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Realistic or Modern Welcome To The Masquerade


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coded by y o u n g j a e

Bio: Ryann was born to a decently wealthy Family. Her Father, a lawyer and her Mother, a nurse she never really wanted for much. Ryann moved to America from Ireland when she was thirteen. Her Father was in a bit of trouble with the mafia. On Ryann's thirteenth birthday her Mother packed a suitcase for her and snuck her on a boat to America. She never heard from her parents again, she assumed the worst.
She grew up in foster care until she was eighteen. Though she graduated high school she found herself having to be an escort to support herself. Once she realized how much money she could make doing this she started getting more and more clients, and ended up living in nicer conditions than in her childhood. She always had nice clothes and always found herself at lavish social gatherings all the time. She was truly enjoying her life.

Personality: Ryann is very sociable and easy to get along with. However, she is definitely a spitfire, you definitely don't want to cross her or make her mad. For being a short Irish girl, she has quite a temper. If you get on her good side she would take a bullet for you in a second. She doesn't like being the center of attention and a lot of the time she would rather listen than speak. People often come to her for advice as well because we will be blunt and tell you what you need to hear rather than what you want to hear.






Ryann Patterson
"The Devil"

Age -- 19
Sex -- Female
Sexuality -- Heterosexual

Coding by @Starfish
Natalia St. Clare
The Cat's out of the bag.

Name: Natalia St. Clare (Nat)
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual

Personality: Nat is quite the daydreamer and is often lost in her own world. She is easygoing and compassionate, with a knack for making friends and a unique ability to empathize with different people. Nat tends to see the world through "rose-colored glasses" and looks on the bright side of even the grimmest of situations. Her idealism and unfailing optimism, however, can blind her to others' character flaws and make her aspirations unrealistic. Highly sensitive, Nat takes even the slightest criticism to heart and can be hypercritical of herself.

Biography: Born in a small town in Maine to a professor (her father) and an author (her mother), Nat had a rather idyllic childhood. She spent most of her free time wandering the aisles of her local library or daydreaming about a life beyond the sheltered world she called her own. These dreams came true just shy of Nat's tenth birthday, when she found herself on a plane to Los Angeles after her father had accepted a teaching position there.
Nat quickly adapted to life in the city and thrived in its vibrant culture. She loved high school and, while never classically popular, was well-liked by her classmates. Nat's parents separated a few years after their move, and she soon found herself with four younger step-siblings who looked up to her and admired her wit and charisma. Nat is planning to study film in college and hopes to become an executive producer.

Other: N/A

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