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Fantasy Welcome to The Experiment

Name: Xamir
Gender: Male
Age: 15
Sexuality: Gay
Demeanor: Passive, Energetic, and Brave.
Fav. Color: Green
Powers: Can levitate objects in a 2-3 meter radius, has large white wings. If he tries to levitate something too far away, he becomes extremely dizzy and might faint.
Height: 5'8"
weight: 142 lbs
other features: Has a square -like face shape, nicely trimmed nails, dirty blonde hair that reaches down to his shoulders, tanned skin, and deep blue eyes.
(I'm really not good at this, i haven't done many of these.)
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Age- 17
Gender- Female​

  • Adrasteia is built like a tree, tall at a standing 6’1”, but with an overall weight of around 160lbs. The hair is pitch black and long down to her chest and middle of her back, framing her green eyes. Her skin is pale white, almost sickly, and the eyes are a bit sunken in. She also has a rather strong jawline, a gift from the government, as her jaw bones are replaced by metal, including her teeth which are sharpened like sharks teeth and interlock. Also thanks to the experiments her torso and jaw is covered in scars, some faded some very obvious.

Name: Cassidy Beaumont
Age: 15
Feral Mind
User can tap into primal, unstoppable rage that allows them to perform in vastly increased capacity and inflicting damage they wouldn't be able to in their normal state. Winnifred is at her strongest while in the feral mindset. She has increased sight, hearing, smell, touch and reflexes. Since she doesn't have complete control of her powers yet she can't tell friends from foes. She knows people smell differently and some hurt her more then others, but everyone smells like prey to her. This power also has a limited duration; the longest 'fit' she's had lasted fifteen minutes. Though she's at her strongest when in the feral mindset, when she comes out of it her body remembers that it isn't supposed to endure what she puts it through. It leaves her thoroughly weakened and very prone all sorts of sickness.

Enhance Strength
User has strength beyond that of a normal member of their race. Unlike her feral mind this is the one power she always has access too. Even though she has increased strength is still prone to things like balance and gravity. If she were to fall off somewhere very high up she would still die. Winnifred is quite prone to damaging things around her without thinking about it. Also drains her strength.​
Name: Merik
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Description: His powers can make his eyes turn white-ish, making his vision blur a bit. Merik has dark, dirty blonde hair and is about 5”10.

Merik has the ability to control air molecules to an extent, letting him create flowing wind or air currents. (This power is also known as aerokinesis.)
Merik can use his power for only a certain amount of time, depending on how strong he makes it. If he over-uses his power, he suffers from bad asthma attacks, or not being able to regulate his body temperature.
He is always equipped with an inhaler, as well.​
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Name: Scarlett
Age: 16
Gender: Female
She is 5'6 with long brown wavy hair she has grey eyes and freckles across her cheeks and nose she is very pale and her uniform stands out from everyone else's the other kids have white outfits she must wear a light blue outfit same design different color (the outfits honestly are very similar to what the girl in FliesandSpiders post) because the military believes she doesn't have any yet and watch her closely she often has sadness behind her eyes She has depression from being in the orphanage all her life never feeling love and now that she can see people's future and she can't warn them it makes her feel sickly and hating herselfAfter being taken in and experimented on she began to get strange visions of a time stamp and then see someone doing something or having something done the problem is after the vision she gets sick and dizzy and often by the time she's recovered it's happening or happened sadly unable to control what she needs to see (yet) once she understands and can control her powers she will be much more powerful (not specifying that part yet)
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Name: Allen
Age: 14
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Gay
Abilities: When Allen is near any kind of water even small bits of it like puddles or water in a cup he can control the way the water acts. He can move it shape it use it as a weapon. He can only use it for short periods of time but once he gets used to having the power and practices with it all of these powers will become stronger
Michael Curshom


Age: 15




On the surface of his body one will find that he possess extraordinarily smooth skin that seemingly glows. This is because his body is able to hold and utilize more water in his system due to the many modifications that were performed on his body. Along his hydrated skin one can find strange brown pores located around his palms and fingertips that look almost exactly like freckles. By contracting the surplus water in his system Michael can rapidly heat the water inside his body and use the pores as a means of letting it flow out. The steam can reach up to temperatures of one-hundred degrees Celsius which is the boiling point of water. Overexertion of this power will dehydrate his body to dangerous extents and his skin will slowly grow rougher and weaker the more he utilizes it.​
Name: Adam Eldman

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Looks Emotions Abilities
Tall, wiry and attractive. Adam is pale, due to his powers regenerating any tan he gets. His hair is black and wavy, reaching his shoulders. Overall, he conveys an impression of dangerous strength and grace. His left eye is blue, the right green. Adam is slightly crazy. After being killed several dozen times, he’s reckless and prone to taking risks. He’d love to get revenge, but he is aware that he has time to plot. Adam’s a bookworm, and spends most of his time in the library. Despite his numerous flaws, however, he is genuinely a good person who wants to live a normal life. Adam is immortal. If he’s injured or killed, he will regenerate in a few hours. However, he needs to eat quite a bit to maintain his strength. Otherwise, he’ll go on a ravenous killing spree, as some unfortunate guards discovered. His regeneration also gives him greater strength, as his brain doesn’t hold him back (he just heals the damage his muscles inflict on him).
Name: Zelda (Z for short)
Age: 13
Height: 5’0


Looks: White haired girl with deep, red eyes. Exactly like the image.

Emotions: Easy going, quiet, apprehensive at first around others. Wants to fit in and for people to like her. This makes her a rather easy and willing subject. Since she grew up in the lab and being experimented on has been her entire existence, she thinks this is normal and is not looking to escape. Others will have to convince her.

Abilities: Was born blind and experimenters gave her red, synthetic eyes that can shoot lasers. It can cause 3rd degree burns immediately upon impact. After a few seconds, the laser can cut through metal. Using her power drains her energy.
Name: Zelda (Z for short)
Age: 13
Height: 5’0

View attachment 748780

Looks: White haired girl with deep, red eyes. Exactly like the image.

Emotions: Easy going, quiet, apprehensive at first around others. Wants to fit in and for people to like her. This makes her a rather easy and willing subject. Since she grew up in the lab and being experimented on has been her entire existence, she thinks this is normal and is not looking to escape. Others will have to convince her.

Abilities: Was born blind and experimenters gave her red, synthetic eyes that can shoot lasers. It can cause 3rd degree burns immediately upon impact. After a few seconds, the laser can cut through metal. Using her power drains her energy.
Wrong CS page 😅

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