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Fantasy Welcome to the Funhouse (ACCEPTING!)


Delightfully Out of My Mind


"Ladies and Gentlemen! Mothers and children! Everyone come see the funhouse!

It's a place of fear and comedy at the same time, a magical place to escape to from your lives!

Come see the clowns, the strange mirrors, and more!

But remember...

Once you get in,

you may never want to leave.

Enjoy your stay...Hahahaha!"

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Alez stood at the door of the funhouse looking up at the place that haunted her dreams from as young as seven, her brother finding it funny to tell her stories of the people that were found here. The dreams had felt so real, like this place called to her from afar, but that would be silly, it was only her mind playing tricks.

She let out a sigh, when the idea came up to come here on Halloween obviously Alez was going to jump at the idea, anything to impress her group of friends, but she was glad Anastas had agreed, otherwise she would have probably made some excuse involving her grandfathers cousin being sick, or some thing.

Pacing back and forwards she waited for her friends, she had to be the first here didn't she. The house made her feel uneasy as it was, now her standing here alone she felt as if she had eyes on her, the eerie sound of the location sent a shiver down her spine.

((I'm also cooking a roast dinner so bare with my rambling))

A light flashed from the darkness surrounding the funhouse, a voice making a soft ghostly noise coming from the depth of the shadows.

Suddenly, the handsome blonde jumped out at her. "Boo!" Index smirked, laughing slightly at his own surprise.

"Well, you're a bit early, aren't you? That eager to go into this old dump?" The model turned his bright green eyes to the rotting place, giving it a slight kick with his sneaker clad foot. "Look at this. This isn't scary at all... More depressing to look at if you ask me." Index ran a perfectly pale hand through his blonde hair.



Two red eyes peered from inside at the voices, but disappeared as they caught a girl's eye. She silenced a giggle as she thought. New playmates! I haven't seen any in ages... Oh this will be so much fun!!

The girl ran off to wake up the other demons of the demented funhouse, her eyes ablaze with happiness.

"Playtime, playtime..." She chimed in a quiet voice, so the humans couldn't hear her.
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Zane woke up with a slight fury " DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW LA- wait pitiful humans?! here again?!" Zane said alarmed but happy but he was a bit pissed at emily " i wake up on my own time. i just remain in the shadows and make eerie noises and make some black out." zane says as he goes deeper into the shadow and hides but turning into his human form.
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Jonathan was wrong as he claimed that Alezhia was a bit too early here, cause in fact Anastas was. He waited there for god knows how long and watched as Alezhia paced back and forth. What a big coward she was, Anastas knew what she really was. A big coward who pretended to act brave. He sighed as he stood up from where he hid and walked to the two humans. He stopped right in the front of the house, next to Alezhia.

The girl's lips turned into a deep pout as she looked at the demon. "You are no fun, you know that?! We haven't had playmates in so long!" Emily crossed her arms in a childish way, her eyes shining again with pure joy. "We could play tag with them! I love playing tag with humans, heeheehee~" Emily twirled in her black school girl's uniform, doing a small dance of excitement. "Playtime, playtime!"



The blonde turned his eyes back to see the newcomer, flashing his famous smile. "Well, where did you come from? Hiding in the shadows or something?" Index gave a playful wink, before glancing over his shoulders as the rest of the group filed in (just for the sake of future players). "Well, gangs all here! Alrighty, let's go check it out. I bet it's just an old building, and there's nothing inside." Index turned on his flashlight, and bravely walked inside the musty old place.

Honestly, inside he was screaming. Index hated old dark places like this, but he had to look brave, for the sake of his reputation. The stories were all fake anyway... Right?

@BennyAxC @Sharkiee
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" well for your information little girl i dont like being waked up. i prefer to wake up on my own time. but i can scare them " zane shows his faded bright flame ( its a faded powederd blue) just make it spooky will ya little girl. we can play hide and seek they find us, we kill them...unless they kill us first.." zane says laughing. @Cherrywitch
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Anastas smiles at Jonathan, "Well Index... If nothing is in there then where's the fun in that? Personally, I think it would be more fun if something was in there! You and Alez can be my knights in shining armor since you're both so brave.." He says. He wonders how they will respond to that.

Index turned back with a smirk, taking his hand and bowing, lightly kissing it. "But of course, princess. I'll protect you until the ends of the earth." He chuckled softly, releasing his hand. But suddenly, he stopped flirting for once in his life, turning quickly as he pointed his flashlight out down the hall. "...did...anyone else hear that?" Index licked his lips nervously, but shook it off like a dog fresh from a swim. "Haha. It's just my mind playing tricks on me." To exaggerate his point, he gently knocked on his head. "C'mon, let's go." The model continued forward, against his better judgement. He knew he had heard a child laugh somewhere, but...

@BennyAxC @Sharkiee


The little girl peered out from behind a mirror, eyes big as she watched the group. Oopsie, she must've been a little too loud. The pretty one heard her... Emily stifled another giggle, disappearing to run further down the hall. She didn't want to play just yet. They first had to know the playing ground!
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Alez turned, her eyes wide with shock from Index, she relaxed seeing it was only him, "psh..." she rolled her eyes. She watched the boys speak to each other, drifting to the back of the group, it was too late to turn back... she took a big breath in, "yeah, off you go Index" she ushered from behind Anastas, she stared up at the face of the clown the greeted them from the face of the building, clowns... "ugh.." she mumbled.

((Argh sorry I'm so slow with replies...))

Alez heard the giggle, not wanting to seem spooked she shook her head, "heard.. heard what?" She stuttered turning your face a mirror, her reflection taking her by surprise, "Jesus..." she choked stumbling back, bumping into Anastas. Alez caught herself, straightening herself up, "guys.. watch out for the mirror.." she joked patting the long haired boy back.
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Anastas followed behind Jonathan, his expression blank as no one was paying attention to him now. Alezhia was behind him with what looked like a face of disgust and fear. He could tell you a million things on why she was so annoying. "Alez, if you really don't want to be here it'll be okay. We'll make up a story and tell everyone that you came along with us and how brave you were!" He smiled at her politely.
Zane went to the center of the hall and opens his eyes they were very distinct from the dark and he hid once again making a loud creek into the wood with a deep and creepy voice ( this is not zanes accual voice) " come...come and join...for you will have the time of your life..." zane said in a creepy voice. " run...hide..but it wont last forever...because..you will have too much fun...." zane said in a chilling voice loud enough for the group to hear..but zane shut his eyes again and hid in the dark.
Anastas twitched as soon as Alezhia touched his hair, "Alez, I'm sorry bu-" Anastas shutted up as soon as he heard a deep and creepy voice echo through the hall. He got out his flashlight and pointed it everywhere. Th-That had to be one of their "friends" doing that right? They had to be somewhere around here to do that.

The model stopped dead, his heart beating faster, his green eyes shooting angrily back at Anastas. "I know you're trying to set the mood, but that's not funny." Index wished he could turn and run for his life. Thatwasntanastasthatwasnthim...The male turned forward again, his footsteps now necessarily slower. The blonde felt sweat run down the back of his plain white tee, he gulping a lump from his throat.


The girl pouted deeply. Meanie! He wasn't supposed to show up yet... Oh well...

Suddenly, the doors shut behind them, tightly closed.


Index swung around, his heart rate a mile a minute. "Wh-what?! The door!"
Her eyes shot up towards the sound, "uhh.. Index that's not funny.." she shivered, the door closed behind her making her turn, "it's just a draft.." she mumbled trying you reassure herself, she held onto Anastas arm. She gulped down the horrible scared feeling that welled inside her.
Zane laughed " Try to find me...if you dare...oh but be careful i may just kill you..." zane said as he laughed " this place is too fun...and you all will have fun...your stuck here forever..." Zane said as he fed off the fear and dispare
"That-That wasn't-!" He was interrupted again as the doors behind them slammed shut. He screamed and held back onto Alezhia's arm, as much as he didn't want to but the doors scared the crap out of him. He then said to her, "What the hell kinda draft was th-!" He held onto her tighter as the voice came back and was laughing.

"N-no... Fuck this, I'm out of here!" Index ran to the door, pulling at it. "It... It won't open? What the fuck?!" The blonde was sweating badly now, pressing himself to the door. "This, this is stupid! Who ever is doing this, I will fucking knock your teeth out if you don't talk!"


Emily teleported in front of the group, smiling cutely. "Okay, mister. I'm right here. I don't like getting hurt..." The demon cocked her head, her red eyes widening maddeningly. "But I do love to play. Won't you play with us?"
She reached over Anastas, smacking Index on the back of the head, " okay it was funny the first time" she barked at him. Alez glanced around, why the hell did she even agree to come here. She shuffled forwards, keeping her eyes down, seeing something was the last thing she wanted.
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"I-Is that a child?!" Anastas yelled as Emily appeared in front of them, it didn't look like any of the friends they had that would dress up as something as dumb as a child! He almost considered dragging her to the ground and beating her to a pulp. "SHUT UP LET US GO!"
zane went in front of the door and he remaind still " im right behind you..." zane vanished and went behind anastas " im gonna carch you no matter what happens...hehhehheh..." zane says as he slips through the shadows. " im going to get you...im gonna find you...your all gonna be stuck here forever!" zane said as his voice fades through the echos

The girl frowned deeply. "That is no way to treat a new playmate! Now I'm mad..." Slits suddenly appeared on her arms out of no where, and blood twirled out on its own, shooting out and attacking the group. "Someone has to treat you manners, heeheehee~"


The model collapsed onto the ground, his face blank in shock. He almost seemed entranced in fear, his breathing rapid. "This can't be happening..." Index muttered over and over, just watching the demonic little girl.
Alez stayed staring at the ground, "stop playing!" She whined stomping her feet a little, she peeked up at the scene in front of her, her jaw dropping. " that's... the.." she stuttered seeing Index fall to the floor, "Index get up!" The hair on the back her neck standing up as the blood started to drip from the child's arms.
Jace laugh as he walk into the fun house and spotted some human "new prey eheheh what a treat" he said as he teleport in the ceiling now hen was looking under then as he laugh and wave at them "u all seem to get yourself stuck... how about u listen to miss little Emily here" he stop and kneel beside her as he open his arms wide grinning at them "and like she say...play with us"

@Cherrywitch @Sharkiee (hey can i invite some friends xD )
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" oh wouls you rather play with me instead mr. i-got- a-big-ego " zane said as he appeared behind index. " im gonna find you...im gonna make sure you suffer through this like i did you humans!" zane said as he scratched index across the face with his long nails, he was turning into his demon form.

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