty burns, but you could have it explode or whatever if you want.
You can end it if you wish, either by killing the remaining two or by the horse arriving. But if not, then I'll describe another shot or two, far less successful this time, and then your post after that the horse comes/we win. If the horse comes I'd prefer it to be in your post, since I don't know how to describe it. I presume it's not a normal horse.
Jordan's fine. He just wants a moment to rest. Two thirty in the morning, a pub brawl, and what's happened today do not make someone with lots of energy. He's less a Stamina/P.E. person anyway.

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