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Fantasy Welcome to the Freakshow


Welcome to the Freakshow. The only place you fit in inside this dreadful world. The place where you can appear normal upon those who are not normal. I suppose I misphrased it. I meant, welcome home.

Jayden nervously shifted her weight. They all stood backstage. Croc was called up first to preform and she felt her fear skyrocket. It never got easier no matter how many times she did it. The girl stayed silent, listening to the announcer say what he always said, pulling on Croc's jaws to show that he was indeed not a costume. There were gasps, but Jayden wasn't able to see from behind the curtain. Maybe she didn't want to see their horrified faces. After Croc, she would go. Then Kevin, then Billy, then Moon.

@ChazGhost @Alphaius @Shadow @HollowForce
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Croc always got annoyed when ever the announcer messed with his jaw and got tempted to just bite down. But he never did. After the crowd knew he was really and lizard croc began chucking weights few hundreds pounds across area before the crocodile cage was rolled out. Croc got in the cage and wrestled with the crocodiles and lifting one up once in awhile. The act was not dangerous at this point, crocodiles kinda of treated Croc like family and wouldn't hurt him. After that he left the cave and gave a bow and headed behind the curtain. "Your up Jayden" Croc said walking by her.
Jayden crept not the stage and got a few whistles. The lights were too bright. She slid into the cage as the announcer described her act. The girl's heart began pounding as the blanket covered the cage and she began to transform. It hurt, badly, as always. She almost cried in pain but held back her tears, heading the stopwatch. It became louder as she transformed, her hearing becoming more superior. Finally she was blinded by light as the blanket was yanked off. She let out a growl for the audience's amusement. Finally she was lead off stage by a leash, her least favorite part, and changed back behind the curtain, covering her breasts as she changed into her old clothes. "Your turn Kevin."

Kevin was standing in a corner of the backstage watching the other two perform and as Jayden told him it was his turn he gave her a nod. Then as the announcer was introducing him Kevin appeared right behind him. And his act went as normal doing some teleporting around the stage and down by the crowd. Then as the final act two people came up on stage and he asked where in the world they would like to be and they said on a beach. So Kevin and the two volunters dissapeared for a moment and then reappeared then Keven asked the two to go around and show the crowd the pics on their phones of where they went. And then Kevin gave a finale bow and vanished off the stage and reappeared back in backstage and looked over to Billy and said "your turn buddy." And then started to head to his trailer and as he walked pass Jayden he gave her a smile and said "well that was boring at least their wallets were full." He then pulls a wad of cash out of his pocket and hands it over to her and says "make sure the boss gets this."
Billy stands excitedly "bout freakin time,I'm starving"as he walks out the crowd seems disappointed to see that he looks normal.their disappointment turns into shock however as Billy's first order of buissness is to pull out a long chrome 44.magnum and shove it in his mouth pulling the trigger the gun makes a loud retort and several people scream but billy pulls the barrel out revealing the bullet in his teeth before he swallows it he spends a few minutes eating thins the crowd throws up on stage the final part of his act comes hen the ringleader pulls several daggers and throws them one by one at billy and one by one billy snaps them out of the air(large chunks missing out of each one)with that billy bows and returns backstage Sitting back at the table with his tire which he promptly resumes devouring
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Moon sighed quietly when it was his turn to perform. He jumped into the air and flew onto the stage. The announcer explained what he did and once he was finished, Moon started glowing a light green/blue color. The crowd oohed and awed as he flew over them switching his glow on and off. Finally he was allowed to go backstage again, and he landed by the others. He went and sat quietly on the ground against a wall. He tucked his knees to his chest and folded his wings around himself. If he could just stay like this forever, he might actually be happy.
Jayden carefully took the money, as if it was made of spun glass instead of papery cloth. The girl looked up at him curiously and asked, "Why work here when you have the ability to take money so easily." She was a hypocrite, of course. In the wild, her wolf form could survive as long as she wanted to. Still, she wanted to know.

Kevin turns and looks at the girl and says "to not be alone in the world or maybe just because I am board." He then thought to be truthful to himself he didn't know but he was sure it was one of those two things.
Jayden nodded. That was exactly what she wanted. She wanted to be with people like herself. As the audience left, Jayden exited backstage and went back to the "Freak Shack," affectionately named just for them. She opened the creaky door and sat down on her bed, exhausted.
After the audience cleared out Croc grabbed some fish and fed the crocodiles before heading back to the freak shack. Croc carfuly opened the door so he wouldn't break off like last time. Then after closing it he head to his "bed" or what can be better called a mattress on floor sense he accidentally broke the bed frame. But anyways he laid down and started to sleep... And snore.
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Tang moved Daydream off of his head as the extra weight was starting to strain his neck. He had skipped the show this time around and watched it from the crowd. His handsome face drew a few glances from some of the females, but otherwise as far as the people he'd sat beside were concerned, he was a normal person. Watching as the audience was leaving, Tang stood to go to his normal spot atop a nearby tree, close to the freak shack.
Moon watched as some of the others went back to the 'freak shack.' He didn't move, instead slowly glowing off and on. Part of him wanted to go flying, but he didn't want to have to listen to more people gawking at his weirdness. He sighed quietly and closed his eyes, drifting into a daydream about being normal.
Jayden waited for Tang to enter the shack. When he didn't, she stood up and walked out, glancing around the grass before finding him in a tree. She climbed up, sitting beside Tang. She leaned against him tiredly and said, "You okay?" The girl straightened up and looked at his eyes. She was perhaps one of the few that was never drawn to him for his appearance.

@Shiro kurogane
"fine, just bored." Tang replied, having watched Jayden climb up beside him. Daydream made a small squeak noise in greeting. "but you on the other hand appear tired."

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Jayden rolled her eyes, "That's not a thing to say to a lady, Tang." She tried to get comfortable on the branch, eventually managing to lean against the trunk of the tree. "What should we do then? There's a lake in the woods if you want to swim."

@Shiro kurogane
Tang merely shrugged in response. "guess we could, if the princess feels so inclined." He occasionally called Jayden princess as a way of teasing, that and she was the only female among the group at the moment. Tang followed Jayden's example laid down on the branch in such a way that he could still look at her without moving his head.

"Well the princess does feel so inclined." She hopped down from the tree, landing like a cat. The girl headed towards the trees, disappearing into the woods. The lake was nearby and it wasn't hard to find. She took off her boots and dress, folding it neatly.

@Shiro kurogane
The slightest of smiles played on Tang's face. Jayden had grace, he'd give her that. Following after her, Tang sped along tree to tree. Upon reaching the lake, Tang took off his shirt and threw it into the air behind him. The shirt landed not quite as neat as Jayden's neatly folded ones. But neatly enough that one would not have believed Tang had thrown it. Tang dove into the water floated on his back lazily.

Jay stepped into the water, dark in the night. She swam towards Tang and dunked his head underwater without warning. The girl looked as innocent as she could, smiling at him as his head came up.

"Trying to liven you up a bit," she explained, stifling a laugh.
Tang shot a light-hearted glare towards Jayden before diving down and gripping her ankles. Giving a quick tug, He resurfaced as she went under. He returned her innocent looking smile when she resurfaced. "hows that for lightened up?"

Jayden wiped the lake water out of her eyes and scolded him. "I got water in my mouth. Do you have any idea what's in this lake?" She smiled gently at him and stayed afloat, simply kicking her legs for a few moments before her eyes went wide. She spun him around, pressing her bare breasts against his back.

"Don't move. My bra fell off. No one can see me," she hissed into his ear.

@Shiro kurogane
Tang's cheeks tinted pink. He could feel Jayden pressed against his back to hide her breasts. "well, staying still won't get your chest covered." He said turning and keeping his eyes strictly eye level, carried her in a way no one if any, could see her to her folded clothes. "here." His eyes stayed locked on hers so that they didn't dare to venture lower. Tang's cheeks were still reddened throughout this process.

In a flash the girl put her clothes on. Jayden clenched her teeth. If it was bad for him, it was five times worse for her. "That was humiliating," she grabbed his hand, not wanting to stay there a second longer, and hurried back.

@Shiro kurogane

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